Calculate the angle of a hip roof online. Calculation of the material and area of ​​a hipped roof

Complex design hip roof requires accurate calculations during its design process. Correct calculations will ensure reliability, durability and long service life roofing structure. You can quickly and competently calculate a hip roof using a calculator. Such an online program will help you reliably draw up a complete roofing diagram, taking into account all the necessary parameters.

The hip roof is hipped design. Its sides are made in the shape of a trapezoid, and the end slopes have a triangular structure. All parts of the device are located at the same angle to the base.

To carry out correct calculations of the hip roof structure, all its main components should be taken into account:

  1. The top is a ridge. The device is a beam that is fixed at the highest point of the horizontal plane of the roof. It is slightly smaller than the total length of the building and serves to connect elements rafter system.
  2. Central rafters. Such load-bearing elements of the roof structure are placed along the height and length of the slopes, as well as the ridge.
  3. Corner rafters. Such bars are located at an angle. Their installation starts from the ridge and ends at the edge of the building.
  4. Hips. Such inclined elements are connected on one side to the ridge, and on the other to the corner rafters.
  5. Mauerlat. This element allows you to connect the rafter system to the walls of the building. This connection is carried out along the entire perimeter of the building.
  6. Overhangs. Typically, this protective structure is an elongated part of the rafter legs. Hip roofs are characterized by eaves overhangs, which help protect the walls of the house from moisture.
  7. Lathing. Such a device is necessary to secure roofing material, as well as a waterproofing layer and insulation. The lathing can be sparse or continuous. Its type depends on the species roofing.

At online payments roof covering is taken into account. The material can be in the form of rolls, individual modules or sheets.

Hip roofs do not have gables. Their main advantage is the rigidity of the entire structure and good streamlining of the coating. But to design this type reliable roof difficult enough without a lot of waste material. Therefore, the best assistant when drawing up a roof construction plan is a calculator, which, when entering all the data, will provide reliable calculations of the hip roof with a drawing.

Online calculator

To perform the calculation using the provided calculator, you only need to reliably enter the parameters of the hip roof. Online program quickly and accurately calculate the number of all necessary elements rafter system, their length, as well as the dimensions of the ridge.

The main determining indicators for calculating a hip roof are: the width and length of the building, its height and roof slope. The dimensions of the overhang are also taken into account. When choosing the width of the rafters, the loads are taken into account facing material roofs, as well as pressure air flow wind and snow masses.


The correct choice of sheathing material affects the strength properties of the hip roof. The best option for this type of roof is a board 3 centimeters thick and 10 centimeters wide. The parameters may vary upward depending on the characteristics of the materials used to cover the structure.

The pitch of the sheathing is carried out in the range from 20 to 70 centimeters. For metal tiles, a distance between boards of 35 centimeters is maintained; slate requires a greater distance - from 50 to 70 centimeters. The length of the lumber is 6 meters.

When laying soft roof continuous lathing is used. Its construction consists of plywood or OSB sheets. The material is laid in this design with a gap of no more than one centimeter.

More reliable lathing parameters can be checked with the manufacturers of the material selected for roofing. Using a calculator to calculate a hip roof, you can determine the required volume of wood for the entire rafter system.

Warm roofing material

An insulated roof is a fairly simple way to keep your home warm. This type of roofing structure allows you to use the attic as a living space. Used for laying the cake various materials in this order:

  • vapor barrier coating – metallized three-layer film;
  • insulation – mineral wool made of basalt fiber with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters;
  • waterproofing – a film material that protects the insulation from moisture;
  • counter-lattice - a structure at least 3 centimeters thick made of wooden blocks, providing a ventilation gap.

If used as thermal insulation polystyrene foam boards, then the installation of a water vapor barrier need not be carried out. Waterproofing material and the insulation is laid on the roof only in a continuous layer. All joints must be sealed with special tape.

Building a house is a very responsible and expensive project, while one of the most difficult and costly stages is the construction of the roof. Correct calculation of its area can significantly reduce the costs of its construction. In this regard, it is necessary to clearly understand the procedure and methodology for calculating the roof area. The first step is to determine the type of roof for which the calculation will be performed. Anyone who is looking for an answer to the question of how to calculate a hipped roof will find our article useful.

Today there are the following types of roofing, which differ in their design:

  • single slope;
  • gable;
  • hipped;
  • half-hip;
  • attic type;
  • hip roof;
  • 4-slope spire-shaped.

Regardless of the type of roof, when purchasing building materials the correctness of the calculations made is crucial. Given the trend towards a constant increase in prices for all building materials, an accurate determination of the roof area will become in an efficient way to save money. But the calculation method itself is not so complicated; it requires care and knowledge school course geometry, knowledge geometric parameters building and ridge, as well as the correct names of roof structural elements.

Hip roof area

The most popular roofing option today is the hipped roof, which involves the presence of 4 slopes located at an angle to the base. To calculate the area four pitched roof we will need:

  • calculate this value for each slope;
  • add the resulting values ​​together.

It is very important to check the results of your calculations several times, otherwise you may end up with a surplus or shortage of building material.

In most cases, all construction and design companies have as initial data the projection of the roof, that is, the area of ​​the base under it. Before starting the calculation work, we will divide the projection zone into simple component figures: trapezoids, triangles, rectangles and squares. The formula for calculating the area of ​​each of these figures is well known to every schoolchild, so it will take a little time to get the result using a calculator. Taking into account that each element of the projection is at an angle, its area should be multiplied by the accepted cosine of the angle of inclination of the slopes. After adding up all the results obtained, we obtain the area of ​​the hipped roof. As can be seen from the description, calculating this value will not cause special difficulties among people with an average level of knowledge of a school geometry course. For this reason, many builders assign the functions of performing such important tasks to their production workers: foremen, workers technical supervision and other engineering and technical workers.

