Scheme of single-key two-pin key switches. Connection diagram for a two-button switch for two light bulbs: electrical installation features

All switches are divided according to several characteristics:

  1. By installation method:
  • Overlays for external wiring;
  • Internal for hidden wiring, are recessed into holes made in the walls.
  1. According to the switching control method:
  • Keyboard designs, the most common method;
  • Rotary;
  • WITH electronic sensor for movement or level of external lighting, there may be acoustic, temperature sensors depending on the need for operating conditions;
  • With cord or chain;
  • Sensory;
  • Remote control, with radio or IR remote control, in online mode via the Internet;
  • Dimmers.
  1. According to the contact switching diagram
  • Conventional make and break one contact (Single-key);
  • Two and three key switches
  • Changeover (pass-through) single-key and multi-key;
  • Cross.
  1. According to the method of attaching wires to contacts:
  • Screw;
  • Clamping with springs.

The designs of contact group mechanisms vary, depending on the manufacturers.

Connecting conventional single-key and two-key switches

The most simple design and the connection diagram is considered to be for conventional switches, which switch one contact at a time, close or open it when a key is pressed. Manufacturers make models containing in one housing from 1 to 3 contacts, each of which is switched separately by pressing the corresponding key.

As can be seen from the diagram, the main principle for connecting switches of any type is that a phase wire passes through its contacts. A typical mistake made by novice installers: the neutral wire is passed through the switch, the phase wire is connected from the box to the dump. This is not safe during operation and can cause electric shock even when replacing the lamp. The neutral conductor is connected directly to the contacts through the distribution box lighting fixtures. Grounding can be connected to the lamp housing directly from the ground loop or through a twist in the box.

Design and connection of pass-through single-key switches

The designs and switching circuit of pass-through switches are more complex than conventional models, but general principle remains the same, the phase wire passes through the contacts. There are options with one, two and even three keys in one case

Such switches are used in lighting control circuits from two points; this is very convenient in many cases:

  • On flights of stairs;
  • Long alleys;
  • Tunnels;
  • Sports arenas, stadiums, swimming pools and other facilities.

In these cases, users do not need to travel long distances to control the lighting; any nearby switch is used. The diagram shows the lighting system in the on position; when you press any of the switches, the contact will move to a black line and the lighting will turn off. The design of the circuit is such that the next time you press any key, the circuit will close through the red or black line and the light will turn on.

Connection diagram for two-key pass-through switches from two points

The design of a two-key pass-through switch differs from a single-key switch in that elements of two single-key copies are built into one housing. Each key works according to the principle of the diagram presented above.

Stages of connecting switches

First of all:

  • A connection diagram is drawn up,
  • The total power consumption of lighting fixtures is calculated;
  • Using the tables, we select the cable brand, the cross-section of the conductors and the maximum permissible length.

Copper conductors, voltage 220 V, single phase, three-core cable

According to the requirements of the PUE, three-wire lighting circuits are used, so it is recommended to choose cables with three cores. For domestic conditions, the most popular brands are VVG, PUNP, GDP, MYN, others with double insulation and three copper cores;

Brands of cables with copper wires
traditionally better even better cheap
2-3 cores1-core
Vein propertiesflexibleflexibletoughtoughtoughtoughtoughtoughflexible
insulation+ + + + + + + + +
shell+ + + + + +
  • We select a switch of the appropriate design according to the power consumed by the lighting lamps. Typically, the substrate of the body of products in networks with currents of more than 10A is made of ceramic.

After calculations and acquisition of all necessary materials installation can begin. Let's consider classic version more complex circuit, connecting pass-through switches with two keys for hidden wiring in the tunnel:

  • At the edges of the tunnel on a one-sided wall, holes for socket boxes for switches are drilled using a hammer drill with a crown, at a height of 60 -90 cm from the floor:
  • On one side, above the socket box, 15-20 cm under the ceiling, a hole is drilled for distribution box;

Tip No. 1 If possible, depending on the conditions, install the distribution box and the first switch on the side closest to the switchboard. In this case, you will need less input cable from the control panel to the box, which has largest section wires in the circuit.

Two groups of lighting fixtures are installed evenly along the walls or ceiling, wires are laid between them, and the connection is made in a parallel circuit. This ensures the operation of all working lamps if one or more are burned out;

  • The wires of the lighting groups are placed in a box, the yellow-green wires are connected to the housing of the lighting fixtures and grounding, the blue or light blue wire is connected to the base contact of the lamps and the neutral core in the distribution box. Red (white, yellow, brown) according to the requirements of the PUE are connected in the box through a switch to the remaining contact of the base.

One of the significant mistakes is considered to be failure to comply with the requirements of the PUE for matching the color of wire insulation functional purpose. This makes it difficult for other electricians to repair and maintain the network; they have to call all sections of the circuit and disconnect the twists in the box.

Features of the design and connection of switches from different manufacturers

The general principle of operation of switches is one closing and opening of one or a group of contacts, constructive solutions may be different, different ways of connecting wires. Lezad switches are considered one of the most popular models on the market. They have standard body sizes for installation in socket boxes and screw fastening mechanisms with sliding strips. A significant difference from other models is the contacts with clamping springs; there is no need to clamp the wire onto the contact with screws; just insert it into the hole and it will be securely fixed by the spring.

