Welding inverter AIS 250 scheme. The welding inverter does not turn on

Repair, despite its complexity, in most cases can be performed independently. And if you find well in the design of such devices and have an idea that they are more likely to fail, you can successfully optimize costs and professional service.

Appointment of equipment and features of its design

The main purpose of any inverter is the formation of a constant welding current, which is obtained by straightening the high-frequency variable. The use of precisely high-frequency AC transformed by means of a special inverter module from the straightened network is due to the fact that the force of this current can be effectively increased to the desired value using a compact transformer. It is this principle, laid in work, allows such equipment to have compact dimensions at high efficiency.

The scheme of the welding inverter, which determines its specifications, includes the following main elements:

  • the primary rectifier block, the basis of which constitutes a diode bridge (the problem of such a block includes straightening an AC coming from the standard electrical network);
  • the inverter unit, the main element of which is the transistor assembly (it is precisely using this block that the current current entering its input is converted to a variable whose frequency is 50-100 kHz);
  • the high-frequency lowering transformer, which, by lowering the incoming voltage, the output strength is significantly increased (due to the principle of high-frequency transformation at the output of such a device, a current can be formed, the force of which reaches 200-250 A);
  • the output rectifier collected on the basis of power diodes (in the task of this block of the inverter enters the straightening of the alternating high-frequency current, which is necessary for the execution of welding).
The scheme of the welding inverter contains a number of other elements that improve its operation and functionality, but the main ones are the above.

Features of maintenance and repair of inverter devices

Repair of the welding machine relating to the inverter type has a number of features, which is explained by the complexity of the design of such a device. Any inverter, in contrast to the welding machines of other types, is electronic, which requires specialists involved in its maintenance and repair, the presence of at least initial radio engineering knowledge, as well as the skills of circulation of various measuring instruments - voltmeter, digital multimeter, oscilloscope, etc. .

In the process of maintenance and repair, elements are checked from which it consists. This includes transistors, diodes, resistors, stabilids, transformer and throttle devices. The feature of the inverter's design is that it is very often possible when it is repairing it is impossible or it is very difficult to determine if the failure of which item caused a malfunction.

In such situations, all parts are sequentially checked. To successfully solve such a task, it is necessary not only to be able to use measuring instruments, but also enough to understand in electronic circuits. If you do not have such skills and knowledge at least at the initial level, then the repair of the welding inverter can lead to an even more serious breakage.

Really appreciating my strength, knowledge and experience and deciding to take on the independent repair of equipment inverter type, it is important not only to watch the learning video on this topic, but also carefully examine the instructions in which manufacturers list the most characteristic faults of welding inverters, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Factors leading to the failure of the welding inverter

Situations that may cause an inverter output or lead to disorders in its work can be divided into two main types:

  • associated with the wrong choice of welding mode;
  • conditioned by the failure of the details of the device or their incorrect work.

The method of identifying the inverter malfunction for subsequent repairs is reduced to the sequential execution of technological operations, from the simplest - to the most difficult. What modes are performed by such checks and what is their essence, is usually negotiated into equipment instructions.

If the recommended actions did not lead to the desired results and the operation of the device is not restored, most often this means that the cause of the fault should be signed in the electronic circuit. The reasons for the failure of its blocks and individual elements may be different. We list the most common.

  • In the inner part of the device penetrated the moisture, which may occur if atmospheric precipitates fall on the body of the apparatus.
  • On the elements of the electronic circuit, dust accumulated, which leads to a violation of their full-fledged cooling. The maximum amount of dust into inverters falls in cases where they are operated in highly dusty rooms or on construction sites. In order not to bring the equipment to such a state, its inner part must be cleaned regularly.
  • To overheating elements of the electronic diagram of the inverter and, as a consequence, the failure of the duration of inclusion (PV) can cause their failure. This parameter, which must be strictly observed, is indicated in the technical passport of the equipment.

Common faults

The most common faults faced with the operation of the inverters are the following.

Unstable welding arc combustion or active metal splashing

This situation may indicate that the current force is incorrect for welding. As is known, this parameter is selected depending on the type and diameter of the electrode, as well as on the speed of the welding work. If on the packaging of the electrodes you use does not contain recommendations on the optimal value of the current force, it is possible to calculate it by a simple formula: 1 mM of the diameter of the electrode should account for 20-40 and the welding current. It should also be borne in mind that the less the speed of welding, the less the current is the current.

Adhesion of the electrode to the surface of the parts connected

Such a problem may be associated with a number of reasons, while the majority is based on a low supply voltage. Modern models of inverter devices work under reduced voltage, but when its value descends below the minimum value to which the equipment is calculated, the electrode begins to shindle. The drop in the voltage value at the output of the equipment can occur if the device blocks are poorly in contact with panel jacks.