One of the important conditions is to make calculations based on the eaves overhang, and not the edge of the building, otherwise the result will be incorrect.

The area of ​​a hipped roof is calculated in compliance with the following rules:

  • it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the following elements: ventilation ducts, chimneys, the attic and its windows;
  • the length of the slope is measured from the bottom of the ridge to the top of the cornice;
  • for parapets, overhangs and firewalls, add 5% of the length;
  • in order to calculate required consumption building material, you need to know the type of roofing, since each of them has its own consumption rates;
  • when covering bitumen shingles or rolled materials, the length of the slopes will decrease by at least seventy centimeters.

You should know that roll materials most economical option roof coverings with complex shape. They fit perfectly on almost any surface, their installation is not difficult and takes place in the shortest possible time.

Calculation of roofing materials

The purchase of roofing materials is accompanied by significant financial expenses, the optimization of which can save huge amounts of money. For this reason, when calculating the area of ​​a 4-pitch roof for the purchase of roofing material, the following features must be taken into account:

Using a simple calculation method using the above formulas, you can obtain a reliable result, which, with the right approach, is converted into money saved on the purchase of building and roofing materials.

How to calculate the area of ​​a hipped roof. Calculation of the amount of material for a hipped roof. Necessary formulas for calculating area

How to calculate roof area? Calculation of the roof area of ​​a hipped roof

Before you start building a roof, you should definitely draw up an appropriate project. This will save money and avoid unnecessary rework. To calculate the required amount of material, you should conditionally break down the roof into the simplest geometric shapes. Next is the area of ​​each element. The results obtained are added up. Let's look at how to calculate the area of ​​a roof of one type or another in more detail.

Rules for measuring roofs

First of all, you need to decide on the angle of inclination of the slope. It is its size, as well as the width of the pediment and the length of the slope, that in most cases are the main values ​​used in the formulas for calculating the required amount of roofing material and rafter system elements. If the latter has already been erected, additional measurements should be made. This will allow you to more accurately determine the amount of roofing material, steam and waterproofing film, as well as insulation.

First, let's figure out how to take roof measurements. The rules for carrying out work in this case are as follows:

  • The length of the slope is measured from the highest point on the ridge to the lowest point on the eaves overhang.
  • Horizontal measurements are taken not along the facade, but along the eaves of the roof itself.
  • The correctness of the slope measurements is checked by taking a diagonal measurement.
  • Write down the results on paper with a roof diagram drawn on it in advance.

How to find out the area of ​​a pitched roof

  • K = √A 2 + B 2, where A is the width of the span, B is the height of the rafter stand. To the obtained result K, add the length of the overhang and get the length of the rafters T.
  • C = T x M, where C is the roof area, M is the length of the slope eaves.

If the height of the rack is not known, the length of the rafters is often found a little differently: the width of the span is multiplied by the cosine of the angle and the length of the overhang is added.

Gable roof area

The question of how to calculate the area of ​​a gable roof is also not particularly difficult. The area of ​​a gable roof is exactly the same as that of a single-pitch roof. The same formulas are used. The only difference is that the area of ​​the slope must be multiplied by 2. Sometimes the gables of such a roof are sheathed with roofing material. In this case, the calculation is carried out using the formula for finding the area of ​​a triangle:

  • C = 1/2 N x A, where H is the height of the roof, A is the width of the span.

There is another answer to the question of how to calculate the area of ​​a gable roof. If the height of the roof is not initially known, calculations can be made based on the angle of inclination of the slope. In this case, the formula for the area of ​​a triangle will look like this:

  • C = 1/2 A x B x sine a, where A is the width of the span, B is the length of the rafter, and is the angle of inclination of the slope.

Area of ​​a broken gable roof

A gable sloping roof consists of four planes. First you need to calculate their areas. To do this, first find the length of the layered or hanging rafter(K = √A 2 + B 2). Next, the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle is used, that is, the result obtained is multiplied by the length of the cornice or purlin, respectively. On final stage We add up all the resulting numbers.

How to find the area of ​​a hip roof

The most difficult thing to do is calculate the roof area of ​​a hipped roof. The calculation method primarily depends on the design features of the rafter system. First, let's look at the calculations hip roof. It consists of four triangles of the same area. This is the design that is most often used. Therefore, in this case we apply the same formulas that we used to calculate the area of ​​the gable roof.

The calculation of the roof area of ​​a hipped hip roof is carried out taking into account the fact that it consists of two triangles and two trapezoids. We find the area of ​​triangles using the formula:

  • C = 1/2 N x A, where H is the height of the triangle, A is the length of the crossbar. We multiply the result by 2.
  • C = (A + B) x H: 2, where A is the length of the upper purlin, B is the length of the lower, H is the height of the roof.

Thus, we multiply the resulting result by 2 and add to it the area of ​​two triangles.

Nuances of calculating sheet roofing material

We found out how to calculate the roof area. Next, we’ll figure out how to find out the amount of roofing material needed. Of course, in order to find out the number of sheets needed to cover the roof, you need to know their length and width. In addition, when calculating, you should take into account the length of the overhangs of the cornices, as well as the width of the horizontal and vertical overlaps. Usually they are 15-25 cm. The area of ​​the pipe and ventilation outlets in the case of using sheet materials is not subtracted from the total area. In addition to the roof area, in this case you will definitely need to find out required quantity ridge elements and valleys. Roll calculation soft material follows the same rules. The only thing in this case is to take into account the width of the overlap at the ridge and in the valleys.