In the connection example we considered, two-key pass-through switches with six contacts are used. Let's show how they are connected to the circuit.

Please note that five conductors are connected to the first switch through the distribution box. The phase wire between contacts 1 and 2 is connected by a jumper.

Tip No. 2 If necessary, pass-through switches can always be used as usual. To do this, it is enough to connect only one group of contacts 1 - 5 or 2-6.

Connecting switches without cutting walls

When the renovation is completed, but there is a need to change the electrical wiring in the lighting system, it is irrational to spoil the interior by gating the walls. There are several options to solve this problem:

  • Lay external wiring from the box to the new switch in the cable duct;
  • You can drill holes in hollow walls and lower a rope with a weight vertically from the top of the box down to the switch. Then string the wire through with a rope.
  • The simplest, but most expensive way is to install a remote radio switch. It is not tied to wiring and is installed at any point at a distance of approximately 10 m from the lighting device, this depends on the model of the device.

Installation and connection of a remote switch

Manufacturers make many models with different characteristics and control options:

  • Simple switches to turn on and off;
  • Programmable, on only, off only;
  • With timer and other options.

In any embodiment, the remote control system consists of two parts:

  • The control signal transmitter, which is the switch, has a housing similar in size and appearance to a surface-mounted switch for external wiring. In his design PCB, with a battery and a spiral antenna, the antenna can be designed as a winding path on the board. Attached to the wall with self-tapping screws or double-sided tape.
  • The control signal receiver and contact switching unit has miniature dimensions, contacts for connecting wires and is installed on the structure of the body of a chandelier, lampshade or other lighting fixture.

This diagram shows the control unit for two-gang switch with two lighting groups, there are models with one group. Before installing the remote switch, the wires from the conventional switch are short-circuited. The body of the old switch can be left in place or simply turned on, then 220V will constantly flow to the lighting device and power the control unit.


Domestic radio switches of this series have a long range, the manufacturer guarantees operation without battery replacement for up to 7 years, trouble-free operation for up to 3 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is a cross switch needed?

Mainly used in circuits with two pass-through switches, thus providing a third point of lighting control.

At any key position cross switch The circuit provides lighting control from two extreme switches.

  1. The dimmer comes with 4 wires per chandelier 3, how to connect regular switch in place of a faulty dimmer?

Don't go into detail about how the dimmer worked:

Connection diagram for a two-key switch to a chandelier

  • Turn off the corresponding circuit breaker at the control panel, de-energizing the lighting system in this area;
  • Disconnect the dimmer from the wires;
  • Using an indicator screwdriver, identify the phase wire that comes from the distribution box;
  • Call out the two wires that go from the switch to the chandelier, connect them to the contacts of the lamps of the first and second groups. The remaining neutral wire comes from the box and has a common contact on the lamps of both groups.
  • On the switch, the phase is connected to the common contact, the wires coming from the chandelier to the other two contacts. Thus, the phase will be switched by keys to the lamps of the lighting groups.
  • Insulate the remaining wire from the box to the switch and leave it free.
  • Turn on the machine at the control panel and check that the connection is correct.

In standard apartments, the wiring is often already done and the light bulbs are connected. But what if you want to build something non-standard? There is no need to be afraid of pulling new wires and understanding the connection diagram. It's actually not difficult. Let's figure out how to connect a two-key switch to two light bulbs and add another lamp to the wall.

  1. Preparation of a connection diagram.
  2. Calculation of required materials.
  3. Purchase of components.
  4. Selection of tools.

We draw a diagram for connecting a two-key switch for two light bulbs

If you listen to the well-known saying: “Measure seven times and cut once,” then any work begins with measurements. Therefore, we should begin our work by going to tool box at the roulette table. But here’s the problem: we don’t know what to measure. This means we need to decide what we already have and what we want to get.

Entering the kitchen we see a chandelier, a switch and a small lid right under the ceiling. The junction box is hidden there. It is called so because from there the voltage is distributed through the wires to consumers. Consumers are sockets with a refrigerator, electric kettle and microwave included in them, as well as our chandelier. We are not interested in sockets, but the chandelier is.

The next step is to try to draw a diagram of the current connection of the chandelier.

Wiring diagram for the chandelier before replacing the switch

Now let’s finish drawing what we want to add - an additional light bulb on the wall.

Connection diagram for a 2-button switch for 2 light bulbs

The previous diagram shows how to connect, but how to pull the wires between the sconce and the button - not very well. Therefore, we will depict another connection diagram double switch for two mounting lamps.

Cable laying diagram for double switch

Let's look again:

  1. Now we have a single-key switch in place of B1, but we need to install a two-key switch.
  2. A line comes out of the box on L1 - this is our chandelier in the center of the ceiling.
  3. From the same box you need to stretch the wire to lamp L2 - this is a new lamp.

Now you need to decide on the path along which the cable will go from the switch to the box and further to the lamp.

We make measurements and calculations

We're not trying to start major renovation, but we try to do the job with the least time and technical costs. There are two options for this:

  1. Lay all wiring in cable ducts. These are narrow hollow plastic strips with a removable top cover. They look neat on any wall because they have a compact shape and a pure white color.
  2. Use the junction of the vertical plane and the ceiling. Even if the house is built from concrete panels, then they do not adjoin tightly at the corners. And if you are not afraid of getting a little dirty, you can clean the joint of putty and make a gasket along the corner. All that remains is to install a plastic channel to the switch and to the lamp.

