Name is Nyash Myash. Crimean prosecutor Natalya "nyash-myash" Poklonskaya - no more questions

Natalia Poklonskaya(Nyash-Myash) - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, ex-prosecutor of Crimea, who became popular on the Internet because of her cute, almost anime-like appearance.


In the spring of 2014, on the eve of the referendum on the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Natalya Poklonskaya became acting. prosecutor of the republic. Until that moment, no one really knew her. Immediately after her appointment, Poklonskaya spoke at a press conference and literally captivated the whole world.

Within a few days, Poklonskaya was noticed in Japan. Thus, the RocketNews24 blog published a note about the nanny prosecutor, accompanied by cute photos. The Japanese liked Natalya for her anime-like appearance (the so-called kawaii), and the fact that the fragile girl wore a strict uniform immediately formed a new image of Poklonskaya.

A few days later, a thread dedicated to Poklonskaya appeared on the Western imageboard 4chan.

But the fame of the Nyasha prosecutor reached Russia a little later – on March 19, 2014. But all the media and public pages immediately began writing about her. On March 22, the NTV channel showed a report about the heroine’s sudden fame. The correspondent asked Poklonskaya how she felt about the new image, to which Natalya replied: “Here I am the prosecutor. And that’s why I won’t allow any babbles, babbles, or the like! This is how the “Nyash-Myash” meme appeared - it is also an integral nickname for Natalia Poklonskaya.

In April of the same year, the popular YouTuber Enjoykin released a video edited from Poklonskaya’s speeches (based on that same press conference). The video was called Nyash Myash, and this finally secured this nickname for Natalia.

Poklonskaya and Nicholas II

The national love was short-lived. On September 18, 2016, she was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation. Poklonskaya’s first high-profile initiative was her deputy request to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation about the feature film “Matilda,” which tells the story of the relationship between Nikolai Romanov, the future Emperor Nicholas II, and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. The complaint stated that the film by Alexei Uchitel “distorts historical events.”

The first check did not reveal any violations, but Poklonskaya did not stop there. Commenting on the upcoming release of the film, Poklonskaya listed among the monsters of the 20th century Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao, which aroused the indignation of Russian communists. Now they have begun to threaten her with complaints and accusations of extremism.

At the beginning of March 2017, Poklonskaya reported that a bust of Emperor Nicholas II had been cast in myrrh in Crimea. She noted that the miracle happened on the centennial anniversary of the revolution. The news made the public laugh, and at the suggestion of Nyash-Myash, another meme appeared. So, on March 6, a note “The colander has drained myrrh” appeared on the TJ website, in which the user parodied the story with the bust of Nicholas II.

In general, on the night from the second to the third of February, I cooked pasta. I rinsed the colander, washed the colander itself and put it away. Today when I took it out, there were small drops of oil on it. None other than Miro.Ruslan Karpov

Ukraine vs Poklonskaya

Simultaneously with her appointment to the post of prosecutor of Crimea, Poklonskaya was dismissed from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. A criminal case was opened against her for complicity in actions to seize power. Poklonskaya herself called the change of power in Ukraine an anti-constitutional coup. On March 26, 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine put her on the wanted list.

After her election to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against Poklonskaya under Art. 111 clause 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason).


The name of State Duma deputy, ex-prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya has not left the front pages of electronic media for the last week. And every time after the statements of the people’s choice, heated discussions of her phrases unfold on social networks. How she gained wild popularity, how the young deputy surprised the Russians, we tell in our “Question and Answer” section.

Who is Natalia Poklonskaya?

Natalya Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in the Crimean region, USSR. After a high-profile case against former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Reuben Aronov, in which she was a state prosecutor, Poklonskaya was appointed Simferopol interdistrict environmental prosecutor. Later she moved to serve in the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine.

During the events on the Maidan, Poklonskaya filed a report for dismissal. But just two weeks later, the Council of Ministers of Crimea appointed her prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

On March 25, 2014, it became known that prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya was appointed acting. head of the newly formed Crimean prosecutor's office. Two days later she was promoted to the rank of senior justice adviser. On May 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Natalia Poklonskaya as prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

It is known that Poklonskaya is divorced and has a daughter. Natalya plays the piano and loves to draw.

