Until what age should you feed with formula? Until what age should children be fed formula? General recommendations

All pediatricians agree that children should be breastfed for as long as possible - up to one and a half, or better yet, up to two years.

Numerous scientific studies conducted over recent years, have proven that there is nothing more beneficial for a child’s development than mother’s milk.

What about those parents whose children must, for one reason or another, eat formula milk? Many parents have questions: do artificial children need additional nutrition, do they get enough useful substances From adapted formulas alone, how long should a child be given formula milk?

We can absolutely say that until the artificial baby reaches 6 months, his diet should consist only of an adapted milk formula (regular or specialized if the child has any health problems).

This is due to the fact that in the first months of a newborn’s life, his stomach is not yet able to process regular food; at this time there are only enough enzymes to digest milk.

Starting from 6 months, all babies can very gradually begin to introduce complementary foods - introducing them to other foods. But formula milk still remains the main “dish”. It makes up 90% of a child’s diet up to one year, while complementary feeding is only 10%.

From one to one and a half years, the ratio of formula and complementary foods should gradually change towards the latter. Now the adapted dry formula will make up approximately 50% of the child’s daily nutrition. From one and a half to two years, children usually switch almost completely to regular food, and formula milk makes up 10-20% of the daily diet.

Whether or not to give a child formula after two years is ultimately decided by the parents.

Manufacturers always label baby formula by age— from birth to 4 years, so that the mother can quickly and correctly choose food for her child.

A properly selected adapted milk formula will provide the baby with everything necessary for his growth and proper development.

  • Number 1 or letters PRE (PRE) Adapted formulas developed specifically for low birth weight babies or children born prematurely are labeled;
  • The number 1 marks mixtures intended for healthy children from birth to six months;
  • The number 2 marks formulas for children from six months to one year;
  • The number 3 marks mixtures that can be given to children over one year old.

Some manufacturers produce infant formula labeled 4. Such formulas can be given to older children (up to 6 years).

The composition of adapted milk formulas is carefully balanced and almost exactly replicates the composition of natural human milk. It is impossible to completely replace all components of formula milk with regular baby food.

But Until what age does a child need formula? after 1.5-2 years, parents can decide for themselves, based on the needs of the child and their financial capabilities.

As we have already noted, you can start feeding your child complementary foods from six months. By this time digestive system is already ready for the gradual introduction of new products into the diet.

As a rule, children are given vegetable purees first - starting with half a teaspoon before or immediately after the main formula feeding. Then dairy-free porridges and fruit purees are also gradually introduced, and by 7-8 months you can already let the child try meat baby food.

When a child reaches one and a half years old, the share of regular baby food in the diet should increase from one teaspoon to a full serving, which means that it’s time for the mother to start preparing her baby delicious and healthy dishes from a variety of products.

Healthy recipes - baby food after formula

Perfect for babies after one year cottage cheese casserole with carrots.

You will need:

  • Cottage cheese 9% fat (100g).
  • Small carrots (approximately 50-70g).
  • One egg.
  1. In a glass or enamel bowl, mix cottage cheese and egg until the consistency of thick semolina porridge.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the egg-curd mass.
  3. Stir.
  4. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees.
  5. Place the mixture into a baking dish.
  6. Bake in the oven, uncovered, for 10 minutes.

For children from one to two years old you can cook vegetable puree with chicken broth.

You will need:

  • Small carrots (50-70g).
  • Cauliflower (50-70g).
  • Broccoli (50-70g).
  • Unsalted chicken broth (about 100g).
  1. In a double boiler or slow cooker (in the “steamer” mode), cook the vegetables.
  2. On a separate plate, dry the vegetables from any condensation and let them cool slightly.
  3. Mash the warm vegetables with a fork and add chicken broth.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Children over two years old can prepare delicious and healthy meatballs for a couple.

You will need:

  • Minced chicken (100g).
  • Ground beef (100g).
  • Small onion (about 50g).
  • Short grain rice (100g).
  1. Rinse the rice with running water twice.
  2. Drain off the last of the water and leave the rice to dry.
  3. Finely chop the pre-peeled onion.
  4. Mix chicken and ground beef with onion and pass through a fine meat grinder.
  5. Mix the resulting mass with rice, squeeze out all the liquid.
  6. Add a pinch of salt and mix well again.
  7. From the resulting mass, form small (about 3-4 cm in diameter) meatballs.
  8. Place them in a steamer bowl and steam for 20-25 minutes.

