"Social passage" as a sip of freedom for special mothers. Additional settings for the difficulty of implementing the program

The program "Fear" takes us on Sundays. For four hours, children, teenagers and young people with features of development come to us and remain without parents with our volunteers. The task of "respite" is that the parents have a little time that they can only spend on themselves. Some guys were lucky: they attend school or college, but mostly these young people with very hard violations that do not take anywhere, so they are sitting at home all the time. For them, this is the only way to communicate and socialization, and for parents - to stay without a child and relax at least 2 times a month.

The guys are brought to the Central Committee, they gradually enter the game. It can be seen that they missed and welcome the meeting, seed into the circle. The teacher Sasha takes the guitar, distributes the guys musical instruments: tambourine, maratasas. On the "Circle" everyone welcomed each other, sing songs, then go to the hall to sing and dance.

Robert does not reach the hall and remains standing on the staircase. Bob is 18 years old, he is engaged in the Central Til from childhood. He has autism, he does not use a speech and practically does not communicate with others. It seems to be in his own world, swinging, periodically screams and listens to Ehu. "Bob is difficult to pass on the door, move from one room to another. He is generally a very difficult person, it is not easy to establish contact with him, "says Volunteer Alina," I still don't really succeed. Here, I will try to lure it with the phlute sounds. "

Alina gets flute and plays a quiet melody. Bob stops swaying and freezes, makes some quick steps and stops close to Alina, leans and listens to the flute sounds. Then something screams, as if answering flute and, just as suddenly unfolding, returns back to the stairs. "For Bob, it is still important to come here. Although he does not participate directly in a common life, he is still near, perceives it, "Alina believes. It can be seen as he is glad when he meets Zhenya and Rita, whom he knows from childhood. For them, this is the possibility of communication.

Bob lives with her grandmother, she cares about him from birth. Grandmother Robert says he had some social skills. At home, he learned to eat himself, brew himself whose and even wash the dishes. And Robert paints very cool.

The guys with accompanying gather for a walk through the center of the center. Some young people stay help prepare lunch. "Here is Zhenya. When I just came to the group, I thought: how is it difficult to her. And now we made friends, she is so beautiful, I love her very much, "says Tanya's teacher. Zhenya is a very sensitive and gentle girl, she also loves Tanya, smiles at her, sometimes hugs, walking his hand with Tanya around the center of therapeutic pedagogy gives her great pleasure. For the margin of parents, "Perevka" is the only way to relax.

Lyuba goes for a walk through the territory of the Central Station, along with Volunteer Igor. It can be seen that she realizes herself a young lady, she wants to listen to beautiful music and dance. Igor puts music from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" and they dance under it right on the street. Lyuba is completely happy.

Nastya is 17 years old, she lives with her mother. Mom is very difficult with her: the girl is hard for transitional age. When Nastya at home, she does not let moms from herself, protests, even if mom closes the door to the bathroom. According to the head of the Alena group, Mom is very tired of this situation. And Nastya, and her mother, - both very important that they have a time when they can be separate. Once the Nastina Mom looked very tired when he brought her daughter to us. After 4 o'clock, she returned for Nastya very satisfied and calm and said: "Thank you very much, I still knead my head!"

Vary is 16 years old, she has a cerebral palsy, and she moves on the stroller. In the center she was engaged in childhood, now studying at school. "I'm here as a volunteer. I know how everything is arranged here and explain to other guys, as you need to behave, "says Varya with pride. There are several more adults with features that are well socialized, they come to help a break. It's very cool for them, because they feel necessary and really help with those guys who have more difficult violations. In addition, for young people, it is also the opportunity to communicate. For example, Andrei Druzhinin, with autism, comes to accompaniate on the piano during the rehearsal, which is held by our tireless Sasha at the very end of the "respite." Sasha decided to put the musical with the guys at the end of the year. Young people with enthusiasm rehearsed their roles. We are looking forward to the premiere!

20.05.2016 10:19

Who to leave the child? With such a question, many parents who have fallen into the situation are faced when it is necessary to go to work, go to the hospital or go on business. It is especially difficult for families in which the child is brought up by one parent or if a child is growing in the family with disabilities.

The program "The Perera" started in the Resource Center for Support for Family and Childhood "Otradnaya" and was first addressed to families with children with disabilities. Recently, all families who have fallen into a difficult life situation can take advantage of the program. At the moment, the project is being implemented in 29 family support centers and children in different parts of Moscow.

