Ventilated facades made of natural stone. Suspended ventilated facades - types, design and approximate cost Suspended facades

Since the facade of the house is the front part of the building, they strive to decorate it. But façade cladding is carried out not only with the aim of giving the walls an aesthetic appearance. appearance. The main task of finishing is to protect the facade from damage caused by environmental factors and to guarantee the building itself the longest possible lifespan.

This requirement, combined with the development of the industry, has led to the modernization of existing and the emergence of new facing materials and facade finishing technologies. One of these new products is a system of ventilated facades (ventilated façade).

What is a ventilated house façade?

Why is it needed, what is it, features, characteristics, properties, types, types and circuits of the device.

A curtain facade is a facade system made using a special technology, which consists of attaching the facing material to the wall using a frame (subsystem). As a result, there remains a gap (up to 100 mm) between the wall (facade of the house) and the cladding through which air circulates. In this way, moisture and condensation are removed from the structure and the heat transfer of the house is reduced.

The name itself reveals the essence of the system of suspended ventilated facades.

  • curtain façade- the finishing material is installed on the frame (hung on the wall) with a specified offset from its plane;
  • ventilated facade- move freely between the facing material and the wall surface (not closed or insulated) air currents, i.e. natural convection of air occurs. This ensures the implementation main feature ventilated facades - elimination of condensation, which traditionally accumulates between the wall and the finish. This approach to insulation and/or cladding makes it possible to ensure a favorable microclimate in the premises of the house.

IN general view, a ventilated facade is a complex façade finishing technology that allows it to reliable protection from destructive action various factors.

In short, to fully understand what a ventilation façade system is, you need to consider its constituent elements. Note that each of them is universal, which allows finishing complex architectural forms in different styles.

Hinged ventilated facades - characteristics

What does a ventilated façade consist of?

1. Subsystem for ventilated facades

The fastening system includes load-bearing profiles, brackets, anchoring elements (dowels and screws), and special fasteners. The use of brackets for ventilated facades makes it possible to adjust the distance between the frame and the wall, so there is no need to level the surface of the walls;

Despite the fact that the fastening system is not visible, this is not a reason to skimp on its components. The component elements bear the main load: from the weight of the facing material, from the force of the wind and the movement of air flow. Therefore, all materials used must meet quality standards.

Frame for ventilated facades

There are several types of frames:

a) depending on the material:

  • metal frame. Consists of elements made of metal. There are aluminum, galvanized and steel subsystems. At the same time horizontal elements, which bear the main load, have a thickness of 1.5-2 mm, and vertical ones - 0.5-1 mm. This reduces the load on the facade of the building, while maintaining the load-bearing properties of the frame itself. A metal frame is required when using heavy facing materials, for example, stone (ventilated façade made of porcelain stoneware);
  • wooden frame. It is a system of 50x60 mm timber and 20x40 mm slats. Suitable for light cladding materials, but needs protection and requires additional processing, preventing wood rotting;
  • combined frame. Combines the advantages of both systems. In this case, the main system is metal, and the counter-lattice is wooden.

b) depending on the profile configuration

Subsystem for ventilated facades:

The subsystem for the ventilation façade must meet the following requirements:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • ability to withstand static and dynamic loads;
  • the possibility of leveling the curvature of the façade surface;
  • simplicity and higher installation speed compared to other cladding methods.

2. Insulation for a ventilated facade

Thermal insulation material is not a mandatory part of a ventilated façade. If the task of additional insulation is not set, but only to protect the front surface of the external walls, then insulation is not used. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

In the vast majority of cases, when installing a ventilated facade system, thermal insulation material is installed.

Theoretically, any insulation can be installed under a ventilated façade. But the main requirement that is put forward to the insulator is that it can ensure the passage of steam from the room. Traditional rigid insulation materials, such as polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene, do not meet this requirement (especially in case of fire, they emit harmful substance- styrene). Therefore, preference is usually given to soft insulation materials - basalt wool, less often glass wool.

Note. An excellent solution for use in a ventilation façade system is to install mineral wool with double density. Such a material, on the one hand, has sufficient vapor permeability, and on the other, the necessary reserve of rigidity.

An example is the products of Rockwool (Russia, Poland or Denmark). Stone wool slabs Venti Butts D (two-layer insulation) have a density of 90/45 kg/m3 (90 for the top layer, 45 for the bottom), and Facade Butts D Optima - 180/94. The cost of Venti Butts D (100 mm) starts from 2,283 rubles/m3, the cost of Facade Butts D Optima from 2,205 rubles/m3.

