Snowdrop - a detailed description of the flower and growing rules (105 photos). What does a snowdrop look like, photo of flowers and description, how to plant galanthus, methods of propagation Purple snowdrops in the snow

Snowdrops are perennials, which are mainly found in nature, but can also be grown in the country. In total, about 20 varieties of this flower crop are found in natural conditions, some of them are listed in the Red Book.

From this article you will learn which varieties of rare and ornamental plants exist, and you can also get acquainted with their external features.

Types of snowdrops with photos and names

Scientists still cannot name the exact number of varieties, but they agree that there are more than 20 of them. Moreover, many plants are very similar in appearance and differ only in a few small details.

Since they are successfully used to decorate gardens, let’s look at the most popular types, and their photos will help you decide which variety is best to grow.


This is a bulbous plant that is successfully cultivated on summer cottages, although it also occurs in nature. Flowering begins in the fourth year after planting: at the end of winter or early spring Long green leaves appear from under the soil, and later small white buds.

Figure 1. Alpine variety plants

At the end of spring, when the flowering period ends, small boxes with seeds appear that can be used for propagation. For growing, you can also use baby bulbs that form on the mother bush. IN wildlife found in the Alps and the Caucasus, but is successfully cultivated in other climatic zones.


Its homeland is the Asian coast of the Bosphorus Strait. It is also successfully grown in Europe, although it has not yet become widespread in our country.

Note: In fact, the variety is a variety of folded, and is valued for its high decorativeness.

A characteristic feature of the variety is its unusual flowering period. Unlike other species, Byzantine blooms not in spring, but in autumn. Its appearance is also unusual: a white carved inflorescence is surrounded by several long snow-white petals.


As the name implies, the plant is found in the Caucasus, mainly in the central regions. Like other varieties, it has long and narrow green leaves, and the inflorescence is white (Figure 2).

Figure 2. External features Caucasian variety

A characteristic feature is the presence of small green inclusions on the inside of the petals. Flowering begins in March and lasts approximately two weeks. At the same time, it will not be possible to receive seeds every year, since fruiting is irregular. In addition, when grown at home, the crop requires shelter for the winter.


This variety is considered the most popular in our country, and perhaps everyone has seen it. It has long narrow leaves, and the inflorescences are quite large and can reach 30 mm in diameter.

Note: It grows quite quickly without human intervention. If you plant it in a free area of ​​your dacha, within a few years the plants will spread throughout the entire garden bed.

A special feature is the relatively early onset of flowering and its long duration. You can admire the delicate buds already in early March and until April, for about 25-30 days. The crop can be propagated by both seeds and bulbs, but in some cases self-seeding is also possible.


Externally, it is significantly different from others. First of all, it is quite tall (up to 25 cm). In addition, it has large inflorescences, the diameter of which can reach 40 mm. But it should be taken into account that during the flowering period one plant can throw out only one peduncle (Figure 3).

Figure 3. External features of pleated flowers

It is found naturally in the mountainous regions of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, but is also successfully cultivated in summer cottages. Like other species, flowering begins in March and continues for two to three weeks. The culture is highly decorative, as it quickly grows on its own, forming a lush carpet. In such conditions for one square meter there may be up to 25 plants.


IN natural conditions found in Eastern Europe, where it is successfully grown and cultivated. The flower is considered to be quite tall and large: the height can reach 25 cm, and the bud size is 5 cm. In addition, they have a bright, pleasant aroma (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of the Elveza variety

One more distinctive feature- long flowering. The first buds appear at the end of winter or early spring and do not fade within 30 days.

Many people associate early spring with these small delicate flowers, because they are the first to emerge from under the snow and are pleasing to the eye after the winter cold.

Figure 5. First spring flowers

Many have seen the green carpet of ordinary garden flowers, therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their photos in natural conditions (Figure 5).

Photo of snowdrop from the Red Book

Despite the fact that many species are successfully grown in gardens and greenhouses, forest species are endangered due to human fault. By picking them, people not only destroy the natural beauty, but also prevent the flowers from reproducing naturally, since the bulbs of the crop are often damaged during harvesting.

Figure 6. Appearance plants listed in the Red Book

At the moment, the forest species is listed in the Red Book and picking it is prohibited by law (Figure 6). But, unfortunately, this does not stop poachers at all, who pull out flowers in early spring (often along with bulbs) for sale. In fact, this makes no sense at all, since in appearance they are practically no different from other species that can be grown in a country house or in a greenhouse for sale.

