In a dream, buy red tomatoes. Why do you dream about a tomato according to the dream book?

Tomatoes in a dream- If you are sick and see a tomato in a dream, then this is a sign of a speedy recovery. They say that seeing red tomatoes in a dream means getting angry.
Seeing tomatoes growing in a garden or field in a dream means joy and prosperity in family life.
Throwing away tomatoes in a dream- to illness.
A girl dreams of ripe tomatoes as a sign of meeting a young man or getting married.
If you dreamed that you scattered tomatoes, it means that you will soon have to part with something valuable.
If you dreamed that you were picking ripe tomatoes, it means that in reality you have something to answer for.
If you dreamed of a tomato, then this means that, most likely in the near future, you will have an unexpected but pleasant acquaintance.
If you dream of growing tomatoes, then be prepared for a happy family life - it will be long and joyful, and your family (if it already exists) will become stronger than before.
If you suddenly dreamed of tomatoes, then this is usually a good sign, since such a “hero” of your dreams foreshadows only positive moments and, as a rule, these are health, recovery or happiness and a successful marriage.
If in a dream you see how you eat a tomato, you can be calm about your health - no diseases will come to you.
If in a dream you plant tomatoes, expect guests.
If in a dream you water tomatoes growing in a garden bed, this may generally be a sign of serious rivalry in love and relationships with a loved one. Also, there is an interpretation that if in a dream you eat a red, large, juicy tomato, then this is a sign of imminent pleasure and a good time.
If unripe, unripe, green tomatoes- to bewilderment. The tomato also has a mystery symbol.
If you have already overcome some kind of illness, then it will certainly lag behind, because the tomato you eat for food means nothing more than a speedy recovery and protection from diseases.
There is an unripe tomato- to disappointment.
Closing tomatoes for the winter in a dream- to new plans.
Green tomatoes dream of uncertain actions or misunderstandings.
Eating ripe tomatoes in a dream- to good luck.
A young girl who sees a tomato in a dream will most likely get married successfully, since in general, a tomato means marriage, good luck in finding love or establishing a relationship with a loved one.
Buy tomatoes in a dream- to waste. Throwing tomatoes at someone in a dream means big trouble. Rotten tomatoes are seen in dreams by those who are about to get involved in an unpleasant story.
Watering tomatoes in a dream- to the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire.
Tomatoes, in general, denote strong secret love, and seeing tomatoes in a dream may indicate the emergence of a new, bright feeling.
Dreaming about tomatoes can mean falling in love quickly, or even the kind of love that, due to some circumstances, you will have to hide from the people around you, and often even from those closest to you.
Cutting tomatoes in a dream- to love relationships.
Ripe tomatoes dreamed of by young girls also promise family happiness.
There are several interpretations of dreams in which there are tomatoes. Some say that a tomato is a sign of quick joy and great happiness in family life if there are a large number of tomatoes and they hang on the bushes.

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A tomato in a dream is a good sign; it is often compared to the person who is dreaming and his personal life. For the interpretation of sleep, the color, shape and size of the fetus are of great importance. Every situation in which a tomato is present is interpreted differently.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Meridian's Dream Book says that if a woman saw tomatoes in a dream, then great love and possibly marriage await her in the near future.

According to the Lunar Dream Book, tomatoes dream of love, which you intend to hide, that is, you will meet your partner secretly.

A woman’s dream book promises recovery from a terrible disease to someone who sees tomatoes. If a woman dreams of ripe, juicy tomatoes, then she will get married successfully and be happy throughout her life.

According to the Spring Dream Book, seeing red tomatoes in a dream means being angry with someone, but if the vegetables are green, you will be at a loss.

The summer dream book foretells happiness and joy in the dreamer's family life.

The autumn dream book says that a person who sees tomatoes in a dream will enjoy something good in his life.

According to the Children's Dream Book, tomatoes portend a new acquaintance.

The Wanderer's Dream Book interprets a dream with tomatoes as follows: a person will have a love affair, for which he will be ashamed in the future.

Dream books by Miller and Hasse interpret dreams in which people see tomatoes as secret love in the near future.

In general, the interpretation of sleep can be not only positive, but also negative.

When do tomatoes dream of good things?