The first option is characterized by speed of execution and a minimal amount of debris, but a large number of additional elements on the wall that you need to put up with. The second option makes the gasket less noticeable, but preparation involves “picking” in the wall and a lot of dust. We choose the appropriate option.

Calculation of conductors

After we have decided on the route, we measure the length of the wire from the switch to the intended installation location of the lamp.

The first section from the switch to the junction box can be run with double-insulated stranded wire, if one is on sale .

You need to buy a meter more cable in order to produce sections for connecting sconces, switches and connections in the junction box. It's better to have a little left than not enough.

Cable and wire are two different things. A wire is a single monolithic conductor or a group of twisted conductors - bare or covered with insulation. A cable consists of two or more insulated conductors enclosed in a common sheath.

A cable differs from a wire by the presence of several conductors enclosed in a common sheath

The next step is to determine the cross-section of the wires.

To calculate the cross section, you can use any online calculator. It can be easily found on the Internet.

We accept:

  • light bulb power 0.1 kW (100 W), with a reserve;
  • length 10 meters;
  • The material is copper, because it is more reliable.

As a result we got calculated value S = 0.01554 mm 2. Recommended cross-section is 0.5 mm 2 .

  • mains voltage - 220 volts;
  • The maximum lamp power is 100 watts;
  • We calculate the current strength I = P / U = 100 / 220 = 0.4545 A.

To determine the cross-sectional area, we recall the second ratio: the cross-section of the conductor is equal to the current strength divided by the density of the current passing through it:

  • in order not to waste time on complex formulas, we take the current density for copper equal to 10 A/mm 2 (with a margin);
  • We consider: S = 0.4545 / 10 = 0.04545 mm 2;
  • to ensure mechanical strength We take the wire that will be laid under the plaster with a larger cross-section S = 1.5 mm 2.

Online calculation showed a result three times less. For our lamp this is insignificant. Even if we choose a cross section equal to 0.5 mm 2, it will still be with a tenfold margin. But if you connect something more powerful, then it is better to do the calculation on paper. Therefore, it is always worth checking the calculations on paper, and if doubts remain, it is better to play it safe and buy a thicker cable.

Cable channel calculation

Produced as follows:

The cross-section of the box should be approximately 30–40% greater than the thickness of the insulated cable passing through it. The sketch shows two sections of a round and flat sample. With the same technical parameters, the indicated dimensions are almost the same. Therefore, the calculation for a round cable is also suitable for a flat one:

  • we accept: D = 8 mm, which means area S = D 2 / 4 * 3.14 = 64 / 4 * 3.14 = 50.24 mm 2;
  • the minimum possible cross-section of the box is 12 * 12 = 144 mm 2;
  • Conclusion: you can use plastic for wiring with a minimum cross-section. It suits us with a margin of almost 200%.

To choose the correct cable channel size, calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​the cable

Now that we have decided how to lay the cable and specified its length, we can go to the store.

We purchase what you need

You need to ask the seller about the quality of the material and its cross-section. New shipments of electrical goods may not always be what they appear on the price tags. Sellers know this. You can ask the following questions:

  1. The wires are actually copper or copper-plated aluminum.
  2. Do the transverse dimensions correspond to those specified in the documentation?
  3. Are there any analogues with a full cross-section and appropriate material, how much do they cost?

After finding out all the details, we buy:

  • cable;
  • cable channel;
  • lamp;
  • electrical tape;
  • plastic dowels and screws:
    • the cable channel is attached at the rate of one point per 50 cm;
    • If there are gaps, you can fix them more often. Therefore, it would be good to take another ten in reserve.
  • switch. It is worth asking to see several types that differ in the design of the connecting contacts. Contacts can be self-clamping, self-tapping or screw. It is more reliable to use a screw with a counter thread in metal.

For our case, even if the cross section differs by 30% from the specified one, this is not very scary. Chinese manufacturers sometimes produce 1.2 and 0.75 mm 2 instead of sections of 1.5 and 1 mm 2, respectively. The power consumption of the sconce is not too large, so there is no need to worry about the conductor heating up. However, you can fight for your money, especially since if you put the cable in a groove, then changing it in the future will be difficult and expensive.

Choosing tools

We will need:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • side cutters;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • phase indicator;
  • insulating tape;
  • a strong mechanic's screwdriver or other suitable tool if you want to hide the cable under putty;
  • drill or hammer drill for attaching the cable channel.

The cable channel can be glued to the wall liquid nails, but if necessary, it will be impossible to carefully dismantle it.

Connecting a double switch to two light bulbs

Is it possible to prepare for connection: fasten the box or remove the finishing layer along the ceiling corner with voltage applied?

Plastic profiles can be attached, but not in the electrical wiring area. At first glance, it seems that the laying of the network should be carried out according to certain geometric rules. If you mean the ceiling corner, then it is always located there. But wiring on walls can be installed in the most unpredictable ways. Therefore, it is safe to attach a horizontal line 10 cm below the ceiling if this meets aesthetic requirements. In other cases, it is better to go deeper into the wall and drill with the machine switched off to avoid a short circuit.