Other advantages of basalt wool include: non-flammability, stability of shape, ease of installation, resistance to wind, immunity to biological factors.

3. Film for ventilated facades

The use of steam, hydro and windproof films makes it possible to additionally protect the insulation from the effects of moisture contained in the air moving between the facing material and the wall, as well as from wind pressure. Wind barrier film is rarely used today, because... it was replaced by new progressive materials - superdiffusion membrane and geotextiles.

The membrane is a synthetic semi-permeable film that can regulate diffusion properties.

Geotextiles (construction) is a synthetic fabric made of polypropylene (less commonly polyester), which reliably protects the insulation from destruction. In addition, it is resistant to high and low temperatures, the influence of chemicals, is tear-resistant and is a serious barrier to various living creatures and bacteria.

A distinctive feature of these materials is one-sided vapor permeability. On the one hand, they effectively remove steam that leaves the room through the insulation, thus preventing it from getting wet. On the other hand, they protect against moisture from the outside (precipitation).

Which membrane is better for a ventilation façade?

  • Izospan, Russia (density 64-139 g/sq.m., price - 1,500-4,500 rubles/roll 50 m.p.);
  • Juta (Utah), Czech Republic (density 110-200 g/sq.m., price - 1,359-6,999 rubles/roll 50 m.p.);

Also positive reviews about geotextiles

  • DYUK, Russia (density 80-230 g/sq.m., price 1,580-2,598 rubles/roll 50 m.p.).

The maximum vapor permeability for the membrane is > 1200 g/m2/24 hours.

4. Air gap in ventilated facades

The air gap gives the ventilation façade the properties of a thermos and protects the house from significant temperature fluctuations. Thanks to the air, the building cools down more slowly in winter and heats up in summer.

Advice. For the effective and durable functioning of the ventilation façade, conditions must be provided - the air moving in the curtain wall system must overcome some resistance created by the flangings of metal cassettes or slabs.

What gap should a ventilated façade have?

As a rule, the gap size is 40-60 mm, up to 100 mm, but the minimum-maximum size is calculated for each case individually.

If the gap is too small, the heat-insulating layer may be destroyed (when the insulation is adjacent to the cladding). As a result, the surface of the wall will get wet and collapse.

If the gap is too large, a hum (noise) may appear in strong directional wind. This happens when the length of the brackets is chosen incorrectly, as well as when low-hardness wool is used as insulation.

5. Cladding material for ventilated facades

The decorative layer of cladding is the visible part of the ventilation facade. Today, there are more than two dozen varieties of finishing materials for cladding ventilated facades, which can be combined into six groups:

Stone materials:

  • natural stone;
  • artificial stone;
  • porcelain stoneware

Brick materials:

  • cast concrete for brick;
  • clinker tiles;
  • solid facing brick;
  • fiber cement panels.

Metal materials:

  • metal siding (metal siding);
  • metal cassettes and panels;
  • composite cassettes and panels;
  • aluminum panels;

Plastic materials:

  • linear panels. Made from polyester. Act as a finishing and insulating material;
  • vinyl siding. The easiest material to install, it is lightweight, which allows it to be installed on a wooden frame.

Wood materials:

  • thermowood;
  • block house;
  • planken (wooden facade board);
  • wood-look porcelain tiles.

Glass materials:

  • glass panels - made of impact-resistant glass. Allows you to provide high level natural light in the room and give the building a stylish look. But they are expensive and difficult to install;
  • solar panels - isolated view cladding of a ventilated facade. Is complex and expensive electronic system, therefore not very common in private construction.

Note. Installation of materials such as porcelain stoneware, cassette and linear panels is possible only using factory metal frame, because They are distinguished by the presence of guides and factory fastenings.

Due to the variety of facing materials, the customer has the opportunity to implement any design solution.

Design and principle of operation of hinged ventilated facades - video

Advantages and disadvantages of ventilated facades

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages according to a number of parameters.

Advantages of ventilated facades:

  • eliminating the appearance of condensation and dampness;
  • reduction in quantity building material, which reduces the cost of the house;
  • execution effective insulation buildings;
  • expansion of building finishing capabilities;
  • reduction of space heating costs;
  • improving the performance characteristics of the façade and its resistance to external factors;
  • implementation of lightning protection function;
  • avoiding overheating of the building in summer;
  • high installation speed and maintainability.

