Who is the nationality of the deputy sadrine. Pavel Bead, Biography, News, Photo

Pavel Beadinina, whose candidacy in 2018 appeared on the list of candidates for the highest post in the state, is called "Red Director" or "Strawberry King." The reason for bright epithets lies in the activities and political affiliation of Pavel Nikolayevich. He leads the largest agricultural enterprise that grows garden strawberries and strawberries. According to unconfirmed information, the state farm produces a third of fragrant berries in the country. The presidential post of Brasinina nominated the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

The future director of the state farm and presidential candidate was born in the capital in the fall of 1960. Parents - Nikolai Brasnin and Seraphim Pischik - met and created a family in an agrarian university when they were students.

In the veins of the breast, Russian and Jewish blood flows - from the grandfather of the mother.

A year after the birth of the firstborn, the new cell of society went to the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, where young professionals received the distribution. We worked in the state farm named Lenin, whose lands were flooded with Kashirskoye highway. The parents of the past Paul have determined the state -hold school.

After presenting the certificate of maturity, the guy, following the example of Parents-Agrianov, became a student of the capital Agro-Engineering University named after V. P. Goryachkin, where he studied until 1982. Having received a specialty mechanical engineer, Paul returned to state farm. First workplace - Assistant Brigadier Tractor Brigade.


A year after the end of the university, the young specialist was entrusted to lead the mechanical workshop. POSTANIC'S POST OFFER held until the 1990th. The collapse of the Soviet Union led toctonic changes in the planned economy. Time dictated new approaches to work in the agricultural industry. The 30-year-old engineer became the Deputy Chairman of the Counsel. His duties now included commerce issues.

Difficult years demanded from the young head of the Miskalki and the Business Initiative: the agricultural enterprise had to save from the collapse of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe post-Soviet economy.

In the mid-1990, the 35-year-old Deputy Director took a place at the "Sturvala" of the state farm, which turned into a closed joint-stock company. The only thing that retained the head is the name of the leader of the proletariat in the name of the agricultural enterprise.

Understanding that legal knowledge is needed in new economic and legal realities, Pavel Beadin in the early 2000s entered the Academy of Public Service, where he received a second diploma.

Opponents and critics of Pavel Brasinina argue that the agricultural enterprise headed by him receives profit not from agricultural activities, but from renting "Golden Hectares" next to MKAD. Allegedly on the leased (by other information - sold), the state-owned lands are located trading and dealer centers of the Russian shark business. And the reporting of the CJSC opens the curious that the cultivation of land and the sale of its fruit brings state farm only losses. But the evidence of the soundless was not submitted.

Communists, supporters of Pavel Beadinin, represent a different picture, calling the company "Island of Economic Jublics" headed by the enterprise, who survived due to refusal of the director from the liberal capitalist principles of management. Therefore, the state farm managed to build a school where students are fed free dinners, which is beautiful in the Moscow region a kindergarten and a clinic, which is free of charge workers with families.

Apartments in the houses erected on the lands of the agrarian enterprises are acquired with significant discounts, and the salary in the CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" unheard of agricultural industries - 78 thousand rubles. Therefore, vacancies provided by the state farm disappear in the blink of an eye.


Pavel's politician Bresher came in 37 years. In 1997, he ran into the regional Duma from County No. 2 (Leninsky district) and became a deputy. He worked in the Committee on Finance and Taxes (replaced by the Chairman of the Budget Committee).

After 2 years, the "Strawberry King" and the deputy replenished the ranks of the party "Unity". In Zero, Pavel Nikolaevich became a trustee of the candidate for the presidential post. In September 2002, a new page appeared in the political biography of the prominent Agrarian: the first time the deputy mandate of the regional Duma was obtained for the second time.

5 years later, the voters were supported by Pavel Nikolayevich for the third time, confusting the interests in the legislative assembly of 4 convocations. This time he passed on the list of the United Russia party and worked in the Committee on Economics and Innovation.

In 2010, the Bescrain left the "United Russia" ranks and next year he ran from the Communist Party. But a month before the holiday of the willing of the media, a resonant interview of the candidate for deputies of Paul Beschant appeared. "United Russia" - now the competitors of Pavel Nikolayevich - saw in the statements of the candidate, incitement of an interethnic retail (sternum allegedly proposed to replace the janitors from Uzbekistan with modern appliances) and appealed to the court.

The judges agreed with the applicants and removed the candidate from registration. Later, the Supreme Court abolished the decision, recognizing the distortion by journalists of the words of the breast, but the temporary ban on participation in the election remained.

In the fall of 2016, the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Pavle Beschard into the list of elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation, but the applicant failed. But next year, he ranked Chair Chair in the Council of Deputies of the prominent (Administrative Center for the Leninsky District).

Personal life

Pavel Bead is married. With the future wife, Irina met in his native state farm. The wife gave the policies of four children - equally sons and daughters. The eldest son is an entrepreneur, owns restaurants and cafes, the second works in his father's state farm - heads the lease department.

Spouse - Irina Igorevna - the owner of the beauty salon.

The family of "Strawberry King" lives in an apartment building, where employees of the state farm live. Rumor, the neighbor of the family in the site is a statement tractor driver.

Pavel Bescraine now

Under the Curtain of 2017 at the CPRF Creation, delegates voted for the nomination of the "Red Director" by a candidate for the chief state post. The name of the breast was offered, he also headed the election headquarters.

Pavel Beadin became a single candidate from the Communist Party and national-patriotic forces. The point in the semi-annual meeting was delivered by Internet primaries: the promoter of the Communists bypassed the main opponent.

In January 2018, Fom conducted a sociological study and gave the voters the opportunity to assess the chances of the breast to become the "People's President". According to the results of the study, the breast is familiar with 34% of the Russians participating in the survey, 15% appreciated the candidate positively.

In the second half of January 2018, Pavel Breastine went on the regions of the Federation with election performances. At meetings with voters, the candidate unfailed to responded to Putin, criticizing the head of state for the missing rigidity in the question of personnel cleaning. According to him, Vladimir Vladimirovich did not find the strength to dismiss ministers, not cope with the tasks, and hire "normal managers."