Such a reason is eliminated very simple: cleaning contact nests and more densely fixing electronic circuit boards in them. If the wire, with which the inverter is connected to the electrical network, has a cross section less than 2.5 mm2, it can also lead to a voltage drop at the input of the device. This will be guaranteed to happen in the event that such a wire has too long.

If the length of the supply wire exceeds 40 meters, use the inverter to welding, which will be connected to it, is almost impossible. The voltage in the supply chain may fall in the event that its contacts are burned or oxidized. The frequent cause of the plump of the electrode is not enough high-quality preparation of surfaces of the weldable parts, which must be carefully cleaned not only from the existing contaminants, but also from the oxide film.

The inability to start a welding process with the apparatus turned on

This situation often occurs in the case of overheating of the inverter apparatus. The control indicator should light up on the device panel. If the glow of the latter is at least spare, and the function of the audio alert in the inverter is missing, then the welder may simply not know about overheating. This state of the welding inverter is characteristic of a break or spontaneous disconnection of welding wires.

Spontaneous turning off inverter when welding

Most often, this situation occurs if the supply voltage is turned off the circuit breakers, the operating parameters of which are incorrectly selected. When working using the inverter apparatus in the electrical shield, automata, designed for current of at least 25 A.

Inability to turn on the inverter when turning a toggle

Most likely, this situation suggests that there is too low voltage in the supply electrical network.

Automatic disconnection of the inverter during long welding

Most modern inverter devices are equipped with temperature sensors that automatically turn off the equipment when the temperature is raised in its inner part to the critical level. The way out of such a situation is only one: to give a welding machine for 20-30 minutes, during which it will cool.

How to perform domestic repair inverter

If after testing it becomes clear that the cause of malfunctions in the operation of the inverter apparatus lies in its inner part, the case should be disassembled and proceed with the viewing of the electronic filling. It is possible that the reason is the poor-quality soldering of the parts of the device or poorly attached wires.

Attentive inspection of electronic circuits will allow you to identify faulty parts that can be darkened, cracked, with a swollen case or have burnt contacts.

Such parts during the repair must be dropped from the boards (it is desirable to use a soldering iron with a suction), and then replace with similar. If the marking on faulty items is not read, then special tables can be used for their selection. After replacing faulty parts, it is desirable to test electronic circuit boards using a tester. Moreover, it must be done if the inspection did not allow to identify the elements to be repaired.

Visual inspection of the electronic circuits of the inverter and their analysis with the help of the tester should be started with the power unit with transistors, since it is the most vulnerable. If transistors are faulty, then most likely failed and swinging their outline (driver). The elements of which consists of such a contour also need to be checked first.

After checking the transistor unit, all other blocks are checked, for which the tester is also used. The surface of the printed circuit boards must be carefully examined to determine on them the presence of burnt plots and cliffs. If such are discovered, then it is necessary to carefully clean such places and attack them jumpers.

If distorted or torn wires are detected in the inverter filling, then when repairing they need to be replaced with similar in cross section. Although the diode bridges of the inverter rectifiers are quite reliable elements, they should also be squeeze with the tester.

The most complex element of the inverter is the key management fee, the functionality of the entire device depends on the serviceability of which. Such a fee for the presence of control signals, which are fed to the tires of the keys block, are checked with an oscilloscope. The final stage of testing and repairing electronic circuits of the inverter device should be checking the contacts of all available connectors and their sweeping with the help of a conventional elasty.

DIY repair of such an electronic device as an inverter is quite complicated. Learning to repair this equipment, just looking at the learning video, it is almost impossible, for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills. If you have such knowledge and skills, you will look at this video will give you the opportunity to fill the lack of experience.

It is intended for periodic construction and repair work, produces manual arc welding with piece electrodes (MMA). Ideal for welding work at the cottage, in everyday life, in the garage. There is a possibility of welding in the argon protective inert gas - (tig), on a constant current with a non-compatible tungsten electrode. The scheme of the power part of the inverter is made on IGBT transistors (K40h603) and diodes 60F30.. The control board on the PWM controller and the operating amplifier allows the use of "Hot Start" functions, Anti-Stick, "ARC Force". Power Supply ELITECH IC 200. On the microcircuit and the MOSFET transistor provides the necessary voltages to operate the electronic circuit inverter.

