Vk mix input. Vkmix - free promotion of Vkontakte, Instagram, YouTube

VKmix is ​​a social activity sharing service. If you want to draw attention to your posts, to the group, to the materials, to voting, then you cannot do without additional votes.

For these purposes, you can involve your friends, but, as a rule, such actions take a lot of time and the result does not always meet expectations.

Fortunately, there is another way. For example, you can use the VkMix online service.

Vkmix cheat is an online service that allows you to cheat votes in social networks. Moreover, it works not only with VK, but also with YouTube, Instagram, Twitter.


Many are concerned about the legality of such operations. However, we hasten to reassure you: everything is legal here. All this thanks to a special system of work.

For example, the principle of cheating is based on a full-fledged exchange. You complete a task from the service, while other users of the software perform other tasks, which, among other things, bring additional votes to your posts, photos, videos, groups.

The exchange itself is performed using the internal currency of the web service. They are points. For example, while completing other people's tasks, you will receive your points, which you can just spend on cheating votes. Moreover, tasks can be anything. Somewhere you need to put likes, somewhere you need to repost, and somewhere you need to subscribe. You will say that these actions differ little from referring to friends? Not certainly in that way. After all, the number of your comrades is limited, while by spending the same amount of time you can get much more points. But if minutes or even seconds are precious to you (given that you don’t need much to like), then there is another option - buying points for real money.

However, even if you have chosen to earn points for cheating votes with your own hands, this does not mean that you yourself will open the necessary pages and like, repost, etc. A special bot is provided for all this. It is thanks to him, as we said, that you can get more points in a short time. But there is one point here. If you have installed Vkmix cheat in the free version, then this bot works only while you are on the service website. If you have a paid version, then earning points goes around the clock.

Another paid service on the site is the Auto-Liking function. Thanks to this option, all articles that are just published on your page or on your community page will immediately be marked with likes. That is, as soon as new material appears, the much-desired hearts will immediately appear.

In order to enter Vkmix, you do not need to go through complicated authorization, you just need to indicate the address of your page on the social network and like one of the materials that are on the page of one of the users.


Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

It is also worth noting that the system provides for penalties for those users who, after receiving points, remove their likes and reposts set during the task.

System requirements

In order to run this application, it will be enough to have the following operating systems: Win7 x32, WinVista x64, WinVista, WinXP, Win2000, WinME.

How to use

First of all, you will need to go to the vkmix.com website. You will be required to enter your personal account. You can do this using an online account. There is another registration option - using e-mail. It is best to choose just the second option, and only then link your pages on the social network to the created personal account. This method will allow you not to lose access to this service. Also here you will need to come up with a username and password.

In your personal account, there are four tabs in the top menu that indicate social networks. You need to select and click on "Connect". You will be prompted for authorization access. Give your consent.

How to delete

In order to remove vkmix, you just need to go to the VK page, click on Settings. And there at the bottom of the page there will be an option "Delete account" in this service. It is enough to click there to stop using the program's features.

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Vkmix is ​​a service for cheating likes, friends, subscribers, reposts. It winds up in such sites as: Vkontakte, instagram, You Tube, Twitter. We work, read reviews, download.

Today I will tell you about the Vkmix website. Vkmix - this service is designed for promotion in social networks.
With it, you can wind up likes, reposts, subscriptions, friends.
You can promote both social network accounts, likes, reposts, tell friends, subscribers, as well as groups, publics, channels.
Why do you need promotion in social networks?
Social networks are multi-million dollar traffic.
Someone will probably say.
Why do I need some cheats?
Whether you want it or not, right now there are only 2 promotion options for successful social media promotion.

1. Invest a lot of money in the promotion of your page, public, group, community, channel.
2. Free or almost free to unwind in the social. networks.