About the material status of the applicant for armchair number 1, the electorate learned from the Russian CEC. In early 2018, the Commission reported that the candidate got rid of accounts in foreign banks, but in February, the CEC Chairman said that the Commission had no confirmation of the closure of 4 bank accounts in Austria and Switzerland.

The applicant was armed with the program called "20 steps Pavel Beadinina" with which those wishing could get acquainted on the official website of the Communist Party.

Awards and achievements

  • 2000 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2001 - Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
  • 2002 - CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" entered 300 best agricultural enterprises of Russia, and sternum - to the "Top 1000 Russian managers" rating
  • 2005 - became the winner of the contest "Manager of the Year-2005" in the nomination "Agriculture"
  • 2010 - Winner of the National Prize "Best Leader of the Year 2010"

Pavlin Pavl Nikolaevich - The presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at the elections in 2018, took second place with the result of 11.77% of the percent of the votes. Pavel Grudynin is director of the prospector of Lenin Soviet CJSC. Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Pavel Nikolaevich also is engaged in politics and state affairs.

Childhood and Education Paul Beadinina

Breastin Pavel Nikolaevich was born on October 20, 1960 in Moscow. Paul studied in the Leninsky district, graduated from school in 1977. After that, Pavel Breastin chose the profession of an agricultural engineer and entered the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Production Engineers (MIP). Goryachkin.

Having obtained a higher education at the university (1982), Pavel Beadlin became a mechanical engineer and got a job in the state farm named after Lenin, where members of his family had already worked. Already working in state farm, Pavel Nikolaevich received a new education in 2001 - he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence.

Labor career Pavel Beadin

In the photo: Pavel Beadlin (photo: mkkprf.ru)

Pavel Grudlin from 1982 to 1989 was the head of the mechanical workshop. Pavel Nikolaevich has always conscientiously treated his duties, so his labor career grew. In 1990, Brasser became the deputy director of the Sovkomoze, and in 1995 the general meeting had a great confidence and elected Paul Nikolayevich director of CJSC Sovzhoz named after Lenin.

Since then, the breast is working in this position to this day, which indicates its constancy and success in work.

About the enterprise, which manages Pavel Breastin, responds very well in the media, and among the people of Molver about the "state farm named after Lenin" goes as a real island of socialism in the rigid capitalist jungle of the Moscow region. "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" can rightly be attributed to the most socially oriented enterprises. The state farm builds at home to his employees and distributes apartments for free. In addition, infrastructure is actively developing. Schools and kindergartens appear, "wrote" Free Press ".

September 27 in Moscow State Union. Lenin, which is 500 meters from the Moscow Ring Road, a new private institution of preschool education (miracle) "Childhood Castle" -2 has opened. In the opening ceremony, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Gennady Zyuganov, Deputy Chairman of Mosobldumum, Head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Nikolai Vasilyev, Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Marina Zakharov, head of the agricultural settlement of the state farm. Lenin Elena Dobrenkov and, of course, director of CJSC "Sovzhoz. Lenin "Pavel Grudlin (in the photo) (photo: mosoblduma.ru)

"On the territory of the state farm, we abandoned the liberal changes that were held in our country for the last 25 years. We tried to preserve socialist principles. Today we have free hot meals in schools, free circles, free medicines in the clinic. We try to make the utility rates on our territory below. Children's park on our territory is free. All, naturally, at the expense of the state farm. We have retained the socialist principles when "everyone in labor" and try to promote them. If all the state farms and collective farms of the Moscow region worked as we, everyone would have the same kindergartens, the same ponds with swans, the same technologies, because we had a lot of money in the modernization of production, and the same salary as we have . It is only necessary to fulfill the right thing, "said Pavel Brasnin about CJSC Sovzhoz named after Lenin, with whom his whole biography is connected.

In the photo (left to right): Ambulatory of the state farm named after Lenin; Pavel Bescard in "Childhood Castle", in the gym (photo: mosoblduma.ru)

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Committee, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Affairs Vladimir Kashin noted that "state farms them. Lenin is a vivid example of the social development of the village "and among the successful farms of Russia is the" flagship in matters of social development ".

In the news it was reported that the state farm named after Lenin two decades are among the 300 best agricultural enterprises of the country, and its director Pavel Nikolaevich Grudlin has been among the 1000 best managers in Russia since 2002. In 2005, Pavel Breastin won the contest "Manager of the Year-2005" in the nomination "Agriculture".

For the achievement of the head of the head of the Sovzhoz named after Lenin, Pavl Nikolayevich, in 2001, was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation".

In the career of Pavel Nikolayevich Beschaene there are other achievements, he laureate the highest public award in the sphere of food production "for the abundance and prosperity of Russia" (2006) and the badge of Assagros "For contribution to the development of the APK" (2013).

Political Activities Paul Bescraine

Gradually, Pavel Nikolayevich entered the life of Pavel. Pavel Beschadinina was elected by a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma (1997-2011).

In the photo (right to left): Director of the "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" Pavel Grudlin and the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky during the collection of strawberries in CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin", 2012 (photo: Sergey Karpov)

Pavel Beadin also is a member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Agro-industrial Complex of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

In the photo: Pavel Bead at the Moscow Economic Forum (WEF), 2012 (photo: Alexander Legky / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

November 7, 2017, deputy of the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament from the Communist Party faction, a spokesman for the communist leader Gennady Zyuganova Alexander Yushchenko, commenting on the news about nomination Zyuganov said that the decision to nominate the presidential candidate from the party was not yet accepted. It is appropriate to recall here that 2017 the Left Front movement organized a national vote (primariza), which was to decide to decide the presidential candidate in the elections of 2018 from the left and patriotic forces. In the first round, the primaries of the "Left Front" was determined by a dozen: Yuri Boldrev, Pavel Grudinin, Konstantin Semin., Sergey Glazov, Zakhar Prilepin, Sergey Shargunov, Mikhail Popov, Boris Kagarlitsky, Maxim Shevchenko and Valery Rashkin.. In the second round, which was held from 24 to 30 November, the participation took two leaders of the first round - Yuri Boldyrev and Pavel Beadlin. According to the results of the vote with the result of 58.4%, Pavel Nikolayevich breastin won. More than 15 thousand people took part in the voting.