How to correctly calculate the required amount of piece roofing material

When calculating the amount required to cover the roof ceramic tiles its length and width should be taken into account. The usable width is indicated by the manufacturer. The useful length is calculated taking into account the overlap, which can be different at different angles of inclination of the roof. You will first need to calculate how many tiles will be needed to cover 1 m2 of roof. The result is multiplied by the roof area.

Sometimes roofs are covered with this interesting material like wood shingles. The calculation in this case is performed in the same way as for the usual one. However, the elements of this roofing material are most often laid in three layers. Thus, the result obtained should be further multiplied by 3.

Calculation of waterproofing material

The waterproofing film is mounted on the roof in strips with an overlap of 10 cm. This must be taken into account when calculating. Overlaps on cornices and gable overhangs will have to be 15 cm. It should also be borne in mind that the film is almost always laid at a distance of 30 cm from the ridge. This place is covered with a special insulating tape. Among other things, the waterproofing film must be overlapped in the area of ​​the valleys and pipes.

Finally, let's give a couple useful tips regarding how to calculate the roof area and amount of material. Having done everything necessary calculations, be sure to add 10% to the result. The fact is that losses during roof cladding work are inevitable. Almost all roofing materials are sold in batches. This means that it will be impossible to select additional sheets of exactly the same shade as those already used for the coating. If the roof has a complex configuration, the margin should be increased to at least 13%, since the number of trimmings in in this case increases. Especially a lot of waste remains when cladding gables and triangular slopes. If the roof structure contains many such elements, you should additionally purchase more than 13% of the material.

Thus, you now know how to calculate the roof area correctly. The work is quite complex and requires precision. However, it is quite possible to do it yourself. Especially if the roof is not very complex design. The same applies to the calculation of roofing material.

In order to determine the amount of roofing material needed, you should know how to calculate the roof area. This procedure is quite complex and requires precision. The calculations use formulas for finding the area of ​​simple geometric shapes.

How to calculate the area of ​​a hipped roof - rules and sequence

Hip roof of a house

Hip roofs are the most popular option in modern private construction. Developers often have a question: how to calculate the area of ​​a hipped roof. This is necessary to determine the amount of roofing material, waterproofing and insulation.

Today, calculations can be made using computer programs designed for all types of roofs. This has its advantages: high precision, choice various options designs, convenience. However, some builders prefer to rely on their wits and not spend money on something they can do themselves.

Before you begin calculating the roof area, you should draw up a detailed plan where all dimensions will be plotted. Not a single element of the roof should be overlooked. In addition, already at the stage of designing a house, you should decide on the choice of roofing material, since the slope of the roof depends on this. How sharper angle slope, the longer the roof slope. And that means higher consumption material. In addition, each roofing material is individual. For example, profiled metal sheets require much more overlap during installation than, say, natural tiles.

Having exact calculation depending on the roof area of ​​the house, you can choose the most profitable roofing material, as well as insulation, steam and waterproofing.

Hip roofs can differ in shape:

  • directly hipped;
  • half-hip;
  • hip;
  • hipped gable.

The easiest way to calculate roof areas is those whose slopes are regular trapezoids and triangles and do not have any kinks on the slopes.

However, in modern construction Increasingly, hip roofs are being erected, with many slopes, the surface of which can consist not only of triangles and trapezoids, but also rhombuses, rectangles and other geometric shapes.

That is why, before you start calculating a hipped roof, it is advisable to refresh your knowledge in a school geometry course.

Independent calculation of the area of ​​a hipped roof

As mentioned earlier, the first step is to draw up a complete roof plan. If there is no house design or the rafter system has already been installed, then the roof plan will have to be drawn up based on the existing frame. To do this, you only need a tape measure and an angle. Using this tool, all roof lines are measured, from the ridge to the ceilings. If the roof is multi-level and consists of different heights, then the drawing must reflect which height is which. It is also advisable to draw up a projection plan of the roof. This will help to present the picture more clearly. However, it is necessary to draw up a roof projection only if you have drawing skills.

Having compiled detailed drawing, it will not be difficult to decompose the roof into individual geometric components. This is necessary for more accurate calculations.

Remember that the size of the roof cannot be limited only by its perimeter. It is also necessary to add the length of the roof overhangs where it is expected.

Rules that must be followed when calculating a hipped roof:

  1. It is necessary to break the drawing into separate geometric shapes. Draw each of them into a separate drawing. Transfer all dimensions.

The simpler the figures are, and the more more parameters you know, the easier it will be to make the calculation.

  • The length of one slope is determined by measuring the distance from the extreme line of the eaves to the ridge.
  • Each roof slope is calculated as follows: the area of ​​the figure is multiplied by the cosine of the angle at which this roofing element is located.
  • If any slope is an irregular rectangle, it must be divided into regular geometric shapes. And also carry out the calculation of each separately.
  • After each element has been calculated separately, the resulting digital values ​​are summed up.

Calculation of hip roof area

As an example, we give the calculation of the roof of a hipped roof.

Let's assume that our hipped roof consists of the following elements: two regular trapezoids and two isosceles triangles. The roof slopes are located at an angle of 30°. Cosine given angle equals 0.87.

Trapezoidal slopes have following parameters: one side 10 m, the other 7 m, height 3 m.

Triangular slopes: two sides are 3.34 m, one side is 7 m. The height of the triangle is 4.8 m.

Let's start with the calculations.

The area of ​​a trapezoid is found as follows: sum the length of the horizontal sides, divide by 2, multiply by the height. That is, in our case: S=(10 +7)/2 x 3 = 25.5.