I suggest you use the 2nd option, Vkmix will help us.
What is the point?
Almost all people who complete tasks: subscribe, make friends, put likes, reposts, etc. will do this for the internal currency Vkmix points. In order to submit your tasks in Vkmix.
Of course, almost all the executors of your task will be inactive, i.e. you and your proposals to them on the drum.
You ask, why the hell do I need this useless ballast?
I'll tell you, you need it, you need it.
We are all subject to the herd instinct in one way or another.
What is it, I think you know.
Will you ask to be friends, subscribe to a channel, community, group in which there is 1 person and that creator?
I think not, even if there is an interesting topic, interesting to read, etc.
This is the first.
Second. How will they find you?
If you have no followers, no popularity, you are invisible on social networks.
Those who have not yet understood what's what, I think, are slowly starting to enter).
Let's move on.
How much do we need to wind up and how long to do this?
As for how much, here everyone will have their own figure, if in your social network, at your request, a community with 10 thousand subscribers is in the first place, then you need 11 thousand, for someone it will be a million, for someone it will be thousands of subscribers enough.
As soon as you are visible, i.e. Promote to the number at which you will be visible in the search.
In short, when users of the social network in which you want to get promoted find you, you can no longer wind up anything.
People interested in you, your services, etc. will start coming.
I think you understand the need for cheating.
Let's finish this question, why do we need to cheat with Vkmix.
We begin to study Vkmix cheat likes, friends, subscribers, reposts.

Go to the Vkmix page carefully ref link!;)

Here I think everything is clear.
We come up with a login, password, write our soap and a verification code.
We confirm. We go to the Vkmix service.
Click on all tasks. To get started, register accounts in Vkmix, preferably in all social networks, i.e. Vkontakte, instagram, You Tube, Twitter.

For example, I have an account in Vkmix loaded in a contact.
With this account, I can perform tasks such as: like me, repost, join communities, send friend requests, leave comments, vote in polls.
Of course, for each completed task, the Vkmix service will pay with the internal currency of the site in points.
In Vkmix, you can complete all tasks: put likes, leave comments, put likes, reposts, etc., or choose something separately.

After you collect a certain number of points in Vkmix, you can add your tasks to this service.
In the left column of the site. My assignments.

If you decide to work in the Vkmix service.

  • If you cheat using Vkmix, daily clean up your community, page, account, group, channel from blocked accounts. Otherwise, sooner or later, the admins of the social network in which you are promoting will clean up blocked users, for Vkontakte this limit is 30% of dogs.
  • For a large number of blocked users signed in your community or friends on your account, you are unlikely to be blocked, but sooner or later they will be thrown out of the search on the social network in which you are promoting. Once again I remind you to clean yourself from blocked
  • For completing a task in any cheat exchange, and Vkmix is ​​no exception, the administration of the social network in which you are promoting, sooner or later, will block your account for high activity. What can you do, a swindler should be in jail), it's the same here. Therefore, I advise you to create several accounts, and not use your own.
  • Don't want to work in Vkmix but only cheat? You can purchase Vkmix points. It is better to bypass the Vkmix exchange itself, it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • Don't chase. You should not cheat more than 300 - 500 people per day. Don't sleep the filter. Get a block for one or two).
  • The last thing I noticed interesting on this Vkmix exchange was the cheating of likes of friends of repost subscribers. Enter the top 100 artists on the Vkmix exchange. Most of the tasks are performed in the social with You Tube, we draw conclusions.

More and more social networks appear on the Internet, which provide an opportunity for everyone to talk about themselves and their interests. Users create groups based on hobbies or to promote their business. Many create communities in order to make money on advertising. All this leads to the fact that more professional people create sites and programs through which group owners are given the opportunity to promote their page on the Internet. In other words, programmers provide a tool to help promote a community on a social network.

There are a lot of such "tools" now. And most of them are paid. Many group owners are afraid to invest their money in dubious programs to get subscribers. There are free services for them, such as VkMix. Reviews about this site are quite mixed. However, many people use it.

What is VkMix

For those who first encounter such services, the principle of working with them may not be clear. The main work of VkMix is ​​cheating.

The first thing to do is register on the site. If you don’t want to spend time on this, then you can use the quick login through your VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram account. It is with these social networks that VkMix works.

Also from the main page of the site you can make a quick order. But for this you will have to deposit a certain amount of money, depending on the desired number of likes or subscribers.