Russia. Moscow. December 18, 2017. Economist and Politician Yuri Boldyrev, Head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma Gennady Zyuganov and director of the state farm named after Lenin Pavel Beadlin (in the photo from left to right) during a press conference dedicated to the presentation of the team and the People's Patriotic Forces Program on the eve of the 2018 elections (photo: Sergey Fadichev / TASS)

In the news, with reference to the sources, it was reported that the Communist Party of the Communist Party see the popularity of their supporter, the director of the state farm. Lenin Pavel Beadinina, and can nominate this strong businessman and an interesting speaker as a presidential candidate.

When voting in the group "Properties of the Communist Party" (considered close to the leadership of the party) of the social network "in contact" for Pavel Beadinin, 31.5% were spoken by votes, for the ex-deputy chairmen of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Yuri Boldyreva - 14.9%, and Gennady Zyuganov only closes The top three (14.7%) reported the Edition "On the eve".

On December 13, the Perm Communists proposed to nominate Paul Beadinin a single candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation from left and national-oriented forces, the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk District Committee of the Communist Party stated Sergey Andreyanov.

Russia. Moscow. December 18, 2017. Head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma Gennady Zyuganov and director of the state farm named after Lenin Pavel Grudlin (in the photo from left to right) during a press conference dedicated to the presentation of the team and national-patriotic strength programs on the eve of the elections of 2018 (photo: Sergey Fadichev / Tass)

On December 21, the congress of the National Patriotic Forces of Russia decided to nominate as a candidate for the presidents Yuri Boldyrev, and behind Pavel Bescharin was fixed the place of the likely chairman of the government. On the same day, the media reported that Gennady Zyuganov sees the best presidential candidate Paul Bescrain.

Later, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lenin Paul Beadinina candidate for the position of President of the Russian Federation. It was reported that the breast was on the election "with the Communist Party of the Communist Party", and Gennady Zyuganov will be headed by the Supreme Council of People's Patriotic Forces and Headquarters on the election campaign of Pavel Bescha.

Breastman himself spoke about readiness to compete for the presidential chair, if his candidacy would be supported. At the same time, he stressed that with a fair election, the CPRF candidate will not be competitors.

On December 23, at the pre-election congress, the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Pavel was officially nominated by the presidential candidate in the elections in 2018. The "Free Press" reported that the non-partisan director of the state farm named after Lenin was a secret ballot of the Delegates of the Emergency Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was chosen by the presidential candidate of Russia.

"On 314 votes only 11 against - I think that this is a very good result, considering that I am a non-partisan," RIA news of the Bescraine itself about the voting at the congress.

Member of the XVII Congress of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky believes that the nomination of the Greet "opened the presidential campaign of 2024". "Pavel Beader has every chance to collect the entire communist electorate and patriotic too. And even select a partly voice from Zhirinovsky and in some other candidates, "said Agranovsky in an interview with SP.

Political scientist Paul Holynakov appreciated the chances of a new candidate from the Communist Party, "Rather, like high."

Critical statements Paul Bescha

Pavel Nikolayevich The breastin in his speeches often talks about the Lukeva statistics of "achievements", where everything at the level of the registry level, the incompetence of the government, which supports banks, and not agriculture; about why it reduces the cost of living, and the products are becoming more expensive and the population is poor; About officials to whom without a "suitcase" do not break through, outdated technologies and money for the modernization of agricultural industry, a low level of training of specialists to work in high-tech industries, the consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO, and - the prosecutor ... Turning strawberries on the state farm plantation.

"100 years ago they said:" The land - peasants, factories - workers, and all power - advice. " The people's enterprise is what Lenin spoke about 100 years ago. If someone thinks that Gazprom is a national heritage, then this is not true. The people's treasure will not invest mad money into foreign football clubs and pay the salary to her beloved, in order to immediately leave everything without gas, or the price is to make such a gas that it becomes impossible to live, "said the sneaker.

"If the Russian person does not give a job, he begins to drink. And if he drinks, it becomes a declassed element. And who led Russia to the fact that even Herman Gref In all, it allows you to call our country "Downshifter", that is, a loser? It is those people who continue to be in power today! "," Said Pavel Nikolaevich Breastin in the summer of 2016.

"Society in Apathy: Hope is lost on a renewal, a specific decision of the perishable economic, social, political problems. At the fourth duration of the dominance, wait for something new from, say, the new-old president, at least weirdly. And here is the viability of the country, whether it will remain a single power, or fall apart on the station? ", - said Pavel Brasnin in an interview with SP in December 2017.

Elections-2018, presidential candidate campaign

Before that, the presidential candidate Paul Brasnin presented his program consisting of 20 points. At a press conference in Moscow, he called it a "program for all".

The first visit in the framework of the pre-election tour in the country Pavel Brasnin was accomplished in St. Petersburg. In the city on the Neva, the presidential candidate was visited by the "Kirov Plant", gave a press conference in TASS and met with voters.

Then the breast was visited by Samara and Tolyatti, and also took part in a meeting of the district deputies of the Serpukhovsky district, which discussed the terrible state of affairs with the Lesnaya trash can.

In the news of many media and even federal television channels against Paul Beadinin, information was frankly blocked. As the "SP" wrote, representatives of the media at press conferences were interested in the question of foreign bodies of the breast, although he was clarified immediately after the completion of the New Year's holidays, and all journalists who were preparing for a press conference could not know it. January 12, when the Central Election Commission registered the presidential candidate from the Communist Party. Member CIK Evgeny Shevchenko He said that by the time Paul, the Bescharian foreign accounts and securities did not have, they were at the time of nomination, which is permitted by law.