Do not forget that the resulting number must be multiplied by the cosine of the angle, in our case by 0.87. As a result, the area of ​​the trapezoidal slope is 22.185. We round up to 22.5 meters.

The final stage is the summation of all areas: S = 22.5 × 2 + 14.7 × 2 = 74.4. Round up to 75.

Thus, the area of ​​the hipped roof, in our case, will be equal to 75 m².

During the calculation process, various small elements are not subtracted from the total area, such as: dormer windows, ventilation ducts, chimneys, parapets or skylights. Since their area is small, they do not entail any special financial costs. In addition, it is quite possible to make a mistake when calculating.

Calculation of roofing and other materials

After the calculation of the hipped roof has been carried out and the total area has been calculated, you can begin to calculate the required footage of roofing material. It is a mistaken opinion that the area of ​​the roof drawing and the area required material match. The bottom line is that all elements of the roofing material must be overlapped. In addition, each roofing material has its own technical indicators for the amount of overlap. Accordingly, material costs increase significantly.

When calculating the required amount of roofing material for a multi-level roof, it is advisable to seek help from a computer program. It will make calculations faster and more reliable.

But you can calculate the required material for a simple roof yourself. This does not entail any special difficulties.

Let's give an example of calculating the amount of slate for our hipped roof, the area of ​​which we calculated earlier.

To do this we need to create a proportion:

X – 15%, where S is the roof area, X is a margin equal to 15%.

After X has been calculated, the resulting number must be added to the area S. The result will be the area of ​​the required amount of material.

So, in our case the proportion will look like this:

X = 15 x 75 / 100 = 11.25. round up to 11.5.

11.5 + 75 = 86.25 (m?) - the area of ​​the required roofing material.

Calculation of roofing materials

In addition, when calculating the required material, you should remember that there will invariably be waste, which may require up to 20% of the material. That is, a proportion should again be drawn up, where X is now the expense. We add the resulting result to the area.

During construction complex roof You should take a material reserve of not 15%, but not less than 20%.

The calculation of soft roofs is carried out according to the same formulas as the calculation of slate. Consumption depends on the type of roofing material and the technology of its installation. The areas of valleys and ridges are calculated and ordered separately, since they are measured not in square meters, but in linear meters.

The length of the roofing sheets, determined by the height of the slope, is calculated by the dimensions of the roof of the house. As a rule, metal tiles are produced up to 8 meters long. In this case, the thickness of the sheets ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 cm. As a result, long metal sheets bend very strongly. This may complicate the transportation process, as the sheets may break along the way. Therefore, when ordering metal tiles, take into account the area of ​​the roof and roofing sheets, and choose the most suitable sizes. You should also take into account the qualifications of the workers who will be laying the roof. Thus, with a roof area of ​​up to 150 m? Is it recommended to purchase roofing sheets up to 2 m long for a roof area of ​​up to 250 m? Are roofing sheets up to 4 m long preferred for roof areas over 250 m? purchase sheets longer than 6 m. Metal sheets, more than 6 meters long, are difficult to lay, as they bend very much. To install them, you must hire experienced roofers.

When transporting long roofing sheets, the process of loading, transporting and storing the material should be monitored.

Since on complex roofs material consumption is high. It is preferable to purchase piece material. Piece material these are soft roofing coverings, for example, bitumen flexible tiles. Thus, waste is minimized due to the small size of the elements. But with proper calculation and a responsible approach, roof installation can be carried out in such a way that high costs can be avoided.

Please note that soft roofs require organization continuous sheathing, as well as additional installation costs. At the same time, prices for these types of coatings are significantly higher.

Thus, calculating a hipped roof allows you to timely calculate the upcoming costs of purchasing roofing material, insulation and waterproofing.

How to calculate the area of ​​a hipped roof without involving third party specialists? What main parameters do you need to know in order to calculate the roof of a hipped or gable roof? An example of calculation is in our article.

The roof of the house in its classic version It has only two slopes and pediments at the ends. More modern and practical is the hip roof, which additionally has slopes at the ends. Today, there are many varieties of hip (hipped) roofs, differing in their performance characteristics, areas and designs. A competent, correct calculation of a hip roof can ensure optimal consumption of building materials. Here are a few main types of hip roofs::

  • half-hip design, where the hips are covered top part slopes, covering the pediments;
  • hip roofing, where all slopes have the same shape and area, is used to cover buildings with a square shape;
  • sloping roof, consisting of a large number of slopes of various sizes, arranged at various angles; this type The roof of the house is erected only by professional installers with many years of experience and high qualifications.

Hip roof design

Let's consider the main structural elements of a hipped roof:

  • ridge beam (ridge), located directly in the center of the roof and serves as the main load-bearing element to which others adjoin wooden elements roofing system;
  • slanted (corner) rafters, attached to the ridge with one end, and the other resting on the edge of the building (in some cases extending beyond it); corner rafters are the main ones load-bearing structures, taking the main load of the roof;
  • a central rafter system running from the ridge beam along the entire height of the slopes;
  • intermediate rafter elements, attached to the ridge and slopes; serve to impart structural rigidity to the rafter system and increase its reliability;
  • short rafters of various lengths; These rafter elements do not have a ridge attachment and are adjacent to the corner rafters at the same angle.