In the video you can see what they look like different varieties of this culture, including those listed in the Red Book.

Photo of white snowdrops

You can admire the carpet of white inflorescences in a painting, but it is much more pleasant to grow such plants in the garden. Seeds collected with your own hands or bulbs purchased in a specialized store are suitable for this.

Figure 7. Photo of white spring flowers

The value of plants is preserved only if they are in a flower bed. If you pick these flowers, the bouquet will last no longer than a few days, whereas in the garden they can delight you for a month.

Shortly after Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, winter came. It lasted a long time, severe frosts reigned on the ground, and the cold, merciless snow spared absolutely no one. In the end, Eva could not stand it and burst into tears. She cried not so much from pain and cold, but from regret about the mistake she had made and about the lost paradise. And then the Lord took pity on her - and turned her tears into the most delicate flowers of this world. This is how snowdrops appeared in the snow, signaling the arrival of spring.

The forest snowdrop has long been a symbol of spring, purity, youth and freshness, and also speaks of the fact that you need to rejoice in both the present and the future, and drive away memories of failures from your heart - so it is not surprising that these gentle, beautiful flowers are extremely popular.

Snowdrops, the first flowers of spring, or as the Greeks called them, galanthus (“milk flowers”) belong to the genus of perennial herbs of the amaryllis family, are early small-bulbous plants and are listed in the Red Book.

Snowdrops grow in the wild in forests: in the center and south of the European continent, there are many of them on the coast of the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as in Asia Minor. These flowers are preferred sunny areas, although they grow without problems in the shade, they cannot tolerate areas with stagnant water.


Snowdrop flowers white, have green spots from the very edge of the petals (plants of other colors are not snowdrops). The elegant bell-shaped shape of galanthus is given by the structure of its petals: the flower has six petals, three of which are outer (longer), three are inner (shorter).

This flower has few leaves, the shape is narrow, flat, dark green or gray-green. Galanthus leaves are usually about 1 cm wide. The bulb of the plant is round in shape, from which only one flower grows, and small: about three centimeters in diameter.


In total, there are 18 species and two natural hybrids of galanthus, most of which are listed in the Red Book. Twelve of them grow in the post-Soviet space (most of all in the Caucasus).

Three types of these plants are especially popular:

  1. Galanthus are snow-white. The white snowdrop (has more than 50 varieties) not only blooms earlier than all its relatives, but also blooms the longest - about 30 days. These plants medium length– from 7 to 12 cm, its flowers are elegant, white, with a yellow spot inside, and have a pleasant aroma.
  2. Snowdrops are snowy. Snowdrops are one of the most popular species of this plant; they bloom in mid-to-late March and grow in the forests of Europe. Height - from 10 to 15 cm, leaves are flat, gray-green in color, width from 0.4 to 1 cm, length - 10 cm. The flower of this plant species has a cut, but otherwise looks like most representatives of its genus - medium in size, with drooping bell, white with a green spot.
  3. Galanthus Elwes. Elwes snowdrops can be seen in the forests of Asia Minor, and they begin to bloom earlier than snowdrops and are larger in size. The height of the Elwes snowdrop is from 15 to 25 m, the leaves are bluish-green, their width can rarely reach 2 cm, and the snowdrop flowers are white, large, spherical.

Plants of the Red Book

The forest snowdrop turned out to be a victim of human love, because after a harsh snowy winter, people hungry for greenery are not averse to bringing home a bouquet of snowdrops and decorating their apartment with them. They are picked completely in vain - by this time the forest snowdrop has just appeared, it does not have a special appearance, since it has not yet bloomed, and these flowers do not last long - only a few days.

If the forest snowdrop used to grow in many countries, now there are extremely few galanthus left, since people, picking them to make a bouquet of snowdrops, often also spoil the bulb, rendering it completely unusable.

These plants suffer especially at the beginning of spring, during the spring holidays, when on March 8 women are given these delicate-looking flowers.

The forest snowdrop is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species, which means picking and collecting it in the forest in order to form a bouquet of snowdrops is prohibited. At the same time, as long as there is demand, there will always be supply, and therefore, already at the end of spring, snowdrops picked in the forest a huge number sold on the streets and markets of both large and small cities.