At the same time, in the news of many media "to the unaware" of 25 million rubles on these already closed Bescraine accounts have become 7.5 billion rubles, the total cost of the securities package, according to the law specified on the CEC website, the authors of publications multiplied by their number.

At the first press conference of the breastin in TASS, the presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Communist Party Certainly clarified this question: "The one who has opened foreign accounts should immediately notify the tax inspectorate. The tax inspectorate knew perfectly, the bills were opened in March 2017. This is due to the personal tragedy in my family, I don't really want to discuss it, unfortunately, we have some operations, in Russia, do not yet. Everyone knew about these accounts, no one forgot, there were three of them. On December 28, I had a paper in my pocket that these accounts were closed. The Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was preserved. But it was preparing for this. And when the 21st documents came, suddenly it turned out that in this bank there are two more transit accounts that I didn't even know about. You know if money is simply lying in foreign banks, they are depreciated, so the bank offers such a service as the purchase of securities. Everything was done absolutely correct, in accordance with the law. But what was so much excited? Instead of "securities" in the documents submitted to the CEC, "Security" was written. This led to the fact that people began to multiply. Although, if you take the law and applications, the price of the entire package is indicated. Yes, indeed, I had 25 million rubles at the current accounts. "

Then the candidate from the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Pavel Smydinin explained for what they needed accounts abroad. "Yes, I made an operation of my mother abroad, yes, my sister also had an operation abroad. Yes, in the near future there will be a lot of money spent and not only of my relatives, but also employees. We treated people in Israel, in the USA. We brought the situation in health care to such a situation that everyone should spend money for treatment abroad, "said Pavel Beadlin.

Nevertheless, the question of the bill and fiction media "billion breasts" continued to be mentioned in the news. And during the tour of the CPRF Candidate for the country, questions about the accounts asked him the most unexpected characters.

At the same time, on January 19, the police in Novosibirsk was arrested by the circulation of the information bulletin " truth"With information about the presidential candidate Pavel Bescraine. Later, the same case occurred in Buryatia. The legal service of the Novosibirsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation promised to protest the decision of the regional election commission, which recognized illegal agitation number 2 of the newspaper "For People's Power".

Presentation of the presidential candidate

The candidate for the election of the president of 2018 Paul Brasnin said that Russian banks should not be engaged in usury, and entrepreneurs should be confident that their business would not stop the fault of banking structures.

Pavel Breastin shared his opinion on demographics in the country. According to him, young people need not to persuade to give birth to children, but to create the opportunity to live in their own apartments.

The candidate for the presidential election of 2018 Paul Brasnin answered the question of the situation with the Donbass:

"Anyway, we are related peoples with Ukraine and sooner or later we will live in peace and harmony. And the Russian people in the Donbas must decide on themselves, and their decisions should be the main for all organs who are trying to play this game, "the correspondent" SP "by Pavel Beschant in Press conference in St. Petersburg quoted. Previously, Pavel Beadlin at a press conference in Moscow shared his vision of the future DPR and LNR.

The presidential candidate Paul Brasnin believes that its commodity continues to remain the main problem of the Russian economy. According to him, if the commodity sector is removed from the GDP, then the fall in this indicator in 2017 would be 1.5-2% instead of the declared growth of 1.5-1.7%.

"Our economy over the past 18 years has become even more primitive. Technical backwardness aggravated, equipment wear in industry is higher than 50%. And even in the oil and gas industry - 55%. Here you have "upgrading." It is clear that with such a guy on the legs it is impossible to increase by a third share of modern products by 2018, as promised in the famous "May decrees" of the president. Really, this share is now 9% against 15% in 2012. Our country is still a raw material appendage of the West, "the candidate believes.

Election Results-2018

On March 23, the Central Election Commission voiced the final results of the election of the President of the Russian Federation, which took place on March 18. With the result of 76.69% of the votes, the operating head of state, Vladimir Putin, was taken first place, in all of his support, 564,30712 Russian citizens were expressed.

The second place with the result of 11.77% of the percent of the votes was taken by the candidate Pavel Smyrdin, he was supported by 8,659,206. Vladimir Zhirinovsky came to the finish of the campaign of the third with 5.65% of the percent of the votes, thus, 4,54,985 people were voted for him. Ksenia Sobchak managed to attract 1,238,031 of the Russian citizen to his side, which is 1.68% of the votes.

In total, 73629581 people took part in the elections, which is 67.54% of the total number of voters included in the lists, RIA Novosti reported.

The result of Pavel Beadinina worsened as the voice counting. After processing, 25.03% of the final protocols of precinct election commissions from the CPRF candidate and the NPSR were almost 16%.

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the CPRF Dmitry Novikovat a press conference on the results of the results of the voting in the 2018 elections, he said that the decline in the percentage of votes filed for Paul Beastrin as the country approached the center from the Far East could be associated with the use of floors processing complexes.

"Widespread use of Koibov, we consider the reason for such results, an indirect confirmation of this is the fact that our observers demanded the recalculation of votes, they have such a right, but everywhere they received a refusal of this procedure," said Dmitry Novikov.

The Communist Party of the Communist Party considers that the use of election ballot complexes (COIB) led to election falsifications. According to the head of the party, Gennady Zyuganov, can not be trusted.

"I want to turn to the people who supported us, they proved their combat capability. Not for money, but for conscience and honor worked for the benefit of the Communist Party, NPSR, prescribed in the program of ideas. It is absolutely convinced that the current president won, but what was done by officials and the media during the election race, allows me to say that it was dirty elections that do not meet international standards. The government should understand that if it is violating the law itself, it cannot require him from the people. The government should show an example, "said Pavel Smydin after completing the elections.

Personal life Paul Bescraine

On the personal life of Pavel Nikolayevich knows extremely small. Pavel Smyrina was married to Irina Bescushin. In the family, two adult sons - Artem and Anton, Also, Paul Brasinina has two granddaughters.

In 2018, the world court of the Babushkinsky district of Moscow decided on the divorce of the ex-candidate for the President of Russia Pavel Bescrain and Irina's wife, RIA Novosti reported.