Disadvantages of ventilated facades:

  • the need for an examination technical condition load-bearing structures, in case of installation of a ventilated facade on an existing building (during repair or restoration, reconstruction);
  • strict requirements for the quality of installation and the qualifications of specialists performing the work;
  • lack of standards for the installation of ventilation facades;
  • availability weak points in the “pie” design, which leads to violation of the requirements fire safety.

Due to their advantages and despite their disadvantages, ventilated facades are gradually replacing traditional ways finishing of buildings.

One of the many important requirements for modern species facing covering, is the ability to reliably withstand adverse environmental influences.

Hinged ventilated facades are a structure designed to protect the surface of load-bearing walls from a variety of external influences.

For the first time this method protection and finishing of the facade of the building, began to be used about 60 years ago. In the last ten years, the technology has become extremely widespread - a wide variety of coatings have appeared on the market and are used in private and multi-story construction.

The main advantages of curtain cladding

In fact, curtain facades are not just one material.

In this article we will look at the main types of this facing coating. Despite the fact that each of the materials may have some of its own specific properties, first we list the characteristics common to all types.

Hanging ventilated system with imitation wood panels

So, curtain facades provide:

  • protection against temperature changes;
  • protection against corrosion and biological pests;
  • protect the building from rain, snow, melt water and dampness;
  • provide excellent sound insulation;
  • by removing the effects of various influences on the facade, they extend the service life of the external walls of the house;
  • good ventilation of the walls of the house.

In addition, facade systems themselves are quite durable, beautiful and environmentally friendly. It is impossible to identify any technical shortcomings in any of the materials. The only disadvantage of any ventilated facade design is the high price per square meter.

Types and types of hanging structures

Hinged ventilated facades for cottages are presented in more than 10 different types, differing in the material used:

  1. Porcelain tiles are a very common coating in the mid-price category, which makes it accessible to both private homeowners and construction companies. It is relatively cheap not only due to the price per square meter, but also due to the fact that the material is very easy to process. Used for complete finishing of private houses, as well as for finishing lower floors high-rise buildings. Regarding last moment, then in Russia porcelain stoneware can also be seen on the upper levels of Moscow high-rise buildings.
  2. Porcelain stoneware facing panels

  3. HPL panels are a laminate high pressure. In our country they have been used quite recently, although in Europe such cladding has long become the most common option. Such panels have all the qualities of good curtain façade, be it resistance to external influences or the influence of weather. Can be mounted hidden or open method, and in the first case, the material is completely protected from vandalism. Distinctive feature HPL panels have the ability to be mounted on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  4. HPL panels installed in a hidden way fasteners

  5. Linear panels are convenient for finishing buildings with high floor heights - this feature is ensured due to the fact that the length of the cladding fabric can be up to 6 meters. Externally this material resembles siding, but differs from it in that linear panels have side bends.
  6. Combination of linear cladding in different colors

  7. Artificial stone or agglomerate granite tiles are a material for external and internal decoration. The peculiarity of the coating is that it can be mounted not only on walls, but also on steps, floors, on the basement level, etc. Advantages artificial stone– excellent resistance to mechanical stress and chemical solutions. Such advantages allow the use of granite and stone coatings in places with large crowds of people and high traffic.
  8. Hanging system with agglomerate granite coating

  9. Fiber cement boards are very economical option, suitable for use in the far north. The material meets all the above-mentioned advantages; its only drawback is the visible fastening.
  10. Suspended system using fiber cement boards

  11. Glass facade systems are a finishing that has spread after stained glass. Unlike other types of hanging systems, glass is designed to transmit the maximum amount of light into the building. At the same time, such coating has acceptable technical specifications, such as good protection from cold, ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. Usually placed on the buildings of airports, business centers and advertising agencies. But even on a private house, such cladding will look very impressive and unusual.
  12. Cladding using glass and aluminum plates

  13. Composite panels offer huge benefits to designers. This cladding makes it possible to give buildings unusual architectural forms, while its technical indicators also remain at their best. Composites have low mass, but at the same time excellent shielding and acoustic properties. The panels can be easily processed in a variety of ways, be it milling or simple cutting. The surface has the ability to self-clean, due to which composite facades profitable to install on high-rise buildings.
  14. Combination of composite panels various sizes and flowers

In addition, it is worth mentioning such products and coatings used to create hanging ventilated systems, such as:

  • terracotta panels;
  • natural stone;
  • glass panels;
  • planken;
  • copper panels.

