Reminders, advice, recommendations. Hardening of children in the summer recreational period

Advice for parents

"Summer and the safety of our children"

So the summer time has come, when everyone seeks for new unforgettable impressions to rest in the country, on the sea or simply in the summer forest rich in gifts and on a warm river with a sandy shore.

Let's remember some traumatic moments for children in a wonderful time of the year like summer:


Summer heat not only warms, but, unfortunately, promotes the growth of bacteria, which most often enter the body with poor-quality food. Food and basic hygiene can cause intestinal infectious diseases.

Remember to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

Rule: “Wash your hands before eating! Summer is more relevant than ever! » Before you have a meal in an open-air cafe on the street, pay attention to whether there is a washbasin there.


Injuries include heat stroke and sunburn on a hot day. Please watch how your child is dressed, how long he has been under the open sun. The duration of the air - solar should increase gradually from 3-4 minutes to 35-40 minutes. A must on a sunny day.


You are responsible for the life and health of your children!

Do not leave children unattended when relaxing on water objects!

Do not let the children walk alone near!

Swimming children should be continuously supervised by adults!

It should be remembered that dirty and abandoned water bodies can contain dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis and cholera!


Timely teach children the ability to navigate the traffic situation, educate the child to be disciplined and attentive on the street, careful and prudent.

Do not let the child go without adults on the road.

Hold your child by the hand, do not let them go off the sidewalk.

Teach your child to walk at a calm pace, keeping to the right side of the sidewalk.

Remind that the road is for cars only and the sidewalk is for pedestrians.

Learn a poem with your child: "If the green light is on, then the path is open to you."

Accustom to the rule: you can cross the road only at the transition (ground and underground).

Only ride on level pavements.

If the child still does not control the bike well and often falls, provide him with personal protective equipment - knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet.


For children, stings of bees, wasps, mosquitoes are dangerous.

When providing first aid, first of all, you should remove the sting from the bite site, then rinse the wound with alcohol and put cold.

If the child's reaction to the bite is violent, you should immediately consult a doctor (give an antiallergic drug).


Rest is good. Unorganized rest is bad!

The sun is wonderful. The lack of a shadow is bad!

Sea air, swimming is good. Bathing for many hours is bad!

Exotic is good. Overseas infections are dangerous!

You have three months of summer vacation ahead of you. We wish you an interesting summer, good mood, health!

The task of parents:

1. Take measures to prevent children from being in places where their presence can harm their health, physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development.

2. Protect children from information, propaganda and agitation that are harmful to their health, moral and spiritual development.

Dear parents! Your task is to ensure the protection of your child at home and outside it as much as possible, and to be ready to respond promptly to any problems that arise.

Anna Yablonskaya
Consultation for parents "Summer and the safety of our children"

« Summer and the safety of our children» -

Advice for parents

So the summer time has come, when everyone seeks for new unforgettable impressions to rest in the country, on the sea or simply in the summer forest rich in gifts and on a warm river with a sandy shore.

Let's remember some traumatic moments for children at the perfect time of the year summer:


1.1. Summer heat not only warms, but, unfortunately, contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which most often enter the body with poor-quality food. Food and basic hygiene can cause intestinal infectious diseases.

1.2. Remember to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

1.3. rule: “Wash your hands before eating! summer as relevant as ever! Before you have a bite to eat in an open-air cafe on the street, pay attention to whether there is a washbasin there.


2.1. Injuries include heat stroke and sunburn on a hot day. Please watch how your child is dressed, how long he has been under the open sun. The duration of the air - solar should increase gradually from 3-4 minutes to 35-40 minutes. On a sunny day, a hat is required.


3.1. You are responsible for the life and health of your children!

3.2. Do not leave children unattended when relaxing on water objects!

3.3. Don't let go children walk alone near water bodies!

3.4. Swimming children should be continuously supervised by adults!

3.5. It should be remembered that dirty and abandoned water bodies can contain dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis and cholera!


