Knife jamb made of hacksaw blade. Knife jamb dimensions

1. Take a container board (board from a box) 10-12 mm thick from any wood, but without knots (Fig. 3).

2. Use a jigsaw or hacksaw to cut out two identical pieces 130 mm long and 32 mm wide (Fig. 4, a).

3. Using sandpaper (“sandpaper”) wrapped around a small wooden block, sand one wide side of each workpiece. This process is called grinding (Figure 4. b).

4. After this, on the polished side of one of the workpieces, mark a groove (recess) for the knife blade (Fig. 4, b), and then use a flat chisel 10 mm wide to cut it (Fig. 5).

Rice. 3

Rice. 5
a-c - sequence of procedures

5. Insert a blade (which will be an old or broken blade from a hacksaw - Fig. 6, a), the length of which should be 65-70 mm, into the groove, having previously coated it and the entire surface on which it is placed with PVA glue (Fig. 6, b).

6. Now coat the polished side of the second workpiece with glue and carefully connect them (Fig. 7, a, b), then place them under a load or clamp them with clamps (Fig. 7, c).

7. When the glue dries, which takes 12 hours, use a sharp knife to cut the handle so that it fits comfortably in your hand. The handle can be of any shape (Fig. 8). After processing with a knife, sand the handle with fine-grained sandpaper.

Rice. 9
a - front view; b - right view

Figure 9 shows a drawing of a handle that is easy to manufacture and easy to use. Practice has shown that a knife with such a handle can be used by a carver with both small and large hands.

Now let's talk about sharpening. Your knife must always be sharp, otherwise you will not get any pleasure from carving. Therefore, pay attention to sharpening special attention. It is best to contact a specialist for this, but only if you do not have an electric drill at home.

The fact is that with the help of an electric drill you can not only drill holes, but also saw, grind, sharpen, mill. The drill is universal. For sale with it special clamp, allowing you to attach it to the table, it resembles a clamp. Drills and other cutting tools are secured in the chuck. Abrasive wheel purchased in the store along with the mandrel. This circle is the sharpening wheel. Having inserted it into the chuck and secured it, turn on the drill and start sharpening your knife.

First, you need to grind off the angle of the blade so that it is 6° relative to the cutting plane (Fig. 10). How to do this is shown in Fig. 11. Then you should sharpen the cutting surface, which should be 2-3 mm wide (Fig. 12). Sharpening is carried out on both sides until a burr appears on the blade.

Now sand on a fine-grained stone. Be sure to moisten the block with water. This is done so that the grains of the bar, under the pressure of the knife, turn into a kind of grinding paste that will remove the thinnest layer of metal.

To grind, the blade must be placed on the block with the cutting surface (Fig. 13), pressed and moved the knife back and forth until the burr disappears. Both cutting surfaces of the blade are subjected to grinding.

After this treatment, the knife becomes sharp, but we need the joint knife to be like a razor, that is, it should literally shave. This is the only way a carver should have a knife. And to do this, you also need to polish the cutting surfaces so that they become super smooth and clean. This is achieved by processing on a felt wheel coated with GOI polishing paste. The paste is a solid green block. It was invented for polishing optical glasses at the State Optical Institute (abbreviated as GOI), from which it got its name.

Polishing is again carried out using a drill, into which a mandrel with a felt wheel is fixed (all of the mandrels and fasteners listed are included in the kit of some drills, so buy a drill that is fully equipped).

I draw your attention to the fact that when polishing the knife (Fig. 14, b) you need to hold it differently than when sharpening (Fig. 14, a). In case of violation correct reception you can damage the circle and break the knife,

Now the jamb knife is ready for use. Treat your instrument with care. Make a foam cover and protect the blade with it (Fig. 15). After every 2-3 hours of continuous work, polish the cutting surfaces - and the knife will always be sharp. Cutting with such a tool will become a pleasure for you.

In this article I will tell you how and from what to make a good oblique knife (jamb knife) with your own hands. This knife is used for wood carving, for working with leather or other thin sheet materials.

It is known that the quality of a knife is determined by the quality of its blade. And the quality of the blade, accordingly, is the steel from which it is made. But where home handyman take high-quality steel, hard, and holds an edge well?! And the answer is simple - you just need to look around.

Option one Knife-jamb from a construction nail-dowel . Simply magnificent steel, possessing hardness and ductility (of course, they are driven into concrete and do not break).

We hammer the dowel into the end of the workpiece under the handle (a piece of a shovel handle about 12-25 cm long is perfect).

Using sandpaper or a grinder's grinding disc, grind the head off from the sides and at an angle of 30-45 degrees to create a blade. Using a knife, a file and sanding paper, we plan out the handle to fit your hand.