They also have all the main advantages of curtain wall facades, but the disadvantages include only the disadvantages of the components used in production.

Installation of a ventilated facade

All types of facade systems are similar in their design, which is a multilayer structure supported by a rigid frame. This frame is mounted in a separate stage directly on the external walls of the building.

Such a supporting structure is presented in the form of a set of profiles and brackets, which allow you to level out uneven walls and install all profiles with maximum accuracy.

A ventilated facade for a private house usually has layers of various insulating materials:

Already on top of all this, the facing material itself is installed directly, which is not just a decorative layer, but also has all types of protective properties.

The design of the suspended ventilated façade is designed in such a way that each layer ensures full disclosure of the properties of the other layer.

It has already been mentioned that moisture protection protects the insulation from getting wet. The protection of the insulation from other types of external influences is provided by the topmost layer - it takes over everything mechanical damage and weather influences.

Insulation for ventilated facades

Despite the fact that the production of ventilated facades involves the use of their own thermal insulation layer in many panels, during installation it is usually necessary to lay an additional layer of thermal insulation boards.

This is done even in hot regions - this way it will be possible to prevent too much high temperature indoors. For Russian conditions, installation is completely mandatory, since otherwise heating costs will be simply enormous.

If you think that the cost of heating or air conditioning may be lower than the cost of insulation, then pay attention to the fact that no matter the area of ​​the surface to be coated, you only need to spend money on insulation once - the investment will pay off in no more than a year, and after that This will help you save on heating costs for many years.

For private housing construction, in most cases, it is customary to use mineral wool as thermal insulation.

A ventilated façade design usually involves the use of mineral wool. In any case, the insulation is attached to the wall using disc dowels. For every square meter of material there should be at least five such fasteners.

Begin laying the material from bottom to top. If the thickness of the insulation exceeds 15 cm, then it is laid in two layers, and then the seams are tied.

We have already mentioned mandatory waterproofing. When installing it, there is one feature that affects the installation order of the insulation:

  • first the insulation slab is laid;
  • each of the slabs fits only on two out of five dowels;
  • waterproofing material is placed - from bottom to top, while the film must be laid overlapping so that each upper edge lies on 10 cm of the lower one;
  • after complete installation waterproofing, the remaining disc-shaped dowels are placed directly through the film.

Estimated cost and expenses

The main types of ventilated facades have already been described above, but an additional classification can be made based on price.

In general, the cost depends on the following components:

  • the price of insulation, various membranes, as well as the price of the main part of the facade panels;
  • price of components - such accessories include not only fastenings (brackets, anchors and screws), but also corner profiles, window profiles, etc.;
  • the cost of installation work can be significantly reduced if you do everything yourself;
  • surface area - the larger it is, the more materials will be required.

Price various designs construction company Tatprof

For ventilated facades, the cost per m2 varies according to three price categories:

  1. An economical option - the structure will be a combination of a supporting profile made of zinc or aluminum, inexpensive insulation and external panels made of plastic, wood or stone chips. If we talk about plastic panels, it is preferable to use vinyl siding. It is lightweight and can be mounted on a frame made of wood or metal. The outer side of the siding can have any color; in addition, there are now many different textures and stylizations of natural materials on the market. Siding is convenient both for finishing new buildings and for reconstructing old ones. In the latter case, there is no need to perfectly align the external walls.
  2. Elite option - intended to be used load-bearing structure made of stainless steel. For cladding, a hinged ventilated system made of composite panels or aluminum is used. Composite or aluminum products are designed to last at least 50 years. This fact expands the range of their application to multi-story construction.
  3. Average price category– the leaders in this category are hinged ventilated facades made of porcelain stoneware. Such tiles are produced in a very wide range of colors and textures - stone cladding is not an exception, but rather even a rule - to decorate a house to match different types of bricks and natural stone no problem now.

Porcelain tile cladding in terms of price/quality ratio is ideal for private housing

If you choose a ventilated facade made of wood, then of all materials it is preferable to choose a block house. This decoration will give the house the appearance as if it were made of round logs.

Despite the external similarity with massive logs, the thickness of the block house boards is 1.5 - 1.7 cm, which ensures very low weight. The low mass, in turn, eliminates the need to strengthen the façade.

If you need to decorate a house like a brick, it makes sense to pay attention to a ventilated system made of clinker tiles - such a material is close to brick not only in appearance, but also in its production method and some technical properties.

