Baths made of deer horns Altai. Antler baths: indications and contraindications, procedure

The extract of sika deer antlers (antlers) has been used since ancient times as a healing agent to get rid of many ailments. Antler baths have been one of the most widespread uses of the extract for many centuries. This method very popular in oriental medicine and is actively used in Altai, where you can take antler baths in some sanatorium-resort institutions under the close supervision of specialists. The eco-resort Altay Village Teletskoe is one of the best hotel complexes in the region, where an extract made from freshly cut antlers of sika deer grown in its own deer breeding farm is used to prepare antler baths.

Antler baths: indications for use

The antlers of deer (sika deer) accumulate during growth huge amount biologically active substances, hormones and microelements. That is why they make an ideal basis for antler baths, which can be used for diseases of the following organs and systems:

  • respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma);
  • genitourinary system;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema);
  • cardiovascular diseases(ischemia, angina pectoris);
  • neuroses, VSD;
  • osteochondrosis, arthrosis.

The effectiveness of antler baths has also been proven for people suffering from chronic fatigue, those who have undergone surgery, as well as those with tobacco and alcohol addiction.

Antler baths: contraindications

  • for acute inflammation;
  • in the presence of oncology;
  • in case of exacerbation of allergies;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • after fractures;
  • for kidney or liver diseases;
  • in case of high blood pressure;
  • with heart failure;
  • for epilepsy and brain injuries.

It is important to note that there are indications and contraindications for the use of antler baths for women. So, the procedure is not recommended during pregnancy, but it shows high efficiency in case of uterine pathology, menopausal disorders, reproductive dysfunction.

Eco-hotel Altay Village Teletskoe offers complex therapy based on antler baths under the strict supervision of a doctor, who will draw up an individual treatment plan for you before starting the course and will provide maximum attention at every stage of the therapy.

Contact our representative by phone, email or via form feedback to learn more about the procedure and sign up for an antler bath session at the Altay Village Teletskoe hotel.

Antler baths: Indications and contraindications
Antler baths: pros and cons

Antler baths are powerful folk remedy treatment and restoration of the body. Pantocrine, obtained from deer horns during the cutting period, contains 18 amino acids out of 22 known in nature. Particularly popular among tourists and local residents are antler baths, which are made using a decoction of fresh antlers with the addition of medicinal herbs. Doctors say that the real effect of taking such baths can be felt after 8-10 procedures, which is generally how long the course of treatment lasts. It is also recommended to carry out such rehabilitation no more than once every three months. Doctors advise that while taking a bath, listen to your feelings, monitor your pulse, and, after leaving the bath, wipe your body dry with a towel.

A special feature of antler baths is that they contain an extract from the blood of deer, which is considered truly healing.

The general effect that this extract has on the body is as follows:

  • increases mental and physical performance after severe injuries and surgical interventions, increases vitality;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds;
  • removes the body from the state chronic fatigue and increases vitality;
  • strengthens the body - bones, muscles, teeth, vision and hearing;
  • strengthens willpower and character;
  • so-called neuropeptides influence certain forms of human behavior, the processes of learning and memory, regulate sleep, relieve pain, and have a positive effect on the treatment of schizophrenia.
  • However, antler baths are also a means traditional medicine, that is, it is something like a medicine, therefore, when taking it, you must always remember the dosage, as well as indications and contraindications.

    Indications for taking antler baths:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension not higher than stage 1, arterial hypotension, venous insufficiency, varicose veins veins
  • Diseases nervous system: ordinary neuroses, professional neuroses, vegetative-vascular dysfunctions.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of the spine, consequences of fractures of the trunk and limbs, rheumatoid arthritis in the inactive phase, conditions after acute inflammatory phenomena of the musculoskeletal system, not earlier than 11-12 days after injury.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract: diseases of the stomach and intestines in remission or fading exacerbation, functional intestinal disorders.
  • Diseases respiratory system: non-acute bronchitis, recovery period after acute respiratory infections, mild and moderate-severe bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases genitourinary system: disorders associated with menopause, infertility, uterine pathology in women; prostatitis in the stage of fading exacerbation or remission in men.
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, dermititis, neurodermatitis, various shapes itching, eczema is not in the acute stage.
  • Diseases of the blood system and chronic intoxication: chronic fatigue syndrome, occupational poisoning with heavy metals, radiation sickness of 1-2 degrees in the stage of formation, recovery and stabilization with a generally satisfactory condition.
  • Contraindications to taking antler baths:

  • acute inflammatory process or exacerbation of a chronic disease, as well as its complication by an acute purulent process;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • benign formations with a tendency to grow;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase in the presence of a cavernous process;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • fresh bone fractures with unfixed bone fragments;
  • extensive damage skin at the place of procedures;
  • acute intra-articular injuries;
  • condition after acute pneumonia hypertension 3rd degree;
  • the presence of acute allergic diseases, individual intolerance.
  • Antlers, the velvety horns of deer, have long been used in the medical industry. But now in Russia, Europe and America, baths made from antler decoction are gaining popularity. How does official medicine evaluate this procedure? Here's what doctors say about the properties of an unusual healing agent.

    Maral baths.

    Maral baths in Altai

    Bathing in a decoction of young deer antlers mentioned in a Chinese silk scroll of the 1st century. BC e. Fresh blood from antlers and dried horn were consumed by Chinese emperors and Korean nobility. In Russian medical treatises of the 18th century, this remedy was called an elixir for increasing male strength.

    In former times, deer were killed during hunting because healing properties their horns. Now deer are bred on farms in the Altai Mountains. Farmers annually trim the males' antlers and freeze them or dry them in the traditional Altai way. The bathing solution is prepared in special device, from raw or frozen antlers. Bath time is from 8 to 30 minutes, at a temperature of +37... -41°C.

    Precious raw materials have the following effect:

    • strengthening bones and muscles;
    • improved vision and hearing;
    • help with pleurisy, asthma, allergies, bone and skin diseases;
    • increasing immunity, accelerating metabolism;
    • beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, digestive system;
    • decreased blood pressure;
    • improvement of potency;
    • slowing down the aging of the body;
    • relieving chronic fatigue, neuroses, insomnia.

    Maral baths: contraindications

    The blood of the deer, preserved in the antlers, is a biologically active substance. It can stimulate some negative processes in the body. Therefore, antler baths are prohibited under the following conditions:

    • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
    • acute infection or inflammation;
    • manifestation of allergies;
    • pregnancy;
    • injuries and fractures;
    • malignant tumor;
    • epilepsy;
    • mental disorders.

    Even healthy people should measure their blood pressure and check their pulse before the procedure. Antler decoction can be dangerous, as it stimulates blood vessels.

    Altai maral farms have sanatoriums where doctors supervise the procedure. They determine the appointment time depending on the age and health of the patient. But you don’t have to go to Altai to take maral baths. This can be done at home by purchasing a concentrated preparation of antlers.

    Today, you can make almost any therapeutic bath at home. Antler baths are no exception. Concentrate for bathing from maral antlers, northern sika deer, can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online. And don’t let the cost of such baths scare you, it is completely worth it. Why? Find out about the benefits of antler baths, how they are useful and how to take them at home from this article.

    What are antler baths

    Antler baths have become widespread in the Altai Territory. It is there that one of the largest reindeer breeding and rearing farms is located.

    Antlers are the antlers of young deer, which are two years old. It is by this time that male deer reach sexual maturity. During the rut, their antlers are still soft and consist of spongy tissue that is soaked in the blood of animals.

    Antlers are cut from May to September. At this time they contain the maximum amount of useful substances. According to research, they contain:

    Amino acids;



    Anyone interested in the question of whether such cutting of antlers is harmful and whether it harms the health of deer, the answer is no. Deer shed them every year and by next spring they grow back. Therefore, no damage is caused to the deer by this procedure.

    After cutting off the antler special technology They are used to produce a bath concentrate.

    What are the benefits of antler baths?

    Antler baths are not a new invention. The famous ancient Roman physician Galen first mentioned them in his works. There are references to such baths in Tibetan treatises, in particular “Chzhud-Shi”. Even in those distant times, doctors and healers noted the enormous benefits of these baths for the human body. They are able to treat diseases of the blood and kidneys, accelerate wound healing, and improve health reproductive function both men and women.