"I-Parent" met with the head of one of the branches of social support for the family and children of the Uvarov Svetlana Pavlovna, which shared the first results of the experiment.

Project goal and objectives

The program "Perera" has existed since 2012 and includes short-term residence groups from 9.00 to 13:00 on weekdays. This is not an alternative to the kindergarten or school, since the department of social support of families is not an educational institution. However, thanks to the "respite", parents get the opportunity to leave the child under the supervision of specialists and. If the child has problems with behavior or psychological development, they are also trying to solve them in groups. In addition, moms and dads within the framework of the project themselves receive psychological support, and learn to remain attentive parents even in difficult life situations.

Specialists of family support department are recognized: it is not true that the parental instinct in people is congenital. Sometimes he needs to wake and explain the simplest, it would seem, things: how important to hug your child, listen to what worries him, and read a fairy tale at night.

How are classes?

Depending on the situation within the program, you can leave a child in the group one or several times, and you can drive it there all the way (for example, when a child due to the peculiarities of health cannot attend kindergarten or school). Psychologists and teachers will work with him, before which the following tasks are set:

  • psychological and social training of a child for school;
  • development and acquisition of the main ideas about the world and what is waiting for a child with the start of training at school;
  • creative directivity through art therapy and the use of other techniques.

The child's stay in the group begins with the communication of specialists with parents to clarify the individual characteristics and situations that occurred on the eve or occur in general with the child. Further is charged, after - the occupation of the developing plan and group communication. Then creative studios, work with psychologists and speech therapists. For each child, an individual schedule is drawn up, in which the time of visiting a particular occupation is prescribed.

Here is just a complete list of classes that can be appointed to a child:

  • renaissian Isostudia - Picturesque therapy based on Fine Arts;
  • studio "Living Library" - Blitchery, where the main task of a specialist is the development of a child through knowledge;
  • musicRepiy - Development of the psycho-emotional sphere of a child through the guitar game in the Studio "Strings of the Soul" and choral singing in the Studio "Dawn";
  • studio "Rhythm" - the development of dance and communicative skills in the process of learning dance;
  • master classes in the Domenok Studio, when children learn to cook and this leads them to a huge delight, and in parallel, the specialists of the Center give advice on the right nutrition;
  • sports Section "Movement - Life", where there are tennis, football, mini-football and physical training;
  • joiner-locksmith workshop, where the guys learn from some simple household belongings.

All family work professionals have higher education and internal motivation to help people. In the course of work, the department's specialists increase their professional skills.

Who can participate in the program?

All families who encountered problems interfering with their child or drive him to kindergarten to participate in the program. In addition, parents of children with health features, as well as children who have problems with communication and behavior can take a "respite". Specialists of the social support department of families help to collect a package of necessary documents and provide it to the social protection department of the district's population, where the decision on the need of a family in participation in the program "Perera" is made. After obtaining permission, a contract is concluded and work begins in the framework of the individual plan for providing social services for each family in accordance with the specified issues.

The difficulty of implementing the program

"The result always depends only on one - the awareness of his parents - approves the head of the department Svetlana Pavlovna Uvarov. - Pope and Moms sometimes suggest that the problem of a child is his problem. There are situations where parents come and spread the problems of a child, accusing only him and not thinking about their participation in their appearance. As if he lived and was brought up by itself, and they have nothing to do with it. View on the problematic relationship on the other hand is not given to every parent. And this is the greatest difficulty, so the main task is to just change the parent relationship, and not to redo the child. "

Owned Voron

Moms of heavy disabled children sometimes do not rest over the years, because they cannot move away from their child during the day or night. They are very exhausted, they are absolute absolutely no one. It is social recreation that is the most desirable type of help for this category of parents.

Chief physician of the Children's Departure Palliamentary Service "Mercy" Ksenanyok Kovanyakov

It was already the second Olin child, and she really wanted to be all right. Her firstborn, seven-year-old Vanyusha, in a medical language was "lying": he himself did not move, it accounted for him through the probe. Olga was marching with him, and here the second pregnancy, and even in the conditions of an incomplete family.

How patience and courage should be possessing that in such a situation do not fall into despair. Olga somehow was able to gather, drive a despondency. Every morning waking up with the idea that the Lord does not give an exorbitant Neshi. If this happened, it means that it is able to take it out.

