Universal floor cleaner. Floor cleaning products

intended for caring for floors ceramic tiles, tiles, porcelain tiles, natural stone, plastic, linoleum, laminate, parquet.





Low foam product

Effectively removes dirt from any waterproof surfaces,

Neutralizes unpleasant odors, aromatizes the air in the room,

Does not require additional rinsing or wiping dry, reduces drying time.

Triamine*- This active disinfectant component: has a biocidal (antimicrobial, bactericidal), fungicidal (antifungal and anti-mold), algicidal (against microalgae) effect.

The use of a more concentrated solution or undiluted product increases the disinfectant effect.

All components included in the GLANZ series flooring products easily biodegradable, the use of the product does not harm the environment.

The GLANZ series is a varied palette of wonderful aromas for every taste:

Exclusive modern design , convenient sealed packaging with measuring cap, high quality label printing. The transparent bottle does not hide the contents from the consumer.

All this - aesthetic elegant appearance , which sets GLANZ apart from other products from other manufacturers.

With all the obvious advantages, GLANZ has another important advantage - affordable price.

*Triamine has a certificate of state registration disinfectants, disinsection, deratization agents for use in everyday life, in medical institutions and other facilities to ensure the safety and health of people (state registration certificate No. 000236.07.03 dated July 17, 2003)

Different types of flooring have different characteristics. If you want to buy detergents for cleaning the floor, you must take this fact into account. Our online store offers large assortment cleaning products. In the catalog you will find compositions for the care of any floor covering:

  • concentrated liquids;
  • laminate cleaning products;
  • polishes;
  • quality parquet products;
  • good means for cleaning stone or ceramic floors.

When decorating your home, did you use different materials? Then you will need it universal remedy for cleaning the floor, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you.

Release forms

We know very well what people prefer various shapes release of products. The company cares about the convenience and comfort of customers, so cleaning products for washing floor tiles, laminate, parquet can be in the form of a concentrated liquid, gel, classic powder, spray, mastic, etc. Choose a product based on your own wishes.

Especially for those who prefer environmentally friendly products, we have prepared appropriate formulations that do not lead to an allergic reaction. This great choice for people with sensitive skin.


Floor cleaning disinfectant (5 l, 3 l, 1 l) will help you take care of maintaining perfect cleanliness in the kitchen, bathroom, shower and toilet. Products with enhanced antibacterial properties are also often used for processing flooring on the stairs and in the corridor.

Gentle care for laminate and parquet floors

Delicate products gently clean the surface of laminate and parquet and do not lead to scratches or other defects. The vulnerable structure of the material is not affected at all.

Looking through reviews of detergents wooden floors from our catalog, you will be convinced that we offer a truly worthy assortment. Cleanliness is simple and inexpensive!

Detergent for the floor helps to cope with any dirt

Everyone who at least somehow monitors the cleanliness of their apartment or house has at least one floor cleaner in their arsenal. With this cleaning weapon we achieve perfectly clean and shiny surfaces. But, do we know what the price of cleanliness is, and how to choose the right floor cleaner that will easily help you overcome even the oldest dirt.

Before the era of rapid development household chemicals, older generations washed floors using soap solutions. They were made on the basis washing powder or laundry soap. Then, after applying the cleaning solution to the surface, they had to rinse it off for a long time and tediously. This could all last for hours. After washing the floor there was a stage of cleansing it of detergent. Because it is not so easy to perfectly wash off powder or soap solution from flat surface. Now everything has changed. Modern solutions cleaning floors does not require thorough rinsing. They are not aggressive in the environment.

Chemical composition

Floor detergents contain many active ingredients that effectively clean floors made of any materials. One of the main components of many floor cleaning solutions is triamine. He has strong disinfectant properties. Its active components exhibit the following actions:

  1. biocidal (effective against viruses and microbes);
  2. fungicidal (kills many microbes, such as mold);
  3. algicidal (prevents microalgae from multiplying).

Biocidal effects include bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. The bacteriostatic effect helps to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, and thanks to bactericidal effect, their synthesis is disrupted cell wall, which causes bacteria to die.

Tyramine is effective even in small concentrations (but the more concentrated the cleaning solution, the stronger and faster the disinfecting effect). And due to the fact that the effect of this active component can continue for a long time even after cleaning, chemicals No need to rinse to clean the floor.

The floor cleaner maintains the sanitary condition of the floor for several days after its use. And the use of a more concentrated solution or undiluted product increases the disinfectant effect.

In addition, triamine has a certificate of state registration. That is, it is legally permitted for use both at home and in medical institutions and other facilities.

Characteristics of an ideal floor product

Perfect floor cleaner has the following characteristics:

Cleaning surfaces

Do not use floor cleaners for carpet that foam slightly during the cleaning process. Foam promotes deeper cleaning of the coating. And in its absence, a weak cleansing effect is achieved.