Of course, it is considered to be a reliable protector of the newborn’s immune system.

It contains a whole complex of vitamins that serve as a shield against diseases for the baby. initial stage his life.

However, it often happens that for a number of reasons (the most common problem is the woman’s poor health and the need for her to take medications), milk disappears and/or decreases in quantity.

In this case, in order to avoid starvation of the baby, the young mother is forced to switch to artificial feeding. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of feeding and the age up to which formulas are useful.

Today, the trend towards an increase in newborns raised on artificial feeding is becoming increasingly noticeable.

The absence of lactation in a young mother, the production of breast milk in small quantities, or its “insatiability” - all these are a number of different factors that ultimately lead to partial or complete loss of it after a few months.

The list can be supplemented with diseases that occur in a woman, difficult childbirth and other reasons due to which the milk in the mother’s breast disappears and the baby is forced to switch to formula.

What is artificial feeding? Many women are worried when it comes to transitioning their child to formula feeding. And this is no coincidence. Breast milk is rightfully recognized as the best protector of the baby’s body. Each mother has it individually according to the components it contains, which her baby needs specifically. What about formula milk? How will their composition affect a small organism?

There is undoubtedly a risk that a baby will not accept this or that “milk”, but today’s formula manufacturers are very careful in creating their products.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a very wide range of “foods”: based on cow or goat milk, soy (for those babies who suffer from lactose intolerance), hypoallergenic, medicinal, with the addition of cereals, fruits, Omega-3 acids, prebiotics and probiotics , nucleotides, with or without sugar, gluten...

The list continues depending on the age of the child.

Before transferring your baby to artificial feeding, you should consult your pediatrician. Only a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body, can prescribe exactly the product that is suitable for the baby and choose the right diet.

So, if artificial feeding cannot be avoided, you should approach it fully prepared. To do this, it is important to know the pros and cons in order to build on them to make the feeding process safe and beneficial for the baby.

  • A mother can always leave her child with one of her relatives or friends without fear that her baby will be hungry.

This advantage is definitely the most “convenient” plus of artificial feeding.

While the baby is breastfed, the mother is firmly attached to him: she cannot go anywhere alone, she cannot leave the child with her family.

When the newborn is fed formula, the woman can easily leave home, leaving her husband or her mother with a ready-made bottle of food for the baby.

This advantage allows the young mother to go out into public and take a break from everyday life, which only has a positive effect on the woman’s mood.

  • Confidence that the baby is full.

Today's formulas are formulated in such a way that they fully contain all the components a child needs. Having prepared the required volume, mom will be sure that her baby is full. In addition, formula-fed babies gain weight faster than their peers on breast milk.

During the first months of life, a baby should eat approximately 800 ml of the mixture per day (in 8-10 approaches). From 3 months the amount of food increases to 900 ml.

  • The time between meals increases.

Another advantage of formulas is that they are more filling and take longer to digest, which means the baby needs more time to digest the food. The interval between feedings increases. In numbers: children are fed formula once every 3–3.5 hours.

Compare: babies sometimes have to be breastfed almost every hour!

  • If a child develops an allergy, there is no point in the mother revising her diet, as would be the case with breastfeeding. The “artificial” one has one reason for the rashes - a mixture that did not fit. The problem is solved by changing the product that caused the allergy.
  • With artificial feeding, a woman feels more free.

As mentioned above, those mothers who breastfeed have a very limited diet. Most products are prohibited so as not to cause or. In addition, they should not take medications; you need to abandon laser hair removal and a number of cosmetic procedures. When a child is on formula, all these prohibitions from women are lifted.

  • You can walk any distance and not be constrained by a certain wardrobe.

A very controversial advantage, but it has its place. In hot weather, you can't go far with formula milk for fear of it going sour (but you can always buy a thermal bag and solve this problem!), but in any other case, feeding in a bottle clearly makes life easier for mothers. There is no need to look for a place to sit and feed the baby without causing displeasure in some particularly sensitive person.

As for the wardrobe, today there are many tops with special pocket slits. Thanks to them, no one will even notice what mommy is doing.

  • The breasts do not lose their shape.

The most frightening prospect for a woman is to lose the former shape and size of her breasts due to breastfeeding. For this reason, many young mothers refuse breastfeeding, depriving your child of the necessary elements. But the breasts will indeed remain the same if the baby feeds from a bottle.

In addition, a woman forgets what cracked nipples and drying out are. No pain or worry!