"The last nine years I did not live with my wife. It all knows. And in court, knowledgeable sources stated that I left the family exactly nine years ago. But with the girl named Ksenia, I met later, seven years ago. And I left the family not because of Ksenia. Two years later, I just met her. Ksenia worked with us in accordance with the lawyer, "the breast commented on the situation in his personal life" MK ".

Pavel Besradin also said that Irina did not give him a divorce for a long time, although they communicated only through children.

"In my presidential candidate materials recorded - four children. Everything is officially decorated in the registry office. We live in a small village, where, without exception, they know that the director of the state farm, younger children go to kindergarten, "Pavel Beader also told Pavel about two children from Ksenia.

In the biography of Pavel Beadinin in Wikipedia, it is said that he has two children from Xenia - Alexander (born on August 14, 2012) and Daria (born March 19, 2014).

Pavel Bead after elections, persecution, raider capture attempts

In February 2019, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region refused to satisfy the claims of six shareholders of the Moscow Region CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin", as reported in the news.

The plaintiffs demanded to recover from the director of the state farm Paul Beadinin about 2.1 billion rubles in favor of agricultural enterprise. It was about compensation for damages, allegedly incurred by the enterprise as a result of a transaction on the share capital of the company TT Development LLC of two land plots. In the spring of 2018, the court recognized the deal invalid, as well as unprofitable for the state farm and shareholders - all this hit the news during the presidential company, although Paul Breastine noted the hopelessness of this process and its inconsistency of the laws.

In 2019, the breast, commenting on the outcome of the case, noticed that "certain political forces periodically activate the fight against state farm."

In February, another news about the former presidential candidate came. Pavel Breastina was removed from the post of Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Moscow Region Prime. 12 out of 20 deputies voted for the removal of breasts from office.

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov on his page on Twitter commented on the news: "How scared the authorities of the Russian Federation Pavel Beadlin - the most popular politician in the people! Yesterday, "EP", he was removed from the post of the head of the council. It can be seen, someone really does not like the island of socialism - the state farm. Lenin. I formally declare: all persecutions for breasts should be discontinued! "He wrote.

"This Leviathan: Prosecutor's Office, Court, Chapter, Governor, they are very afraid of me, apparently. But I did not violate any law of the Russian Federation. We will now prove. I somehow argued, and 2,5 years old, that I am not an extremist. Then I was removed from the elections to the Moscow Regional Duma, I proved the opposite, but, of course, the elections have already passed. Here is the same story. For some reason they are afraid of me, "the news commented on the news itself, adding that this is not the sunset of his political career.

"In fact, no, everyone is well aware that they simply increase my rating," he added.

March 14, 2019, the Presidium of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the State Duma Deputy of the State Duma from the life of the Nobel laureate of Jores Alferova by the President of Russia in the 2018 elections Pavel Beschar.

According to Journalists, the leader of the party Gennady Zyuganov, various candidates were considered, but a unanimous decision was made to convey the mandate to the director of the state farm named after Lenin.

Zyuganov noted that the candidate was chosen with all thoroughness. "Required party organizations, with all influential people, with our friends, allies - everyone believes that Pavel Nikolaevich is able to continue the best traditions that in the faction implemented outstanding, large people, such as Alfers, Maslyakov, Starodubtsev, Ilyukhin, - Said the leader of the Communists.

On March 21, the Central Election Commission refused to convey the mandate of the State Duma deputy of the Nobel laureate of Jores Alferova, the presidential candidate of Russia in the 2018 elections Pavel Brasinina.

This decision was made due to the fact that at the time of registration of the breast, there were accounts in foreign banks. 12 members of the CEC from 13 voted against the transfer of the mandate of the breast.

"If you confront the lawlessness, be consistent, support Paul Bescraine and state farm named after Lenin, sign a petition in their defense!" He wrote in social networks.

Zyuganov noted that recently there were numerous inspections by various regulatory authorities in the "state farm name" Lenin ". To destroy the joint-stock company, a scandalous, previously convicted professional raider, which, as a tool, uses the divorce of the spouses of breasts as a tool for hacking the share capital of the enterprise.

June 10, representatives of the Communist Party, Left Front, Komsomol and other organizations held a share in the form of a meeting with deputies of the State Duma, demanding to stop cynical injury Paul Beadinin and the destruction of the state farm named Lenin. According to the representatives of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, for the fact that he was not afraid to compete with Vladimir Putin's recent presidential election and, during the campaign, severely criticized the existing course of the country's development.

As reported in the news of the TASS, in June, the Mosoblsud was legitimately obtained by the former wife of the director of CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" Paul Beadinina of two thirds of the share of joint property, the decision of the court of early instance was left unchanged.

"So, Mosoblsud left without changing the decision on the" Brussine case ", actually putting on the side of the forces trying to carry out the raider seizure of the state farm. Lenin. We see how the capitalist spruit is trying to strangle the most unique enterprise in our country - the Islet of Socialism! "," Wrote Zyuganov about the decision of the court.

Pavl Nikolayevich Soviet Sovzhoz named after Lenin: presidential candidate - biography and compromising, election program, family, nationality and all facts from the life of this subject.

At first glance, this is a very decent and kind uncle, a certain doctor Komarovsky - a kind voice argues about problems in Russia. The man in the street begins to experience love for breast after films about his settlement - state farm. Lenin, located in Moscow. The candidate for the presidency lives on the same platform with a tractor driver, and when rides with him in the elevator, pouring into the mustache as a refinement. In state farm, the workers give apartments, parks and playgrounds spread around new high-rise buildings. Pavel Breastina so sincerely condolences the problems of the stogging deep, and so proudly demonstrates its huge farm, which is not doubt - it is he who will raise Russia from his knees.

In the first 5 days after nomination from the Communist Party of the Communist Party, the Brasnin raised the ranking of the party among other candidates by about 10%. A little later -. So, the full analysis of his personality.