4.1. Train at the right time children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, educate your child to be disciplined and attentive on the street, careful and prudent.

4.2. Do not let the child go without adults on the road.

4.3. Hold your child by the hand, do not let them go off the sidewalk.

4.4. Teach your child to walk at a calm pace, keeping to the right side of the sidewalk.

4.5. Remind that the road is for cars only and the sidewalk is for pedestrians.

4.6. Learn with your child poem: “If the green light is on, then the path is open to you”.

4.7. Teach the Rule: you can only cross the road at the crossing (ground and underground).

4.8. Do not allow your child to lean out of the window on public transport, expose their hands or any objects.


5.1. open windows;

5.2. unlocked doors;

5.3. Stops in unfamiliar places

5.4. Plant children to the safest places(middle or right side of rear seat). Strap your child in security.

5.5. Do not allow the child to stand between the seats, lean out of the window, put out his arms, remove the block from the door, touch the handles while driving.

5.6. A child can get out of the car only after an adult.


6.1. Steep slope of the road;

6.2. Irregularities on the road;

6.3. Passing transport.

6.4. Do not allow a child to go outside with a bicycle, scooter or roller skates without adult supervision.

6.5. Teach him to stop at dangerous places - exits of cars from yards, from parking lots, etc.

6.6. Only ride on level pavements.

6.7. If the child still does not control the bike well and often falls, provide him with personal protective equipment - knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet.


7.1. For bee stings are dangerous for children, os, mosquitoes.

7.2. When providing first aid, first of all, you should remove the sting from the bite site, then rinse the wound with alcohol and put cold.

7.3. If the reaction of the child to the bite is violent, you should immediately consult a doctor. (give an antiallergic drug) .

Summer- this is the right time for development and education children and it is important not to miss the opportunities it presents.


8.1. Rest is good. Unorganized rest is bad!

8.2. The sun is wonderful. The lack of a shadow is bad!

8.3. Sea air, swimming is good. Bathing for many hours is bad!

8.4. Exotic is good. Overseas infections are dangerous!

You have three months of summer vacation ahead of you. We wish you an interesting summer, good mood, health!

Task parents:

1. Take measures to prevent being children in places, being in which can harm their health, physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development.

2. Protect children from information, propaganda and agitation that are harmful to his health, moral and spiritual development.

P.S. Dear parents! Your task is to ensure the protection of your child at home and outside as much as possible, and to be ready to respond promptly to any problems that arise.

Dear parents!

We hope that this resource will help you develop and reinforce safety behaviors in your children that will help them anticipate dangers and avoid them whenever possible.

Child safety in summer.

The long-awaited summer is here! Children spend more and more time on the street, in the country with their parents, go on vacation to the forest and to water bodies.

Summer is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the physical capabilities of the child, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to dangerous situations.

Child injury prevention is one of the most urgent problems of our time. Adults are responsible for the life and health of children, and, first of all, it is parents who must create safe living conditions for children in the summer, form their skills of safe behavior and the ability to foresee the consequences of dangerous situations.

The main thing that parents should remember is not to leave the child unattended under any circumstances. You can protect yourself and your children from many of the problems that a family can face if you constantly take care of safety.

Many measures to ensure the safety of children may seem elementary, but with a child of preschool age it is necessary to disassemble and discuss at first glance the seemingly very simple rules of conduct.

It is necessary to highlight some rules of conduct that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this.

Open windows.

Despite the fact that the topic of window safety has been raised more than once in the press, on television, on Internet sites and in conversations, many parents believe that this simply cannot happen to their child. The firm belief that a strict prohibition was enough to protect the child brought a lot of grief. However, prohibitions continue to be one of the most common ways to "protect" the baby. Meanwhile, every summer, dozens of children who have fallen from a window are delivered to city hospitals, whose ages range from one and a half to ten years. That is, most of the affected children understand the danger that threatens them, but still violate parental prohibitions.
Since you should not count on the consciousness of the child, parents need to take additional steps for children's safety:
- Do not trust mosquito nets.