When buying forest snowdrops, you must always keep in mind that poachers thus receive a good income and a tangible incentive to find, dig up snowdrops in the snow next year and bring them to the city (no fines provided for by law scare them, after all, the benefit is still greater).

Greenhouse plants

If you really want to please yourself and your loved ones with galanthus and bring home a bouquet of snowdrops, you can purchase plants grown in greenhouses (to make sure that the seller is not a scammer, just ask him for a certificate). Flower growers grow this plant with pleasure, since it is not very difficult to do.

The flowers are not absolutely unpretentious: despite the fact that they tolerate changes in weather and temperature well, they are very demanding of the soil - therefore, to plant these flowers, gardeners specially purchase a snowdrop greenhouse, ideal for installation in the ground or in a greenhouse (it prevents the soil from overcooling and creates optimal conditions for growing galanthus).

Before planting the bulbs, the soil is well fertilized with peat or humus. It is extremely undesirable to plant these plants in the spring during the flowering period, since they rarely take root and almost always die. A snowdrop is transplanted into a greenhouse after the leaves of the flower have died (mid-summer), when the old snowdrop roots have already died off and new ones have not yet appeared.

Considering that it is difficult for dried bulbs to take root (and they are mostly sold in this condition), they should be planted in the ground immediately after purchase to a depth of 6 to 8 cm. Flower growers recommend replanting snowdrop plants once every five to six years. Snowdrops grow well without transplanting and for a longer period.

These plants can also be planted with seeds - but in this case you will have to be patient: the seedlings will bloom in best case scenario in the third year. Seeds must be sown immediately after they are collected, as they very quickly become unusable and lose their viability.

As soon as winter begins to recede and the sun's rays warm the earth a little, the first heralds of spring, snowdrops, begin to appear. Long green leaves grow first, and soon snow-white buds appear on thin stalks. Nothing is scary for this flower, since neither frost nor snow can harm the first harbinger of spring.

Description and features

Garden snowdrops, or as they are also called galanthus, without special labor cope with spring frosts.

Often, if snow falls on already blossoming buds, it does not kill them, but simply presses the thin shoots a little to the ground. After the snow has melted, the flowers straighten up again and continue to grow no matter what.

The name is made up of two ancient words Greek language, which are translated as “gala” - milk and “anthos” - flower.

That is why the snowdrop is often called a milk flower. In Russia they are called snowdrops only because in early spring they gracefully peek out from under the snow.

Myths and legends

There are many legends that talk about these unforgettable flowers. The most popular fairy tale, which deals with the primrose, is “12 Months” by the famous Marshak.

One of the legends says that Eve, after she was expelled to the ground covered with snow, became very cold. In order to bring at least some joy to the unfortunate girl, several snowflakes turned into cute flowers, showing that there is happiness and joy on earth too.

Why was it included in the Red Book?

Many people ask why the snowdrop is listed in the Red Book. The fact is that every year their numbers decrease. This is due to shrinking forest areas, damage to forest floors that contain bulbs and seedlings, and many other environmental problems.

To preserve rare plants, there are special reserves and sanctuaries.

  • In addition, picking primroses for sale is prohibited by law.
  • At the moment, in the Red Book, galanthus occupies the third category, which states that it is a rare species.
  • This is an indicator that nothing threatens it, but if there are unfavorable conditions in the places where it grows, they may disappear forever.

Important! Interesting fact is that almost all Galanthus species are protected by law. There are also varieties that may soon disappear completely and the only chance to save them is artificial breeding.

Even though the red book protects the snowdrop, propagating it in the garden is quite simple. It can be grown both in flower beds on the streets and in pots on loggias and balconies. If you buy flowers cut into bouquets, they will give you an excellent mood with their unforgettable aroma for a long time.

Characteristics and properties

No one knows exactly how many varieties the genus Galanthus includes. If you are interested in what a snowdrop looks like, then you should know that it is a short herbaceous plant with twenty-centimeter linear leaves. They make their way out of the ground along with flower stalks. Around a single bell is a white perianth consisting of 6 petals. The outer 3 leaves are elliptical in shape, and the inner three are wedge-shaped with a green speck at the tip. It is not easy to feel the pleasant aroma emanating from flowers, since it is very subtle.