The substructure of facades made of all such materials will be similar to that described above - this is a frame, insulation, waterproofing and cladding.

Installation of a hanging ventilated system will cost from 1000 rubles per m2, provided that the work is done by yourself. If you hire specialists, then this price can be safely doubled - in fairness, it is worth noting that professionals will do everything really to the highest standard.

The advantages of ventilated facades are obvious

Ventilated facades are becoming increasingly popular in modern construction. Requirements for the exterior decoration of buildings include the solution of many problems from functional to aesthetic. It is the use of a metal frame with fixed decorative cladding panels often becomes the only right decision. The frame is usually made of steel or aluminum using special hardware and is installed on the outside of a single or multi-story building for private or commercial purposes. Then special materials are installed to create ventilated facades, operational properties which are significantly superior to traditional plastering and painting.

Basic distinctive properties ventilated facades:

  • Universality of technology. Hinged ventilated facades are successfully used for external finishing of buildings of any purpose and type.
  • Fast installation. Facades of this type are mounted on a building without special preliminary preparation of the construction site.
  • Protective functions. The finished curtain facade is a kind of building shell, which successfully protects the entire structure from atmospheric and other destructive environmental factors.
  • Variety of exteriors. With the help of hinged ventilated facades, you can create almost any shapes and textures accepted in modern architecture or imitating antiquity. The outer surface of the walls can be lined ceramic tiles, plastic panels, wood, etc.
  • Easy to repair. Damaged structural elements can be easily dismantled and replaced with new ones.
  • Suitability for restoration work. Dilapidated and destroyed facades can be successfully repaired using this technology.
  • Durability. The service life of ventilated facades is more than 30 years.
  • Thermal insulation properties. The layered structure and special properties of the materials used make it possible to save on heating and cooling of buildings equipped with these facades.

Ventilated façade design

    Fastening system. The ventilation façade fastening system consists of dowels and screws (anchoring elements), special fasteners, as well as connection elements (bearing profiles and brackets). The distance between the guides and the wall is adjusted using aluminum brackets passed through a layer of insulation. Thus, there is no need to pre-level the walls before installing the curtain wall.

    Insulation. The thermal insulation layer of the curtain façade can be made of the most different materials. However, most often builders choose double-density mineral wool slabs as insulation.

    Moisture and windproof membrane. The insulating layer on top is covered with a special membrane. It protects the vulnerable layer of the ventilation façade from the effects of strong air currents. It also protects the structure from absorbing atmospheric moisture during precipitation or seasonal increases in relative air humidity and other adverse environmental influences.

    Layer of air. The air layer gives the design the special properties of a thermos. Interior Thanks to this design feature of the ventilated façade, buildings gain protection from temperature influences and their significant fluctuations in the off-season. Such rooms retain heat for a long time in winter and heat up slowly in the summer heat.

    Finishing. Many different materials are used for cladding the ventilation façade. Their range is wide and varied, it allows you to realize almost any design fantasy. These can be porcelain stoneware slabs, fiber cement slabs and composite materials. Lightweight plastic panels, such as vinyl siding. As well as heavy-duty and wear-resistant panels made of steel coated with a layer of zinc. The color range and choice of texture of the facing material is, without exaggeration, endless.

Installation features. How is a ventilated façade installed?

The preparatory stage of installing a suspended ventilated facade is needed when the building is old and dilapidated. It is necessary to remove from the external walls all removable unnecessary structures (old signs, billboards and their elements, lighting fixtures, brackets and decorative elements). Also, if necessary, tear off the layer of loose plaster or other peeling parts of the decor that has become unusable. Significant cracks and chips, and traces of other relatively deep damage on load-bearing walls should also be filled with putty.

Next, you should move on to marking and placing beacons under the ventilated facade. Please note that most new buildings do not require a preparatory phase. After all, minor unevenness of the rough façade will be successfully compensated for by the special design of fasteners and soft insulation.

After marking and placing the beacons, a frame made of metal profiles is installed. The choice of profile depends on the severity of the materials that will subsequently be attached to it, as well as on the operating conditions of the building. Most frames are made from stainless steel, galvanized steel or lightweight aluminum. The anti-corrosion properties, durability and reliability of these materials make it possible to guarantee the service life of the ventilation façade for at least 3 decades.

Much attention should be paid to the features of fasteners. The greater the load that is planned on the anchor, the more it should be recessed into the wall, and the larger its diameter should be. It is also important to consider the material from which the load-bearing wall is made and its thickness. The correct choice of fasteners will distribute the load properly, protect the walls from exposure to excessive forces, and protect them from deformation and destruction.