If there is a choice, install windows whose sashes open to an inclined position.

Do not use window protectors that you can easily open.

Remove conventional handles from windows and replace them with handles with a built-in lock.

Child safety on the water.

The main condition for safety is to swim accompanied by one of the adults. It is necessary to explain to the child why you should not swim in an unfamiliar place, especially where there are no other vacationers. The bottom of the reservoir can be fraught with many dangers: a flooded snag, sharp fragments, cold springs and deep holes.

Before entering the water, you need to observe how it looks. If the color and smell of the water is not the same as usual, it is better to refrain from swimming.

Also, children must firmly learn the following rules:

games on the water are dangerous (it is impossible, even playfully, to “drown” your friends or “hide” under water);

you can not dive and swim in places overgrown with algae;

you should not swim far on air mattresses and circles;

do not call for help as a joke.

Safe behavior in the forest.

A walk in the forest is a very good rest, which improves health, introduces the child to his native nature. But there are some rules that adults should definitely acquaint the child with, as the forest can be fraught with danger.

Tell your child about poisonous mushrooms and plants that grow in the forest, fields and meadows. Explain that you need to be careful and unlearn the bad habit of trying everything (blade berries). To consolidate knowledge, it is useful to use classification board games, appropriate visual material, and in the summer season, while walking in the forest, show poisonous plants and mushrooms. It is necessary to develop in children the need to communicate with parents, the ability to overcome shyness when contacting adults when symptoms of poisoning appear.

Remind the child that in no case should he walk through the forest alone, he must always stay close to his parents. But what if he was carried away by something and did not notice how he got lost?

Explain to the child that there is no need to panic and run wherever your eyes look. As soon as you lost your parents, you should shout louder so that you can find each other by voice, and stay in place. The kid must know for sure that they will definitely look for him.

Safety when interacting with animals.

Children need to be taught not only love for animals, but also respect for their way of life.

Children should be taught what to do and what not to do when interacting with animals. For example, you can feed stray dogs and cats, but you can't touch or pick them up. You can not approach unfamiliar dogs, disturb them while sleeping, eating, caring for puppies, taking away what dogs play. Remind children that both cats and dogs transmit diseases to people - lichen, scabies, rabies. After petting an animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

If a dog or cat has bitten, you should immediately tell your parents about it so that they can immediately take it to the doctor.

Also, children need to be given knowledge about insects, and reminded that even beneficial insects (bees, ants) can cause harm.

Overheating (heat stroke), sunstroke, sunburn.

Another danger of summer lies in its main advantages: warmth and abundance of sun. As a result, it is in summer that heat and sunstroke, as well as sunburn, often occur.

Heat stroke is perhaps the most insidious. Unlike the sun, it can also happen in cloudy, but hot weather. Symptoms can range from severe headache and nausea to weakness and drowsiness, and it is often mistaken for the onset of a cold or poisoning.
To prevent heat stroke, first of all, try to avoid stuffy and hot rooms, public transport in hot weather. It is better to spend the hottest time of the day at home, and walk in the morning and evening. Dress your child in light, light-colored cotton clothing. Give as much liquid as possible, give preference to liquid food. Always keep a bottle of water ready. At the slightest sign of malaise or complaints of stuffiness - let the child get drunk. Avoid sugary drinks (soda, juices, etc.) - they don't quench your thirst properly. Try to feed your child with light food in the heat, avoid fatty foods - they increase the likelihood of overheating of the body.
If this does happen, immediately move the child to the shade. Put a cold compress on your head. Remove any excess clothing from the child. If there are signs of loss of consciousness, let the cotton swab moistened with ammonia be smelled. Try to create an influx of fresh air by fanning the child with any object that can be used as a fan.