Basic rules for the construction of a hip roof structure

The construction of a hip hip roof must be accompanied by calculations and markings. Calculate a hip hip roof - this is the best way significantly increase economic effect when planning the construction budget. To find out the area and length of the hip roof rafters, you must perform the following operations:

  • mark the center line along the top of the eaves at the ends of the house (determine the location of the ridge beam);
  • after this you need to calculate half the thickness of the ridge and mark the position of the very first structural element rafter system;
  • the next step is to use a measuring rod, one end of which is laid on a pre-marked line, and the other on the line of the side wall; using this simple operation, determine the installation location of the intermediate rafter;
  • to calculate the length of the rafter overhang, a measuring rod is also used; one end of it is installed on external wall, and the other - on the edge of the formed overhang; the next element of the system is determined by moving the slats along the side wall and marking on it places for installing rafters;
  • We repeat the above steps for the remaining three walls, after which the installation locations of all rafters and ridge beams will be known.

When starting to build a hipped roof, you need to be patient. Work begins with markings that take into account all the basic rules of roof construction. Using a measuring rod greatly simplifies the work, reduces measurement errors and increases the productivity of the process.

In most cases, the measuring rod is made independently, for which plywood or metal strips approximately 50 millimeters wide are used.

To facilitate the calculations of a hip roof, a special table of coefficients is used, which takes into account the ratio of the slope of the roof of the house, the length of the corner and intermediate rafters.

Using the table data, you can quickly calculate the length of the rafters and include these figures in the construction budget. The calculation of the geometric parameters and area of ​​the hip roof of a house is carried out in square meters. To increase the accuracy of the calculation, use a calculator, which allows you to more accurately and quickly perform all mathematical operations. Knowing the roof area, the roof covering is calculated to increase the efficiency of using funds and optimize costs.

When calculating the rafter system for houses with harsh climates, coefficients are used that take into account the amount of precipitation and wind speed.

Features of the construction of a hip roof

When erecting a hip roof, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the ridge beam and rafter system are made of materials of the same thickness;
  • to fasten short rafters, use connections to the corner rafters, and not to the ridge beam;
  • the hip roof must have optimal height, a low roof will require additional supports, and a high one will increase the area of ​​​​roofing materials;
  • long service life of a hip roof is possible only when dry timber beams are used in construction coniferous species, having undergone preliminary antiseptic treatment.

Options for strengthening the hip roof structure

Roof area and geometric dimensions houses are the determining factors in determining the methods of strengthening. Main strengthening options:

When building a hip hip roof, it is taken into account that a large roof area increases not only the consumption of roofing materials, but also lumber used for rafters, sheathing, mauerlat and other structural elements.

Calculation of a hip roof: area and rafters

Calculation of the hip roof truss system. How to calculate the area and rafters of a hip hip roof. Basic rules and features of the construction of a hip roof structure

Calculate the roof area correctly

Correct calculations when planning new construction or repairs can significantly save on basic and consumables. The roofing pie is one of the key components of the house. In the process of designing it, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​the roof and be able to calculate the area of ​​each of its elements. For this there are special computer programs. But, unlike machine calculation, manual calculation gives more exact result, since it allows you to take into account the nuances of further installation of roofing material.

Geometric roof shapes

The variety of geometric shapes of the top of the house determines the complexity of calculating its area. The most common stingray shapes:

Calculating the roof area is quite simple if it has one, two or four slopes. The more elements, the more complicated it is, the more measurements and mathematical operations need to be done.

The calculation can be done in two ways:

  1. Make calculations based on the plan of the top of the cottage. All linear dimensions of each slope must be written down on it. All that remains is to calculate the area of ​​each element and find their sum.
  2. Take “live” dimensions from already finished roof and perform mathematical operations. This option is more accurate, since an absolutely exact match between the actual dimensions of the top and its plan is very rare.

In both cases, you need to pay attention to symmetrical slopes. First of all, this applies to elements of a two- or four-slope roof.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​one- and two-slope roofs

These two types are the simplest, since the slopes of a single-pitched and double-pitched roof of a house usually have a rectangular shape. Calculating their area can be done even without a detailed plan. It is also quite easy to take measurements.

Square pitched roof equal to the area of ​​one roofing rectangle:

A and B are the width and height of the slope, respectively.

These parameters can be found even without climbing to altitude. It is enough to find out the length and width of the house and add the overhangs of the top of the house to them. Next you need to measure the height of the roofing pie and use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate its length. Now you can multiply the obtained parameters and get the desired result.

Using a similar scheme, the area of ​​a gable roof is calculated. It can always be imagined as two single slopes. Accordingly, and similarly, the dimensions of this type of roof are taken. If the slopes are symmetrical, you can remove the parameters of only one of them. Knowing the length, you can calculate the area of ​​the gable roof gable, especially if it is planned to be lined with corrugated wall sheeting or siding.

The result for each roof element is determined using the same formula for the area of ​​a rectangle:

Having found out the area of ​​​​both elements, by simply summing them up one can calculate general meaning for a gable roof surface.

Calculation of the area of ​​a hip, hip and half-hip roof

These roofing options have a more complex configuration, so to calculate the area mansard roof it takes more time. They are all hipped, which means more measurements need to be taken.

A type of roofing surface composed of two trapezoids and two triangles is called hip. In most cases, its opposite sides are equal, and the triangles are isosceles. For such a symmetrical hip roof, it is enough to calculate the value for only two adjacent elements and multiply the result by two. If the dimensions of each are different, you will have to measure the entire roof.

After the measurements have been taken, you can calculate the value for each element. For trapezoidal elements you need to use the following formula:

a – width along the lower overhang,

b – width along the ridge,

For triangular elements the formula is used:

a – width of the slope along the lower overhang,

h – slope height.

Well, in the end, as in previous cases, the sum of the results of calculating all elements is calculated.

