Calculation of the height of the ridge of a gable roof. Gable roof calculator and rafter system calculation online

Options for calculating the roof ridge area have their own characteristics. You should know the following values:

  • The sum of the entire length of the skates;
  • Width and length of the structure;
  • What is the number of ridges and total length;
  • How many stingrays are present and what type are they.

When covering the ridge with soft and flexible materials apply the following formula:

Roof area = (2 x overhang width + length of the entire house) x (2 x overhang width + width of the entire house) / cos (angle slope). With all this, the entire coverage area must be taken into account, and valleys must be calculated separately. Then, the amount of material used will depend on the type of metal tile used.

The structure of a gable roof is almost similar to structures of other pitched types.

To cover the roof use:

  • Slate;
  • Metal tiles.

Roofing units contain units for ventilation passages of shafts and chimneys that go through the roof covering. Individual way the construction of units and their quality directly depend on the type of roof.

A gable roof consists of the following structures:

  • Rafters;
  • Lathing;
  • Overhangs;
  • Mauerlat;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Horizontal ribs;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Racks;
  • Endovy.

For calculation soft roof, take into account:

  • Structural elements;
  • Calculation of the height of the roof and rafter system;
  • Take into account the overhangs of the cornices, overlaps and overlaps of the ridges.

The entire calculation will be exactly the same as for a gable roof, but there are some differences. The main difficulty is that this roof will have more than one angle of inclination, and before starting the calculation, we recommend that you use the “golden ratio” rule, which will allow you to fit the contour of the roof into a circle. This action will help you avoid the most common drawback: if the calculation is done incorrectly, the roof will look very ugly.

Pay attention special attention calculations, because the entire reliability of the structure, its long service life and aesthetic appearance will depend on this. Do the calculations in advance, otherwise you may lose a significant amount of money and waste time redoing all the shortcomings.

Roof height affects appearance home, the complexity of assembling the rafter frame and technical specifications. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to determining the size and only after that purchase material. In order to make calculations, it is not necessary to contact specialized organizations. In the article we will discuss how to correctly calculate the height of the roof, as well as what affects it.

A ridge is a horizontal edge connecting the vertices of two roof slopes. Overestimating and underestimating the height negatively affects the operation of the roof and spoils the appearance of the building. Therefore, when making calculations, it is not enough to be guided only by your own taste. Before calculating the height of the ridge, it is important to pay attention to various technical conditions.

In this article, we will assume by default roofs with equal slopes in length and angle of inclination. This will make it easier to determine the height, although all the principles described apply to asymmetrical structures.

According to geometry, one of the slopes will be the hypotenuse, and the distance from the ridge to the base will be the leg.

Now let's go through each point in more detail.

Roof covering

For different materials there are own requirements for the steepness of the slope. The calculation of the height of the ridge will depend on this indicator gable roof. Eat general principles choice of material depending on the angle of the slope:

  1. For small piece elements, the slope of the slope should be greater than for long sheet materials. This is due to the fact that when moisture accumulates in the joints, leaks may appear. Therefore, skates are for slate roof higher than ridges on a metal roof. The point is that the length wave slate only 1.75 m, and metal roofing material can occupy the entire length of the slope.
  2. Height ridge roof also affects the number of joints. As the angle decreases, the number of connections and overlaps should also decrease. Therefore, large-sheet and roll materials are considered the most reliable options.
  3. Heavy roofing elements are placed on steep slopes. Slate roofs and ceramic tiles They have a lot of mass, so they make a steep slope. So, they do not bend the rafter beams.

It is worth remembering that the steeper the slope, the more material will be needed to cover the roof. So, if we take the need for a slope angle of 7-10° as 100%, then an angle of 45° will require a 150% overrun, and an angle of 60° will require 200%.

The size of the slopes relative to the width of the house will change with the height of the ridge.