Why did prosecutor Poklonskaya become so popular?

In the spring of 2014, 34-year-old Natalya Poklonskaya became the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. After that, she gained great popularity all over the world. Natalia was most loved in Japan, since her appearance fit into the canons of beauty for Japanese anime heroines.

The video from the first press conference with the participation of the young prosecutor received more than a million views on Youtube, and her photographs were widely distributed on social networks. Later, numerous amateur drawings of Natalia Poklonskaya in the “moe” style (a certain type of cuteness, as heroines are drawn in Japanese anime and manga) appeared on the Internet. This is how Natalya got the nickname “nyasha-prosecutor” and “cute little nyash-myash”.

In April 2014, Enjoykin's "Nyash Myash" video appeared online about Natalya. In just a few days it became viral and the most popular among Russian videos. Later, in terms of the number of views, it reached the level of clips of world celebrities. To date, it has been viewed more than 27 million times.

In May 2016, she became the most beautiful woman in Russia according to the Russian Reporter magazine. And in September, Natalya Poklonskaya took the seat of a State Duma deputy.

Why did they dislike Poklonskaya and why did Lenin displease her?

It all started with the fact that on November 3, a State Duma deputy compiled her list of “monsters of the twentieth century.” In her LiveJournal blog, she equated Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler.

She later stated that this was her “purely personal opinion” and did not represent the position of her party colleagues. Natalya Poklonskaya said that she did not want to offend anyone by naming the names of several political figures who “shed a sea of ​​blood.”

“I express and speak my thoughts. This is my opinion. We have freedom of speech. I don’t want to offend those people who are members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. I express my position and my attitude on the situation that has arisen,” she said.

Deputy of the Oryol Regional Council Ruslan Perelygin reacted negatively to the comparison of the leader of the proletariat with Hitler. He sent a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check the statement of State Duma deputy Poklonskaya for extremism.

What didn’t suit Poklonskaya in the film “Matilda”?

Literally the next day, Natalya Poklonskaya herself sent her request to the Prosecutor General’s Office. This time about the not yet released film "Matilda".

According to her, this film desecrates the feelings of Orthodox Christians and contains unreliable, false information regarding Nicholas II. The deputy also admitted that she herself had not seen the work of director Alexei Uchitel.

At the same time, the director of the film said that the prosecutor’s office did not find any violations in his work. He also noted that the entire film will only be ready in a few months and no one has seen it in its entirety yet.

The premiere of "Matilda" will take place on March 30, 2017. In the film, the plot is based on the novel between the heir to the throne Nikolai Romanov and the famous ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

Speaking about the situation, the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, director Vladimir Bortko, said that testing the film “is a stupid idea.” The source emphasized that such initiatives “will not pass to the (culture) committee.”

The reason for this was her reservation, which Natalya Poklonskaya made during her broadcast on Vesti FM. The deputy inaccurately quoted a phrase from Alexander Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit” and attributed it to the great commander Alexander Suvorov.

Until recently, few people knew who Natalya Poklonskaya was, but today she is a real star. The new prosecutor of Crimea, Poklonskaya, became famous immediately after her appointment; now she is the idol of many Crimeans, not only young and old, but she is especially popular in Japan. People of all ages and professions agree on one thing - they like cute Natasha, who has 12 years of experience as a prosecutor.

The very background of this appointment is already interesting in that before Poklonskaya, four other applicants were offered to take this post, and they all refused, fearing the consequences. And the fragile, pretty girl with expressive eyes did not chicken out and became a real heroine in the eyes of her fans.

Poklonskaya Natalia: biography

34-year-old Natalya is a native Crimean. She received her higher education at the Evpatoria branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, graduating in 2002. She began her career as an assistant prosecutor, working in the Krasnogvardeisky district (2002-2006) and Yevpatoria (2006 to 2010). In 2010-2011, Poklonskaya held a position in the Crimean prosecutor's office. Then, in 2011-2012, he worked in the Crimean capital, holding the post of interdistrict prosecutor for environmental activities. Soon after being promoted to senior prosecutor of the Prosecutor General's Office, Poklonskaya leaves for Kyiv, where she works in the capital's Prosecutor General's Office.