In order to cheat for free, you will have to complete the tasks of other VkMix users. Points received from completing tasks can be spent on your tasks. That is, the service provides the so-called exchange of likes and subscribers. To cheat yourself, you need to like another or join his group. What to do and how to earn, you can already choose on your own.

How to work in this system

Immediately after registration, a window with tasks will open before the user. To perform them, you need to log in to some network. You can do this in four at once and earn points from all accounts. And then spend them on your own group, page or channel.

The service administration claims that all VkMix accounts are safe and you don’t have to worry about being stolen.

So, once on the task page, you first need to select a social network through which points will be earned. After that, you can complete tasks by headings.

After selecting a task, you need to click on it. An additional window will open in which a photo, group or YouTube channel will be loaded. After completing the task, for example, put a like, this window can be closed. The number of points indicated opposite each task will immediately be credited to the account. Thus, earning points is easy in a fairly short time. If you do not want to waste time, then you can spend money on buying the required number of points.

Penalty system

The VkMix service provides for a punishment in the form of account blocking. A fine is issued if the user completed the task, and then removed the like, left the group, or unsubscribed from the channel.

In this case, the performance of tasks for this unscrupulous person becomes unavailable until he pays the fine. You can do this by deducting points or completing the task again.

What to remember when wrapping

If the VKontakte administration detects the use of any tool or program, the group may be blocked forever! And all the work will be in vain. You should also be aware that by winding up subscribers, you can collect a large number of bots in your group, which will eventually be blocked by the social network. VKontakte is allowed to have remote subscribers up to 30%. Otherwise, you can lose the group. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove from readers those who are blocked and whose page no longer exists.

This can happen not only with the VkMix project. It will be impossible to cheat likes if VKontakte detects suspicious activity. That is, too fast an influx of readers or likes.

vkmix. User Reviews

Those who doubt the operation of a particular service can search the Internet for the opinions of people who have used or are using it. It is very difficult to find reviews for VkMix. But those that are, do not carry a positive assessment.

So, for example, one YouTube channel user writes that VkMix are scammers and steal accounts. He allegedly confirms all his words with screenshots and links. Whether this is actually so, no one can verify. It remains only to believe or not to believe this person.

Other users express their dissatisfaction with the fact that the VkMix service does not return the money that was invested in the purchase of points. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully read the terms of service. Yes, VkMix does not return money! But they are spent in order to promote the group.

Is this project worth it?

To trust or not to trust the VkMix cheat site, the reviews of which are not the most positive, is up to everyone to decide. No one is forcing the use of such projects, and, moreover, no one is being specifically robbed of money. The owner of the group decides whether to use the service for free or invest a certain amount, or he can try to attract subscribers on his own and on his own. If time is precious, then you cannot do without such a service. If fear and distrust prevail, then you need to work long and hard to move your project forward.

There are other sites that help to wind up likes and subscribers. As a rule, they all work on a similar principle.

Greetings! Well, friends, I’ll start the review with the obvious - making money on social networks is possible only if you have popular pages and communities. Zero traffic turns any, even the best page or channel, into a virtual "notebook" for its owner. Needless to say, and that the lack of attendance will not bring you any money or recognition. In order to visitors flowed to you like a river, and the money was stacked in mountains of gold, it is very important to bring the page to the top for a number of queries.

I must say right away that this task is quite complicated and requires no less time and effort than, for example, bringing Yandex or Google to the top. No matter how sad it may be, but “natural” popularity is a rare fish, and only a few manage to catch it. Well, since relying on luck alone in the matter of earnings is not our destiny, we will have to work hard and sweat. To call mana from the heavens of the social network, we have to make friends with cheat services. Most of them are paid projects, but there are also resources whose work is based on the principle of " You to me and I to you". For example, vkmix, where promotion will cost you nothing but time. We will talk about how this service works in this article.

Getting started with VKMix: how to register?

In the process of working in vkmix, you now and then have to perform many different tasks aimed at promoting third-party pages. For each successfully completed task, advertisers will reward you with points - the internal currency of the service. In the future, you can use these points to order the promotion of your own projects. If it’s an urgent matter, you don’t have time to earn points, you can always deposit money into your account in the service and start promoting your project for a fee. I can assure you that this way will be much more efficient, and results will appear faster.