Curtain façade materials are attached in two ways: visible and hidden. In the first case, clamps with flat legs are used. If desired, they can be selected by color or painted to match the color of the facing material. This is a more economical way. In the second, self-expanding anchors (collets) are used, which are more expensive than standard fasteners.

Along with installing the metal profile on the wall, other functional designs. For example, brackets for drain pipes, fastenings for ebbs and slopes and other necessary external equipment of the building. At the junctions of the brackets with the base, thermal pads are installed to reduce heat transfer.

An important part of the VF design is the insulation. Insulation boards should be installed starting from bottom row. They should fit fairly tightly to each other in both vertical and horizontal directions.

If the ventilated façade must perform a significant thermal insulation function during the operation of the building, then 2 layers of insulation are installed. It is desirable that the insulation layers differ in both physical and geometric characteristics. Then a softer and more pliable material is installed closer to the wall, capable of absorbing the unevenness of the rough wall. And for the top layer of the “pie”, a denser and more stubborn material is used. In this case, as mentioned above, the joints of the layers should not coincide so that the seams overlap each other, thereby providing reliable protection from the temperature effects of the environment.

The arrangement of ventilated curtain facades involves the use of vapor-permeable, wind- and moisture-proof film. Each slab is first secured with 2 dowels to the load-bearing wall, then covered with several layers of film, and only after that is finally secured with the required number of dowels. The use of special adhesive tape allows you to process the seams of the film according to technology.

It should be noted that the film, unlike most insulation materials, is flammable, so its use reduces the fire safety of the entire VNF structure, and in some cases even contributes to the destruction of the facade.

The final finishing of the facade also begins with the installation of vertical profiles. After all, this is the only way to build air cushion between top layer insulation and finishing materials. This air layer ensures air circulation and reduces the thermal conductivity of the façade.

When choosing fasteners, you should first of all be guided by the weight of the finishing finishing materials. If you plan to use fairly heavy materials, it is preferable to use steel profile and corresponding hardware. Aluminum fasteners are suitable for light and medium-sized facing materials. Aluminum cassettes cannot be used together with a galvanized frame, as such a combination can lead to premature wear of the structure due to corrosion.

Competent design, correct selection materials and the use of high-quality materials in the construction of a ventilated curtain facade make it possible to confidently predict its long service life and high-quality performance of its main functions: protection from the penetration of heat and cold into the room, sheltering the building from moisture, precipitation, dust and dirt, as well as the aesthetic appeal of the structure.

Tips forinstallationathinged ventilated facades

In modern construction, hinged ventilated facades are in high demand. An increasing number of contractors are incorporating similar structures into their projects. This state of affairs is natural, since a ventilated facade is not only a beautiful appearance, but also additional insulation buildings, while maintaining internal space. This means savings on heating and cooling of premises during the operation of the facility.

With such growing popularity, however, the construction of a ventilated facade is a rather labor-intensive construction stage, for which it is recommended to hire professionals who know certain techniques and follow the given rules.

What are these rules and professional practices? Let us indicate the most important of them. First of all, the algorithm for constructing the VNF should be followed.

Thus, at the preparatory stage, careful and detailed work by calculating the dimensions of the building and the thickness of the walls.

Buildings made of foam concrete blocks, hollow brick and similar materials that produce walls with a density below 600 kg/m2 practically cannot be equipped with a ventilated façade. Compliance with SNiP and others regulatory documents regulates the distance of the dowel from the spoon and butt joints of the masonry. Respectively 2.5 and 6 cm.

Thermal insulation boards for VF, as a rule, are supplied with instructions according to which they are installed. Required condition their installation involves breaking the vertical seams, in other words, each subsequent row of insulation is attached with an offset (usually half the horizontal cut).

Installation of brackets selected in proportion to the thickness of the insulation and cladding material is carried out in accordance with markings made using precise marking instruments. An error of 0.5 cm per 10 meters of the facade is considered a construction defect.

According to the ND, a hammer drill is not used for drilling holes for dowels when installing ventilated curtain walls. However, this rule is often not observed by unscrupulous construction crews. A special gasket must be inserted between each bracket and the wall of the rough facade. This helps reduce heat loss and also creates a certain gap that can absorb the deformation of the structure during operation.