Due to the fact that the blade is quite narrow, it is better to use it as a knife for wood carving, although such a blade can also be used

Or an option for finer work with a pen that can be held like a pen

Option two Knife-jamb made of cloth from a hacksaw for metal. More precisely, its fragment, which will accumulate huge amount in any workshop.

The disadvantages of knives from hacksaw blade This can be attributed to fragility in the transverse direction (hardened blade breaks quite easily under improper load), in addition, the process of making a knife is more labor-intensive. But the blade turns out to be wider, and therefore more functional, than a knife made from a dowel.

We sharpen the blade at an angle of 60 degrees. You can grind a chamfer on both sides or on one. A jamb knife with one-sided sharpening, by the way, is quite good for.

The handle can be made in two versions - simple and fast, and also beautiful, comfortable, but complex. Simple and quick - just wrap a thicker layer of electrical tape around the handle - not very beautiful, but cheap and cheerful. And it’s not a shame to break it.

The second option is a wooden handle. Made from two halves. You need to take either two planed boards that fit well together, or carefully split one (but only evenly). In one of the blanks, a groove for the blade is cut out with a chisel or just a knife, they are coated with glue, folded together and fixed (with clamps, you can wrap them tightly with rope).

In the example shown in the photo, because The planks did not fit together perfectly and the adhesive connection was not particularly strong, I riveted them together with three rivets made of aluminum wire - the third is not visible in the photo - it is not through and goes through a hole in the sheet.

One of the most pressing topics for any carver is where to get a good wood tool? High-quality, well-sharpened wood cutters can help out even a less experienced craftsman. The cuts are smooth, clean, and working with such a tool is much easier! Having tried different options source material for making tools for woodworking, from scalpels to razors, I settled on metal cutters.

They are quite fragile and strong at the same time. Carbon steel allows you to keep the edge of the blade sharp for a long time; it does not dull even on hard wood.

So, first we cut the cutter on a metal cutter according to a pre-applied drawing of the future cutter:

In our case, this is a small knife-cutter, which is the main tool of the carver:

The presence of such an abundance of sparks during cutting indicates that the steel is good, carbon, and therefore suitable for wood carving:

The result is something like this:

It is desirable that the part that will be in the handle be larger than the blade. This is for durability.

Sand the knife blade by constantly dipping it in cold water to avoid overheating:

Now you need to make a handle for the knife. To do this, we take slats made of durable wood. In one part we draw the outline of the knife, the other as an overlay:

We cut a notch in the tree in the shape of a knife so that it is flush, coat both parts with PVA glue:

We glue the knife in a vice. It takes about 12 hours to glue:

After gluing, we sand the handle and sharpen the knife to the desired sharpness.

Using this principle, you can make a knife with your own hands.

By the way, excellent wood chisels are made from metal drills:

And semicircular chisels made from punches:

A knife-jamb can be made from a rapite saw:

Here are some more wood cutters that I made with my own hands from a metal cutter:

The main tools of any woodcarver are blunt knives:

They are needed different sizes and with different angles of inclination

Wood jamb knives use all zones (blade, toe and heel). The main requirements for knives: 1) they must be well adjusted to the master’s hand, 2) they must be made of good carbon steel with good sharpening. You can make a jamb knife for wood carving with your own hands ()

In addition to jambs, figured wood carvings are also used auxiliary knives:

They come in different sizes and shapes, some for rough cutting, others for slicing small parts.

For geometric wood carvings, various chisels. They are semicircular with varying degrees of convexity

And also with straight section

And triangular cross-section

Semicircular chisels are sometimes made with a cutting edge beveled at an angle of 45 degrees

Carvers often use cranberries. These are the same semicircular chisels with a blade curved near the cutting end

One of the best materials For decorative design The interior was and remains wood. Being completely natural, wood does not emit substances harmful to health either during processing or during use. Wood is practical, wood is beautiful. Taking advantage simple tool, you can create a unique carved decoration: a panel, a box, a figurine.

Wood carving – best decoration own home And great gift. Carving is not difficult, anyone can become a woodworker, you just need a little talent, a lot of perseverance and, of course, good tools for wood carving.

What a beginner carver can't do without

Anyone who is lucky enough to be in the workshop of a real master of wood carving will be horrified - he uses so many different tools. My eyes just widen. The master will easily determine how to perform this or that stroke, what is best suited for this or that detail. Choosing the right carving tool largely determines the quality of the product.