Black seeds are produced in fruits consisting of three compartments. Since they are juicy, they are loved by ants, who collect the seedlings and carry them across the forest floor, helping the plant reproduce. The conical or ovoid bulb consists of compact, modified leaves that emerge from a common base.

You need to know the description of the snowdrop so as not to make a mistake when purchasing planting material, and also to be sure that the plant you have grown is a real primrose.

What varieties are found?

Today you can find about 16 varieties of milk flowers and about 30 varieties. Most of them can be bred in the middle zone.

Snowy or snow-white snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis

One of the most popular species grown in Russian gardens is white flower. It does not exceed 10-15 cm in height. It grows quickly in the area. The bluish green leaves begin to break through the melting snow in mid-March. The elongated snow-white petals form a bell, on the perianth of which there is a yellow spot. Throughout April it will delight you with its flowering. In its natural environment it is found in the Carpathians. The red book also protects the snowdrop.

This species served as the basis for the creation of the following hybrids:

  • Flore Pleno

This double flower, the inner petals of which are slightly greenish.

  • Lutescens

It is considered a rather delicate and whimsical plant, characterized by pale flowers with a characteristic yellow spot.

  • Lady Elphiniston

Terry hybrid with yellowish specks on the inner petals.

Among the long snow-white bracts there are short flowers decorated with green specks.

  • Viridaptsis

This variety begins to bloom in the last days of winter. On the peduncles there are large flowers, with petals with green specks at the tips.

  • Pusey Green Type
  • Atkensi - Atkinsii

All terry subspecies are distinguished by their rare charm and grace. But these valuable species are not so easy to grow; you will have to make some efforts.

Galanthus Elwesii

Found naturally in Asia. One of the highest types. Its height sometimes reaches 25 cm. It is characterized by wide bluish-green leaves and spherical white flowers. Considered super early, as it breaks through the ground in the last days of February. You can find many hybrids that differ from other specimens in their incredible endurance and attractiveness.

Caucasian snowdrop

The photo and description of which speaks of its unusualness will also not leave lovers of these flowers indifferent. It can be found in the wild in the mountainous regions of Transcaucasia. The length of the yellow bulb reaches 4 cm, while its width is about 2 cm.

Rich green leaves, flattened with a waxy coating, emerge from the ground. The height of the primrose is about 18 cm. A snow-white flower opens on a 6 cm peduncle.

The two-centimeter bracts have an obovate, slightly curved shape. The inner wedge-shaped petals are half the size of the outer ones. A green speck is visible in their upper part.

Flowering begins in March.

Galanthus latifolia

You can meet this species at the foot of the Alpine mountains. Growing is allowed in northern regions. The bulb is quite large, about 5 cm. Straight, rich green leaves during the flowering period do not exceed 16 cm, but once it is over, their length can reach from 20 to 25 cm. On long 20 cm legs, a snow-white bell, decorated with green specks, opens. This variety begins to bloom in May or June and pleases with its flowering for about 20 days. It does not have fruits with seeds, so it can only be propagated by bulbs.

Byzantine galanthus

The Byzantine species is considered one of the most common on the Bosphorus coast. You can see it among a variety of bushes. It has some differences from previous specimens, including the flowering period, which begins in autumn and pre-winter days. Autumn snowdrops will delight you with their with the most beautiful flowers for a long time.

The earliest spring flowers video:

Folded garden snowdrop - Galanthus plicatus

It begins to bloom its buds in March or April. This view characterized by a strong aroma, which comes from the wax petals. In Crimea, a variety called “Vargam” is grown, which is considered the most unusual appearance. According to legends during Crimean War, taking place in the 19th century, it was brought to England, precisely from the Crimea.

Voronov variety - Galanthus woronowii

"Voronova" this species originates in Russia. Snow-white petals are decorated with green stripes. It multiplies very quickly in the garden and therefore needs to be replanted every few years.

Blue snowdrops are quite popular. But it is worth noting that, even despite some similarities with galanthus, they are not related to them. Scillas are often called this way, belonging to the Asparagus family.

You can also find other plants that are easily confused with milk flowers. Flowers that look like snowdrops- white flowers, this shining example existence of similar species. Not only do they begin to open their buds in early spring, but also in a later period. They belong to the bulbous plants, but are distinguished by longer peduncles, reaching up to 25 cm.

How to plant snowdrops correctly

The most favorable time to purchase and plant flowers begins in July and lasts until September.