Native Moskvich - Born on October 20, 1960 in the capital. After a couple of years with parents, he moved to the Leninsky district, that is, in his state farm. Bescard age - 57 years. In 1982, he graduated from the Moscow Agrian Institute of the name of Goryachkin in the specialty of the engineer-mechanisar in agriculture. To work went into his state farm named after Lenin, the head of the workshop. The career of a young man rapidly went up, and, very funny, that in other places he did not work in all his life anywhere.

In 2001, he received a second education - graduated from the Academy of State. Services under the President of the Russian Federation. Second specialty is a lawyer.

In 1995, Brasnin Pavel Nikolaevich became the director of the state farm named after Lenin, staying in this position to this day. The company has access to the markets of Moscow, shopping centers, deals with rental of real estate and construction.

Naturally, be breasts somewhere in the outback, it would not create any settlement, and I would have been able to repair the old barn.

Of course, we must pay tribute to the character. In the suburbs, almost all agriculture came into decline, however, CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" remains afloat, and in fact supplies strawberries in Moscow supermarkets. According to one source, it was due to the sale of agricultural land in the mid-90s in the advantageous area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow Ring Road. Otherwise, people "quented" for money, when collective farm lands according to the Yeltsin law distributed among the peasants for 15 acres, and then donated back. Whatever it was, the breast was still not reversed money, but invested them in the restoration of the farm.

Although there is another nuance. According to the "strange coincidence" the most deprecation of the state farm. Lenin began simultaneously with the beginning of the political career of the breastin.

  • In 1997 - he deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma and was elected several deadlines in a row.
  • In 2000, the trustee of Volodya Putin.
  • In 2007, a member of United Russia.
  • In 2016 - rankled into the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Party affiliation

In 2011, the breast was out of United Russia. As he stated in his interview, due to the pressure of power and raider attacks. There is evidence that applied for entry into the LDPR. There are a bunch of photos of the breast with Zhirinovsky in his state farm. As a result, the novel did not work out, and the sneaker began to cooperate with Zyuganov.

The State Duma was cut down that the image of the populist (although according to some reports Pavel Nikolayevich has 40% of the shares of his enterprise) will be an excellent spoiler Putin, and in December 2017, he was put forward by the Bescratin for the President of the Russian Federation from the Communist Party of the Communist Party. It was after that he became known to the general public.

Biography of Brasnina Pavel Nikolayevich is almost as foggy as Putin. And in this you can make sure, trying to study his relatives.

Nationality, family, personal life

According to Nationality, the breast is Russian, in Usam - Armenian. Considering that his chief Putin said that each of us is in the genus Tatar, you can safely call him Tatarin. And judging by throwing from one party to another and the presence of an entrepreneurial vein, the sternum is the same Jew or Ukrainian.

Your personal life, like Putin, hides. It seems he is so democratic, it goes on a simple "Lexus" without guard, lives with a tractor driver on the same platform, and about the family neither. According to Nikolayevich, Pavel Nikolayevich has an Irina wife working in the beauty salon "Tair". According to other data, Brasinina's wife - Ksenia, housewife. Third - business is engaged in business.

The spouse of the breast, probably even more beautiful than Tinkov. Immediately I want to say - the photo does not depict the sternum with his wife, it is just a scratchful and top-in-chamber on the topic.

It is reliably known that the children of Pavel Beadinina are two sons. Where learn what they do, what age is everything too hidden from the public. Typical closure for Putin immediately sees the thoughts that children learn somewhere abroad, which is very characteristic of deputies of "Vatnikov".

Parents of the breastin are also diligently hidden. Perhaps the maiden name of Mother Bershetin or Robinovich, but if the breast is still free, you can not doubt that the dad and mom will automatically become Ivanov for three generations back, veterans, heroes of labor in the collective farm, the Olympic champions in throwing hammer and anvil.

Attitude towards the Crimea and Ukraine

In an interview with Shevchenko, the presidential candidate sternum said that he trusts the results of Putin's referendum in the Crimea, which no country of the world recognized. Therefore, Crimea for him is Russia. Without any options.

He also noted that he stands for "coercion to the world" in Ukraine. That is, if the sander becomes president, he will most likely continue Putin's politics for the supply of separatists, sending armaments there, "Mytains", Buryatov, and so on.

Based on this, it is possible to assume with sufficient confidence that there will be no concentration on the internal problems of Russia in the breast program. Wars continues in Ukraine and in Syria, there will also be wondering huge money to support geopolitical influence in Moldova, Baltic States, Georgia and all CIS countries. Considering that it requires considerable money, no rise in agriculture and production in the country is foreseen. I would like to believe in the opposite, but I can not believe, even kill.

Naturally, the sanctions in the sternum will continue, and therefore investing capital in the rise of production and agriculture, it will be practically unrealistic.

And about the collective farm

Of course, the settlement and self-economy of the Lenin named after Lenin with magnificent children's gardens and new houses - really exists. True, here to get the reviews of workers from there failed. And is it true that milkings are obtained there for 70 thousand rubles - it is unknown.

However, the settlement itself is impressive. Town "Lukomorye", kindergarten, school, house of culture.

The school interior explodes the brain. True, if you do not think that a lot of things are built from western materials.

Never treated Russians as people. Therefore, the result of the work of the breast, even though the collective farm name named Lenin earns mainly on trade, it is still impressive.

Moreover, this is not the Olympics or Iskander, not the muddy Putin's greatness. It can really be seen, touch, children at the same "Lukomorier" let all.

The barn looks clean, modern. True, the feeling is created that only one building is shown in all releases.

Strawberry harvest - real. Breastman himself recognized that under the guise of berries from the state farm. Lenin sold Turkish at the same time. But today they sell their own.

And yet Breastin Pavel Nikolayevich and his state farm named after Lenin remain the most controversial issues in the minds of people who have already looked away to believe in the word. Still, this (according to the link, you can find out online ratings of online.) Very close to Putin in many respects, and whether he will bring the desired changes - an extremely dubious thing.

By the way, the new year 2018 is breast, as a real patriot, met in Germany.