Many women who, for one reason or another, were forced to give up breastfeeding, often feel guilty before the baby.

Reason: the baby does not receive proper attention from his mother. The problem is solved! During bottle feeding, the baby can be picked up, thereby taking the position in which babies are breastfed.

How can there be no downsides?

In medicine, artificial feeding is called “metabolic stress.” And this is not surprising.

Switching to formula causes a number of unpleasant reactions in almost all babies: allergies, colic, tummy pain, problems with bowel movements, restless behavior...

After a few days, some children get used to the new diet, and for some they have to look for new formulas that are more suitable for them.

Therefore, the disadvantages:

  • Inappropriate mixtures that cause allergies in children.

Sometimes you have to change more than one brand before the food suits your baby. During this time, the baby will have time to lose his voice more than once and fray the mother’s nerves. But the trouble is that after a while, namely from 6 months, the selected mixture will need to be changed, since they are intended for different age groups. This means that you will need to go through all the “circles of hell” again.

  • The mixture is not for age.

Failure to comply with age restrictions on the use of milk can cause serious stomach and intestinal problems in children.

  • Colic, as well.

Another “sore” inherent in “artificial” babies.

Most often, the cause is a poor-quality nipple that allows excess air to pass through, or an excess of dry base when diluting the required volume.

  • Sterility.

Bottles require constant monitoring of their sterility. Otherwise, failure to keep them (as well as the pacifiers) clean can lead to dyspeptic disorders in the baby.

  • Extra movements.

This implies the need to take a larger number of bags with you on a hike, therefore, prepare in advance all these bottles with formula, sterilizers, and additional nipples. In addition, when feeding at night, it is not enough to just get up and take the baby out of the crib; you need to go to the kitchen and prepare food for him.

The mixture can be prepared in advance, but it is important that it is stored in the refrigerator and does not sit for more than a day.

  • Parents of bottle-fed children need to remember that in the future their children are more susceptible to colds and allergies than their peers raised on natural breast milk. The reason is simple: despite the full complex of all vitamins available in the mixtures, some enzymes are difficult to recreate; they are only found in mother's milk.
  • Financial costs.

Good mixtures are not cheap. The price of some can reach 800 rubles per package! But it only lasts about 3-4 days. It turns out that you need about 10 cans for a month... But still average price per jar - 250-300 rubles.

Feed until...

The question that every mother asked: “until what age should I feed my baby formula?”

Most often, the packaging initially contains markings, thanks to which you can navigate what age a particular product is intended for.

The first assumes ages from 0 to 6 months, the next - from 6 to 12 months.

The following question arises: “Is it possible that after a year the need for infant formula disappears?”

Pediatricians have different views on this problem, nevertheless, in the end, agreeing that introducing “milk” into a child’s diet before 3 years of age is desirable, since even breastfeeding is better to keep a baby until 2 years of age. But this does not negate the fact that complementary feeding must be provided and the child’s nutrition after the first year of life should be as close as possible to the diet of family members!

There is no consensus regarding the final age for use of infant formula. The decision should be made only by the mother in close cooperation with the pediatrician. Will it be one and a half years or three? It is important to look at the child’s condition and build on his preferences.

Feeding a child is a very responsible process. And it all starts with choosing a mixture. What to feed a newborn or one-month-old baby? For babies in the first half of life, it should be highly adapted, that is, as similar as possible to.

This mixture is called a “starter” and will have a 1 on the packaging. For children over six months of age, “follow-up” formulas are intended, the composition of which meets the needs of the growing body.

They contain more protein, fats and microelements. The packages are marked with the number “2”.

If the child burps frequently and more than expected, an anti-reflux mixture will help. If food digestion is disrupted, fermented milk mixtures and mixtures containing beneficial bacteria will come to the rescue.

When choosing a mixture, it is advisable to consult a doctor. When purchasing a mixture, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

There are also mixtures that contain special components that have a specific therapeutic effect. So, if someone in the family suffers from allergies, it is advisable to start with a hypoallergenic mixture.

Specially prepared dishes

Bottles used for feeding must be washed with a brush and sterilized in advance. This can be done by boiling them for 5 - 10 minutes or using a special sterilizer. The bottle in which the mixture is diluted must be dry.

The pacifier should be selected with the expectation that the mixture will flow out of it not in a stream, but drop by drop. This will ensure active sucking, and not just swallowing of the pouring mixture. Which is important for the development of the maxillofacial apparatus.