Attic space

There are two types of houses: with and without an attic. Each option has its own conditions for calculating the height of the ridge. If attic space residential, then 30-40 cm is added to the height of the tallest owner. But it is better to think about the guests, making the ceiling at a height of 2.4 meters. But it is important to remember that this is only the ceiling, not the height of the roof. Here you will need to add another half meter or more, depending on your preferences.

If the attic space is non-residential, then the height of the ridge is calculated under the influence fire safety. One of the clauses obliges the owners to provide a through passage under the roof with a height of at least 1.6 meters and a width of 1.2 m. With complex rafter systems, these dimensions can be reduced by 0.4 m. This space will provide free air exchange and passage for repairs, inspection.

Roofless buildings are constructed in such a way that additional walls are erected above the ceiling of the previous floor. For example, in semi-attic buildings, the height of the walls is increased by 1.4 meters. In such structures, the height of the roof is measured from the bottom edge of the Mauerlat. Such designs are suitable for climate zones with strong winds. This makes it possible to reduce the slope of the slope.

Attic structures are popular in the construction of garages, warehouses and other small domestic buildings. They usually do not provide attic floor, thereby saving material and time.

Atmospheric phenomena

Climatic conditions directly affect the height of the ridge. Therefore, different cities have their own “golden” slope. TO atmospheric phenomena include the following factors:

  1. Precipitation. The more snow it rains in your area, the more slope you need to make. The height of the roof increases accordingly. If this condition is neglected, then the likelihood of leaks increases.
  2. Wind. For areas with medium and low winds there is no difference in the height of the ridge. But like this, where strong, gusty winds often blow, the roof slope usually does not exceed 10°. This imposes certain restrictions on the materials used. Without taking into account the strength of the wind, you risk losing the entire roof structure.
  3. Amount of snow. There is a relationship between the steepness of the slope and the amount of snow. The more it falls in winter, the larger the angle you need to make. The reason is the increased load on the rafter system. It is recommended to give preference to slopes with a slope greater than 45°.

You can determine the characteristics of your region of residence by contacting the local weather service or reference literature. IN regulatory documentation SNiP 23-01-99 or SP 20.13330.2011 have weather maps and recommendations for construction.

Methods for calculating ridge height

Calculating the height of the roof largely depends on your preferences. There are two main ways:

  • mathematical;
  • graphic.

Let's look at the mathematical method of calculation. As already mentioned in the first subtitle, the default is a gable isosceles roof. We have the opportunity to calculate the required height if we know the slope angle and the distance between the slopes. Now you will need a Bradis table and a calculator. In the reference literature we find the value of the tangent of our angle, and then multiply it by half the length between the slopes. The result is the height of the ridge.

Let's consider the calculation for real example. Let's assume that our building has dimensions of 7x10 meters. At the same time, we are in an area with average winds, and we use metal tiles as roofing. We are not planning to equip the attic, but we will take the slope equal to 20° so that rainwater It drained without any problems.

It turns out that the length of the leg is 7/10 = 3.5 meters. According to the table, the tangent of 20° is 0.839. Now we multiply the resulting numbers: 3.5 * 0.839 = 2.94. So, the height of the ridge gable roof, from the bottom of the Mauerlat, is 2.94 meters.

Graphic method suitable for those who has a sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler with a protractor on hand. All you need is to draw a sectional view of the roof, keeping to scale. To do this, draw a horizontal line and mark the boundaries of the roof base on it. Determine the middle and draw a perpendicular. Using a protractor, draw a line on one side at the desired angle. The intersection point will show the height, you just need to measure it with a ruler.

The resulting result will be approximate; you also need to add 2/3 of the thickness of the rafter leg to it. Small deviations are acceptable and do not critically affect the operation of the roof. These errors result from the need to provide ventilation under the metal tiles and sheathing.

In order to mark the desired height in reality, it is enough to determine the middle of the building. Then nail a vertical block or pole at the desired height. After the calculation has been made, try to transfer it from paper to the real building as accurately as possible. Then the roof will last for many years and will not leak on the rainiest days.

