We make a faucet with our own hands. Homemade crane Homemade crane slewing mechanism

Homemade faucet from a jack will be useful in almost any garage and other places where the need to lift various types of loads periodically arises.

A crane is necessary on the farm for lifting heavy loads, for example, when repairing a car.

Such a lift without special difficulties assembled and installed with your own hands. The actual lifting is carried out using a standard jack. Read the guide, and you can make a homemade faucet without any problems, significantly saving money on purchasing a ready-made factory-made unit.

Varieties of homemade crane designs

There are many different varieties and designs of homemade jack cranes.

So, for example, a single-post jack crane is usually used when repairing trucks. The design of such a unit is represented by one rack, along which four mounts for car wheels move.

Most wide application found two-post cranes; Such designs are easy to assemble, install and use.

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Assembly instructions

Prepare the following:

  • metal corners;
  • iron pipes;
  • sheet metal;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • welding machine;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • fasteners.

The finished crane will be lifted using an ordinary jack.

  1. Make a shoe for attaching the jack. The element is welded from metal and a 12 mm iron rod. The shoe must be able to move normally on the rack, so be careful when sizing structural members.
  2. Make the back beam. To do this you will need 4 corners. Assemble the elements into a square frame. Perform assembly using clamps.
  3. Insert an iron rod with a square section of 26x21 mm and a length of about 35 cm inside the square.
  4. Insert electric rivets into the pre-created holes. Clean surfaces. As a result, you will get a convenient collapsible unit.
  5. Make a platform from sheet iron 4 mm thick. The dimensions of the platform are 35x15 cm. Bend the sides metal sheet or use tacks to weld a 2 cm wide strip with pre-created holes to secure the board. Attach a rubber strip to the board.
  6. Weld guides, a jumper and stiffeners under the bottom of the platform. Place the platform onto the top beam.
  7. Make a connecting node from sheet metal 3-4 mm thick. The element is made of 2 parts. Weld a strip of metal 3-4 mm thick between the parts. Attach around the perimeter of the products. The front should remain open. Weld a jumper in the lower element of the assembly.
  8. Make a stand. For this you will need metal corners. Assemble the corners into a square-shaped structure. Use clamps when assembling.
  9. After connecting the corners, make a 26 mm hole in the bottom at a distance of 31 mm from the edge. The remaining 0.5 cm will be used to weld a metal rod inside the structure.
  10. After this, drill 13mm holes. Do the first at a distance of 10 cm, the second at 8 cm, the next at 19 mm. The dimensions 8 and 19 mm should be repeated accordingly. The fingers will be installed through these holes.
  11. Connect ready square profile with holes using pieces of metal corners, also connected into a square profile.
  12. At this stage, insert 36mm spacers between the profiles.
  13. After completion welding work Allow the part to cool completely without removing the spacer. Make sure that the top beam fits smoothly into the space between the two square profiles.
  14. Make a front knot. At this stage you will need segments inch pipe, iron rod and corner.
  15. Take a corner about 33 cm long and place marks on its surface at a distance of 6 cm in each direction from the center. Cut the shelves to the edges from the marks left.
  16. Centered metal corner make a 16mm hole. It will be used to connect the lower beam. Bend the corner into a P shape.
  17. Next you need to connect the prepared parts to the stand. Control the welding, do not burn the pipe.
  18. The front connecting unit has a movable design. That is, the U-shaped figure you created from a corner with pipes installed at the edges should spin on an iron rod.

Modern houses are being built higher and higher, and concrete blocks it doesn't get any easier. Therefore, if you think carefully, you can build a small crane with your own hands. The carrying capacity is not great, about two hundred kilograms, although, most likely, it can lift more weight, but it is not advisable to overload it. This design turns out to be completely collapsible, its components weigh approximately 20-30 kilograms, so assembling such a crane alone will not pose any special problems. In addition, such a structure is also easy to transport; the body of a Chinese pickup truck was quite suitable for this.

Let us remind you that we have previously published an article about a homemade tiny crane, for those who are interested, take a look.

Crane device

The cargo winch of my design is a worm gearbox with a 600 W electric drive, while the jib winch is a manual drive, organized on the same gearbox. Outriggers with screw stops are borrowed from construction supports. Drums for the winches were machined from rotors from electric motors, and suitable sizes were selected.