Seeing ripe tomatoes means getting married successfully. There will be great happiness in the family if vegetables grew on a bush in a dream. In general, dreams about tomatoes for a family man only mean that there are absolutely no problems or disagreements in his family. A sick person dreamed of eating tomatoes - to a speedy recovery, and tomatoes can be either in a salad or as an individual snack. Tearing tomatoes in a dream means wealth, especially if the fruits are large and juicy. If you watered and cared for fruits in a dream, then you will have good luck in life. Everything you have spent over the years will come back and be ten times more. If a pregnant girl sees tomatoes, then there is nothing to worry about, everything will be fine. Seeing a large harvest of tomatoes in a dream means a luxurious feast, possibly with a pleasant occasion (wedding).

Negative meaning of sleep

Seeing damaged tomatoes or rotten vegetables in a dream means failure and losses. If tomatoes grow in your apartment on the windowsill or on the balcony, the dream indicates the presence of a rival or rival. If you water fruits in a dream, this means that your opponent will be stronger than you, and you will get into trouble because of him. Tomatoes that have turned black from late blight portend disease. After this, special attention should be paid to the organs of vision. Feeding tomatoes to livestock in a dream, whether they are good or rotten, means the illness of a loved one or relative. Cutting a tomato salad means loss of strength and delays in wages or debts. Buying tomatoes is a sign of betrayal, and this can happen both on your part and on the part of your spouse. If, when purchasing, you see yourself at the market and choose vegetables from the general pile, then expect problems with finances. Seeing tomato bushes without fruits in a dream means problems at work. Throwing vegetables in a dream means big trouble. Tomatoes in a dream along with cucumbers are a special sign; you will have to repay debts.

The meaning of a dream about tomatoes of different colors

A red tomato is usually associated with a person’s personal affairs. Seeing a ripe red vegetable in a dream means good news in the family. If a girl sees a tomato in a dream, she will marry successfully. If a family man had a dream, then you should expect secret relationships on the side. A dream about tomatoes promises a speedy recovery for a sick person. Red tomatoes, large, attractive (as in the picture) can characterize you as a strong-willed person, full of strength and energy, ready to accomplish an incalculable number of good deeds. Seeing a red tomato with rot in a dream means losses and losses.

Seeing green tomatoes means difficulties, but don’t give up! You need to put in a lot of effort, and the result will exceed all expectations. Picking green vegetables from a bush means difficulties at work. In addition to work activity, a green tomato indicates that the dreamer is a slacker in love and does not do anything to achieve success with the opposite sex.

Yellow tomatoes in a dream are a warning. What they warn you against - guess for yourself. Perhaps there are existing difficulties at work, there may be discord in the family, dislike from the other half, financial difficulties, illness, a streak of failures, etc.

In general, seeing a tomato in a dream means events in the family, be it a wedding, divorce, the birth of the first child, deception on the part of a spouse, and so on. Different dream interpreters in their dream books describe tomatoes as signs of something different. To fully understand your sleep, you need to study information from several sources and draw a generalized conclusion. You should not rely on one dream book.

Tomatoes often appear in dreams as an omen of prosperity in personal and business areas of life. Women dream of red tomatoes as a symbol of something joyful and bright, connected with family and personal life. For young girls, a dream often foretells a successful marriage, and for already married people it promises an affair on the side.

Children's dream book

Seeing fresh tomatoes in a dream promises the dreamer a quick pleasant acquaintance with an interesting person. Eating tomatoes in a dream means receiving pleasant, joyful emotions in reality.

Miller's Dream Book

Red ripe tomatoes promise young girls a quick successful marriage and a rich groom. The dream also indicates the girl’s readiness to build a serious relationship with her boyfriend.

If you dreamed of red fruits right on the bushes, then soon a sleeping person should expect a visit from guests, which will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions. Watching tomatoes in a greenhouse means that the dreamer will soon be fully rewarded for his efforts. Collect large tomatoes - soon all the troubles will end and the problems will be resolved.

Dreaming of a bright red tomato with a dent or dark spot speaks of the dubious surroundings of a sleeping person, full of envious people and gossips. For a woman, a dream speaks of the dubious reputation of her lover, and for a man - about an unfaithful friend.

Modern dream book

Growing large tomatoes indoors in a dream means that in reality the dreamer has many enemies and rivals. And the larger and larger the tomatoes, the more enemies a person has.

Going through tomatoes and sorting them indicates the attempts of a sleeping person to cope with his enemies - A serious battle with the enemy awaits ahead, which will practically deprive the dreamer of strength.