There is a remarkable episode in Poklonskaya’s biography. In 2011, while acting as a state prosecutor at the trial of Reuben Aronov, a former member of the Crimean parliament, she suffered at his hands. The head of the group, deciding to teach the prosecutor a lesson, inflicted physical injuries on her. The consequences of this injury are still visible today in Poklonskaya’s facial expressions - some of the facial muscles have lost functionality. This left its mark on the way Natalya Poklonskaya looks - the photo reflects this a little, and in the video recordings the consequences of the injury are even more noticeable, the prosecutor speaks as if through clenched teeth. In addition, over the years of work in law enforcement agencies, Poklonskaya survived several assassination attempts.

Recent political events have begun a new beginning in the life of Natalia Poklonskaya. Working in the Kyiv Prosecutor General's Office, she decides to quit because she does not consider it possible to live and work where bandits walk the streets. However, the management does not accept the dismissal report, expecting that Poklonskaya will change her decision. But Natalya is adamant, and having gone to Crimea on vacation, she offers her help in the fight against the new government. Since March 25, she, without fear of possible consequences, has been holding the post of prosecutor of Crimea, which became part of the Russian Federation.

Such actions did not go unnoticed in Kyiv. Poklonskaya was fired from the Prosecutor General's Office, but she was not forgiven for her betrayal and was retaliated against by opening a criminal case - the basis was her participation in actions aimed at seizing power. Since March 13, Natalya Poklonskaya could see her photo on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine - she was put on the wanted list there.

Nyasha-Natasha and the Internet
Immediately after her appointment to a new responsible position, Poklonskaya gave a press conference, which made her famous, giving rise to a new meme “nyash-myash”. The Japanese saw in her a typical anime heroine, they draw her in anime style, make her a cartoon heroine, admire her beauty, without understanding what Natalya herself is saying, since they do not know Russian. Fan art on the social network Facebook is gaining momentum - tens of thousands of people there already know about Poklonskaya and don’t skimp on “likes”. You can even find not quite decent images on the Internet. Now the Crimean prosecutor Poklonskaya admires not only Japanese, but also American artists, who never tire of creating more and more masterpieces depicting Natalia. And, of course, Poklonskaya and the Russian media could not ignore. At the moment, numerous groups dedicated to it have been created on RuNet social networks.

Many may be interested in the question of why Poklonskaya nyash myash and where this phrase came from, which caused a storm of delight on the Internet and was firmly entrenched in the vocabulary of all Natalia’s fans. “Nyasha” is a reference to the same Japan, since this is what the Japanese call something cute and cute, and this is exactly how Poklonskaya appears before them. Well, Poklonskaya herself, having learned about her popularity, was not slow to react, strictly declaring that she, being a prosecutor, would not allow any kind of bullshit. By the way, Natalya herself calmly reacts to her popularity, and rightly notes that people should be judged not by their appearance, but by their deeds.

A common phrase, as they say, has gone to the people in the literal sense. It was she who was chosen for the chorus by a blogger under the nickname Enjoykin, on the wave of Natalia’s popularity, who decided to dedicate his next video to her, edited in particular from fragments of an interview with the prosecutor of Crimea. His creation became an unprecedented hit, viewed by more than 5.5 million people, which allowed him to earn the title of the most popular Russian video on YouTube.

What's next for Natalia Poklonskaya? Perhaps she will not remain in the position of prosecutor of Crimea for long, since the pretty girl will be replaced by some official from Russia. Or maybe everything will be the other way around and she will begin to conduct some other high-profile affairs, again and again attracting the attention of fans.

May 7, 2014 Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia "Nyash-Myash" Poklonskaya in a solemn atmosphere took the oath of Russian prosecutor. This action is illegal even based on the Russian law "On the Prosecutor's Office", but...

In 2002, President Putin, illustrating Russian-Belarusian relations, portrayed a tough approach: " flies separately, cutlets separately";. In 2014, this catchphrase he used became more specific: " prosecutor separately, laws separately"

A couple of months ago it occurred to me to declare that acting. Prosecutor General of Crimea, who continues to wear the uniform of a justice adviser to the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine, is not “Nyash-Myasha”, but an ordinary, quite trivial political and legal prostitute.