Diet and routine

This is a very important point. The baby receives his food on demand. How many times does a child need to eat on IV? The schedule depends on age. So, a newborn eats 7 - 9 times a day, a child 2 - 5 months old - 6 - 7 times, a six-month-old child needs to eat 5 - 6 times a day.

To do this, you first need to determine the daily amount of food. How much a baby should eat depends on his weight and age. So, up to two months, a child needs a volume of food in the amount of 1 - 5 of his body weight, at 2 - 4 months - 1 - 6, at 4 - 6 months 1 - 7 of his body weight, over six months - 1 - 8.

For example, a 1 month old baby weighs 4.5 kilograms, then he needs 900 milliliters of formula per day. It must be remembered that this volume should not exceed 1 liter.

To determine the volume of mixture required for one feeding, divide the daily amount by the required number of feedings. This will be 100 - 130 milliliters of the mixture.

It happens that a child eats a little less or more. A slight run-up is possible. Systematic overfeeding or underfeeding should not be allowed. For a child, this is fraught with obesity or...

The volumetric method described above is the simplest and most convenient to use. If necessary or if there are problems with weight, the doctor can calculate the volume of a certain mixture for a particular child using the caloric method and taking into account the age-related needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

How to prepare the mixture?

Only boiled water should be used. The volume of water required for one feeding at a temperature of 50˚C is poured into the bottle and the prescribed amount of mixture is poured (indicated in detail on the packaging). Everything is thoroughly shaken and mixed.

How to feed formula?

How to feed a child correctly? Before feeding, you need to make sure optimal temperature prepared mixture. To do this, drop it on your wrist (on the palmar surface). Its temperature should not be felt by the skin.

Wash your hands with soap. Find a comfortable position. Special pillows will help with this, using which you can comfortably position both yourself and the child. In this case, feeding will become a pleasant relaxation for the nursing mother and a source of necessary tactile contact for the baby.

Therefore, it is better to take it in your arms. If your baby is prone to excessive spitting, it is best to hold him upright. In other cases - semi-vertical.

Turn the bottle upside down so that the mixture completely fills the nipple and neck, and the air rushes to the bottom. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air and developing colic.

It is necessary to ensure that the mixture drips from the nipple and does not flow. Over time, nipples wear out and need to be replaced.

If there is any ready-made mixture left

According to the rules, the mixture remaining after feeding must be poured out. But it can still be stored for a little while. For one to two hours and no more than half a day in the refrigerator. Before feeding this mixture, it must be heated to an acceptable temperature.

Additional soldering

The child's artificial nutrition must be supplemented with liquid - water, weak infusions of rose hips and tea (not the regular one that you and I drink every day, but children's herbal tea).

In the heat and in a room with dry air, the amount drunk should be increased by 50 - 100 ml. It is also worth monitoring the child’s health.

Formula-fed babies begin to introduce complementary foods earlier than infants. From 4 - 4.5 months they begin to be given porridge, from 5 months.

How do you know if formula is not suitable for your baby?

Often it is not possible to select a mixture the first time. What will indicate this?

  • indigestion;

If after eating the child spits up a lot and or diarrhea or constipation begins, the formula is not suitable. When there are violations, but they are minor, it can be left for a week. If nothing changes during this time, the diet needs to be changed;

  • allergic manifestations.

The very first sign of an allergy is a rash (dermatitis). These can be either individual elements or merging spots throughout the body.

Reactions to mixtures based on cow's milk. They can be replaced with mixtures based on protein hydroisolate and soy isolate or with mixtures prepared on the basis;

  • deficiency states.

Development in a child iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition or other disease associated with a lack of certain substances, requires the selection of a special mixture with a therapeutic effect.

Complete and adequate nutrition is the key to the harmonious growth and development of your baby!

Formula milk is the best substitute for mother's milk. She saves modern parents in a variety of life situations - from a lack of breast milk to the need for a mother to go to work early. However, high-quality milk formula is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, young parents who are forced to artificially feed their baby often wonder how nutritious and important it is for the growing infant body.