Blackened tomatoes prophesy to the dreamer a deterioration in his health. Seeing a tomato bush without fruit means that not the best period is coming in the family life of a sleeping person, full of quarrels and mutual reproaches.

Diced tomatoes portend a successful romantic relationship, in particular, promises good luck for girls. For a married woman to cut tomatoes into pieces with her own hands indicates unnecessary troubles and a desire to take on additional work and obligations.

Women's dream book

Cooking tomatoes in a dream means that in reality the dreamer has a secret passionate feeling for some person. Eating an overripe tomato means problems at work or the inability to realize your considerable potential. Women and girls dream of bright red fruits as a sign of love affairs and adventures.

What do green and yellow fruits mean?

Unripe green tomatoes indicate an ambiguous situation in which the dreamer will find himself against his will. The dream also indicates immaturity and frivolity of feelings for a person. Green tomatoes in boxes in a dream indicate the dreamer’s inability to control his emotions and impulses.

Dreamed yellow tomatoes indicate problems in personal life, on mistrust in relationships with your significant other. The dream also foreshadows the revelation of the deception of your lover associated with his betrayal.

Yellow tomatoes on the table predict betrayal of a loved one. The dream also means that the sleeping person will find himself in the very center of intrigue and unpleasant revelations.

Salted, canned vegetables in jars

Salted or pickled tomatoes portend a radical change in the dreamer’s views on his life and surroundings. Eating salted tomatoes straight from a jar speaks of an unusual act, an action that a person will have to perform in reality.

Green salted tomatoes indicate that a sleeping person can take part in a dubious business, which, however, will bring great profits. However, such an action can negatively affect a person’s reputation and career.

Yellow canned tomatoes portend financial problems due to the dreamer’s insolvency. If tomatoes of different colors are salted in a jar, then in reality the dreamer will face a conflict of interests or ideologies.

If canned tomatoes taste sour, then the dreamer’s personal relationships leave much to be desired - perhaps he chose the wrong person as his life partner. The dream may also indicate envious people and gossips in the close circle of the sleeper.

Canning your own tomatoes means that a very important event will happen in a person’s life in the near future. Buying tomatoes in cans means that someone around you is trying to impose their opinion on him.

Seeing plates of salted tomatoes at a large feast in a dream means that one of the dreamer’s close relatives is involved in an unpleasant, even criminal story.

Tomatoes in the garden

Seeing tomatoes in the garden in a dream predicts a joyful, bright event, receiving good news. Seeing a full greenhouse of tomatoes promises a quick addition to the dreamer’s family. The dream also indicates unexpected profit and material wealth.

To a married woman, tomatoes in the garden speak of a happy family life, while single representatives of the fair sex are foreshadowed by an imminent marriage.

Plant seedlings

Seeing tomato seedlings in a dream predicts receiving unexpected news or an unusual gift. The dream also indicates material well-being. Growing tomatoes yourself at home means that the dreamer himself is the creator and creator of his own happiness and well-being.

Planting tomatoes in the beds prophesies for the dreamer professional growth and self-realization, as well as success in the business sphere. Watering and weeding a bed of tomatoes means that all the dreamer’s efforts are noticeable and appreciated by the people around him.

Rotten tomatoes

Rotten tomatoes in a dream - this is a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles and losses. Such a dream often foreshadows problems in personal and family life, separation from a loved one.

Rotten tomatoes in jars predict a deterioration in a person’s well-being and health. Blackened tomatoes indicate financial insolvency.

there are stones.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Tomatoes - associated with blood, fear of rape or fantasies about this.

Family dream book

I dreamed that I was eating tomatoes- great, that means you are getting better.

Growing tomatoes- dream of happiness and joy in family life.

The girl who saw ripe tomatoes in a dream- will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Tomatoes are a reflection of the healing process.

Dream book for lovers

Dreamed of growing tomatoes- a good sign that foreshadows success and happiness in family life. The girl who dreamed of ripe tomatoes- will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Tomatoes are a secret love.

Dream book for a bitch

Tomatoes - happiness and joy in family life, mutual love and respect.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream- symbolize activity and energy. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans. However, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans.