So, first of all, we need to register on the service.

Registration in vkmix

To do this, just enter the login and password from the page in the social network with which you plan to work. Immediately after registration, VKmix will require you to log in to the system through a social network.

That is why I find it more convenient to register through authorization at the first stage of interaction with the project.

As soon as you do this, you can safely proceed to cheat likes, friends, subscribers, reposts and everything else. In addition to the Vkontakte network through vcmix you can promote pages on Youtube, Twitter and Instagram (here, again, you need to go through authorization). As for any specific requirements for an account on a social network, there are no restrictions in vkmix. The only thing that the service requires is that the profile be " alive» - with photos, wall posts, friends and followers.

Features of wrapping

Now that we are in the personal account of the service, I want to draw your attention to horizontal menu located at the top of the page. Here you can switch from one social network to another with one click of the mouse and, thereby, switch the list of tasks available for execution.

Next to each task, you will see its cost and the number of executions available at a given time. In the case of the social network VKontakte, most of the promotion tasks are in the categories " Friends" and " Community».

Each completed task will replenish your account by 1-2 points. Despite the fact that, for example, liking posts is much easier than writing comments, the price for completing these orders will be the same. If such injustice does not suit you, it makes sense to choose a service like Vktarget.ru .

Registration in vktarget

You will manage accounts in VKmix through the functional menu located on the left side of the page.

Let's immediately go over each category so that in the future there are no questions about how to use the service. So, in the section All tasks» you will find a list of tasks available for completion. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the free cheat likes, reposts, subscribers and the like is by and large shareware because you have to pay for everything. The only difference is that you will pay for the promotion not money, but with points that you earn by fulfilling other people's orders.

For those of you who don't want to spend time collecting points manually, you can go directly to the " Buying points»and choose the most suitable tariff plan for boosting popularity.

This promotion option will practically not differ in any way from paid cheats through similar cheat sites like VkTarget or V-like . I think it’s not worth explaining to you that you have to pay for everything in this life, and free cheese is only found in mousetraps. So, as for the prices in the service vcmix , they are divided into two groups:

  • « Standard» - for those who are not going to actively buy vkmix currency in large quantities;
  • « wholesale". A great option for those who are going attract traffic globally to your projects.

As soon as the required number of points for appears on your account, you can go to the section " Add task and start placing your order.

We spend earnings

So, we create our first task on the service. First of all, we need to decide in which social network we need to promote our project.

I immediately draw your attention to the fact that each of the social networks available for selection has its own list of actions (this is not surprising, because it is obvious that the promotion of a VK public is significantly different from the promotion of an Instagram account). Once the platform is chosen, we decide on job type. As an example for this article, I chose the social network Vkontakte, where I decided to order a repost of the entry.

You can monitor the speed of the task in the tab " My tasks". As for my order, it was completed in just a few seconds and, amazingly, I received not 5, but 8 reposts. I don’t know what this is connected with, but the more, the better.

The main thing is that everything looks organic, and the VK administration did not consider you a spammer or cheater. Therefore, you must complete all tasks in a dosed manner, at different times, change the number of tasks and check with the number of your subscribers or friends. 200 likes on your post will look extremely suspicious if you only have 200 friends. As practice shows, only 10% of your friends give likes. This is the average value for an active and live account.

reposts will be 5-20 times less, depending on the type of record. Entertainment posts with attached movies or music get more shares. Content related to work, earnings, or various instructions is usually shared less.


AT vkmix It is possible to purchase two types of premium accounts:

  • Gold;
  • Diamond.

However, personally, this proposal does not seem very interesting to me, since the effectiveness of highlighting the name in gold or green letters is extremely doubtful for increasing earnings. As for autoliking, it can be purchased at a more affordable price. By the way, we have not yet talked about how auto-likes work, and therefore I propose to pay special attention to this moment.

Important to know: about autoliking and fines

If you need a large number of likes and do not have time to constantly create more and more similar tasks, it makes sense to use the services of the program " Autoliking". With its help, each new post that you publish in your account will automatically receive likes from the system.