    The scientific study of antlers on health and their beneficial properties first began in the early 30s of the last century by Russian scientists. What was known to ancient healers was confirmed by scientific research. Antler baths:

    Capable of accelerating and normalizing metabolic processes in the human body;

    Useful compounds contained in young deer antlers improve skin regeneration;

    Able to slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body;

    Cleanse the body of toxins, waste and all harmful substances;

    They have a stimulating effect on the immune system, increase a person’s defenses against various viruses and bacteria;

    Normalize hormonal levels;

    Increase vitality, increasing resistance to stressful situations, increase mental and physical performance;

    Capable of reducing high blood pressure.

    Antler baths have the following properties:

    General strengthening;





    Wound healing;





    A course of baths will significantly improve your health and solve some health-related problems without unnecessary trips to the doctors. After all, our skin is the most large organ, through which everyone passes freely useful substances. True, harmful ones also do not encounter obstacles. And this is another plus in favor of antler baths, which can remove all these harmful substances, increase the body’s adaptive abilities, reduce fatigue.

    Indications for antler baths

    Despite the variety of different therapeutic baths, antler baths remain little known to many. Although they are not new at all and their effect on the body has been proven by practice. The one who knows about medicinal properties these baths and their healing effect on the entire body, people especially go to resorts Altai Territory and other places where you can get a course of such baths. There are many people who want to get to such places precisely at the time when the antlers of deer are being trimmed.

    Previously, antler baths were made simply by boiling young maral antlers. Now the technology has been improved and the bath concentrate can be purchased at the pharmacy. What are the indications for taking antler baths? They will be useful:

    People with joint and back diseases;


    After suffering injuries;

    With vegetative-vascular dystonia;

    Heart problems;

    For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    For skin diseases;

    Nervous fatigue;

    With respiratory problems;

    For those who are overweight;

    Physical and mental fatigue;

    Diseases of the female reproductive system.

    They are prescribed for:







    Varicose veins;

    Neuritis and neurosis.

    This is far from full list indications for taking antler baths. After all, they have a generally positive effect on the entire human body and can be used as a preventative measure to improve health.

    Find out more about beneficial properties antler baths

    Contraindications to the use of antler baths

    There are many more indications for taking antler baths than contraindications. But still there are some. Baths are contraindicated:

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

    Tumors of various etiologies;

    With a tendency to thrombosis;

    For renal and liver failure;

    High blood pressure;

    Inflammatory processes in the body;


    Infectious diseases;

    If you have allergies;


    In case of exacerbation of a chronic disease;

    For decompensated diabetes mellitus;

    Mental disorders.

    Antler baths at home

    If previously you had to go to Altai or another place to get such baths (they are also made in the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad regions), now you can undergo a course of treatment with antler baths without leaving your home. To carry out such baths at home, special antler baths are sold.

    Antler baths can be taken as general ones, i.e. completely immersed in the bath, and local, when only some part of the body is immersed, for example, arms or legs.

    Usually the rules for taking baths are indicated on the packaging of the drug. But as a rule, one package, i.e. a jar of concentrate is designed for one dose. It's very convenient.

    Before taking a bath, you first need to prepare the concentrate. If it is a dry powder, then it must be diluted with water in the amount indicated on the package. Typically the amount of water is 200 grams.

    The contents are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for three hours. Before adding to the bath, the concentrate must be shaken again.

    If the concentrate is in liquid form, then usually the entire contents are poured into water.

    When taking baths, you should follow the following recommendations:

    The water temperature should be within 38 degrees;

    You need to lower yourself into the bath slowly;

    You need to immerse yourself in the bath so that the area of ​​your heart is not in the water;

    The bath time is 10-15 minutes.

    If your blood pressure suddenly rises or other unpleasant sensations appear, you need to get out of the bath immediately.

    The course ranges from 10 to 12 baths. It is recommended to carry it out 4-6 times a year. Take baths every day or every other day.

    Powerful therapeutic effect Antler baths have been known for a very long time. Eastern medicine For more than two thousand years, it has been using a substance obtained from the antlers of the sika deer (deer). IN ancient China potions made from antlers were highly valued and only the emperor and members of his family were treated with them. It was believed that such a drug makes a person forever young and immortal.