Rotten or damaged tomatoes- a harbinger of failures and losses. The dream suggests that the cause of these failures may be your arrogance or excessive ambitions.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream- to joy and happiness in family life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dreaming of a red tomato- get angry; green- to bewilderment.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

There are red tomatoes in a dream- to pleasure.

Miller's Dream Book

If you eat tomatoes in a dream- it means you are getting better.

Growing tomatoes- promise you happiness and joy in family life.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream- it means she will be happy in her marriage.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Tomato in a dream?

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream- means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden- portends that overly curious people may find out and divulge your heartfelt secret.

Tomato seedlings- means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Seeing red tomatoes in a dream- Badly.

If you dream about ripe tomatoes- disease.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Tomato according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about a tomato? Such a plot- promises you a new interesting acquaintance.

More interpretations

We were engaged in their cultivation- this means, subconsciously, you tend not to advertise your personal relationships.

Seeing seedlings is a warning that an unpleasant guest may visit you.

Watering tomatoes in a dream- be prepared for the fact that you will soon have a competitor.

Good harvest of them- indicates that you will be rich. Bad - promises a slowdown in business developments.

Tomatoes that have gone bad- may be harbingers of health problems.

According to the dream book, throw them away- a sign that you are bringing problems to yourself.

Dream about pickled tomatoes- a warning that you can change your own ideals.

I dreamed that they were cut- this means you can lose income.

If you bought them, be careful, business competitors are sharpening their grudge against you

Tomato as a dish ingredient- a reflection that you will live for a long time.

In your dream you chop tomatoes- in reality, temporary financial difficulties await you, there will be problems with the source of your financing.

If you put them in tomato soup, you risk very soon falling literally madly in love, forgetting about everything in the world except the object of your adoration.

The dream book interprets yellow tomatoes- as a warning that your significant other may treat you dishonestly and even betray you.

If they have deteriorated and rotted- this is a sign of some troubles in your life, which, however, you can cope with very well; it is also a warning that there are not entirely worthy people next to you.

You are reaping a successful harvest of these vegetables- in the near future all your problems will be resolved, failures will leave you alone, you will become much wealthier financially.

Picking unripe tomatoes in a dream means achieving what you want will not be as easy as you expected; unforeseen difficulties will arise on the way to your goal.

I dreamed of unripe green tomatoes- this means that because of doubts about yourself and your own strengths, you will find yourself in an awkward position. This is a hint that you should act decisively and believe in yourself.

Beautiful red fruits- promise prosperity in absolutely everything, you will feel great, achieve what you want in business, and at the same time find happiness in your personal life.

According to the dream book, ripened tomatoes- this is a harbinger that in the very near future you will have your own wedding, and your married life will be full of love and joy.

You see how they ripen - real happiness awaits you in your personal life, you will be able to enter into a marriage in which mutual respect and prosperity will reign.

A dream in which you ate delicious tomatoes suggests that your health will improve and you will be able to forget about your health problems for a long time.

Dream, with canned tomatoes- speaks of a change in your ideological positions, you will understand that even the impossible is possible.

Video: Why do you dream about a Tomato?

If you eat tomatoes in a dream- it means you are getting better.

Growing tomatoes- promise you happiness and joy in family life.

Children's dream book

Tomato- to a new, rather pleasant, acquaintance.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Tomatoes- reflection of the healing process.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream- to joy and happiness in family life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

There are red tomatoes in a dream- to pleasure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dreaming of a red tomato- get angry; green- to bewilderment.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream- means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden- portends that overly curious people may find out and divulge your heartfelt secret.

Tomato seedlings- means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering tall, large tomato bushes in a dream- foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living next door to you. Picking ripe red tomatoes- to happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green- to an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled tomatoes, blackened by unexpectedly early fogs- a bad sign that foretells weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes- fail due to your own carelessness, feed to cattle- to the illness or death of loved ones.

Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream- means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom. Cut tomatoes for salad- portends a decline in business or a delay in wages, cook borscht with tomatoes- love is ripening in the soul and will soon spill out with crazy passion.

Buy tomatoes in a dream- portends that you may suffer a serious defeat in the competition from your commercial rivals. There are fresh tomatoes- carefully monitor your property, which you may lose; tomato dishes- you will reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Tomatoes- secret love.

Women's dream book

Eating tomatoes in a dream- to recovery from illness.

Growing tomatoes- portend happiness and joy in family life.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream- she will be happy in marriage.