The closer to childbirth, the more unresolved the question seemed to leave the senior, but completely defenseless Vanechka. From hopeless at first glance, Olga was helped by employees (project). In 2013 in the medical center "Mercy" a new program "Social passage" appeared just for such cases. During the year there was a team of professional nurses.

The chief doctor of the children's departure palliative service "Mercy" Ksenia Kovalenok gladly talks about how successfully everything ended in this case: "Olya brought Vanya to the medical center and calmly left for the hospital. We cared for him. Our ward was born a completely healthy brother. Mom returned happy and took both children. We give moms of children with disabilities. The opportunity to relax and improve health, while having passed the care of their special child in our nurses. "

But in the family there may be several disabled, and then the help of "social responses" - without a small question of all life. Recently, a mom with twins-disabled, very heavy, lying ones turned to the center. Before that, Mom many years continuously, at night and during the day, he cared for them. And for the first time in life - and the children were already 11 years old - was able to leave them for a while. A person who was not in her place is very difficult to imagine which mountain fell from her shoulders. Then this mother wrote a very touching thankful letter, but what's the point ...

"And also," says Kovanyak Kovanyak, "there was a case when we had to help a large family at the time of forced repairs. For a disabled child, they need special conditions. Of course, we took it for a month to ourselves. An apartment during this time just managed to put in order. "

This is an apartment repairs for us - something from the area of \u200b\u200bhousehold routine. And for disabled people hardly a question of survival. For them, "living conditions" and "quality of life" are essentially synonyms. You can leave the child with the staff of the medical center "Mercy" without any doubt - he gets into good, caring hands. Usually give a month. During this time, the tired mother can make a mountain of emergency: to improve health, repair the apartment. The disabled takes most of life, but attention is required to all children without exception.

What do we generally know about Mama who have children are the hardest people with disabilities? These women do not rest over the years, because they cannot move away from their child during the day or night. They are very exhausted, they are absolute absolutely no one. It is social recreation that is the most desirable type of help for this category of parents.

But leaving a child for a while, Mom must be sure: he will get everything you need. In the hospital at the medical center, all conditions for care for severe patients have been created. There are specialists who regularly walk with them, are engaged in LFC and general development. At home, without having enough strength and time, moms are not always able to do it all.

"We, for example, we can regularly wash children in the bathroom," says Ksenia Vladimirovna. - It would seem a little thing. But many moms are not able to do it regularly, simply because it is very hard for them: the child grows, and parents have to constantly wear it. We also have special devices, and the sisters do not alone cope with such children. "

Actually, the types of "social holidays" in the center under Marto-Mariinsky two. The first is the ability to bring the child to the round-the-clock stay. In such a case, the specialists of the children's departure palliative service (the project of helping the "Mercy") is keen on the child constantly while he lives in the republic in the territory of the Marfo Mariinsky monastery. The second type of "social responses" is an opportunity to get a nurse to the house. As a rule, they cause it for several hours. Moms use this option when they have urgent need to leave somewhere.

Cases are very different, including elevated complexity. For example, many families with disabled families are also treated. It happens that a child-disabled child takes a grandmother. For an elderly person, this is a heavy cross. His own health problems constantly make themselves felt. So people need special concern. It happens that the mother itself has a health problem. Someone's nurses are traveled twice a week, and someone uses the services of the program once a year. The mother of one of the wards found an oncological disease - a long-term treatment in the hospital was required. She was given this opportunity. The family has a father, but the medical center provided a nurse for a whole month. At the same time, psychologists worked with the whole family. During the time the mother was in the hospital, and the nurse was located with the child, the family managed to find a permanent nanny.

If mom itself needs treatment, the child is offered to put into the medical center for all this period. And then a woman can, for example, go to the sanatorium. The problem is that moms are often afraid to leave severely ill children for a long time with anyone. They are so accustomed to around the clock to be side by side with their children that they can not imagine any "dubler". Even temporary. And this is a psychological problem. In such cases, mom is invited to be in a hospital with a child or a home with a nurse: so it is easier for her.

For many contact with the center - as a return home. The atmosphere is almost homely. Yes, and in close people here gets more time to communicate, and what could be more important?

Is a project. Support it you can, becoming.

I have to provide a dynamic signature for electronic letters of my factory.

My need is to make a single signature for each dependent, with his name, then insert down a random JPG (taken from the code in the HTML file) and then down again the standard signature of my factory with a large varying link with Facebook, Google+ and so on ...