A novice carver does not necessarily need to purchase a full set of tools; to make entry-level products, you can get by with a few of the most versatile knives and chisels. This will give you the opportunity to gain work experience, develop your own style, and then acquire exactly the instrument that will really be in demand.

Blunt knives

The most common knives for wood carving are jamb knives. They are used by both seasoned professionals and beginning carvers. Knives of this type have a beveled blade, making them convenient for creating small recesses. Their use is justified both for flat-relief sampling and for creating volumetric compositions.

A separate type of joint is a flag knife. It looks like a triangle, one corner stuck into the handle. This knife universal, all zones of the blade are used in the work.

Blunt knives differ in the angle of the cutting edge and the width of the blade. Based on the type of sharpening, a distinction is made between single-bevel and double-bevel. A beginning carver's toolkit should have several of these knives: at least three of different widths.

Geometric thread cutters

When making relief panels, you cannot do without another common carver's knife - a cutter knife. Thanks to its longer blade, this knife is ideal for creating shaped ornaments. geometric shapes. They are convenient for processing curved shapes and roundings. So, triangles and other shapes are cut out with a hatchet knife.

In addition to creating flat reliefs, cutters are widely used for three-dimensional products. In skillful hands, a small cutter can be compared to an artist's brush.

Bogorodsky knife, “Tatyanka”

The phrase “Bogorodskaya toy” is familiar to many. This is a wooden figurine self made. Almost the entire carving process, from preparing the workpiece to smoothing out small irregularities, is performed with a special knife, also called a Bogorodsk knife. Such a knife should definitely be in a carver's workshop.

A modification of this knife, popularly called “Tatyanka,” is widespread. When cutting soft wood full cycle work can be done with this one tool. It is perfect for power carving; thanks to its comfortable handle, it ideally transfers force to the blade.

Wood carving chisels

It is convenient to make samples of various configurations using chisels. Carvers use various instrument, but the most common are:

  • straight chisels;
  • semicircular or radius;
  • cranberries, semicircular chisels with a bend at the cutting edge;
  • stapled, having a U-shaped profile;
  • corner

Unlike knives, the use of wood carving chisels allows you to make a groove of the required depth and profile in one pass. When working with soft wood, press the chisel by hand, carving hard wood requires striking technique. Here the master will come to the rescue wooden hammer, mallet.

In addition to differences in profile, chisels also differ in size. There is a tool with a working edge from two millimeters to several centimeters.

In addition, there is another type of tools for engraving and wood carving - a graver. They can produce beautiful artistic works.

Other necessary tools

A carver cannot get by with knives and chisels alone. It is necessary to acquire another tool designed for processing wood. The list can be very extensive, it all depends on the qualifications of the master and the list of products that he plans to produce. In any case, you will need:

  • hacksaw or electric saw for cutting the workpiece;
  • hatchet for roughing;
  • plane and rasp for preparing the surface of the board;
  • a set of patterns for transferring an image onto a workpiece;
  • drill, manual or electric;
  • nichrome wire for burning thin elements;
  • sanding paper of different grits for final finishing products.

It would also be a good idea to worry about safety when carving with a sharp tool. To fasten small products, you need a carpenter's vice or several clamps. A protective glove made from steel wire, this is especially true for beginning carvers. If the job involves multiple movements sharp knife“for yourself”, it’s worth purchasing an apron made of thick leather.

Tool sharpening

For wood carving to be enjoyable and the created masterpieces to be pleasing to the eye, the tool must be sharp. If during work you feel an increase in the resistance of the material, you need to take a break and sharpen the tool. This will allow you to avoid using unnecessary force when carving and guarantee excellent quality every stroke, every groove.

Sharpening should begin with leveling work surface tool. To do this, use a coarse abrasive. It quickly and efficiently removes burrs and creates an ideal cutting edge.

Pay attention! When working, it is important not to spoil the sharpening angle of the wood chisel and the geometry of the knife blade.

When working on emery, you must be careful, you must not allow the metal to overheat, sudden changes temperature, you can “release” the cutting edge.

After large irregularities have been removed, they move on to fine-grained abrasives. During grinding, roughness that arose during rough sharpening of the carving tool is removed. The last to be used are sanding mixtures applied to a felt base. They create perfectly flat surface, reducing friction between tool and material to a minimum.

Selection and purchase

A novice carver naturally has a question: where to get a carving tool. Nowadays this is not a problem. The industry offers chisels and knives of all types and modifications. You can purchase several knives and one or two chisels, or you can buy a set of tools, guided by your own taste and financial capabilities.

Oddly enough, the wide range of carving tools makes the choice much more difficult. It's difficult to navigate and buy a really good thing. It is not difficult to become the owner of a “disposable” tool that will last for several hours of work.