In the article "" dated March 23, I cited the text of the oath of the prosecutor of Ukraine, which Nyasha gave earlier, there we cited the text of the oath, since Nyasha gave it, but here, for the convenience of Russian speakers, we will give it in translation, but you can check it with the video from May 7 and with another, now Russian, “oath”:
Original article with all documents

“I, (Nyasha-Myasha) joining the service of the prosecutor’s office, devote my activities to serving the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian state and solemnly swear: to strictly comply with the Constitution, laws and international obligations of Ukraine; by conscientiously fulfilling my official duties, to contribute to the establishment of the rule of law, legality and order ; protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the interests of society and the state; constantly improve their professional skills, be principled, honestly, conscientiously and impartially carry out their duties with dignity. I understand that violation of the oath is incompatible with further stay in the office. prosecutor's office"

It’s clear that the veterans were invited to look at the young woman in colonel’s uniform, how could they live without them when everything is for them? But!!! I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​taking the prosecutor’s “oath” in front of the sitting “Berkut”, this is a complete paragraph! Think about it - the supervising prosecutor in a skirt swears to the supervising that she will: " to fight irreconcilably against any violations of the law, no matter who committed them, to achieve high efficiency of prosecutorial supervision "

To hell with him, if only veterans of the detective and internal troops who had lost their health and limbs on the fronts of the fight against banditry were sitting in front of her... no, in front of her were sitting healthy foreheads in respect of whom an investigation was underway by the state from which they fled! This would be an illustration of post-Ukrainian insanity in Crimea, and I myself thought so at first...

But "Berkut", before whom prosecutor Natalya "No Nyash-Myash" Poklonskaya takes the "oath" not only fled from a country in which criminal cases may have been opened against them, they fled to a country where the Minister of Defense personally awarded each of the escapees a medal from his ministry, on which is stamped the start date of the “Operation to Return Crimea” - February 20, 2014! The day of the mass execution of the Heavenly Hundred of the Maidan!

The Minister of Defense, who sent “polite people” in green masks and awarded the “Berkut” for the operation launched when Yanukovych was completely capable, except for his brains and conscience, asked “No Nyash-Myasha” to swear allegiance in front of those under surveillance? Or the One who never lies asked? Not that important yet.

I suppose I’ll write about this later, because I’m sure that the time is not far off when, instead of the analysis and guesswork of honest journalists and propaganda attacks on their own population, “holders” of orders and medals “for Merit to Those Who Pay the Salary” for “ objective" coverage of events in Crimea, the time will come for normal work by court reporters at the Hague Tribunal on events in Ukraine.

Now I have to prove that Natalya “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya is a political and legal prostitute, and everyone “who cares” knows about it, and is sure that it should be so!

March 23 I am publishing an article" Prosecutor and honor. Incompatible concepts. Appearance 3rd - hentai star", in which I speak extremely unflatteringly about the then acting Prosecutor General of the independent but Autonomous Republic of Crimea, I predict that she will soon become a senior adviser to justice in Russia and the prosecutor of the Russian Crimea. Moreover, the article is initially written as a confession.

March 25, 2014 Poklonskaya N.V. appointed acting Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea
March 27, 2014 Prosecutor General Chaika gave prosecutor Nyasha an asterisk

Not being satisfied with one article, having waited five days for the situation to react, I draw up actual turnout and with this message about the crime I address the President, the Prosecutor General and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee at the same time, sending an electronic copy of this appearance to these three addressees. Gentlemen! Be afraid of what might fall on you, and if you are not afraid, open a case so that they don’t say that I didn’t warn you, I didn’t poke my nose into something foul-smelling! First, on the same day, March 28, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin reacts in the person of the adviser to his department of letters Ostyakova - " in order to ensure Our constitutional right to appeal to government bodies... sent for consideration to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in accordance with competence to resolve the issues raised there...“This is the usual arrow work of the presidential letters department, but the point is that Putin knew! And if he didn’t know, it’s not my fault that in his own administration they don’t consider him to be the president!