Thus, I tried to make a random feature with the HTML file, but when I open my signature of HTML with Dudderbeard, I do not see a random image. Thunderberd produces a specific HTML to include JPG. So I need to produce them, place them in the folder and choosing their random.

So my thought was: I take a batch processing script to merge, the first part (name.html), the second part (JPG, HTML in the subfolder as 1.HTML, 2.html, 3.html, etc.) And the third part (standardsignature.html) and make a number of signature.html to another directory for each user account. Is it possible to help me? Thank you!

I tried it, but still work:

for% f in (mauro.txt) Do Type "% f" \u003e\u003e * \\ def \\ new.txt Pause @echo Off "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Mauro \\ Documenti \\ Firme \\ Provamerge \\ HTML" Pause SET / A HTML \u003d% Random% * 3/32768 + 1 Pause for% F in In (% HTML% .txt) Do Type "% F" \u003e\u003e def \\ new.txt Pause for% f in (mauro2.txt) do Type "% f "\u003e\u003e * \\ def \\ new.txt pause


2 Answers

@echo OFF "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Mauro \\ Documenti \\ Firme \\ Provamerge \\" Pause

For% F in (Mauro.txt) Do Type "% f" \u003e\u003e * \\ def \\ new.txt

Type Mauro.txt \u003e\u003e Path

First of all, if you intend to write batch processing scripts, spend some research. Do not just look.

@echo OFF "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Mauro \\ Documenti \\ Firme \\ Provamerge \\" Pause

All I can do is assume that you are trying to change the directory, so that's how you do it

CD "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Mauro \\ Documenti \\ Firme \\ Provamerge \\"

For% F in (Mauro.txt) Do Type "% f" \u003e\u003e * \\ def \\ new.txt

This, for each line in Mauro.txt, would try to find a file that is called the content of the line, then read the file. Everything you need is this

Type Mauro.txt \u003e\u003e Path

Also, not sure what you do with * in the way of redirecting, but it is not really. Please explain why it was.

Chapter 1

Coming out of the gate, Darel leaned against the wall and deeply inhaled fresh air. In the light darkness of the early evening around the yard wandered, intertwining, jets of coolness and heat from the bricks heated in the day. If you discard the annoying idea that the world rolls into the abyss, it was even possible to call this instant pleasant. The wind slid along his hair and rushed further in his unknown affairs. The wind did not have concerns unlike Darel Dixon.

They have been sticking out in this damned prison for a week. Somehow secured the territory, they knew the supplies and even managed to save the harschel. More precisely, this Carol saved it. She really learned himself very quickly to provide first help, as if he had only been doing before. The seams impose, and the life was saved by old men. However, it is good that they appeared in the group a person who can stop the bleeding and to shave the wound. When you live, knowing that you can die at any second, it's nauseous. However, it's not scary to die. The worst thing that will happen to each of them after death - he will rise again. Only from all the human, only a shell will remain, and that is very shabby. Darel shuddered. He will never be a walk. Rick has long suggested him that the last two of them, who will stay alive, will send a bullet in the forehead a less successful friend. It can even be called a kind of ethic - not to give another to turn into zombies. Rid him from this god fate. Ricks can be hoped in this situation. This cop from Atlanta became Darel more than a partner for survival, he became his friend who can trust his life. Tell him someone for such a couple of years ago, Darel would have put his crossbow on Kon, that it was simply impossible. Although, if you think about when the world burns under your feet, nothing impossible does not exist in principle.

In the habit of praising yourself in pockets, Darel was convinced that he had no cigarette. And how did they get from? The last time they drove through the village around a month ago, and even then someone had already visited them. In the local grocery shop there was no canned food, no bottles with water. Well at least in the pharmacy managed to deal with painful meals. Ti-Dog even then joked that drugs can now not check the shelf life, they say, anyway, none of them will live for so long. Laurie at the same time looked at him that he would not be poured on his poor fellow, he would have his hair end. The joke and, however, with a pregnant woman inappropriate, but everyone already nerves at the limit, it is necessary to discharge at least somehow atmosphere. Previously, this rick was able to do, but recently he closed in himself. Silent all the time, my wife does not speak. Darel in other people's affairs is not an amateur to climb, but here everything is clear. Even if a man says that he forgave betray, he will never forget her. And then another child is unknown whose. Okay, he is something in the end. Themselves will understand.