For tiles and tiles, choose floor cleaners with an anti-slip effect. After such solutions dry, they cover the floor with a thin film, so the coating will not be slippery. Do not use liquid soap for washing tiles. After them, stains often remain on the surface, which are very difficult to get rid of.

When washing laminate and parquet floors, it is advisable to choose products that cannot damage the coating, but at the same time easily clean the floor from dirt. Most often, these products are produced on the basis of fats (polishes).

Products for cleaning linoleum floors should not contain alcohol or abrasives. They will most likely make the coating darken.

What is important to know?

The proposed floor cleaning products are fortified. This is necessary so that the skin of the hands during their use is not exposed to the aggressive action of the components included in their composition. Floor cleaning products are sold in any volume. This can be either a small bottle with 0.5 ml of solution or a huge five-liter container. It all depends on the area of ​​surfaces that need to be cleaned.

You should not use cleaning liquids that contain chlorine if you are going to clean a small room. Chlorine negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.


Floor detergents are exactly what you can use to expertly deal with the oldest and most difficult to reach stains. They combine a unique combination of cleaning raw materials for efficient and safe cleaning.

Besides useful properties cleaning solution, our floor products also have easy-to-use sealed packaging with a measuring cap. Some bottles are transparent (for substances that do not decompose in the sun). This allows you to keep track of how much content is left.

Wet cleaning is mandatory for any room - both residential and commercial, as dust and dirt accumulate on the floors, and we breathe it all. The right floor detergent can significantly reduce the duration of this tedious procedure and make it enjoyable. Additionally, you can get the effect of dust removal and antistatic, which will make it possible to wash the floors much less often than usual.

Composition of chemical detergents

The products presented in stores remove dirt well and disinfect any surface. Also, floor detergents from various brands give the surface a pleasant color and updated appearance, and a pleasant aroma remains in the room.

Basically, all floor detergents are available in the form of a liquid or concentrate for dissolution with water. They contain the following components:

  • Superficial active substances- they cope well with pollution;
  • Fragrances;
  • Dye;
  • Antibacterial substances;
  • Stain remover.

Of course, their composition depends on the brands and manufacturers. But some may also contain soda, which disinfects and destroys germs and chlorine.

Choosing a product for different floor coverings

Before choosing a floor cleaner, you need to do the following:

  1. Be sure to read the ingredients. It should not contain chlorine or similar additives, since the floor in the house does not need to be disinfected at the level of a medical institution.
  2. The floor cleaner should be suitable for all types of surfaces - be universal if you have different rooms different materials were laid. If you are ready to spend money, choose separate species for each material. This way you can get the best effect from wet cleaning and extend the service life of each coating.
  3. If you buy several detergents at the same time, you need to give preference to those products that are made by the same manufacturer.


Detergents for cleaning parquet need to be very delicate. They are represented on the market by a group of cleaners that gently wash the surface and remove surface dirt very well.


To clean a coating such as linoleum, you do not need to use products that contain alcohol. Powdered cleaners are also not suitable. They can ruin your floor - making it dark or leaving whitish, permanent streaks.

Important! If you have a lot of dirt, still use the manufacturer's recommended linoleum floor cleaner. Do not increase the concentration to avoid damaging the coating.

Ceramic tiles

For washing floor tiles Do not use liquid soap. It contains a lot of fat - it leaves bright stains on the tiles that are difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to remove. For tiles, it is better to take products that contain acids - they remove dirt well and also kill germs.

Important! Professional cleaning products for ceramic tile floors have an anti-slip effect. Its action begins after the floor dries. The product forms an invisible film that slows down the appearance of dirt and protects against damage.


When choosing a laminate cleaner, remember that it must have a neutral pH. In addition, it is forbidden to wash laminate flooring with abrasive products, as they may damage the coating.

Folk remedies

If you don’t have time to run to the store for detergent, you can clean the floor with improvised means. Sometimes such substances will be much more effective than special household chemicals, while they will provide safe use coatings and can contribute to even minor restoration of the material, extending its service life.

Wooden painted floors

The following sequence of actions will help you get rid of stains on painted wooden floors:

  1. Take warm water.
  2. Add vinegar. The ratio should be: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  3. Rinse the floor with the solution.
  4. Once dry, cover linseed oil, in one layer.

Unpainted wood floors

  1. Take a soap-lye solution. You can also add 1 tablespoon of turpentine to the solution.
  2. Cover the base.
  3. And then wipe with a stiff brush.


It is advisable to wash it once a week with warm water and laundry soap.

Important! You cannot clean linoleum with turpentine, gasoline, alcohol or ammonia - they have a destructive effect on the outer layer.

If you see dirt on the linoleum, it has darkened or lost its shine, do this:

  1. Take a wool rag.
  2. Moisten with warm water.
  3. Squeeze well.
  4. Wipe down the coating.

Important! Every three months it is advisable to rub the linoleum with drying oil using a soft cloth.


The best detergent for tiles is a solution of washing powder.