Call an ambulance, describe the symptoms. In most cases, these measures should be sufficient, but hospitalization may be necessary for severe heat stroke.
Sunstroke occurs less frequently, only in bright sunny weather. But its consequences are more dangerous. If heat stroke is simply a consequence of overheating, then sunstroke is a violation of the central nervous system due to overheating of the head. Its symptoms are clearer and more understandable than those of heat: general weakness, headache, fever, nausea, rapid pulse, in some cases, nosebleeds and fainting.

Preventing sunstroke is pretty easy. Avoid walking during the hottest and sunniest time of the day (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Make sure that in hot sunny weather the child is always outside only in a headdress. Dress your child strictly for the weather, avoid synthetic fabrics. Make sure your child gets enough unsweetened drinks.

If the child still received a sunstroke, first aid measures in this case should be the same as for heatstroke.

Sun burns. Children's skin is more exposed to sunlight than adult skin. Therefore, the child is more susceptible to sunburn.

To prevent sunburn, first of all, you need to try not to expose your child's skin to direct sunlight during the hottest time of the day. When going out, dress your child according to the weather. At the beach, be sure to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20 units (for fair-skinned children and children with sensitive skin - at least 30 units). Reapply the cream every 2-3 hours until the child develops his own even tan. Try to make sure that the child wipes himself immediately after bathing, does not run with wet skin.

If a child does get a sunburn, give first aid immediately. Take the child to the shade, inspect the burns. It is enough just to lubricate strongly reddened skin with an after-sun remedy, and at home to provide more serious help. Treat blistered skin as if it were a thermal burn.

Fire safety.

A fire can start anywhere and anytime. Therefore, you need to be prepared for it. The main thing to remember is that matches and lighters are used for household chores, but not for playing. Even a small spark can cause big trouble anywhere, even on the street. Reinforce fire safety rules with your children:

Do not play with matches, do not make fires!

Do not turn on electrical appliances if adults are not at home!

Do not open the oven door!

Do not throw empty jars and bottles of household chemicals into the fire, especially aerosols!

Do not play with petrol or other flammable substances!

Never hide in a fire, neither under the bed nor in the closet!

In case of fire, call 01, 112 (give your address, phone number, last name and tell what is on fire)!

Don't play with fire!

Keep track of your child.

Children walking away from you or on their own are at risk of being lost or stolen. Teach your children how to behave with strangers. If you are in the forest, do not let the children go far from you, they can play too much and get lost. When in a crowd, always keep your child near you, do not leave small children under the supervision of strangers, even if it is a “dear aunt”. Malefactors can quite use such image for kidnapping.


"Summer and the safety of our children"

The main causes of injuries and diseases in children
during the summer period:

  • traffic accidents;
  • bites of dogs, cats, ticks, other animals and insects;
  • poisoning with poisonous plants, fruits, mushrooms;
  • infection with gastrointestinal diseases in case of violation of sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • sun and heat stroke;
  • allergic diseases during the flowering period of plants.

WARNING: PATIENT GERMS! - Summer heat not only warms, but, unfortunately, promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which most often enter the body with poor-quality food. Food and basic hygiene can cause intestinal infectious diseases.

- Do not forget to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

- Rule: “Wash your hands before eating! Summer is more relevant than ever! » Before you have a meal in an open-air cafe on the street, pay attention to whether there is a washbasin there.

WARNING: THE SUN! - Injuries include heat stroke and sunburn on a hot day. Please watch how your child is dressed, how long he has been under the open sun. The duration of the air - solar should increase gradually from 3-4 minutes to 35-40 minutes. On a sunny day, a hat is required.

BE CAREFUL NEAR WATER BODIES. You are responsible for the life and health of your children!

- Do not leave children unattended when relaxing on water objects! Don't let your kids go out alone near the water!

- Swimming children should be continuously supervised by adults!


— Unlocked doors;

- Stops in unfamiliar places

- Place children in the safest places (middle or right side of the rear seat). Fasten your child with seat belts.