Born on October 20, 1960 in Moscow. A year later, his family moved to the Leninsky district of the Moscow region.

After graduation in 1977, he entered the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Production Engineers (MIP). Goryachkina, choosing a profession of an agricultural engineer.

In 1982, he received a diploma of the Engineering and Economic Faculty of the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineers (now - as part of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A. Timiryazev) in the specialty "Mechanical Engineer". In 2001, he graduated in absentia by the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation (now - the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation) in the specialty "jurisprudence".

From 1982 to 1989 he worked as the head of the mechanical master of the state farm named after V. I. Lenin (Leninsky district of the Moscow region).

In 1990-1995 - Deputy Director for Commercial Association Association. Lenin.

Since 1995, he has been held by the position of Director of CJSC Sovzhoz named after Lenin (he was elected at the General Meeting of Shareholders). It is the owner of 42.8% of the shares of CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin".

In 1997-2001, a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma II convocation (city prominent, Leninsky district, Moscow region). He entered the Committee on Economic Policy, was the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Budget, Financial and Tax Policy.

In 2000 he was a trustee of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election.

In 2002-2007, the Mosobldumum deputy of the III convocation.

In 2007-2011, the deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma IV convocation. He served as Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic and Innovation Policy.

In 2011, the 5th convening from the Communist Party of the Party list was put forward in elections to the Moscow Regional Duma, heading the regional group No. 9, and on the Leninsky One-Mandate County No. 9. October 31, 2011, a month before the elections, in the magazine "Russian Reporter "The article was published about the state farm named after Lenin and his chapter Paul Beschant called" Palnikolaich named after Lenin ", and it was mainly said about the breast business -" 2000 hectares of the Golden Moscow region, where, contrary to all the laws of the market, agriculture is still really actually conducted. . Breastinian competitors from United Russia appealed to the Moscow Regional Court, which in November 2011 saw in an interview with the signs of extremism and canceled the registration of the candidate. This decision on registration was canceled only a few years later by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In December 2012, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow recognized the distortion of the meaning of interviews and the words interviewed, but the temporary ban on Paul Beschant to participate as a candidate in elective posts, and therefore he was denied registration in 2013 in the elections to the Council of Leninsky Deputies Municipal District VI convocation on a single-member district No. 14.

On September 10, 2017, Pavel Brasnin became a deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Vidnoe (Leninsky district of the Moscow Region) of the IV convocation from the Communist Party on a single-member district No. 6. 71.13% of voters voted for him.

It is a supporter of the Communist Party (in the party it is not).

For six months between the Communist Party and permanent meeting of the National Patriotic Forces of Russia (PDS NPSR), there were negotiations on the nomination of a single candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. PDS NPSR offered a top five candidates for the presidency of the country. According to the results of the Internet Primerizes to determine the unified candidate for the President of Russia from the left forces conducted at the initiative of the "left front" coordinator Sergei Udaltsov, in the second voting, the sternum won, ahead of Yuri Boldyreva (other candidates were Sergey Glazyev, Zakhar Prilepin, Valery Rashkin, Konstantin Semin, Sergey Shargunov).

On December 22, 2017, the II Congress of the National-Patriotic Forces of Russia nominated Yuri Boldyov with a candidate for the presidency of Russia, and Paul Beastinina to the post of Prime Minister. On December 23, 2017, according to the results of the secret ballot, the breast nominated as a candidate for the presidency of Russia from the Communist Party (303 of the delegate of the Congress, "for" and 11 is "against"). The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, personally suggested the candidacy of the breastin, which was unanimously supported by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, and headed his election headquarters. For the presidential election, Pavel Breastin goes with the Communist Party of the Communist Party: "Ten steps to a decent life."

In the course of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in a letter to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, chapter CEC Elle Pamfilova and the Directorates of the First Channel and the TV channel, Russia-1 accused the latest media in the "shelmit" and "counterpropaganda" against their candidate. On the eve of these TV channels, critical materials came out about the breast Declaration, he also devoted his person to a whole series of articles Site LIFE. According to MEDIALOGY, for the period from December 4, 2016 to January 25, 2017, the Breaster ranked the fourth place to mention the federal television channels among candidates (253 plots), and first place for negative mentions (11 plots).

Soon after the nomination Pavel, Pavlin became an active participant in the TV shows on the main federal television channels, such as the "first" and "Russia-1", where he first held a debate with one of his rivals in the Presidential Race Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

On January 19, Pavel Beadlin began a trip by region, he plans to visit 10-15 subjects of the Federation in all federal districts.

According to the Poll of Fom dated January 14, 2018, 34% of respondents who knew about Pavel, 15% referred to him positively, 3% is negative. In the survey dated January 21, it was positive about 11%, a negative - 6%. According to a survey of the Center for Studies of Political Culture of Russia (CIPR) (Analytical Organization of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of January 25, 2018, 11% of all respondents would voting for breasts in the presidential election, if the elections "took place tomorrow."

Member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation (from August 2012).

It is in the rule of the National Union of Milk Manufacturers (from February 2015). Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the development of the agro-industrial complex (since 2011), a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (since 2016).

It has the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2000).

In 2001, for achieving the head of the Sovzhoz named after Lenin, Pavel Beadlin was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation".

The winner of the highest public award in the field of food production "for the abundance and prosperity of Russia" (2006) and the badge of Assagros "For Contribution to the Development of the APK" (2013).

Married. He has two sons and two daughters ..

About the enterprise, which manages Pavel Breastin, responds very well in the media, and among the people of Molver about the "state farm named after Lenin" goes as a real island of socialism in the rigid capitalist jungle of the Moscow region. "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" can rightly be attributed to the most socially oriented enterprises. The state farm builds at home to his employees and distributes apartments for free. In addition, infrastructure is actively developing. Schools and kindergartens appear, "wrote" Free Press ".