The gable roof is the most popular roofing structure, which is used to equip private residential buildings, bathhouses, garages and other buildings. Construction of this type of roof - rational decision protection issue interior spaces from the penetration of precipitation, wind and cold. In the process of designing a gable roof, the central place is occupied by calculating the height of the ridge, determining the slope and area of ​​the slopes. The service life and efficiency of the roof depend on these three parameters, so in this article we will tell you how to independently calculate the main parameters and technical characteristics of the roof without using a calculator program.

The ridge is the highest point of a gable roof, a horizontal edge that is located at the junction of the planes of the slopes. It is mounted on final stage roofing works, but before installing the sheathing on the rafter legs. The length of the ridge of a gable roof corresponds to the length of the slope. This rafter frame element solves the following problems:

  1. The main function of the skate is to be a support for the upper part rafter legs roofs. It connects all pairs of rafters together, giving rigidity to the structure, evenly distributing the weight of the roofing material of the gable roof.
  2. Providing air circulation. The air gap formed in the area of ​​the ridge equipment protects the rafter frame from air stagnation and rotting, and ensures ventilation of all wooden elements, due to which the service life of the gable roof is increased.

Important! In the process of designing a roof, you need to select and correctly calculate the height of the ridge. If the room located under the roof vault is used as a living room, then the choice is made based on the desired ceiling height; in other cases, the calculation is performed based on the recommended slope angle of the slopes.

The easiest way to calculate is using special program calculator, by entering the initial data into which you can determine the height of the ridge, the area of ​​the slopes and the roof space.

Methods for calculating roof height and area

You can calculate the height of the ridge and the area of ​​the gable roof and other related parameters without using a calculator program. This requires knowledge of elementary geometric formulas, which, we hope, you have not forgotten from your school days. You can calculate the ridge yourself using two simple methods:

Important! Most reliable way calculate the height of the ridge and the area of ​​the slope - a special online calculator. To use it, you need to enter the initial data: the length and width of the house, the slope of the slope.

Determining roof height

The most important factors influencing the choice of the height of the ridge connection relate to natural conditions area in which construction takes place. According to building codes, this parameter is selected based on the following conditions:

Pay attention! The height of the ridge connection affects the usable area of ​​the attic space. To equip living room under the roof, the roof should be raised to a height of at least 2.5 m, however, this will negatively affect usable area due to the low sides.

Video instructions

It is important to know that its angle of inclination and area also matter. The calculation of height is influenced by factors such as climatic conditions region of residence, roofing and sheathing material, personal wishes, etc.

For example, on slopes with a low angle of inclination, a lot of snow accumulates in winter, which can lead to a roof failure.

However, with a high ridge, the roof becomes more vulnerable to strong wind. Not only the practical indicators of the design (strength, durability), but also the aesthetic ones depend on the dimensions.

Design features and main parameters

The roof protects the house from the influence of the external environment, heat loss and gives the building a finished look, so it is important to correctly calculate all the dimensions of the parts, including the height.

  • angles and number of slopes;
  • how the attic space is planned to be used;
  • climatic factors of the region of residence ( average speed wind, amount of precipitation in winter, etc.);
  • personal preferences;
  • characteristics of sheathing, roofing and building materials.

You should also take into account the parameters of the roof edge (ridge), since the structure largely depends on it rafter system and lathing.

In addition, it affects the overall height. If you do not know the characteristics of the ribs, it will be difficult to calculate the optimal roof area, and as a result, the amount of building materials for further work.

The type of insulation also affects the parameters. At correct execution With all the calculations, you can build not only a strong, durable roof, but also save on the purchase of materials.

You will know them exactly required quantity and you won’t have to overpay for extras that won’t be useful later.

The ridge purlin is used as a joint connecting two roof slopes (like a gable roof).