On the base of the mobile platform there are four wheels taken from the conveyor; thanks to them, the crane can be moved from one place to another without any problems, only if the outriggers of the crane are removed. This operation of removing and installing outriggers takes about five minutes. Therefore, the crane turns out to be quite mobile. But there is no big drawback, to move the crane, it is necessary to lower the boom to zero, otherwise it becomes impossible to move the crane, since its balance is disturbed.

The boom itself has a length of 5 meters, the pipe was selected to be about 75 mm, and at the base of the boom itself there is a square-shaped profile made of two corners. There is also a portal for raising the boom, as well as a turning unit made from a hub from a truck. As a counterweight, a frame from a non-functioning machine was taken along with four tracks from a caterpillar mechanism. The brake in the winch in this case not provided because it is not necessary. There is also no brake in the turn itself, due to the fact that the speeds are very low, and, therefore, there is practically no inertia.

The minimum thickness of the metal used in my crane is about 3 mm; it is used as an outrigger and as a base in general rectangular pipe, having dimensions 85*50 and 85*55, are a kind of remains of agricultural machinery. The base of the tower is made of channel 200. A powerful bearing is inserted into the hook cage, therefore, the hook is able to rotate regardless of the pulley, to avoid overlap or twisting of the cable itself.

The stop screws are 400 mm long, as a result of which the crane can be installed very uneven surfaces.

There is one small drawback related to the wheels. The thing is that the wheels used in this case, when moving on loose soil, simply bury themselves in it; on a hard compacted surface - everything is fine. This faucet is considered one-time use, that is, after completing necessary work it is dismantled for scrap or for storage until the next use. That is why this design has a low load capacity and not very outstanding strength.

The manufacturing time for such a crane will take about three days, taking into account the preparation of all the necessary components. In this case, the gearboxes were made from what came to hand; the gearboxes have the following gear ratios: 1/30 and 1/35. , output parameters on the shaft are 600 W, capacitor capacity is 80 microfarads. All installations, excluding counterweights, weigh up to 250 kg, the cost of such a design is 4,000 rubles. Mostly the components used are borrowed from other equipment; only the cables and bearings are new.

Such a crane can easily lift one and a half hundred kilograms of cargo; we have not yet been able to move more at home.

Main components of a crane photo

Light jib cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 1 ton are indispensable when carrying out various electrical, installation and construction work. Thanks to their design, it is possible to install devices in various openings of a building or on ceilings, as well as to move them for convenient use. They are easy to assemble and install, and if necessary, they can be quickly disassembled into their component elements and moved to a suitable location.

The use of such structures is rational in the absence of the possibility of operating other types of hydraulic and hydraulic machines. There are many types of cranes with different designs. They are divided into stationary and mobile. The boom devices are equipped with one electric drive mechanism for moving the load. The crane operates by manual control.

Construction mini crane

You can independently create a variety of tools and devices that are so necessary for construction and other types of work. Despite the fact that a self-made mini-crane is characterized by a limited transferable load weight (no more than 250 kg), such a design will simplify the implementation of most construction work.

The main task is to select all the tools and parts necessary for creation and subsequent operation. The weight of the prefabricated device can reach up to 300 kg, depending on the materials used. At the same time, it has compact dimensions and the ability to move without prior disassembly using a car.

do it yourself: assembly

Using a worm-based gearbox, a cargo winch is formed. He can also ensure the creation manual drive, which simplifies the assembly of the boom winch. The basis for the screw extensions are construction supports. All the elements presented above form the basis of the design. In addition, drums for winches are needed. It is worth noting that they self-production not everyone can do it, since the process is complex and labor-intensive, as well as the need for specialized equipment and experience in carrying out such work.

The way out of the situation is rotors from an electric motor, which can be used as a basis and significantly simplify the task. Special attention should be given to the correspondence of the sizes of the elements used and the future device. To do this, additional measurements are taken using a ruler.

Additional items

To simplify movement, the platform is equipped with wheels. Elements from the conveyor cart may be useful. When creating the structure, you should not forget about this addition, since it is thanks to it that the simplest crane, assembled with your own hands, moves. To do this, you only need to remove the external support elements, which does not cause any particular difficulties and is done in a short time. It is important to observe safety precautions, in particular the boom must be installed on zero level to prevent loss of balance and fall of the crane.