Once again let's return to such a ventilation façade element as a membrane /link to membranes/. This integral attribute of a modern ventilated curtain facade takes on the main protective function of the facade itself and the building as a whole. Modern technologies The manufacture of windproof film allows this material to be made in such a way that, while preventing the penetration of wind, external moisture and dust, it simultaneously removes water vapor from inside the structure. Thus, the design of the ventilated facade “breathes”.

Priceventilated façade

The price of a ventilated facade consists of:
- prices of insulation, membranes and finishing materials,
- cost of components (profiles, brackets, other hardware),
- cost of work.
And multiplied by the area of ​​the covered surface of the building.
The cost of work may be fixed per square meter, or may depend on the price of raw materials.

We can roughly divide ventilated facades into 3 price categories:

Economy option. Aluminum or zinc profile is used and inexpensive insulation. The external decorative layer is selected from three options: slabs of stone chips, plastic panels or wooden finishing materials.
The most common plastic panels are siding. This is a lightweight material that is attached to the sheathing. Its front side can be of almost any color and texture. The popularity of the material in the reconstruction of old facades is also explained by the fact that the siding does not require perfect alignment load-bearing wall.

From wooden materials The blockhouse is especially loved by consumers. Cladding the walls using a blockhouse gives the room an appearance similar to that of buildings made of rounded logs. At the same time standard thickness boards 15-17 mm, i.e. it's quite light. The blockhouse is mounted like a constructor, using tenons and grooves and connected without cracks or errors.

The economical version of VF is an inexpensive, but durable and beautiful facade that successfully performs the functions of thermal protection of a building.

Dear VF involves the use of a stainless steel profile. Aluminum composite materials are used for cladding. The choice of these materials is determined by the focus on long-term operation of the facade, because their warranty period is at least 50 years.

All other VF variations fall into the middle price category. Note that the cladding of an average façade in the price range most often involves the use of porcelain tiles. The variety of shades, textures and textures of porcelain stoneware allows you to create facades that fit into any design project: from classic to late modern.

The design of the VF can be changed to suit the needs and wallet of each consumer. The number of layers of insulation, fastening features, and cladding can be exactly what you need.

First Supply Company will always help you choose the optimal materials at the most reasonable prices for installing a ventilated facade of any complexity: from simple and inexpensive to multi-layer and made from the most durable materials.



In modern construction, installation of ventilation facades is becoming more and more popular. These façade ventilated systems differ significantly from the finishing of the external walls of a house that many of us are accustomed to. Exterior finishing should make the building attractive, plus protect it from weather and mechanical influences. In this component even ordinary plaster copes with tasks well. But if you want to get a durable and highly efficient finish, we recommend turning your attention to a ventilated façade.

Ventilated façade is a special design for exterior wall decoration. With its help, heat loss in buildings is significantly reduced, and the system helps protect against external negative influences.

In short, the ventilated facade includes a frame made of steel or aluminum, which is mounted on the walls with special fasteners. It is provided from above decorative cladding.

But when arranging the facade, an additional intermediate layer is used, which includes thermal insulation, waterproofing, etc.

Important design elements of a ventilated façade

If you study the design of the profile for the ventilation facade and the ventilation facade itself, which is recommended to do before the installation starts, then you should highlight several important components in it.

  1. Fastening system. The fastening system of ventilated facades consists of load-bearing profiles, which are mounted on the walls using brackets. The brackets allow you to adjust the distance between the guides and the wall itself. This way there is no need to perform alignment. Due to this, the installation of ventilated facades is considered simpler, faster and easier to perform than the same finishing with plaster. The load-bearing elements of the frame are mounted on the wall surfaces using anchor bolts or dowels.
  2. Insulation layer. A high-quality ventilated facade provides highly effective thermal insulation of a house or structure. In the role thermal insulation material all types of insulation available on the market can be used modern market. At the same time, experts recommend using two insulation materials at the same time, and with different density indicators. So the result of the work performed turns out to be higher than expected.
  3. Moisture protection and wind barriers. A membrane will be installed on top of the insulating layer under the decorative cladding of the ventilation façade. It provides the necessary protection from moisture and air currents. As is known, important feature ventilated facades are ventilation gap. Hence the name of the structures. To securely fasten the windbreak, adhesive tapes are used. This event is mandatory if you want to get truly reliable hinged modern ventilation facades.
  4. Facing. We should talk about it in more detail.

Cladding for ventilated facades

Ventilated façade cladding plays important role not only from the point of view of external attractiveness. Facing materials have an additional impact on soundproofing, thermal insulation and other technical characteristics.