The fact is that the photo of snowdrops, which shows all their beauty, is at rest during this period. If the warm autumn days extend into a long “Indian summer”, then it is allowed to plant primrose bulbs even in November.

You should not buy already flowering bulbous specimens for planting. because after landing all aboveground part will wither. But don’t worry, as a bulb weakened by flowering will still survive.

But remember that planted flowering bushes on next year may not form buds at all or bloom small flowers.

How to choose bulbs

If you purchased dormant bulbs, then pay attention to their condition.

Important! It is worth noting that drying the bulbs for a long time is prohibited, as this will lead to their death.

If you purchased planting material, then you shouldn’t keep it outside for a long time. If it is not possible to plant it, cover it with sawdust, shavings or other materials, and then place it in a plastic bag.

When planting in the ground, the usual planting rules are followed.

  • If the soil is loose, then you will need a hole the size of two bulbs.
  • If it is heavy, then the depth of the hole should be no more than one.
  • But no matter what the soil turns out to be, the depression should be at least 5 cm.

Galanthus is able to independently regulate the depth of the bulb. Bulbs that are too deep, after some time, form young children located a little closer to the above-ground part.

Planting deeply will allow you to increase the size of the bulbs, while planting the bulbs close to the surface of the ground makes them smaller, but allows you to produce many bulbs.

How milk flowers reproduce

There are several methods for breeding the most delicate primroses, but, like all bulbous representatives, they prefer the bulbous method.

Propagation by bulbs

The snowdrop description, which allows you to learn a lot of useful things about it, usually reproduces with the help of its bulbs.

  • To do this, you need to separate the planting material from the main bulb, where from 1 to 3 children appear annually.
  • After about 3-5 years, the clump grows, this is an indicator that it should be divided.
  • From August to September, when the foliage is completely dry, you can begin replanting.
  • Divide the bushes with utmost care without damaging the delicate rhizome.
  • Dig holes about 6-8 cm deep and place 1 large onion or several small ones in them.

Propagation from seeds

It is much more difficult to grow Galanthus from seeds. First, allow the seedlings to fully mature. As soon as you collect them, immediately start sowing so that they do not lose their viability. Seedlings should be sown in the soil to a depth of about 2 cm. When wondering when snowdrops grown from seeds bloom, you should know that this process will begin after about 3-4 years. Choose a shaded area where there is no wind.

Where to plant

Small flowering bushes do not require a lot of care, but you still have to pay it when choosing a planting site.

It is best to plant planting material under trees, so that the selected area is hidden from direct sun rays V summer days, but at the same time it was well lit with the onset of autumn. They feel great next to walnut, cherry, chestnut and other tall deciduous trees.

Primroses cope excellently with the most severe frosts and do not require additional shelter with the onset of cold weather. With the arrival of hot summer days, the bulbs are in danger, as overheating can kill them. This is precisely the reason why when choosing a location you should give preference to shaded areas.

What should the soil composition be?

You already know what snowdrops look like, but you should also find out what the soil should be like where they are planted.

To begin with, it is worth saying that green bushes prefer to grow in life-giving, well-drained soil. They will do well in loose soil to which compost or humus has been added. If your site has clay soil, then it should be diluted with sand.

It is worth watering the plant only if there is severe drought outside. As a rule, milk flowers have enough moisture, which they receive from melting snow and rain.

After all, its main growth occurs in the early spring period, when the sun still acts very gently and graciously, and does not scorch with mercilessly drying heat.

Do I need to fertilize?

When snowdrops appear, they begin to actively grow and at this moment you need to think about feeding. Apply phosphate and potassium liquid fertilizers every month, with minimal addition of nitrogenous substances.

Important! If you overdo it with nitrogen fertilizing, the bush will become overgrown with leaves, which in the future can lead to some kind of disease.

Who and what can harm

If water constantly stagnates in the planting areas, then galanthus can very easily be affected by fungal diseases such as:

  • rust
  • powdery mildew
  • chlorosis

In order to save them, it is necessary to plant plants in well-drained places. Treatment of bulbs with a fungicide, as well as their regular transplant will help avoid infection.

Slugs, caterpillars, bow nematodes and mice can cause significant damage to primroses.

Advice! To get rid of slugs and rodents, sprinkle the lawn with coarse sand and shell rock, not forgetting to place grass turf around the embankment.

To get rid of insects, treat the bushes with an insecticide.