The optimal boom height is 5 meters. For its manufacture, a pipe with a diameter of about 8 cm is used. A profile of two corners is mounted into the base. You also need to create swivel mechanism for turning and lifting the boom; a car hub from any truck is suitable for this vehicle. There is no need for special materials for the counterweight, since you can use standard bricks for them. You can create a crane with your own hands using both caterpillar tracks and a frame. The last element can be taken from an unused machine.

It is worth noting that there is no need for a brake for the turning mechanism and winch, since it is not needed during the operation of the crane, and the finished device will operate at low speed.

Advantages of the design

Suitable for forming an external support structure and a common base. For the latter, according to experts, it will be optimal to use a 200 channel. The length of the thrust screws should be within 50 cm, due to which the crane can be mounted with its own hands on any surface, including those with a large number of irregularities. Thus, there is no need to prepare the site on which the building is being built.

Difficulties sometimes arise with the wheels, since on loose soil they can spin poorly and dig into it. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out work on hard ground. After completion of construction, the structure is disassembled into its component elements for storage.

What can be done for the garage

At self-repair cars often need to remove the engine, so many car owners are wondering how to make a crane with their own hands. The most simple option is a lift, the creation of which requires a hand winch, racks on triangular supports with wheels and a transverse pipe.

At the top of the racks, fastenings for the pipe are fixed by welding. It is welded to the vertical post and the rollers are mounted on the beam; they are subsequently used to move the cable. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase a winch, as you can do this design on one's own.

Such a device will not clutter up the space, it can be disassembled, and the cross beam and supports separately will not take up much space. The crane, created with your own hands for a garage, is capable of lifting and moving a load weighing no more than 800 kg. Its main advantage is that there is no need to purchase expensive materials.


As noted earlier, you can make a winch yourself. To do this, you will need a drum equipped with a cable; it must be fixed to a structure made of pipes with square section. A small sprocket with a chain drive is installed on the electric drive, and a large one is installed on the edge of the drum. To create a manual winch, a shaft equipped with a drum is supplemented with a handle.

To replace and repair most parts in a car, a platform or pit is required; if they are not available, you can use a lift. Despite the existing risks when working with such a device, its creation is justified by economic benefits and practical benefits.

An overhead trolley crane, assembled with a winch yourself, is the simplest option; the machine is installed on platforms after being raised to the desired height. There is also a scissor design, which is characterized by the absence of the possibility of cable breakage, which the previous option cannot guarantee.

Scissor crane

The base and platform of the scissor lift are made of channels. Two-piece distributor, pump, bushings, and are required for shears.

A self-made UAZ crane is capable of lifting loads weighing more than 500 kg. It can also be removed upon completion of work. The main purpose of the device is to fix retractable supports. The base of the structure is made of a thick-walled square, secured to the frame with several bolts. The retractable pores stay on the bumper and raise the rear of the car.

Crane “Pioneer”

The mechanism makes it possible to simplify the implementation of many repair and construction works, as well as to ensure the implementation of actions that cannot be performed without additional lifting devices. The design is suitable for loads of various volumes and sizes, and it can be installed on the floors of houses under construction, in pits and on the roof.

Among the main components it is worth noting the rotating and supporting frames, the control panel. The device does not cause any difficulties in the process of use and significant physical effort. Management is within the power of every person, even those without relevant experience.

Many owners of private houses and summer cottages. Their spread is due to the fact that each part of the mechanism, regardless of its complexity, can be performed in the desired manner and with the necessary functionality. In addition to moving heavy loads such as monolithic blocks, such cranes enable the delivery of light objects to great heights.

Unfortunately, the creation of hydraulic devices is, as a rule, not possible. But, despite this, the crane (with your own hands), the photo of which is presented below, is easy to operate and has sufficient lifting capacity.

Assembly of the Pioneer crane

Many parts can be found, surprisingly, in a landfill. For homemade mechanism the main components are a rectangular pipe and an I-beam. It is important that the latter fits easily into the pipe. To create a telescopic unit for an I-beam, sliding guides are made. It is worth noting that they must be lubricated special compounds to reduce friction.

For the device to function, cables with small diameter. They can be purchased at hardware store. A channel is often used to secure the rotating and supporting frames. It also ensures that the device can be firmly mounted on any surface. As a rule, it is the roof of a building under construction. In accordance with safety regulations, the manufacture of a rectangular platform as ballast is required, and it will reduce the likelihood of problems while the crane, assembled with your own hands, is in operation. An electric motor connected to a winch is used to start the lifting process.