April 11 I receive a letter from the Prosecutor General represented by the deputy. Head of the Department for Supervision of Procedural Activities of the RF IC E.V. Antipenko for No. 15/1-r-14 from which it follows that to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation " the application of Nikitenko V.N. is sent according to jurisdiction. to conduct an inspection against him in accordance with Art. 144, 145 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. There are no issues within the competence of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in circulation". This sounds equally strange in Russian and in legal language. What type of SC can it have? jurisdiction? I’m not their investigator, therefore, the investigator has no business “taking charge” of my affairs, except criminal ones! Therefore, there is jurisdiction, which is correct, again if the provisions of Articles 144 and 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation are added - the procedure for considering reports of crimes and the types of decisions made on these reports.

On the same day April 11, Prosecutor General Chaika presents Prosecutor “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya with a certificate of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation with the rank of Senior Adviser of Justice (Colonel). Since it clearly turns out that the Prosecutor General knows that his counterpart, to put it mildly, is a prosecutor-girl of not the most difficult prosecutorial behavior. Besides me, some artist depicts in anime or hentai style (I’m not an expert in them) Nyash-Myasha stroking a goose. And I, with my last strength, trying to shout to the main lawyers of the country, day after day with the highest appearance of the Prosecutor General in Crimea, am publishing an article with a screaming title: “” in which I place, for clarity, a drawing by an unknown artist in a demotivation of my production.

By the way, the next day, just at the time the Crimean prosecutor’s office transferred its website to the “ru” domain, but not all the pages were translated into Russian, I sent all the articles about Nyasha that had already been written to the email address of the Crimean prosecutor’s office. No answer, no hello! There remained hope that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation would restore the honor and dignity of either the entire prosecutor’s office and the President of the Russian Federation, or the honor of an individual prosecutor Natalya “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya and 90% of her former colleagues in the prosecutor’s office of Crimea and Sevastopol within Ukraine. But...

May 2, 2014 Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, signs a decree appointing Natalya “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya as prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea within the Russian Federation. It is strange, of course, that the guarantor of the constitution puts the constitution and laws with an instrument (a writing instrument, with a golden double-headed eagle from the table in the president’s office), but there are reasons for this - in the guarantor, in the constitution, in the laws...

May 6, 2014 I received a letter by registered mail from the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Colonel General A.I. Bastrykin. represented by the Deputy Head of the Department of Procedural Control in the Field of Anti-Corruption P. A Titov, according to which " Our appeal received from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has been considered. In accordance with Federal Law No.... "Oh...." Our appeal was left unanswered on the merits due to the fact that the complaint contains offensive language. We have been notified that it is unacceptable to abuse the right to file a complaint granted to us by law.". And it’s okay that from the very beginning it was clear to everyone that I’m not complaining, but I’m suggesting that they all just look in the mirror, and not at the world through the rose-colored glasses of Rossiya 24. And the fact that offensive language is present in the turnout is also understandable — she’s a pretty woman, Natalya “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya, but she’s not smart, which is excusable for her with such and such new and old colleagues.

May 7, 2014 Prosecutor of the internationally unrecognized Republic of Crimea within the Russian Federation, senior adviser to justice of the Russian Federation, Natalya “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya, conducting her colleagues, smiling and stuttering, finally takes the oath of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation and finally in the form of a “real Russian colonel” prosecutor's office." The shape, it should be noted, is not pretty. But this can be corrected - her position now gives her general's shoulder straps. And Messrs. Putin and Medvedev can throw on her shoulder straps right today, on the occasion of the parade, on the occasion of the final victory of the Russian Federation over common sense. It will bite your elbows Rear Admiral Judas Berezovsky— they won’t give him a single star until he retires!

But why did neither Natalya “No Nyash-Myash” Poklonskaya herself, nor Vladimir Vladimirovich with Alexander Ivanovich and Yuri Yakovlevich begin to defend the prosecutorial honor of all Russian prosecutors in court? After all, from their point of view, I am nobody! It’s simple: now it’s easy to lose in the magistrate’s court to the state machine, tied into a bundle of vertical power. But if such a trial happens, it will not be quiet, because it is clear that I will ask the Prosecutor General’s Office for information about whether Poklonskaya filed a report, whether there were three male prosecutors who were afraid to take on the burden of gold shoulder straps and extensive powers with corresponding assistance “for poverty” ". It’s clear that there are more lies there than necessary, and things will come up that you’d never know...

I really hope that, apart from being awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and general's shoulder straps, the coming days will not bring us any pretty news. Frankly speaking, our Nyasha got fed up during this time.