Supply voltage - 220V
Idling voltage - 85V
Range of welding current - 10-180A
Load duration at a current 180a - 60%
Load duration at a current 100a - 100%
The diameters of the electrodes used - 1.6-5mm

Inverter welding machines are increasingly popular among the masters of welders due to their compact size, small mass and reasonable prices. Like any other equipment, these devices may fail due to improper operation or due to structural flaws. In some cases, the repair of inverter welding machines can be carried out independently by studying the inverter device, but there are damage that are eliminated only in the service center.

Welding inverters depending on the models work both from the household electrical network (220 V) and from three-phase (380 V). The only thing to consider when connecting the device to the household network is its power consumption. If it exceeds the capabilities of the wiring, then the unit will not work with a library network.

So, the device inverter welding machine includes the following main modules.

  1. Primary rectifier block. This block consisting of a diode bridge is placed at the input of the entire electrical circuit of the device. It is on it that the variable voltage from the power grid is supplied. To reduce the heating of the rectifier, the radiator is attached to it. The latter is cooled by a fan (inlet) installed inside the housing of the unit. Also, the diode bridge has overheat protection. It is implemented with the help of a thermal sensor, which, when the temperature of the temperature of 90 ° is reached, breaks the chain.
  2. Condenser filter. It is connected in parallel to the diode bridge to smooth the alternating current pulsations and contains 2 capacitor. Each electrolyte has a supply of at least 400 V, and by capacity from 470 μF for each condenser.
  3. Interference filter. During the current conversion processes in the inverter, electromagnetic interference occurs, which can disrupt the operation of other devices connected to this electrical network. To remove interference, the filter is installed before the rectifier.
  4. Inverter. Responsible for the transformation of alternating voltage to constant. Inverter transducers can be of two types: Two-stroke dilapidated and full bridge. Below is a diagram of a semi-liter converter having 2 transistor keys, based on the MOSFET or IGBT series devices, which can most often be seen on the inverter devices of the average price category.
    The diagram of the full bridge converter is more complex and includes already 4 transistors. These types of converters are installed on the most powerful apparatus for welding and, accordingly, on the most expensive.

    Just like diodes, transistors are installed on radiators for better removal of heat from them. To protect the transistor unit from voltage bursts, an RC filter is installed before it.

  5. High frequency transformer. It is installed after the inverter and lowers high-frequency voltage up to 60-70 V. Thanks to the inclusion in the design of this module of the ferrite magnetic pipeline, it became possible to reduce the weight and reduce the dimensions of the transformer, as well as reduce the loss of power and increase the efficiency of the equipment as a whole. For example, the weight of the transformer having an iron magnetic pipeline and capable of providing a current of 160 A, there will be about 18 kg. But a transformer with a ferrite magnetic pipeline with the same current characteristics will have a mass of about 0.3 kg.
  6. Secondary output rectifier. It consists of a bridge, which contains special diodes, with high speed reacting to high-frequency current (opening, closing and recovery takes about 50 nanoseconds), for which ordinary diodes are not capable of. The bridge is equipped with radiators preventing overheating. Also, the rectifier has protection against voltage jumps, implemented as an RC filter. At the output of the module, there are two copper terminals, which ensure reliable connection of the power cable and the mass cable.
  7. Control board. The microprocessor is engaged in control of all inverter operations, which receives information and controls the operation of the device using various sensors located in almost all assemblies of the unit. Thanks to the microprocessor control, the ideal current parameters for welding of various types of metals are selected. Also, electronic control saves electricity due to the supply of precisely calculated and dosage loads.
  8. Soft launch relay. In order during the start of the inverter, the diodes of the rectifier from the high current of charged capacitors is not overloaded, a smooth start relay is used.

How the inverter works

Below is a scheme that clearly shows the principle of operation of the welding inverter.

So, the principle of operation of this module of the welding machine is as follows. The primary rectifier of the inverter comes voltage from the household electrical network or from generators, gasoline or diesel. The incoming current is variable, but passing through the diode block, becomes constant. The straightened current enters the inverter, where the reverse transformation is passed into variable, but already with the changed characteristics in frequency, that is, it becomes high-frequency. Further, the high-frequency voltage is reduced by a transformer to 60-70 V with a simultaneous increase in current. At the next stage, the current falls into the rectifier, where it is transformed into a permanent, after which it is supplied to the output terminals of the unit. All current transformations controlled microprocessor control unit.

Causes of breakdown inverters

Modern inverters, especially made on the basis of an IGBT module, are quite demanding to the rules of operation. It is explained by the fact that when the aggregate is working, its internal modules many warmth isolated. Although the radiators and the fan are used to remove heat from power units and electronic circuit boards, which sometimes is not enough, especially in low-cost units. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly follow the rules that are specified in the instructions for the device, implying the periodic shutdown of the cooling unit.