The rafters, sheathing and roofing material on both sides rest on it, so it must be the strongest in the entire structure.

Make a calculation optimal height the ridge can be built according to the following rule: the length of the ridge is equal to half the length of the span of the house, multiplied by the tangent of the angle of inclination.

Also, a correct calculation of the roof height cannot be made if you do not know its type.

In most cases, the slope angle varies from 8 to 45 degrees. The smaller the angle, the greater the load on the rafter system (especially in winter period and when carrying out work on the roof itself), therefore, additional strengthening and adjustments in calculations will be required.

However, as the angle increases, the cost of construction increases.

The size of the rafters is determined from their cross-section and length: the larger they are, the greater the load the system can withstand.

Calculations for different types

At pitched roof it is easiest to carry out calculations and installation; this does not require great experience in construction.

First you need to measure the width of the entire building in centimeters. Use for measurements building level and roulette.

After this action, you need to divide the resulting value by the second number of the planned aspect ratio.

For example, if you plan to build a structure with a ratio of 1:4, then the width of the house (in cm) needs to be divided by 4, the result is best option heights with a small error.

You also need to take into account the ratio of the height of the roof to the height of the house.

With a gable roof it can be a little more difficult, since you need to know exactly the size of the angle of inclination.

For this case, the following formula is applicable: half the value of the width of the building is divided by the tangent of the angle of inclination.

For example, the tangent of an angle of 40 degrees is 0.8, therefore half the width of the building is divided by 0.8.

The hip roof is gaining popularity today due to its strength, attractive appearance and the ability to easily install doors and windows.

There are two types of such roofs:

  • hipped hipped roofs. They have the same area, shape and length for all slopes in the structure. They perfectly withstand strong winds and can withstand high loads;
  • hip hipped. Have complex design, consisting of two trapezoidal and two triangular slopes (hips). The costs of purchasing materials and construction are high, but this design allows you to build an attic with windows under the roof. This type is very vulnerable to winds, so in regions with prevailing winds, additional protection costs will be required.

To calculate the optimal height hipped roof you can use the formula for gable. Only the width of the house should be divided not by 2, but by 4.

The complexity of the calculations is due to the more massive structure under which supports must be installed. Standard height for such roofs it is about 2.5 m, with an error of 0.5 m.

The most difficult to calculate is mansard roof or hip roof(popularly called “broken line”). The design includes two slopes with kinks.

As a rule, such roofs are used if it is planned to make an attic out of the attic.

Initially, it is necessary to calculate all the angles of inclination. You can use the formula for a gable roof.

It is important to adhere next rule: the lower angle should be more than 40 degrees, and the upper in the region from 15 to 40.

Correctly calculated ridge and roof height directly affect its appearance, durability and strength.

If you are not sure that you can produce it yourself correct calculations, then seek help from a specialist.

Any type of building upon completion of construction is clearly emphasized by the roof. But you should know how to calculate the roof height correctly, because many factors depend on this. The comfort of a person living in this room will depend on how correctly the calculations are made and the type of material chosen. Also, this nuance directly affects significant savings at the time of purchasing lumber.

To determine the calculations, you should understand what roof shape is necessary for the building structure. It should not only protect the building from external environment, but also harmoniously complement the entire building as a whole. The most popular and widely used form of roofing is the gable roof. It is simple both in calculations and in installation.

The hip roof type is significantly different from classic version, since it contains not two slopes, but four. Triangular slopes, which are located on the sides, are called hips. Also, one of the most popular roofs is called a hip roof, which also contains four slopes. So that they all have smooth sides, you should know how to calculate the height of the roof from the slopes to the ridge.

Main roof parameters

Carrying out construction own home, every owner wonders how to calculate the height of the roof. The answer is actually simple: you should definitely pay attention to some nuances at the time of calculations. Let's look at them:

  • number of stingrays;
  • available attic room or not;
  • the magnitude of the slopes;
  • type of material used in roofing.