Before purchasing a tool, you should definitely ask:

  • grade of steel from which the tool is made;
  • manufacturer;
  • country of manufacture.

An instrument is an individual thing. When choosing a knife or chisel, the right thing to do is to hold it in your hands, check how convenient it is to use, and only then buy it. It would also be useful to chat on thematic forums, where experts share own experience, they will be happy to give practical advice.

DIY knife

Many professionals do not accept purchased tools and prefer to work with ones they made with their own hands. This makes sense, because every knife, every chisel is perfectly adjusted to the master’s hand. This tool is convenient to use, your hand does not get tired, and it is easy to control the pressure.

This is a reasonable approach. Having experience working with metal and good steel, you can start making a universal Bogorodsk knife for wood carving or a hatchet knife. To do this, you can use a broken blade from a mechanical hacksaw with a thickness of 2 mm. A powerful electric sharpener is sufficient for the tool.

The outline of the blade is transferred to the workpiece and carefully processed along the contour. During operation, the workpiece must be periodically cooled by dipping it in a container of water.

A person familiar with woodworking will not be able to make a handle. special labor. An ideal handle can be made from a cast made from plasticine held in your hand. Wood block the appropriate size is marked and clamped in a vice. Using a hacksaw (it is better to use a hacksaw for metal) remove excess. For final finishing, use a rasp and sandpaper.

All photos from the article

Experienced craftsmen for the manufacture of various decorative crafts can use even the simplest folding knives with wooden handle. However, a beginner should use specialized tool, which will allow you to perform all basic operations without additional effort.

In our article we will tell you which knives can be used to process wood, and also provide recommendations for self-production and sharpening of such tools.

Description and types of instruments

Wood carving knives can have the most different shapes. As a rule, they differ from ordinary knives in having a shorter blade. This design feature is explained quite simply: when threading, the tip experiences a fairly strong load, and therefore the shorter the metal part, the less the risk of it breaking under pressure.

Depending on the type of design, there are several types of cutting knives.

View Peculiarities
Cutter A universal knife that is used both for giving the main shape and for making small parts. The design usually features an elongated blade with a straight or curved cutting edge.

The types of cutters are:

  • The Bogorodsky knife is a simple model with a smooth cutting edge and a curved butt. Allows you to perform a variety of operations, from rough to the most delicate.
  • European carving knife- essentially a copy of the Bogorodsk cutter, but with a smaller blade and an elongated teardrop-shaped handle.
  • Knife with replaceable blades. Modern product, which most often has a collet design. The blades are fixed in the clamping mechanism and can be quickly changed if necessary.
Jamb Structurally, a knife-jamb for wood carving follows the design of a cutter, however, it is characterized by a larger blade bevel angle. Due to this, the jamb can be subjected to heavy loads, which is actively used when carving on flat surfaces.

At the same time, the technique of some craftsmen involves using a joint as the main knife due to a fairly long cutting edge.

Auxiliary tool When performing carving, in addition to knives, craftsmen also use other cutting tools, such as:
  • Chisels (straight and curved)
  • Klukarzy.
  • Spoon cutters.
  • Studs, etc.

In fact, all of them are not knives, but have a cutting edge.

In addition, other tools used in mechanical woodworking are sometimes included in the classification.

These include:

  • Wood milling knives are either whole cutters or removable parts of cutters.
  • Planing knives for a wood lathe - used for machining elongated parts.
  • Planing blades are used, as the name implies, in planing machines.

However, these and other types of parts for carving are used only as auxiliary ones, so we will not dwell on their description in detail.

Making a knife

Making a blade

When choosing a cutting knife, you should give preference to simple and reliable models made of high-quality steel. However, the price of such products is quite high, so beginners most often purchase cheaper models, and therefore are inevitably disappointed in the quality of the cutters.

The solution in such a situation may be to make a knife with your own hands. This task is solved quite simply, so even a beginner in plumbing can quickly acquire his own tool.

First of all we need to find suitable material. This is not difficult since we need a fairly small piece of good steel.

The following can be used as a blank for a future knife:

  • A strip of good steel is about 8 - 12 cm long, up to 2.5 cm wide and 1.5 - 2.2 mm thick. The brand does not play a special role, as long as the material is strong enough and holds an edge well - R6 / R6M5, and R9, and even R3AM3F2 will do.


If necessary, knives for cutting wood can be made independently - special difficulties there is no such thing even for a beginner. But the result will be that you have a tool that perfectly meets all your requirements.

You can learn more about the features of such devices, as well as the techniques for their manufacture, sharpening and use, in the video in this article.