Here, behind the door there were steps. Darel thanks to the perfect hearing that helped him in the hunt immediately determined that the steps were female and lungs, it means that it was not pregnant Laurie, which in the last month she was already hard, slowly. This is either beta or carol. Maggie with Glennnya for an hour is sitting on the watchtower, you can only guess what they are doing there. Darerel really wanted it to be not Carol. He is not that avoiding her, rather simply without Carol felt more comfortable than with her. She stretched to him in search of protection and human participation, and Darel supported the poor woman as he could, but pity is not the feeling on which you can build your attachments. To his relief, because of the door it seemed Beth and looking at him with his eyes of the wounded deer, called dinner. Darel nodded her, they say, I will soon, but it did not move from the spot. It was so comfortable to stand, leaning against a warm wall and catch the last rays of the sun, almost hidden behind the horizon. Suddenly, he cried a sharp sense of loss. In all life, Darel Dixon had a single close person who meant something for him. His older brother Marl. If you begin to understand the intricacies of fate, he lost his brother because of Rica, who threw on the roof in the building of full walking. But Daryl in the intriculture did not really know how to understand, besides, the next morning, when they returned to the roof to save the Marela, there was no longer it there. The brother saw his hand with a hand and washed off. What is the breech! So anywhere will not disappear. But, despite this, a brother, who turned the zombie, who wanders in the woods with a gifted piece of meat in almost every night, Darerel. It was unbearable.

In fact, in this world only the mayor about him cared. Mother died when Darerel was eight years old. Burned alive, falling asleep in bed with a cigarette. More stupid and terrible death was difficult to imagine. I didn't want to remember about the father at all. He spent his life either in the kabaks when it was possible to earn up, or at home in the bore. He was still, whether Darel hung after school, where he went and when he returns. Sometimes, Dickson-senior at all forgot that he has a son who needs to take care of. Therefore, it was the Morl that prepared him for food, explained that he was able to answer school jacks that were teased by Darel Rural and taught to hunt. I explained how to unravel the animal traces, taught a rabbit carcass to be fresh, told what berries in the forest can not eat. Smoking Darel also taught her older brother. He really looked cool with a cigarette, so big and strong. A real sample to follow. He did not cease to be even after he was jailed for a fight. Knowing the Marla, he was just lucky that the police arrived earlier, and his opponent was alive alive. Therefore, after two years, the brother returned as if nothing had happened. And Darel again every morning found him in the kitchen, sitting, crushed his legs on the table and pulling the cigarette. Their dadd by that time bent from the liver cirrhosis in the municipal hospital and did not take care of the testament, for the reason that he had nothing to leave him after himself. The brothers stayed together, and, confess, hardly they needed someone else. Episodic, as they called Marl, girlfriends did not go to the bill. A man is lucky in life, mainly because he does not require much from her.

Memories forced the heart to snew in a silly longing. He lacked his brother. There was not enough idiotic racist jokes, loud laughter, his self-confidence and the words that they will be fine. Last time, Darel seemed that there was no hope of hopes, each of their group would cool down sooner or later, he knew, he would end the cartridges and then ... Like a familiar hoarse voice, "not drift, broom, break through." Darel shuddered and the obsession was sleeping. Everything will be fine, the main thing is not to give up. Intuition, which has repeatedly reversed it in difficult situations, suggested that the Marl is alive. Maybe, I used to some other group of survivors, they really grab them now. In the end, as long as Darerel does not prove the opposite, he will believe that with his brother everything is in order. Well, besides the missing brush, of course.

- Darel?
Damn, as soon as Rick is able to sneak so silently? For no first time, his surprise cares. Although, he himself is to blame, it fell here as a girl, lost his vigilance.
Approaching him, Rick sat down close to his squat and, contrary to expectations, said nothing. Darel to some extent was grateful to him for it. What is the point of discussing the problems that cannot be solved anyway?
In the distance behind the fence it seemed a human figure. She slowly approached, the outlines became clearer and it was already clear that this is another walking, which is pointlessly staggering around the district, recruited on their prison. Predictably faced with a barrier in the form of a lattice, the zombies on the inertia continued to move, trying to overcome the obstacle.
- What do you think, will it take for a long time to carry solitary stake? - Rick spoiled the Kravinka, which he chewed, looking at the shocking fence. - A big herd breaks in a matter of minutes.
- But in prison, they do not climb. The prison is good, that it is difficult to get out of it, but also inwards to get complicated.
- If only you will not help in this court.
Darel could not hold back laughs. Still, Rick is really an excellent guy. Although the sheriff's assistant.