The half-hip design differs from the hip design in that instead of trapezoidal elements, it has hexagonal elements, the lower part of which is in the shape of a rectangle, and the upper part is trapezoidal. Accordingly, the measurement process is slightly different. In a hexagonal element, you need to measure its two components separately, and also do calculations separately. The formulas can be found a little higher in this article. Again, the total area of ​​a half-hip roof is the sum of the calculation results of all its elements.

The traditional tent top is made up of four isosceles triangles. Usually it is symmetrical, so measurements can only be taken on two adjacent elements. It is only necessary to find out the height of each of the slopes and their width along the lower overhang. Next, using the formula given just above, each element is calculated and the final calculation of the hip roof is made.

Calculation of roof area with slopes with complex geometry

Multi-pitched roofs with elements with complex geometry no longer surprise anyone. These are the so-called dome and multi-gable structures. These top of house solutions are very attractive. Calculating the roof area of ​​this configuration is much more difficult than in the case of conventional hipped options. But an accurate calculation is necessary, since there is large number stingrays, each of which has different shapes. The construction of such structures is quite expensive and the slightest mistake will inevitably lead to additional expenditure of money and time.

The main difficulty in the process of calculating a multi-slope roofing surface is the dimensioning stage, and the more elements in the structure, the more difficult it is to take measurements. You can't do this without climbing onto the roof. In any case, it is necessary to make a drawing of the roof and measure each slope. For each of them separately, it is necessary to calculate the area using the formulas given above, then, summing up the data obtained, find the total area of ​​the roof.

The issue of calculating the roof area must be approached very carefully. After all, roofing materials are quite expensive and errors in calculations will lead to unnecessary costs. It must be remembered that when purchasing roofing materials, you need to make a small margin, since they are laid with an overlap, and this is not taken into account when calculating the roof area.

Calculation of hipped roof parameters

To calculate, you will need to know the length and width of the base and the angle of inclination of the slopes (it is assumed that the angle of inclination of all 4 slopes is the same). As a result, the calculator calculates the length of the diagonal (hip) rafters, the length of the transverse rafters, the height of the roof at the highest point and the surface area of ​​the roof. The calculation details are right behind the calculator.

Calculation of a 4-pitch roof

1) hipped roof - the base is square, the side faces are identical, or, as mathematicians would say, congruent isosceles triangles (in the first picture).

2) hip roof - the base is a rectangle, two side faces are isosceles triangles, the other two faces are trapezoids (in the second picture).

  • The ratio of the roof height (h) and the distance from the central point of the base to the nearest edge of the roof (b/2) corresponds to the tangent of the slope angle. From here, knowing the angle of inclination, we can express the height of the roof:
  • In a similar way, the length of the side rafters (e) can be expressed through the cosine of the angle of inclination:
  • The length of the diagonal (hip) rafters (d) can be calculated twice using the Pythagorean theorem as follows:
  • And finally, we will find the roof area as the sum of the areas of 4 triangles for a hip roof plus the area of ​​inserts from 2 rectangles for long trapezoidal slopes in the case of unequal sides of the base:

Online calculator: Calculation of hipped roof parameters

Online calculator. The calculator calculates the length of the rafters, the height and roof area of ​​a 4-pitch roof.

How to calculate roof area? Calculation of the roof area of ​​a hipped roof

Before you start building a roof, you should definitely draw up an appropriate project. This will save money and avoid unnecessary rework. To calculate the required amount of material, you should roughly divide the roof into simple geometric shapes. Next is the area of ​​each element. The results obtained are added up. Let's look at how to calculate the area of ​​a roof of one type or another in more detail.

Rules for measuring roofs

First of all, you need to decide on the angle of inclination of the slope. It is its size, as well as the width of the pediment and the length of the slope, that in most cases are the main values ​​used in the formulas for calculating the required amount of roofing material and rafter system elements. If the latter has already been erected, additional measurements should be made. This will allow you to more accurately determine the amount of roofing material, vapor and waterproofing films, as well as insulation required.

First, let's figure out how to take roof measurements. The rules for carrying out work in this case are as follows:

  • The length of the slope is measured from the highest point on the ridge to the lowest point on the eaves overhang.
  • Horizontal measurements are taken not along the facade, but along the eaves of the roof itself.
  • The correctness of the slope measurements is checked by taking a diagonal measurement.
  • Write down the results on paper with a roof diagram drawn on it in advance.

How to find out the area of ​​a pitched roof

  • K = √A 2 + B 2, where A is the width of the span, B is the height of the rafter stand. To the obtained result K, add the length of the overhang and get the length of the rafters T.
  • C = T x M, where C is the roof area, M is the length of the slope eaves.

If the height of the rack is not known, the length of the rafters is often found a little differently: the width of the span is multiplied by the cosine of the angle and the length of the overhang is added.

Gable roof area

The question of how to calculate the area of ​​a gable roof is also not particularly difficult. The area of ​​a gable roof is exactly the same as that of a single-pitch roof. The same formulas are used. The only difference is that the area of ​​the slope must be multiplied by 2. Sometimes the gables of such a roof are sheathed with roofing material. In this case, the calculation is carried out using the formula for finding the area of ​​a triangle:

  • C = 1/2 N x A, where H is the height of the roof, A is the width of the span.

There is another answer to the question of how to calculate the area of ​​a gable roof. If the height of the roof is not initially known, calculations can be made based on the angle of inclination of the slope. In this case, the formula for the area of ​​a triangle will look like this:

  • C = 1/2 A x B x sine a, where A is the width of the span, B is the length of the rafter, and is the angle of inclination of the slope.

Area of ​​a broken gable roof

A gable sloping roof consists of four planes. First you need to calculate their areas. To do this, first find the length of the layered or hanging rafter (K ​​= √A 2 + B 2). Next, the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle is used, that is, the result obtained is multiplied by the length of the cornice or purlin, respectively. At the final stage, we add up all the resulting numbers.