Despite the abundance of brands, the composition of infant formula, in terms of quality and safety, is approximately the same. After all, the process of registering infant milk and fermented milk formulas is quite complicated, and the quality criteria are so strict that unscrupulous manufacturers simply do not touch


  1. Powdered milk is the basis of infant formula. It is made from whole cow's or goat's milk. There are also soy-based mixtures.
  2. Vitamins and minerals are mandatory additives for infant formula. Their number is strictly controlled at the legislative level.
  3. Nucleotides are the builders of the cells of the human body.
  4. Prebiotics help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and have a direct effect on the baby’s digestion.
  5. Probiotics are directly beneficial microbes.
  6. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are part of a group of substances that affect the development of the brain, vision and immunity.

When thinking about the age at which a child should be fed formula, it is worth, first of all, thinking about what benefits it can bring to the baby.


Strict quality control of formulas forces manufacturers to bring indicators as close as possible to the composition of mother's milk. However, the same substances found in formula and in breast milk are absorbed differently in the infant’s body. Therefore, it is extremely important, even with minimal production, to fight to ensure that the child receives mother’s milk and not formula. But in the absence of such an opportunity, clearly replacing breast milk with formula is the only reasonable option.

The question of up to what age a child can be fed with formula is rather different. Most often, formula is consumed from a bottle. Therefore, many mothers are concerned whether sucking the pacifier will affect proper development child, change in bite or speech? Baby formula is a healthy, balanced product, and if you are afraid to feed your child a bottle for a long time, just let him drink it from a mug.

Is it possible to feed a child with cow's or goat's milk?

Infant formulas appeared relatively recently, and some 100 years ago no one could even think of any substitutes other than cow's or goat's milk. In this regard, a completely reasonable question arises: up to what age should a child be fed formula milk and when can it be replaced with regular milk?

It is strictly not recommended for feeding babies who are not yet one year old. This is due to the fact that the amount of substances such as phosphorus and calcium significantly exceeds the norm contained in breast milk. Immature infant kidneys cannot cope with removing excess substances from the body, as a result of which the baby experiences various symptoms of intoxication.

For these reasons, formula is the only safe substitute for human milk. In exceptional cases, when it is impossible to obtain formula, feeding animals with milk is permissible, but only in diluted form.

How to choose the right milk formula?

Since the composition of the mixtures is approximately the same, when choosing, you should proceed, first of all, from financial capabilities. Once you have decided on the price, pay attention to the labeling. The number “1” indicates that the mixture is adapted for a child under 6 months. The number “2” marks formulas for babies from 6 months to one year. The three indicates that it can be given to children starting from the second year of life.

Choice special mixtures it is necessary to discuss with the pediatrician who monitors the development of your baby.

Until what age should a child be fed formula?

Since formula serves as a substitute for mother's milk, feeding up to 6 months is not even negotiable. Any formula is suitable for feeding a child of this age, including fermented milk, marked with the number “1”.

When wondering until what age you should feed your baby formula, you should pay attention to the recommendations of pediatricians regarding natural breastfeeding. And therefore, they say unequivocally: feeding must be continued for up to six months, very preferably up to a year, and if possible, better up to two. The mixture, although inferior breast milk in terms of its qualities and composition, however, it is a balanced diet, which contains everything necessary for the proper growth and development of babies.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about artificial feeding?

At one of the “School” classes, the question was asked, until what age should a child be fed formula? Komarovsky gave detailed explanations.

If the formula is not a supplement to breast milk, but has become the only means of feeding, then it can be replaced with cow's or goat's milk only after the baby is one year old. However, if the family’s financial resources allow it, then it is highly advisable to give the child formula rather than milk even after a year, because formula is healthier and certainly safer than milk.


When starting to feed their baby, some mothers strive to part with expensive formula as soon as possible. How important is formula during and until what age is it necessary to feed a child formula if he or she receives complete complementary feeding?

Complementary feeding for babies begins at six months, but up to a year it should remain complementary feeding, that is, an addition to the mixture. Some believe that formula is a complete, balanced diet, and introducing complementary foods into the diet of a child under one year of age is not necessary.

However, after six months the child becomes quite mobile, and for this he needs a lot of energy. No matter how wonderful the composition of baby formula may be, it still remains a liquid food that is not capable of giving required quantity energy reserves for the baby. Therefore, the introduction of complementary foods at this age is mandatory. Your baby will be fed and full of energy, and you will save money by reducing the number of feedings of expensive formula.

After a year, the situation changes radically. The child should receive adequate nutrition, and formula, in in this case becomes a useful addition to food.

Night feeding

Almost every mother asks a completely reasonable question: until what age should a child be fed formula at night? After all, night feedings are associated with inconvenience and discomfort for parents.