The cost of such a service will vary from the time of purchase. The cheapest will be the software, the duration of which is 3 months.

You can pay for the purchase of auto-likes through WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Visa, Qiwi, Wallet, using a bank card, SMS or in cash. I must say that the acquisition of such software makes sense only if you understand and replenish it daily with a huge number of new records and useful material. If you plan to use the program’s capabilities to boost likes on your personal VK page, you can’t talk about the effectiveness of auto-likes - you will simply throw money away.


And now let's talk about the system of punishments for negligent performers. If you think to outwit the service - to wind up points and immediately delete the likes or comments already placed - the system will fine you. Penalties are valid for 72 hours. During this time, you will have to like the post again / write a comment and so on. If you do not pay this fine, points will be deducted from your account.

If your social network account is blocked by the site administration, just report it to the VKMix support service. In this case, the penalty will be extended. In general, this is all you need to know about cheating in vcmix . Let's look at the terms of the affiliate program of the service.

Service affiliate program

  1. Get one-time bonus in the amount of 15 points for each user involved in the project. Such a reward will be credited to your account immediately after the referral completes 5 tasks in the service.
  2. A deduction of 10% of the amount of points earned by your referrals.
  3. Deduction of 15% of the amount of points acquired by your referral in vkmix.

If you have your own website, affiliate promotion will be quite profitable for you. Unfortunately, the service does not have advertising banners, and therefore we will have to be content with a referral link only. This is how it looks like for example my link .

Similar cheat services

Well, now I offer you a small list of services similar to the mix, which you can use to promote your own projects in social networks. The most interesting sites, in my opinion, are:

  • Vktarget is a cheat service that cooperates with such social networks as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Odnoklassniki and, of course, Vkontakte. Like, repost, cheat subscribers, friends and members of groups and communities at a nice price - you will find all this here;
  • Wkserfing - the site offers a boost of subscribers, likes and reposts. The service quite strictly checks the pages of performers for humanity, carefully filters violators and bots. Advertisers can absolutely free take advantage of advanced targeting of performers;
  • Likesrock – a platform for promotion in social networks, which not only allows you to promote your own projects, but also earn money by investing in the development of this service;
  • Qcomment - a comment exchange where you can order not only likes, reposts, but also reviews for your online store that sells pages or groups. The cost of tasks here is quite high, but the quality of the work will definitely please you.

Order comments in the Qcomment service

Software for cheating subscribers on a personal page or public

Those of you who are planning to promote projects using professional software and want to use a specific, pre-selected, target audience for this, will certainly appreciate the possibilities of such services as:

  • - a program for automating almost all the tasks that a group administrator performs in order to popularize his project. With this software, you can significantly increase the flow motivated clients in your projects. Due to the fact that the program allows you to select the target audience, the speed of project promotion will be many times higher and better in comparison with conventional liking services.
  • Pepper.ninja is an excellent service for parsing the target audience of your business. The functionality allows you to collect traffic from the list of public subscribers, personal pages of competitors, and so on.

Promote your communities with Brobot


In general, on this I would like to put an end to today's review. I really hope that the information I have provided will be useful and help you promote your projects. I will no longer pull the cat by the tail, and therefore I advise you to proceed to testing right now vcmix and decide whether this service should be on the list of your favorite platforms for increasing popularity or not. That's all for me, see you soon, friends!

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Everything was tolerable, I accumulated points, but there was a bug with the insta, which started it all. I reported this to support, immediately described everything in as much detail as possible (since I have experience of communicating with them). Somewhere around the clock no one answered, and then the ban! Without trial or investigation, allegedly for using third-party bots. I wrote from the second account and all that I received in response is that the blocking is correct! Moreover, they are not going to name the details of the violation that I allegedly have. It’s not that I spent a lot of time or money getting points (the tasks were performed by an online bot on their website), but it’s a shame for the points and banned accounts that completed the tasks. It is hardly possible to do anything in this situation, since their rules say that they are generally on the edge, they are not responsible for anything, and as they decided, it will be so! Read their rules and think 300 times before deciding to rely on this site.