How to find the area of ​​a hip roof

The most difficult thing to do is calculate the roof area of ​​a hipped roof. The calculation method primarily depends on the design features of the rafter system. First, let's look at the calculations for a hip roof. It consists of four triangles of the same area. This is the design that is most often used. Therefore, in this case we apply the same formulas that we used to calculate the area of ​​the gable roof.

The calculation of the roof area of ​​a hipped hip roof is carried out taking into account the fact that it consists of two triangles and two trapezoids. We find the area of ​​triangles using the formula:

  • C = 1/2 N x A, where H is the height of the triangle, A is the length of the crossbar. We multiply the result by 2.
  • C = (A + B) x H: 2, where A is the length of the upper purlin, B is the length of the lower, H is the height of the roof.

Thus, we multiply the resulting result by 2 and add to it the area of ​​two triangles.

Nuances of calculating sheet roofing material

We found out how to calculate the roof area. Next, we’ll figure out how to find out the amount of roofing material needed. Of course, in order to find out the number of sheets needed to cover the roof, you need to know their length and width. In addition, when calculating, you should take into account the length of the overhangs of the cornices, as well as the width of the horizontal and vertical overlaps. Usually they are 15-25 cm. The area of ​​the pipe and ventilation outlets in the case of using sheet materials is not subtracted from the total area. In addition to the roof area, in this case you will definitely need to find out the required number of ridge elements and valleys. Calculation of rolled soft material is carried out according to the same rules. The only thing in this case is to take into account the width of the overlap at the ridge and in the valleys.

How to correctly calculate the required amount of piece roofing material

When calculating the amount of ceramic tiles required to cover the roof, you should take into account its length and width. The usable width is indicated by the manufacturer. The useful length is calculated taking into account the overlap, which can be different at different angles of inclination of the roof. You will first need to calculate how many tiles will be needed to cover 1 m2 of roof. The result is multiplied by the roof area.

Sometimes roofs are covered with such interesting material as wooden tiles. The calculation in this case is performed in the same way as for the usual one. However, the elements of this roofing material are most often laid in three layers. Thus, the result obtained should be further multiplied by 3.

Calculation of waterproofing material

The waterproofing film is mounted on the roof in strips with an overlap of 10 cm. This must be taken into account when calculating. The overlaps on the eaves and gable overhangs will need to be 15 cm. It should also be borne in mind that the film is almost always laid at a distance of 30 cm from the ridge. This place is covered with a special insulating tape. Among other things, the waterproofing film must be overlapped in the area of ​​the valleys and pipes.

Finally, we will give a couple of useful tips on how to calculate the roof area and the amount of material. After completing all the necessary calculations, be sure to add 10% to the result. The fact is that losses during roof cladding work are inevitable. Almost all roofing materials are sold in batches. This means that it will be impossible to select additional sheets of exactly the same shade as those already used for the coating. If the roof has a complex configuration, the margin should be increased to at least 13%, since the number of scraps in this case increases. Especially a lot of waste remains when cladding gables and triangular slopes. If the roof structure contains many such elements, you should additionally purchase more than 13% of the material.

Thus, you now know how to calculate the roof area correctly. The work is quite complex and requires precision. However, it is quite possible to do it yourself. Especially if the roof has a not too complex structure. The same applies to the calculation of roofing material.

In order to determine the amount of roofing material needed, you should know how to calculate the roof area. This procedure is quite complex and requires precision. The calculations use formulas for finding the area of ​​simple geometric shapes.

The most popular and most common roof design for a house, without a doubt, is the gable roof. But recently, the hip roof has also become widespread. It is distinguished by the fact that it is hipped, the two slopes of which (called hips - hence the name) replace the gables of a traditional gable roof. She has a number undoubted advantages and has several varieties. In addition, the hip roof has a relatively complex design and manufacturing technology, which makes preliminary calculations the main parameters of the roof and the need for materials are an important stage of preparation for actual construction.

Types of hip roofs

Before performing the calculation, you need to clearly understand what should happen in the end. There are the following types of roof structures under consideration.

Classic hip roof

The classic hip roof of the house has 4 slopes, two of which are trapezoidal, and the other two are triangular in shape. As mentioned above, triangular slopes, otherwise called hips, were the reason for the origin of the name of the type of roof in question. The main advantages of this design are its high reliability, functionality, as well as original and attractive appearance. The disadvantages include the relative design and technological complexity, as well as the high cost of construction.

Half hip roof

It differs from the classic variety in that the hips, that is, triangular slopes, have a truncated shape. The half-hip roof is characterized by excellent performance and an attractive and very interesting appearance. However, this type roofing is one of the most structurally and technologically complex, and expensive.

Hip roof

A fairly popular variation of the traditional hip roof, which differs from it in that all four or more slopes are triangular, converging at one point. The structure is crowned not by a horizontal ridge, but by a ridge unit located at the top point of the pyramid, which is formed by the slopes. As a rule, it is used in the case of a square building, or a structure in the shape of an equilateral polygon.

broken roof

Another extremely attractive type of house roof. It is characterized by the fact that all rays have various sizes and shape. The disadvantage is similar to the half-hip design - the complexity of the design and manufacturing technology, as well as the high cost, even compared to other expensive varieties of the type of roof in question.