The laying of wires between points does not always correspond to geometric constructions

We lay the cables from the two-key switch to the lamp

We prepare grooves along the chosen path or install plastic boxes vertically and horizontally using a level.

From the connection diagram of a double switch and two light bulbs, it can be seen that by changing a single-key switch to a two-key switch, we add only one wire. Just the one we bought - a single-core, double-insulated wire. We pull him towards the box. And from there - a two-core cable to a new lighting point. The new “tails” remain outside the box for now. We remove the old switch.

Now that preparatory work completed, you can begin connecting the wires.

When repairing the electrical network, never work under voltage. Therefore, before starting any actions with a junction box, lighting fixture or anything else, be sure to turn off the input circuit breaker on the panel.

Connecting the wires in the box

The main thing is not to mix up the ends in the junction box. Before starting work, we will see three twisted bundles of wires at the connection point: (1), (2), (3).

Visual diagram of connecting a two-key switch

  1. We remove the insulation from them and move them apart. We make sure that there is no contact between them.

    All wires must be spread apart and not touch each other

  2. We unscrew the light bulb from the chandelier (L1) in the ceiling, remove the plugs from the sockets.
  3. We separate the ends of the removed switch (B1).

    We also separate the wires that remain from the old switch to the sides

  4. We remove the additional ends that will be connected outside the box so that they do not interfere with the connection.
  5. We turn on the machine.
  6. We look for the incoming phase with an indicator. Since nothing is turned on anywhere, only one wire (1) will light up - the one we were looking for.

    When you bring the indicator to the phase wire, the light bulb will start to glow

  7. The one coming in paired with him is the incoming zero (2).
  8. We check the phase at the ends of the chandelier switch (B1). The wire that lights up will be common on the new two-gang switch (5).
  9. We turn off the machine on the panel, connect the found ends (5) and (6).

    Connect the found wires to the switch

  10. We turn on the machine, then the chandelier. Since there is no light bulb (L1), it will not light up, but the phase will fall on the wire that goes to ceiling lamp(3) and then onto wire (7). This will display an indicator.
  11. The second wire, lying in the distribution box along with the phase wire from the chandelier (8), will be connected to the input zero (2), which we previously determined in the first pair. This is a test of the correctness of our actions.
  12. Wires on ceiling lighting will go up, so they may end up in the same bundle with the incoming ones. But this does not change the order in which the ends are determined.
  13. Most likely, two more wires go from the input zero (1) and phase (2) to the sockets (P). This is standard kitchen wiring.
  14. The simplest thing remains: turn off the machine on the panel, connect one wire of the wall lighting to the incoming zero, and the second to the end from the switch at point (4).
  15. It's always scary to climb into electrical connections without appropriate training. But if you carefully study the described procedure for connecting a double switch for two light bulbs, then nothing will be complicated.

Two-gang switches are used to control two or more from one point. If available, you can adjust the brightness of the room lighting by turning on fewer lamps. two-key switch means that regardless of the quantity, will be divided into two groups. When you press the first key of the switch, the first group turns on, when you press the second, the second. Let's take a closer look at how to connect a two-key electric switch so that its operation does not cause any complaints.

Read in the article

Connection diagram of a single-key switch to a light bulb: features and nuances

Before moving on to a two-key device, let's consider a diagram for connecting a light with one key. It allows you to control the lamp without the ability to change the intensity. The wires are connected to the light source through a switch from the electrical panels with a connection in the junction box.

To prevent a short circuit from occurring after pressing a key, it is important to know how to properly connect the light switch. The phase wire is connected to the lamp through a switch. In other words, a phase should be connected to the break, not a zero. Only in this case will the operation of electrical equipment in the apartment be safe: the possibility of injury will be eliminated electric shock when replacing a light bulb in a lamp.

Features of connecting a light switch with one key: step-by-step instructions and necessary tools

When starting to install a single-key switch, you should ensure that you have the following tools:

  • Sharp knife;
  • Pliers (pliers);
  • Side cutter. They can be used instead of special tools designed for stripping wires. To do this, closer to the hinge on the cutting edges, using a file, it is necessary to sharpen opposite cuts, forming a hole, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the bare core;
  • Screwdriver set. You will need a thin and medium spline, as well as a medium cross. An indicator screwdriver should be prepared. It will allow you to check the presence of voltage in a specific wire.

In addition to the tool, you should prepare a sufficient amount of insulating tape, with the help of which insulation work will be carried out inside the lamp body and distribution box, or three caps of PPE or Wago, for better performance of the work.

How to connect a single-key light switch? Installation can be performed in the following sequence:

Photo Description of work

We determine the contacts of the electrical switch to which the phase will be connected.

We determine the phase using an indicator screwdriver. To do this, the device must be energized. After determining the phase, the voltage should be turned off to prevent injury during work. Carefully remove the switch key to prevent damage to it.

Having inserted the phase into the socket box, we connect it to the electrical switch. In the same way we connect the wire to.

We connect the wires in the junction box. First we connect the wire from the lamp and the switch.

We connect the phase from the switch and.

We connect the neutral from the electrical panel with the wire from the lamp.

We put PPE caps on the connection points of the conductors. Additionally, we insulate each connection with electrical tape, wrapping a sufficient amount around the bare wire (this is not required when using Wago).