    In our country, resorts in the Altai Mountains offer a unique technique that helps heal and rejuvenate the body.

    Antler baths are very popular in Altai. Comes here all the time large number people to undergo a course of healing procedures. In the Altai Mountains there are many farms engaged in breeding deer.

    Antlers is the name young deer horns. They are cut directly during the growth period. During this period, they have not yet ossified, the outside is covered with delicate skin with velvety hair and consists of cartilaginous spongy tissue, which is saturated with the blood of a deer. From May to July, when the deer begin their rut, the deer’s body begins to accumulate microelements, biologically active substances and hormones. This gives antlers enormous healing power. During this period they begin to be cut off.

    In the Altai Mountains, antler baths are carried out only by specialists. Cut antlers are boiled in water using a special technology and dried. A special “broth” after cooking the antlers is used for medical procedures.

    What are the benefits of antler baths?

    Antler bath is a therapeutic SPA procedure, during which all the beneficial substances accumulated in the antlers penetrate the human body, relieving them of various ailments. After acceptance water procedures a person's immunity is strengthened, stress resistance appears, and the aging of the body slows down.

    Efficiency increases, metabolism is normalized, disorders of the reproductive system are completely cured. For many joint pain decreases or disappears completely, the body rejuvenates and recovers vitality. The person becomes cheerful, memory improves, and chronic fatigue syndrome completely recedes.

    Experts advise for a youthful body and a long life active life undergo four courses of such procedures every year. Each course consists of 10 baths, which should be taken every other day.

    Antler baths indications

    Antler baths are extremely effective and have a positive effect on the body for the following diseases:

    • osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis;
    • injuries, operations;
    • gastric diseases (ulcers, intestinal disorders, colitis during remission);
    • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma);
    • obesity and metabolic disorders;
    • nicotine and alcohol intoxication;
    • neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • heart disease (ischemia, angina);
    • skin diseases beyond the acute stage (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • chronic fatigue syndrome, asthenic conditions, overwork.

    Antler baths enhance the internal resources of the human body, have a pronounced healing effect, and treat sexual dysfunction in men and women.

    A more detailed list of diseases for which treatment with antler baths is indicated is given by a specialist in each specific case. The characteristics of the organism and the stage of the disease must be taken into account. Therefore, before going to Altai, you need check with your doctor the usefulness of these procedures for your body.

    Contraindications for antler baths

    Meanwhile, such a treatment procedure, in addition to its indications, also has contraindications. They cannot be taken if there are:

    • acute inflammatory processes, worsened chronic diseases;
    • individual intolerance, exacerbation of allergic diseases;
    • infectious diseases and active tuberculosis;
    • severe kidney and liver diseases;
    • heart rhythm disturbances (heart failure, atrial fibrillation);
    • cancerous tumors and benign formations;
    • pregnancy;
    • acute processes in joints and fresh fractures;
    • high blood pressure;
    • mental illness, brain injury, epilepsy.

    This list should not be neglected. The specialist should give recommendations on how many courses should be carried out, taking into account the medical history and characteristics of the patient’s body. Therefore, before going to the sanatorium, you should definitely undergo a medical examination which will provide an opinion on the condition of the body and the necessary procedures.

    Therapeutic baths at home

    Such procedures are often carried out at home, after consulting with a doctor in advance. There are the following types of preparation for medicinal baths:

    • powder;
    • concentrate.

    Mostly concentrate is used (one bottle). The water in the bathroom should be 37-38 degrees. The procedure is carried out controlling blood pressure. It is measured before taking a bath. If you have high blood pressure, treatment procedures are contraindicated.

    You should lower yourself into the bath gradually, monitoring your pulse. If its frequency increases significantly, the procedure must be stopped. With a slight increase in heart rate You should be immersed in water up to your neck. The procedure should last 10–15 minutes. After the bath, wipe yourself with a dry towel, after which it is recommended to lie down for 10 minutes and measure your blood pressure.


    According to patients and specialists, antler baths have a truly magical effect, returning a person to a full life. You may feel better after the first procedure. But do not forget that before such procedures you should definitely consult your doctor.