Up to 6 months, night feedings are more likely due to necessity, so you will have to be patient for at least six months. An older baby can easily sleep through the night, provided that he is fed properly and eats enough during the day. A hungry child will not allow parents to sleep peacefully. This should be remembered, especially for those who believe that it is not necessary to give complementary foods up to a year.

The very fact that there are mixtures labeled “4” intended for feeding children over one and a half years old suggests that feeding does not end at one and a half years. More precisely, it is advisable to give formula rather than whole milk even after the child reaches one and a half years of age.

Firstly, as has been repeatedly said, substances necessary for the growth and development of a child, which cannot be said about milk. Secondly, it is ideal for children prone to allergic reactions, especially if it is chosen correctly and all the pediatrician’s recommendations are taken into account.

By and large, the mixture will not cause harm and will be useful at any age. Therefore, the question of up to what age to feed a child with formula is fundamental only from the point of view of necessity and material possibilities. Since after 3 years the body of any healthy child perfectly assimilates cow or goat milk, and the child at this age receives a nutritious, varied diet, then the need to purchase expensive formulas disappears on its own.

Despite the fact that the benefits of breastfeeding are well known, sometimes a child has to be switched to formula. Of course, the mother needs to try to preserve breast milk for as long as possible and stimulate its production in every possible way, but if this does not work, there is no need to despair. Many children grew up quite healthy on artificial formula.

Unfortunately, no one can give an exact answer. The opinions of doctors and experienced mothers can be diametrically opposed. Some claim that milk and fermented milk products are harmful, and you need to feed the child with formula until at least 3 years. Others are sure that there is nothing better than a natural product, and from the age of one year you can give your baby kefir and milk, abandoning powder mixtures.

There is an opinion that cow's milk is a product that should not be given to a child until a certain age. The fact is that this product contains a lot of phosphorus. The content of this microelement is many times higher than the amount contained in breast milk.

Excessive phosphorus levels place unnecessary stress on the kidneys and may cause additional complications when the child’s body absorbs calcium and vitamin D. Difficulties also arise due to the fact that farm animals are fed artificial feed with added hormones, which, naturally, cannot but affect the quality of milk.

Read also: Why does a baby spit up after feeding? Causes and treatments

Therefore, supporters of giving up milk believe that it is necessary to feed a child with adapted formulas until at least three years of age. Only the mixture must be chosen correctly, focusing on the age indicated by the manufacturer on the product. That is, for babies who have already celebrated their first birthday, you need to select mixtures that indicate that they are intended for children one year and older.

Of course, a one-year-old baby cannot be fed exclusively with formula milk. By this age, children should receive vegetables, a variety of cereals, meat, and sea fish. The mixture is usually given at night, as the last feeding.

It is not necessary to give formula, or any other product, to a child older than one year at night. Moreover, it is even recommended to wean the baby off night feedings so that by 1-1.5 he is already asleep without an additional portion of food.

Arguments against the use of mixtures

There is hardly a person who would not understand that adapted formulas for a baby are a necessity, since although they are not entirely complete, they are an alternative to breast milk. But is it worth giving formula when the child is almost transferred to the general table?

Why dilute powder from a jar if your child can be fed natural products? Proponents of this theory rely on the centuries-old experience of their ancestors, because milk has always been considered a “children’s” food. They drank it just like that, cooked porridge with it, fermented kefir, etc.

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After all, the generation of today's mothers was mainly raised on milk, so not everyone believes in its harm to the child's body. And there were much fewer allergy sufferers in previous generations of children than there are now.

Looking for a middle ground

As always happens when there are two opposing opinions, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

For example, Dr. Komarovsky believes that the harm of milk for children over one and a half years old is greatly exaggerated. This famous children's doctor does not at all deny the option of feeding children with formula until 2 or even 3 years old. But he doesn’t see any particular tragedy in giving toddlers kefir or milk.

If the mother still has doubts, then you can give children goat milk after a year. Despite the fact that it also contains a lot of phosphorus, it is much better absorbed by the child’s body than cow’s milk.

Children who cannot tolerate milk protein deserve a separate discussion. Some babies cannot drink milk, but they digest kefir and cottage cheese perfectly. Others simply do not accept milk protein. Their bodies lack enzymes that break down this substance. In this case, not only should milk not be given, but special formulas should be selected.

After all, most mixtures are made precisely on the basis of cow's milk, its composition is simply slightly modified. And if you have milk intolerance, you need to select mixtures on a different basis.