We place the twists in the distribution box and replace the cover. We check the functionality of the system.

Attention! When starting work, you should make sure that there is no voltage.

Possible connection diagrams for a two-key switch

In terms of its design, a two-key electric switch is a device consisting of two single keys placed in one housing. The ground and neutral wires are supplied directly. The phase must pass through the electrical switch so that when the key is pressed, the electrical circuit is closed and broken.

The choice of wiring diagram for a light switch with two keys depends on the number of wires in the wires coming out of the ceiling:

  • Equal amount. The wires are simply twisted together, with a preliminary determination of phase and zero. The last one from the ceiling is connected to the neutral wire of the chandelier, and the phase from the ceiling is connected to the phase wire of the chandelier and electric switch;
  • There is more in the chandelier than in the ceiling. The wires in the chandelier are divided into sections, each of which is then connected to a phase;
  • There is more in the ceiling than in the chandelier. A case typical for new buildings, suggesting the presence, which can be recognized by its characteristic yellow-green color. If a similar wire is not provided, the ground is simply isolated.

In addition to dividing into circuits according to connection features, circuits are usually divided according to purpose. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common options and their distinctive features.

Features of connecting a two-button switch to two light bulbs

To avoid any particular difficulties during installation work, you should have a good understanding of the wiring diagram for a double switch with two light bulbs. If the apartment was built relatively recently, the electrical network will necessarily include a grounding wire, which should be connected to each of the lamps (to the housings).

If the house was built quite a long time ago, then most likely it will not happen. Sometimes during construction modern cottages refuse grounding due to low household power. In this case, the grounding conductor should be carefully insulated to prevent an emergency situation during subsequent operation of the system.

The presented circuit is suitable for two connection options: one lamp, including two lamps, and two independent ones. The phase is connected to the input terminal of the electrical switch, and then through independent outlet contacts it is connected to.

How to connect a chandelier to a double switch: features of the circuit used

If the chandelier is equipped with two or more lamps, you should take care of the possibility of stepwise adjustment of the lighting level. A two-key electric switch will allow, if necessary, to turn on all the chandelier lamps or a predetermined minimum number. The number of lamps turned on will depend on the selected connection scheme and the key pressed.

Before you start connecting the chandelier to the double switch, you should disassemble the type of wires, highlighting the phase and zero. Having turned the switch keys to the operating position, you should touch the voltage indicator to the stripped ends of each core. When touched, the indicator will light up; when touched, zero will remain unchanged. The phase should be marked with a marker so as not to be confused during subsequent installation.

Advice! You should not focus on the color of the insulation of a particular core. Especially if the connection was previously made by another person: there is a high probability of error.

If there is no voltage indicator, you should remove the cover from the electrical switch and see which wires are connected to its output. They will be energized. The zero to the chandelier will be supplied from the distribution box.

Now let's talk about how to connect a chandelier to a two-key switch. We cut off power to the apartment. We divide the lamp lamps into two groups depending on the desired degree of illumination. When you press the corresponding electric switch key, a certain group will light up. Each group is connected to each other in series.

We connect each group of lamps to the neutral supplied from the distribution box and the phase supplied from the electrical switch. As a result, you should get three twists: two, consisting of phase wires, and one including zero cores. At correct execution works, pressing the first key will light up the first group of lamps, pressing the second – the second group.

If the chandelier has metal case, then, according to regulatory requirements, it should be grounded. To do this in new apartment it is necessary to connect the corresponding conductors of the lamp and the electrical network. This is the fourth wire hanging from the ceiling. If there is none, the “ground” inside the chandelier should be insulated.

Connecting a two-key switch with a socket: diagram and nuances

If a double switch is installed in a hallway and is intended to provide lighting to two separate rooms, such as a bathroom and a toilet, most people choose a model with. In this case, it will be possible not only to turn on the light in a specific room, but also to connect various household appliances(hair dryer or vacuum cleaner).

The connection diagram for a two-key switch and socket is characterized by a number of features. The socket is connected directly to the neutral and ground located in the distribution box. The phase is also connected to the socket, and then, using a jumper, it is supplied to the input of the double electrical switch.

This allows you to ensure the constant presence of phase in the socket, and it will be supplied to the lamps only after turning on the corresponding electric switch key. The connection of the lamp is carried out similarly to the diagram for connecting a chandelier to a double switch without a socket. The phases coming from the electrical switch are connected to the corresponding wires of the lamps, and the neutral conductors of the lamps are connected to the zero coming from the electrical panel.

Features of connecting a two-button switch: step-by-step instructions and necessary tools

Not every average person is able to accurately read the wiring diagram for a 2-key switch. In this case, it will help to determine the sequence of work detailed instructions, which will describe the installation step by step. Following it, the entire scope of work can be completed independently without the help of professionals.

First, you should prepare the tools and materials that will be needed when installing a double light switch. Worth having:

  • A voltage indicator (indicating screwdriver), with which you can check the presence of voltage on a specific core;
  • Screwdriver set;
  • Pliers;
  • Side cutters. How to turn this tool into a device for stripping insulation on wires was discussed earlier;
  • Electrical tape.

The installation of the double switch itself should be carried out in the following sequence:

Photo Description

Without turning off the power supply, we check which wires connected to the electrical panel and are phase. To do this, we sequentially bring the voltage indicator to each core. If the indicator lights up, it means that the wire is energized and is in phase.