- Do not allow the child to stand between the seats, lean out of the window, put out his hands, remove the block from the door, touch the handles while driving.

- A child can get out of the car only after an adult.


— Irregularities on the road;

- Passing traffic.

- Do not allow the child to go outside with a bicycle, scooter or roller skates without adult supervision.

- Teach him to stop at dangerous places - exits of cars from yards, from parking lots, etc.

- Only ride on pavements with a flat surface.

- If the child still does not control the bike well and often falls, provide him with personal protective equipment - knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet.

CAUTION: INSECTS. - Bites of bees, wasps, mosquitoes are dangerous for children.

- When providing first aid, first of all, you should remove the sting from the bite site, then rinse the wound with alcohol and put cold.

- - If the child's reaction to the bite is violent, you should immediately consult a doctor (give an anti-allergic drug).

I wish you an interesting summer, good mood, health! "Summer and the safety of our children"

Let's remember some dangerous moments for children in a wonderful time of the year like summer:

Do not leave children unsupervised by adults:

Do not intimidate the child, but observe with him various situations on the street and talk, explain how to behave in various places: in the forest, on the pond, at home, on the street. What are the rules of safe behavior for children in the summer.

1. Remember that it is necessary to cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing, at the green light of the traffic light.
You can not play on the roadway and near it.

Hold your child firmly by the hand when crossing the road.
In transport, you need to behave calmly, hold on to the handrails so as not to fall. You can not lean out of the bus window, put your hands out the window. Transport children in cars only in the back seat, on the driver's side, with a restraint.

2. Bites of bees, wasps, horseflies are dangerous for children. With bites, only a local reaction is possible, which is manifested by burning pain, redness and swelling at the site of the bite. When providing assistance, you should remove the sting, rinse the wound with alcohol and put a cold. With the development of an allergic reaction (suffocation), hospitalization is immediately necessary.

When bitten by a tick, you must:

- remove the tick, measure the temperature for 14 days. With an increase in body temperature, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, immediate hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital is necessary.

3. Poisoning by poisonous plants and mushrooms occurs when eating poisonous mushrooms (fly agaric, pale and green grebe, false mushrooms) and poisonous plants (black henbane, dope ordinary, castor bean, black nightshade, wolf berries, ambrosia).

The latent period of poisoning is 1-4 hours. Then nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea occur, jaundice, paralysis, coma may appear.

When providing assistance, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, gastric lavage, cleansing enema. Urgent hospitalization.

4. A child who is in a stuffy room for a long time or in hot calm weather in the open sun may experience heat (or sun) stroke. The thermoregulation of the body is disturbed, lethargy, reddening of the face appear, loss of consciousness occurs.

At the first sign of the victim, it is necessary to transfer to a cool place, remove clothes, moisten the chest and head with cool water.

5. In order to prevent intestinal infections, it is necessary to eat only washed vegetables and fruits, wash hands with soap before eating, drink only filtered or boiled water.

6. Tell the children that there are many dangerous items that you need to be able to use and store in specially designated places, they cannot be touched without the permission of their parents (pins, scissors, needles, paper clips, a hammer, a saw, matches, lighters, a gas stove, iron, washing machine, tape recorder, TV, medicines, thermometer (thermometer).

  1. If something is on fire in the house - it is necessary:
  • Quickly leave or run out of the room or apartment, tell adults about it and ask them to call 01, mom (dad) to work.
  • Call 01 and say that you have a fire in your house, and be sure to give your home address.
  • If it is impossible to leave the apartment, you can not hide in the far corners, under beds, wardrobes. Crouching low, you need to move to the door, covering your nose and mouth with a wet towel or handkerchief.
  1. When relaxing in the summer on a pond, in a forest or in a country house, take precautions, do not leave children unattended, do not let them out of sight. Try to always be close to your baby, because the danger is always there!