The location of the house may influence how to calculate the height of the roof. Having decided on the wind direction and other climatic factors, based on the dimensions of the building frame, you can calculate the height of the ridge using geometric calculations. To do this, you should know the width of the building and the angles that determine the slope of the roof slopes.

Roof height with attic space

If you plan to have an attic room, then you should know how to accurately calculate the height of the roof of the house. To do this, you first need to decide what type of roof will be built:

  • roof with one or two slopes;
  • to calculate the slopes of the slopes, you need to pay special attention to the strength of the wind, the rate of precipitation of different forms;
  • when choosing roofing elements It must be remembered that the slope must correspond to the characteristics of the materials.

The type of roof must be planned, since the attic space must have a spacious area. It is important that the room located on the roof is bright. To do this, you need to install windows with sunny side. The height of the roof should not be too high, as it will require a lot of building material. In this regard, you will have to incur significant financial costs. In case hip device roof, the attic space will be spacious, bright, and the height of the ridge will be small.

Points to consider when calculating roof heights

According to experts, the roof is the most important part of the building. If its installation is done correctly, it will also give an aesthetic appearance to the entire house. In order to correctly determine how to calculate the height, it is necessary to take into account some factors, such as:

  • number of slopes, as well as angles of inclination;
  • shape;
  • the height level of the entire building as a whole;
  • climatic conditions;
  • types of building elements;
  • owner's desire.

In addition, the size of the roof can be increased with the help of a ridge, since the number of rafters on the roof depends on it. Therefore, the first step in the calculation is to calculate and then the size and number of rafters in the roofing system are based on this size. Through these calculations it will be known total area coverings. This data will help calculate the amount of materials that will be required for construction.

Materials for roofing

Many owners who have no experience in construction work, want to carry them out with my own hands. But many do not know how to do it correctly, and what materials will be required to install the roof. The list of required materials includes:

  • sheathing;
  • nails;
  • rafters;
  • rafters;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • roofing;
  • screws.

If all calculations are carried out correctly, then the entire structure will not only complement the house, but also protect it from the external environment.

Guidelines for determining the height of the ridge

The ridge is a horizontally located edge on which connections of the lateral planes are formed. With its help, you can understand how to calculate the height of the ridge of a building. These parameters are the main values ​​in the calculations. If the roof height is calculated incorrectly, then in addition to violations in aesthetics, there will also be technical problems during the operation of the building. It often happens that the owner wants to implement ideas that are prohibited for technical reasons in the construction of the roof.

To make it easier to make the roof structure uniform, it is made in the form of a triangle. This option is widely used in construction. Gable roofs with asymmetrical sides of the slopes are also often erected. The angle of inclination is most often the same for such roofs, because the height of the ridge is calculated using the standard option.

Hip roof system

In order to carry out installation, you should know how to calculate the height and what material is required. The main components of this type of roof:

  • Ridge board. It is located at the top of the entire structure and is located in the very center. This element is considered an important part in the rafter system.
  • The rafter guides are the basis on which the sheathing is attached.
  • Sloping rafters are designed to support the main part of the structure.
  • Hip rafters are elements in a complex roof system.

Having decided on the elements of the rafter system, you can safely start with the hip type.

Calculation of a hip roof

The roofing structure of a hipped type can have two types: hip and hip. Therefore, many people ask themselves the question of how to calculate the height. First of all, such a coating is used in square-type buildings, that is, all sides load-bearing walls must be equal. It is also quite convenient to plan an attic space under such a roof. It will turn out quite large and light due to skylights. They can be placed on any side of the slope, as they have almost equal sides.

The only disadvantage of this type of design is the difficulty of installation. The cost of materials is slightly more expensive than gable version due to the volume of the area. This type of roofing is not recommended for installation in climatic zones with increased windiness. Strong gusts can cause damage to the roof due to the slight slope of the slopes.