We connect the neutral wire coming from the electrical panel with one of the wires coming from each light bulb. There should be three wires in the twist.

We determine which core is connected to the input terminal of the electrical switch.

We check the quality of the connection of the wires to the two output terminals.

We connect the phase coming from the electrical panel to the core connected to the input terminal of the electrical switch.

We connect the wires connected to the output terminals of the electric switch with the wires connected to the light bulbs. We carefully insulate the connection point to eliminate the possibility of a short circuit during subsequent operation.

We install the cover on the junction box and assemble the electrical switch. Turn on the power. If the installation work is performed correctly, after pressing one key, one lamp will light up, and after pressing the second, the second one will light up.


Thus, a two-key electric switch allows you to adjust the lighting intensity in one room or can be used to turn on lamps located in different rooms. Installation work, if available the necessary tool and certain knowledge can be performed on our own. However, if you lack experience, it is better to seek help from professionals who can quickly and efficiently complete the required amount of work. Incorrect installation can cause electric shock even when simply replacing a light bulb.

A double or two-key switch is used to control several light sources from one point. This allows you to increase or decrease the level of illumination in the room, creating greater comfort for its inhabitants. You can connect a light switch with two keys yourself, without the help of specialists. The installation of this device provides several lighting modes; the convenience of its use in everyday life can hardly be overestimated.

The design of such a switch allows one input phase to be divided into two output phases, which allows voltage to be supplied separately to two consumption sources. The device consists of:

  1. Two power keys.
  2. Decorative overlay.
  3. A mechanical part equipped with contact clamps for fastening power wires.

The design of some device models may include decorative key lighting based on LEDs. This helps to find the switch in the dark, and also allows you to understand that the electrical network is working and is energized.

The principle of operation is simple: in the mechanical part of the switch, one incoming phase is divided into two parallel electrical circuits with separate on/off switching and device keys.

This allows you to separately supply voltage to two lighting sources or to two groups of lighting devices.

The wires in the device are fixed using screw or clamp terminals. The incoming contact clamp is located separately and is designated L. On the opposite side there are two contact clamps designated L 1 and L 2, which are used to connect two circuits of lighting devices.

Important Note

When choosing a two-key switch to control light groups, you need to pay attention to the number of contacts in the mechanical part of the device, so as not to confuse it with a pass-through switch, designed to solve completely different problems. The pass-through switch looks like this:

It is designed to control light groups from various points in the room. For example, to turn on the light when entering a room, and turn it off near the sofa or armchair. It differs in the presence of additional fastening for a group of contacts.

Methods of application

Using a two-key switch allows you to achieve variability in the degree of illumination of the room:

The sequence of switching on and the power of lamps or light groups depends on the design of the room and the wishes of its inhabitants.

It is not always necessary to have the maximum possible number of lighting points. They can be easily turned off to save energy. Such switches are useful from a safety point of view. Controlling the lighting intensity allows you to avoid unnecessarily loading the electrical network, reducing the number of points of electricity consumption.

Connection diagrams

There are several options for connecting a switch with two keys. Which one to use depends on the characteristics of the particular room and lighting design.

First of all, it is necessary to develop and draw a diagram of the desired connection in order to ensure that the necessary wiring is correctly laid or connected. The connection diagram also depends on the presence of network grounding. In most old apartments and private households there is no grounding wire, which is minor, but does affect the connection diagram of the switch. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of lighting points, the number of lamps in one chandelier, as well as the location of light points in different devices (for example, two sconces are located at a considerable distance from each other). Let's look at the most common schemes.

For two light bulbs

The connection diagram for a double switch for two light bulbs can be implemented:

  • Using a ground wire.
  • Without the use of a ground wire for two light sources located in one device. For example, in a chandelier.

For multi-lamp chandeliers

This scheme allows you to realize variability in the degree of illumination of the room by using a switch with two keys and a five-lamp chandelier.

  • The L 1 phase activation key supplies voltage to two light points.
  • When the phase L 2 key is turned on separately, voltage is supplied to three light points.
  • When the L 1 and L 2 phase interrupt keys are turned on simultaneously, voltage is supplied to five light sources, providing maximum lighting power.

The number of lamps connected to each phase can be increased or decreased depending on the design of the chandelier.

​The diagram shows the connection of a three-lamp chandelier using a ground wire, which is important for modern wiring.

Connecting two groups of lamps

This circuit allows you to connect two independent groups of light sources located at a considerable distance from each other. For example, two sconces on different sides of the room or two groups spotlights on the ceiling. All the described connection diagrams are simple, but require care when connecting conductors.

Installation of a two-key switch

If, when installing switches, after installing the wiring yourself, you act in accordance with the previously developed diagram, then it is almost impossible to get confused in the connection. It is much more difficult to figure out how to connect a switch with two keys to already laid wires hidden by plaster, but if you have basic knowledge of electrics, this can be done. However, in any electrical work Safety is extremely important.

Security measures

220 volt voltage is always dangerous. For any electrical installation manipulations, the wiring must be de-energized by turning off the circuit breaker in the electrical panel located at the entrance to the apartment or other electrified premises. The following simple rules should be followed:

  • Don't work with wet hands with devices connected to the network.
  • Do not use metal fastenings for wiring installation.
  • If the wire is visually defective, it must be replaced without resorting to repairs.
  • Tools for working with electricity must have insulated handles.