Hip roof design

Another important issue that needs to be clarified before starting to calculate the area and the need for materials is the design features of the roof, that is, the composition of the elements that will need to be calculated. Main design elements:

  • ridge (ridge beam). It is located on top of the structure in the center of the roof. It is one of the main load-bearing elements on which most of the rafter system rests and is adjacent;
  • corner (sloping) rafters. They are positioned in such a way that one end is attached to the edge of the building (or extends beyond it), and the other to the ridge. They take up most of the roof load, being, together with the ridge, the main type of load-bearing roofing structures;
  • central rafters. They form a rafter system stretching along the entire length and height of the slopes from the ridge;
  • hip (short) rafters. They form a rafter system of hips. Usually only one rests on the ridge rafter leg, the rest are attached to the corner rafters.

Basic rules for calculating a hip roof

As noted above, the design of a hip roof is quite complex. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a project and involve specialists to perform the necessary calculations. Many years of experience of a variety of builders have repeatedly proven that the desire to save minor funds on design and preliminary calculations usually leads to significantly larger losses at the construction stage.

But in the most extreme case, if savings are extremely necessary, some of the drawings and elements can be completed and calculated independently. In particular, with your own hands it is quite possible to calculate the location for the subsequent installation of the ridge and other elements of the roof rafter system.

Determining the location of the ridge and rafters

To do this, you need to perform the following operations:

  • mark the line of the central axis from the ends of the house at the level of the top of the eaves. This way the location of the ridge is determined;
  • with the help measuring ruler, located with one end on the marked line of the ridge beam, and the other on the line of the side wall, the installation location of conventional rafters is determined;
  • then the length of the overhang is also determined using a measuring ruler, only one end of the ruler extends beyond the boundary of the outer wall;
  • a similar procedure is performed along the entire length of the wall in question, and then for the three remaining walls.

Thus, the locations for subsequent installation of the ridge and all rafters will be obtained.

A table of coefficients, which shows the ratios of the following indicators: roof slope/length of intermediate rafter/length of corner rafter, can significantly simplify calculations of the length of rafter system elements.

Calculation of hip roof area

Once the location and dimensions of the rafter system have been determined, it is not particularly difficult to calculate the coverage area of ​​the hip roof. To do this, it is divided into its constituent elements - slopes, for each of which its area is calculated, taking into account overhangs. The formulas used in this case are known from school and are quite simple.

Then the obtained data is summarized. The result of the addition will be total area hip roof with one significant clarification. From the resulting figure, it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​the chimney pipes and windows located on the roof.

Calculation of the angle of inclination of a hip roof

When calculating the angle of inclination of a hip roof, a fairly large number of indicators are taken into account, in particular, the amount of precipitation, the level of wind and snow load, purpose of the attic space, roofing material, etc. Therefore, it is better to carry out such calculations using specialized programs with the involvement of professional designers.

It should be noted that the angle ranges from 5 to 60 degrees.

All of the above applies to the simplest type of hip roof. The task of calculating elements and material requirements becomes seriously complicated when additional architectural elements, for example, if you want to decorate your house with a bay window. An example of calculating a roof with a bay window is shown in the video:

By analogy with the calculation of a roof with a bay window, calculations of other architectural elements are also performed. It must be remembered that the example with a bay window is one of the simplest.

The following needs to be added. To simplify calculations, they often resort to using online calculators to help perform some of the calculations. For example, like in this case:


The hip roof has a rather complex design. That's why the best option calculation is the invitation of professional designers to prepare a full-fledged project containing all the necessary dimensions, specification of material requirements, etc. If you want to save money, you can do some of the calculations yourself.

The hip roof has high performance characteristics and complex design, however, thanks to the online calculator, every homeowner will be able to calculate it. Our calculator will reliably calculate the design of a hip hip roof. Based on the calculation results, a 2D roof drawing is generated and 3D visualization is performed.

The hip roof has four slopes - the end ones in the shape of triangles and the side ones in the form of a trapezoid. The slopes are located at the same angle to the base. Their sides are connected by hips (sloping ribs), and their tops are connected by a ridge. A mauelrat is laid around the perimeter of the house, on which the rafters rest. The hip hip roof has eaves overhang, depending on your preferences

Advantages and disadvantages of a hip roof

Although the calculation of a hip roof is complex, it is one of the most popular designs for a private home. It has a number of advantages:

  • Streamlining of the roof covering;
  • Structural rigidity;
  • No gables

The hip roof also has a number of disadvantages:

  • The complexity of calculations and installation of the roof;
  • Large waste of material (especially MP).

Thus, there are more advantages, and an online calculator with roof drawings in detail will help in its calculation.

Specifics of the hip roof calculator

Our calculator will make an instant calculation of the rafter system of a hip roof - the length and number of rafters (including diagonal ones), and the length of the ridge. The homeowner is required to enter only the initial parameters: the length and width of the house, roof slope, height. I would like to note that the width of the rafter boards must be selected based on the loads, both from wind and snow, and on the weight of the roofing material itself. If you are making a warm roof, then the distance between the rafters should correspond to the width of the insulation in order to get rid of undercuts and not waste material.


Sheathing boards are usually used with a thickness of 30 mm. The width can be different, for metal tiles with a pitch of 35 cm in accordance with the length of the longitudinal axis of the Monterrey MCH module, the optimal width of the board is 100 mm, for other types of coatings, the pitch and width of the board can be different. Do not forget that on the sheathing for a soft roof, OSB or plywood will be placed on top as a continuous carpet.

When installing a warm roof you need:

  • The insulation is 100 mm thick, but 150-200 mm is better.
  • Waterproofing, vapor barrier;
  • Counter grille with a thickness of at least 30 mm.

As you already understood, calculate the hip roof by online calculator very easy, even with very little knowledge in construction. Basic design features hip roofs are similar to the geometry of the school curriculum, so let's count together.