"On the territory of the state farm, we abandoned the liberal changes that were held in our country for the last 25 years. We tried to preserve socialist principles. Today we have free hot meals in schools, free circles, free medicines in the clinic. We try to make the utility rates on our territory below. Children's park on our territory is free. All, naturally, at the expense of the state farm. We have retained the socialist principles when "everyone in labor" and try to promote them. If all the state farms and collective farms of the Moscow region worked as we, everyone would have the same kindergartens, the same ponds with swans, the same technologies, because we had a lot of money in the modernization of production, and the same salary as we have . It is only necessary to fulfill the right thing, "said Pavel Brasnin about CJSC Sovzhoz named after Lenin, with whom his whole biography is connected.

Revenue from sales of CJSC "Sovzhoz them. Lenin ", according to the MMC Rosstat, in 2014-2015 amounted to more than 2.3 billion rubles. According to Spark, in 2014-2017, the amount of state contracts rose more than 16 times - from 3.6 million to 57.9 million rubles.

According to the CEC of the Russian Federation, Paul's revenues of Pavl Beadinina over the age of 6, preceding the presidential election for the presidential election, amounted to more than 157 million rubles, it has almost 6 million rubles on accounts. Also, on January 12, 2018, the Central Election Commission said that the presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Communist Party Pavel Bescard got rid of several accounts and from securities in foreign banks. When in 2016, the breast was running into the deputies of the State Duma and Mosoblum, he did not report about their assets in foreign banks. The Communist Party of the Communist Party explained that the breast in foreign accounts opened from January to December 2017 for the treatment of relatives was 37 million rubles, and not 7.5 billion rubles, which earlier reported some media.

He headed by CJSC "Sovzhoz named after Lenin" is among the 300 best agricultural enterprises of Russia, and the sternum since 2002 is included in the top 1000 Russian managers rating.

On the personal life of Pavel Nikolayevich Brasinina before the end of the presidential race in 2018 it was known very little. The standard set of a decent family man included bulletins with photographs of the presidential candidate of the Russian Federation with his wife and children. Stories about his disinterested desire to improve the well-being of compatriots through utopian reforms were supported by an image of an approximate husband, Father 2 sons.

In the documents filed in the CIK of the Russian Federation, it was the legal spouse that divided with a man all joys and sorrows for 37 years was indicated as official wife.

Pavel Grudinin

Card house happiness

Irina Bescratin is about divorce, which initiated the favorite spouse, found out through his message on a mobile phone. After 37 years of official marriage Pavel Nikolaevich decided to suddenly change his personal life. The court took into account the arguments of the former candidate for the President of the Russian Federation and the rules of legal obligations of both parties on July 16, 2018.

This is now in photographs with the former wife and children, the director of the Strawberry Counsel looks like a respectable lord with a decent annual income. And many years ago, when young people decided to get married, there was nothing at the future entrepreneur - neither multi-million bills in various banks, nor the opportunity to treat relatives abroad and everything else.

Pavel Brasnin and Irina wife

Now the offended former spouse firmly decided to defend its rights in court and plans to appeal to the verdict on the divorce. She motivates such a behavior by desire to keep marriage, although the last 9 years Pavel Nikolaevich at home and does not live.

Irina plans to apply for a verdict of a divorce

According to journalists, it's all about the income of the ex-candidate and private ownership of the family:

  • more than 10 bills in Swiss banks;
  • several beauty salons;
  • apartments in Moscow;
  • cars;
  • share shares in various Russian and foreign enterprises and so on.

According to Irina Igorevna, the legitimate spouse did not differ much loyalty, but all his previous novels were frivolous and fleeting.

After the next with other women, Pavel Nikolaevich always returned to the home hearth. Therefore, the spouse did not share with the public with details of the personal drama.

New family

The next selected of the ex-candidate from the Communist Party was Ksenia Kutyukhin. A young woman for more than 6 years is the second, unofficial wife Pavel Nikolayevich. She met her beloved after the end of the university, when she came to work in his farm as a lawyer. Ksenia gave birth to Pavel to the breast of two children, photographed a man with a civil wife after arrival from Munich, journalists could not.

Pavel Beader and Ksenia Kutyukhina at the airport

An enterprising politician sent his mistress on customs inspection a few minutes earlier.

Ksenia Kutyukhina, according to the civil husband, did not claim the main role in the fate of his beloved, was quiet and friendly. Breastman in an interview with open sources, calls a new companion a real angel.

Such compliments hurt the former spouse policies, she believes that it is easy to have a "golden" character in such a sufficiency.

She had to get on his feet with her husband and raise children in difficult time after the union collapse and several flavors of the default.

Irina (First Wife) and Pavel Breast

Poor relatives

The efforts of journalists in the network appeared information about the members of Ksenia Kutyukhina:

  • father Vyacheslav, more than 30 years old teaches Russian and literature in Pyatigorsk high school. By the way, Kutyuhin under the chosen one of his daughter for 4 years;
  • grandmother Ksenia, Lydia Demyanna about the relationship of granddaughter with the ex-candidate for president of the Russian Federation knows quite a bit. According to the elderly woman, to ask for help from Pavel Nikolayevich they are not going, understanding the difference in status;
  • the younger sister Polina turned 17 years old, in 2018 she graduated from high school.

Journalists managed to find out that the family of the new beloved politics lives very modestly. The old house in which their apartment is subject to demolition.

Pavel Nikolayevich knows about this, regularly sending his mother and sister for treatment abroad, unknown.

Ksenia Kutyukhina and Pavel Bescard

Son reaction

In the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether" Irina Beschadinina said that the seeds in the family touched her children:

  1. Senior Artem, stood on the side of the wrong parent. His mother believes that this is a forced position, since the young man works in the state farm breast. By the way, shortly before the beginning of the election campaign of the Father, Artem and his wife Alevtina acquired a villa in Spain for 2 million euros.
  2. Younger, Anton, has long has its own business, a chain of restaurants and cafes. This allowed a young man to support mom in a difficult situation, as it does not depend on millions of her father for a long time.

As the lawyers of Irina Igorevna said to journalists, they plan to appeal to the decision on the divorce of the couples, since, according to the law, the policy should be divided by half.