In general, I ordered a YouTube subscription, 100 pcs. trial. They added about 30, then they disappeared, wrote to support, they said everything would be fine, in the end they added 30 pieces again, they disappeared again)) In general, after a week of negotiations and unsuccessful attempts, I asked to change the task to likes, I waited about 100 likes, got 14.
In general, look for another service better.
Neither likes nor subscribers have increased, only lava has decreased)) I'll try to write again, but I don't think it will be effective, thanks for your attention.

It was necessary to create activity on a half-dead channel, since it was simply not reasonable to post content on it with such meager indicators, the videos would simply be lost on the 95th page of the search. I decided to make several test orders on different cheat sites.
I bought likes for one video on this site, they were promptly put down and for some time I was satisfied with the result and decided to buy more.

I bought 300 likes for 9 videos.
A day after the purchase - the number of likes in total amounted to 90. (First they were wound up, and then twisted to zero)

It's just something. A third of a percent, Carl!

I have rarely seen a more (censored) service than VKMix.com, although it seems that after a million, everything is mixed up, they all become the same person. But no, this can be said about good resources, but acquaintance with such as this one is stored in memory for a long time. What the service tells about itself is completely untrue: it winds up solid “dead souls”, such as at least 70-80% of the total. But what just pissed me off is that after a while he writes off those few “live” subscribers that were attracted before!

A friend asked me to cheat, I thought, well, there are a lot of services, I was looking for the price as usual and stumbled, or rather stumbled over vkmix.com. The situation is very simple, I cheated subscribers through this service. And the cheating really went on, but after 12 hours all the subscribers disappeared, not all of them, but 10 people from 1000 remained, and the money was spent. I write to those support, asking what’s the matter, they write back that social networks notice suspicious growth and take measures, what measures and what they had to figure out. In general, all correspondence in the screenshot. I categorically do not recommend this service, because they know the result anyway, they take money and then they poke the conditions that I confirmed during registration, and so on.

With the help of VKMix, I wind up likes on Instagram, Vkontakte. Sometimes I increase the audience in communities. I like that everything is free: first I do other people's tasks, then they do mine, everything is fair. To get started, you need to connect your account. It is desirable that it be as lively as possible - with photos, video and audio, friends and subscribers. Although it seems there are no requirements for accounts.
Tasks must be completed honestly. If you join a group, get paid for it, and then leave, the system imposes fines: you need to join the group again within 3 days and put likes there. Otherwise, points will be written off or blocked.
There are a lot of tasks for earning money: I usually join groups, they pay more for this than for likes (literally 1-2 points). You can work not only on Vkontakte or Instagram, there are also Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter. Whoever has pages in these social networks, it’s easier for him - more tasks, more points, more cheating. Such a promotion does not take much time. You choose a task, do it, confirm it - a few seconds. For those who do not like to wait, a paid tariff is provided. You just buy points or generally order paid promotion automatically.

A typical Internet project that allows you to nominally wind up likes, subscribers, reposts, etc. Free is conditional: you do not spend money, but you waste your time and spam the page with all sorts of rubbish. I think it’s not worth using a personal page for promotion, this is already clear.
The principle is as follows: you register, connect your social networks (well done here, they didn’t limit themselves to one VK, there is insta, YouTube and Twitter, although a lot of tasks are still on VK), complete tasks, like, add to friends / group, like, watch the video, make a repost, etc., you get points for it, and then you create such tasks yourself and pay the earned points for their completion. Some users create tasks, others do them, there is a mutual exchange of subscribers / likes, etc.
Of course, you will not meet the target audience here, others also do not sit from their native pages.
Benefit: Contests. They usually go through polls or who will collect the most likes. There, the check is not particularly tough, usually, so you can safely cheat. Those. you participate in the drawing of something, wind up, win, the prize is yours. Speaking about the usual promotion of accounts and social networks, the benefit can only be nominal: to recruit people into a group (purely for numbers, then more than half will either come out or become dogs), you should not be particularly impudent. I don't see any other use case. It is impossible to sell goods through this service or attract an audience. In principle, knowing this, when using the project, you understand what to expect and what goals to pursue.