Necessary tool

To replace earlier installed switch or installing a new one in conditions of external wiring, as well as to install the device in a new location in a room with hidden wiring, you will need several different sets of tools. Namely:

Types of electrical wiring

Pad electric cable is a topic for a separate article.

External wiring is placed in a special corrugated hose from non-flammable material and is attached with clamps, clamps or clips over walls and ceilings.

Hidden wiring is placed in grooves (slots) made in concrete or brick using special tool- a wall chaser or using a grinder and a hammer drill, followed by cementing or plastering the channels with the electric cable.

Wire Identification Standards

At correct installation Wiring You can identify wires by color. At self-installation compliance color coding will help you avoid getting confused when connecting working electrical circuits. This will reduce the time when installing certain devices and devices. The main markings look like this:

  • Blue always means zero.
  • Yellow wire with a green stripe - protection, grounding (used in modern electrical networks).
  • A brown or red conductor indicates a phase.

There are also letter markers:

  • A, B, C - phase designations.
  • N is always zero.
  • PE - protection, grounding.

These designations are not always visible and understandable to the average person, the standards of which have changed repeatedly over time, therefore, when installing devices in already installed wiring, you should not trust the possible accuracy of the markings. You must independently check and mark all used conductors with colored heat-shrink tubing or colored electrical tape.


To do this, you will need an indicator (phase) screwdriver and a multimeter. If a single-phase network without a ground wire is laid in the room, then an indicator screwdriver will help you find the phase.

In the lighting distribution box, when the network is turned off, strip the wires and move them apart to avoid contact. After turning on the power supply, touch the wires with the tip of an indicator screwdriver. When you touch a wire with a phase present, the indicator will light up. The indicator will not react to the neutral wire.

You will need a multimeter to determine the ground wire. The device is set to the measurement limit AC over 220 volts. When voltage is applied, one probe touches the phase, the other touches the other two wires in series. When you touch the zero contact, the multimeter will show 220 volts; when you touch the ground, the readings will be lower.

After this, it is necessary to de-energize the network and mark the voltage supply contact group.

Connection step by step

To connect a two-key switch, you will need a three-wire wire laid from the lighting distribution box to the location where the switch is installed. If one is laid, then the task is greatly simplified. The distribution box must also contain the wires of two groups of light sources L 1, L 2 and marked conductors for supplying voltage from the electrical panel L.

At the installation site of the switch, a hole is drilled using a crown of the appropriate size and a socket box must be installed. If there is already drilled hole with a socket box, it is advisable to replace the socket box before installing a new device. If external wiring is installed in the room, then the switch is installed in a specialized container, which is fixed to the wall with screws.

In the mechanical part of the switch, a common input terminal - fastening - is determined and wire L is connected to it (voltage supply from the electrical panel), having previously marked it in the distribution box accordingly. The other two phase wires are connected to separate terminals, designated L 1 and L 2.

After connecting the conductors, the mechanical part of the switch is fixed in a socket box or container so that in the off position the keys are recessed down (this corresponds to accepted standard), avoiding distortions and displacements.

Assemble the decorative part of the device, install the frame and keys.

In the distribution box, conductors are connected in accordance with the markings using Wago connections or contact strips.

  • Phase L coming from the electrical panel is connected with wire L going to the input of the switch.
  • Parallel phases L 1 and L 2 coming from the switch output are connected to the phase inputs of the light groups L 1 and L 2.
  • Zero outputs are switched into one connection.
  • Protection and grounding wires are also connected into one whole, if any.

Twisting the wires is strictly not recommended. This method of switching conductors is not reliable. In electrical wiring the most weak points- these are connections. Insecure connections can lead to loss of contact or overheating and fire.

It must be remembered that a phase wire is always routed to the switch. Otherwise, the assembled electrical circuit will not meet safety standards.

Installing a two-button switch is a simple task that can be easily handled by a person who has a superficial understanding of electricity. But when starting work, you need to pay attention special attention safety precautions and always remember that a voltage of 220 volts is dangerous.

When performing work on the installation of 220V electrical lighting networks for household and industrial premises, there is often a need to control several lighting devices from one point. For these purposes, a switch with two keys is used. Devices of this design provide switching on and off of lighting devices with two or more lamps. Sometimes, the layout of the electrical wiring of the lighting network provides for the control of several groups of lamps or individual lamps on one lamp. A two-key one is also suitable for these purposes.

For proper operation of the double switch, it is necessary to connect it correctly. In this case, a certain sequence of actions should be followed to ensure personal safety and the safety of others. Recommendations for safe installation of two light bulbs are discussed below.

Preparatory work

Preparation for installation of electrical switching devices (in this case, switches) involves understanding their structure, purpose, design, operating principle and the availability of tools for their installation in domestic and industrial conditions.

The number of switched-on lighting devices is regulated by a switch that has an additional outgoing contact and a separate control button. It usually does not differ in size from single-key ones. This is done for the convenience of replacing them with each other. The main difference is their switching “filling”.

A device with two keys has a working part that includes three contacts. One of the contacts is incoming, and the other two are outgoing. Outgoing contacts have independent on/off control.