Primroses in the landscape combination with flowers

The red book protects the flat-leaved snowdrop, like other varieties. With its help, early flowering and picturesque groups are created in the garden, which illuminate the dull spring landscape with bright spots.

They are planted next to blue woods, lungwort, perky corydalis and delicate primrose. They are also primroses, opening their buds with the melting of the snow.

They look good in combination with medium-sized and tall plants, such as ornamental ferns or hostas.

Recently a new " fashion trend» give to spring holiday for women, it is snowdrops in pots to extend the period of admiring the delicate and touching flowers.

At home, you can grow it in cool rooms in pots or other containers.

Varieties of snowdrops, planting and care in open ground video:

The snowdrop is the first to come to life after the long winter cold. First, green leaves appear on it, and then a white bud, similar to a bell with a drooping head. This flower is not afraid of either snow or frost. The appearance of snowdrops in the garden heralds the imminent arrival of spring. Photos of snowdrop flowers can be found in our gallery.

Description of the flower

IN scientific literature plant is called galanthus. Snowdrop is perennial grass and belongs to the Amaryllis family. It is distributed in the following areas:

  • Crimea;
  • Southern Europe;
  • Asia Minor;
  • Caucasus.

No one can accurately name the existing number of snowdrop varieties. This low herbaceous plant has two linear leaves that reach 20 cm in length. These leaves come out immediately along with the flower stalks. A single bell is surrounded by a white perianth, which consists of 6 leaves. The three petals are outer and elliptical in shape. The three inner leaves are wedge-shaped and have a green spot at the top. Although the flower has a pleasant smell, it is very faint.

The plant has round fruits in the shape of a box with 3 compartments, which contain a small amount of black seeds. The seeds have a succulent appendage that attracts ants. The ants take them away and thereby multiply the flower.

The snowdrop bulb has conical or egg-shaped , which has a compact group of modified leaves emerging from one common base. Snowdrop flower photo:


Most the right time The period for planting snowdrops is from July to September. If the autumn is warm for a long time, then planting can be extended until November. Currently, snowdrops are being sold already in bloom, which is not correct. After the flower is planted in the ground, all the leaves will wither and fall off, and then die completely. This bulb becomes very weak. Next year the plant may bloom weakly or will not bloom at all and will die.

The plant bulb does not like to dry out. Therefore, you should not keep them in the air for more than a month. If it is not possible to plant the bulb, you can sprinkle it with shavings and sawdust and place it in a bag. When planting, the snowdrop bulb is placed in the soil to a depth equal to two bulbs, if the soil is loose. And to a depth equal to one bulb if the soil is heavy. In both cases, the bulb cannot be deepened by more than 5 centimeters. Photo:

The flower has the ability to determine the depth to which it will be distributed. root system. If the bulb is planted deeply, it will form another bulb on the peduncle, which will grow at the required depth.


The plant loves dark, but sun-warmed places and good drainage. For wild species, when planting, you need to choose the most illuminated place. This type of snowdrop is winter-hardy. Autumn flower can be cover with a layer of loose compost.

This plant must be fertilized with extreme caution. The flower does not like fresh manure. It is best to fertilize the flower with mineral fertilizers.


As mentioned earlier, the amaryllis family includes 18 types of snowdrops. The most famous are:

Some varieties of snowdrop have been included in the Red Book, since the collection of flowers is uncontrolled. It becomes more and more difficult to find snowdrops in the wild every year.

In nature there is a coppice flower, which also appears during the first thawed patches; it is very similar to a snowdrop, only blue. It is also called blue or blue snowdrop, but in fact they are completely different plants.


This flower is grown as in open ground, and at home in a pot. Of all bulbous plant It blooms very first and already produces buds in the middle of winter. To do this, the flower must be taken out of the room.

IN warm room the plant may die. Because the flower is cold-loving, hardy and can withstand temperatures up to ten degrees cold. During the flowering period, the plant must be moved to a cool place.

After planting the bulb for 2 months, the plant is needed keep in a dark place. And then move it to natural light, but avoid direct sunlight.

The optimal temperature in the dark for a plant is zero degrees, and during flowering the maximum is 10 degrees above zero, otherwise the plant may die. When planting a bulb, the soil should be well moistened, and then not watered until the pot is moved to the light. Next, you will need to water the flower twice a week.

snowdrop flower