It is between the finishing layer and the previous layers (insulation, wind barrier, etc.) that a ventilation gap is created. His device is mandatory. It is this layer that allows you to achieve the effect of a thermos. This allows the house not to warm up in the summer during intense heat, and also maintains a favorable microclimate in the winter, during frosts.

Various manufacturers today offer a wide range of ventilated facades, the facing layer of which is made of a variety of materials. The most popular cladding options include:

  • Plastic panels;
  • Composite panels;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • Fiber cement boards;
  • Aluminum panels;
  • Steel panels, etc.

Before you start installing ventilated facades, decide what exactly you want to get as a result. Quality device Ventilated facades are carried out today using a very wide range of facing materials, which differ in color, texture, shape and other characteristics.

Here the choice is mainly based on individual preferences, but often also on financial capabilities. Still, the price of a ventilated façade starts from several thousand rubles per m2. And if there are a lot of these m2, then the costs of installing ventilation facades will be significant.

Secrets of success of ventilated facades

It would seem metal profile, fasteners, insulation and cladding. This is the whole essence of ventilated facades, the price of which per m2 is quite impressive. But this is a worthy alternative to traditional exterior wall decoration. Such a device in practice proves its effectiveness and high level of reliability and quality. Installation of such systems is quite simple, and their cost cannot be called overpriced.

To achieve excellent result insulation and cladding, it is important:

  • Properly install the ventilated façade profile;
  • Align the brackets to achieve optimal evenness of the walls;
  • Use highly efficient thermal insulation materials;
  • Do not forget about the need for a wind barrier and a moisture-proof layer in the design;
  • Calculate the number of m2 of surfaces to be covered with ventilated facades;
  • Follow the manufacturers' instructions, which may have their own nuances.

When the profile is of high quality, the instructions are followed, and the cost matches the planned estimate, you receive one of best options facade finishing. Can we say that plaster is a worthy alternative for a ventilation façade? Hardly. Ventilated façade is a more modern, highly efficient and multi-tasking design.

Features of ventilated facades

Ventilated facades have been used in the world for about 50 years. Since the appearance of the first variations of ventilated facades, their design has been improved, a variety of profiles have been used, and modern facing materials. Manufacturers are doing everything possible to increase quality, but at the same time reduce cost.

The result was not long in coming. The cost of highly efficient ventilated facades is gradually decreasing, they are becoming available to everyone who plans to insulate and beautifully cladding the walls of their home, cottage, or summer house, regardless of the number of m2 of surfaces.

There are several key features, which determined the high popularity of ventilated facades.

  1. Elements facade system, high quality profile and the whole design as a whole allows you to increase performance characteristics buildings. At a minimum, a ventilated façade increases soundproofing and thermal insulation performance. No alternative to ventilated facades gives such results.
  2. The load-bearing profile, decorative cladding and intermediate layers of insulation and protection in the design of ventilated facades allow achieving excellent results in terms of protection from adverse external influences.
  3. Ventilated facades change and transform the appearance of buildings. Such a device allows you to turn a nondescript house into a real work of architectural art. At the same time, the cost of the structure is more than adequate.

Key Benefits

The installation of ventilated facades allows you to get a lot of advantages. But still, hanging systems have three most important advantages. Largely because of them, consumers are no longer interested in the alternative, and they choose exclusively modern systems.

  1. The technology is striking in its versatility. Regardless of the date of construction, the materials from which the house was built, the condition of the walls, the amount of m2, all houses and structures can be finished using ventilated facades.
  2. The indoor microclimate is significantly improved. The relatively high cost of the structure is fully compensated by the efficiency of its operation. In practice, it has been proven that ventilated facades retain heat in winter and retain pleasant coolness in summer.
  3. Easy installation, accessible to everyone. Everyone can master the technology of installing ventilation facades with my own hands. To do this, sometimes it’s enough to look at photos and video instructions, choose a high-quality profile, measure the number of m2 of walls, and get to work. No special equipment or special tools are required.
  4. Price. The cost of systems is constantly falling, but their efficiency is increasing. Great prospect, isn't it?!

Ventilated facades are an excellent alternative to outdated technologies, which are much more difficult to implement, but are significantly inferior hanging systems in terms of efficiency, reliability and durability. Installing a ventilator has many advantages. The current price for ventilated facades also applies to them. It’s better to have the installation done professionally so that the ventilation works long and efficiently.