During installation, it is positioned so that the outgoing contacts are located at the top. This is due to generally accepted standards for the on/off position.

The phase wire coming from the junction box is connected to the terminal of the incoming contact. Phase wires of consumers are installed on the terminals of outgoing contacts: individual lamps of one lamp, individual lamps, separate groups of lamps.

The neutral wire (working zero) to consumers comes out of the distribution box and does not pass through the switch.

According to their design, two-key models are divided into models for installation directly on the wall (for open wiring), and models for indoor installation in the wall (for hidden wiring).

Connection diagram for a two-button switch for two light bulbs

For correct connection into the electrical network should be understood electrical diagram its installation.

Modern electrical network provides for the presence of a grounding conductor in the supply networks of all electrical consumers. There is no such conductor in the electrical wiring networks of Soviet-era houses. And in many private buildings it is not always available, especially in lighting networks. This can be explained by the relatively low electrical power of household lighting fixtures.

Therefore, it would be objective to consider the connection diagram of a two-key switch for wiring without a grounding conductor.

This diagram shows an example of connecting two lamps of one lamp, or two independent lamps. In this case, the phase wire comes to the input terminal of the switch and, through independent outgoing contacts, is sent to consumers by two separate wires.

For greater clarity, a diagram of the connection of two independent groups of lamps, or lamps connected in series, is shown.

When using this scheme, the connection of the working part of the device does not change and is carried out similarly to the previous example.

What tools and materials will be needed to install a double switch?

To perform installation you will need the following tool. Considered for models of two standard versions.

switch for open wiring:

  • Electric drill.
  • A drill with a diameter of 6 mm (for wood) or a drill with a diameter of 6 mm (for a concrete or brick wall).
  • A Phillips screwdriver for clamping the wire into the terminal contacts and securing the switch housing.
  • A screwdriver is an indicator for determining the presence of voltage in the network.
  • Knife for stripping the insulating layer of the wire. (in the absence of a special tool for stripping insulation from cable and wire products). A knife is also needed to prepare the input and output holes in the switch housing for wires (cables).
  • Pliers for crimping flexible wires. If the wire is solid, pliers may not be needed. But you can also use crimp lugs that match the wire cross-section (for flexible wire).
  • Dowel with plug 6x40 (standard size indicated, it may vary depending on local conditions).
  • Marker or felt-tip pen for marking “phase/zero” on the wires (for safety reasons).

To ensure safety from electric shock, all tools must have insulated handles to ensure that the metal parts of the tool are insulated from the hands of the installer. A high-quality tool indicates the insulation class or the maximum voltage value in the network of which such a tool is allowed to work.

Switch for hidden wiring.

To install a switch in a network with hidden wiring, you will need the same set of tools as in the previous example, but with a significant addition. You will need a hammer drill with special equipment - a crown for drilling holes standard sample in concrete and brick walls. Since the working part is recessed into the wall, you cannot do without a hammer drill.

You will also need a special construction mixture to fix the plastic switch housing in the drilled hole. Suitable for this purpose building gypsum, plaster, etc.

Connection instructions

Let's look at the installation process using the example of a switch for hidden wiring. This process is preferable since the aesthetics home interior provides for hidden wiring.

1. Drill a hole in the wall using a hammer drill and a special crown.

2. Using a chisel or screwdriver, remove the destroyed wall elements.

3. Check that the hole matches the dimensions of the plastic switch housing.

4. Punching a groove for electrical wiring. (Down to the baseboard, as in this example, or to the junction box).

5.Cutting a template hole in the plastic switch housing for electrical wiring.

6. Wetting the prepared hole with water for better contact with the building mixture-fixer.

7. Application construction mixture into the hole and installing the housing.

8. Installation of the plastic case.

9. Removing excess mixture solution.

10. Leveling the surface of the solution.

11. Final position of the switch body after the solution has hardened.

12. The next stage is connecting the working part of the switch and installing it in the housing.

For safe work We turn off the voltage of the network into which we connect the device. We first determine the phase and neutral wires using a voltage indicator. We mark the wires so as not to get confused in the future.

Once the installation of the plastic housing is complete and the mixture has hardened, we insert the phase wire into the switch housing. We connect the phase wire to the terminal of the incoming contact of the device.

We connect two outgoing phase wires, respectively, to the outgoing terminals of the contacts. We get the following.

13. All that remains is to install the switch keys and it is ready for use.

Provided that the lamps are already connected, we apply voltage to the network and check the operation.

To make the connection process more clear, below is a video on this topic.

How to install and connect a two-key switch with your own hands: video

Possible errors and ways to solve them

When connecting the working part, you can confuse the phase and neutral wires; to avoid this, you need to mark them in a timely manner.

The position of the switch keys is set as follows as standard:

Installing switches is not a particularly labor-intensive, although multi-step process. If you follow the above recommendations and their consistency, problems should not arise. It is necessary to remember the main rule of electricians. Before starting work (installation, repair electrical appliances and equipment) turn off the power supply and check that there is no voltage at the workplace. It is very important to take measures to prevent the voltage from being switched on in the mains by mistake. So that no one turns on circuit breaker, which you turned off before starting work by mistake, you should hang a poster on it “Do not turn it on, people are working!” or lock this machine in the box with a padlock (if there is one). Safety first!