Typically, this rule is called "the duration of inclusion" (PV), which is measured as a percentage. Without observing PV, there is overheating of the main assemblies of the device and their failure. If this happens with a new unit, this breakdown is not subject to warranty repair.

Also, if the inverter welding machine works in dusting roomsAt its radiators, dust settles and interferes with normal heat transfer, which inevitably leads to overheating and breakage of electrical nodes. If it is impossible to get rid of dust in the air in the air, it is necessary to open the inverter body more often and clean all the assemblies of the device from the accumulated pollution.

But most often inverters are failed when they work at low temperatures. The breakdowns occur due to the appearance of condensate on a preheated control board, resulting in a closure between the details of this electronic module.

Features repair

A distinctive feature of the inverters is the presence of an electronic control board, so only a qualified specialist can be diagnosed and eliminated a malfunction in this unit. In addition, diode bridges, transistor blocks, transformers and other parts of the electrical circuit can be out of order. To diagnose your own hands, you need to have certain knowledge and skills of working with such measuring instruments as an oscilloscope and multimeter.

From the foregoing it becomes clear that, without having the necessary skills and knowledge, start repairing the device, especially electronics, is not recommended. Otherwise, it can be completely outlined, and the repair of the welding inverter will cost half the cost of the new unit.

The main fault of the unit and their diagnosis

As already mentioned, the inverters are out of order due to the impact on the "vital" important blocks of the external factors. Also, the fault of the welding inverter can occur due to improper operation of equipment or errors in its settings. Most often are the following malfunctions or interruptions in the operation of the inverters.

The device does not turn on

Very often this breakdown is called network cable fault apparatus. Therefore, you first need to remove the housing from the unit and ring each cable wire tester. But if the cable is all right, then the more serious diagnosis of the inverter will be required. Perhaps the problem lies in the duty source of the device. Methods of repairing "digesters" on the example of the inverter of the brand of resanta is shown in this video.

Instability of the welding arc or splashing metal

This malfunction can be called incorrect setting of current for a specific diameter of the electrode.

Tip! If there are no recommended values \u200b\u200bof the current for the power to the electrodes to the electrodes, it can be calculated by such a formula: for each millimeter there should be a welding current in the range of 20-40 A.

Also consider and welding speed. What it is less, the topic is less than the current value to be set on the control panel of the aggregate. In addition, so that the current of the current corresponds to the diameter of the additive, you can use the table below.

Welding current is not regulated

If the welding current is not regulated, the cause can be breakdown regulator Either the violation of the contacts connected to it. It is necessary to remove the housing of the unit and check the reliability of connecting the conductors, as well as, if necessary, ring the controller multimeter. If everything is in order with it, then this breakdown can cause a closer to the throttle or a fault of the secondary transformer, which will be required to check the multimeter. In case of detection of a malfunction in these modules, they need to be replaced or put into rewind specialist.

Big power consumption

Excessive consumption of electricity, even if the device is not loaded, causes, most often, mixless closure In one of the transformers. In this case, it will not work independently. You need to attribute the transformer to the master on the rewind.

Electrode sticks to the metal

This happens if the network decreases the voltage. To get rid of the adhesion of the electrode to the welded items, it will be necessary to select and configure the welding mode (according to the instructions for the machine). Also, the voltage on the network may notice if the device is connected to the extension with a small cross section of the wire (less than 2.5 mm 2).

Often the voltage drop causing the adhesion of the electrode occurs when using too long a network extension. In this case, the problem is solved by connecting the inverter to the generator.

Overheating is burning

If the indicator is on, this indicates overheating of the main unit modules. Also, the device can be spontaneously disconnected, which indicates about triggered thermal protection. In order for these interregate interruptions in the future, again, it is necessary to adhere to the correct mode of inclusion (PV). For example, if PV \u003d 70%, the device must operate in the following mode: after 7 minutes of operation, the unit will be allocated for 3 minutes, to cool.

In fact, various breakdowns and the reasons that cause them can be quite a lot, and it is difficult to list them. Therefore, it is better to immediately understand how the algorithm is diagnosed with the welding inverter in search of faults. How to diagnose the apparatus, you can learn by looking after the following training

Hello everyone!!! Recently, a welding inverter was brought to repair, my note about this repair would be useful to someone.

This is not the first welding machine that I had to do, but if in one case the malfunction was manifested like this: I turned on the inverter into the network ... and the babes, knocked out the automatic protection in electric shield. As the autopsy showed in the welded, the output transistors struck, after replacing everything earned.

But in this case everything was somewhat different, with the words of the host, the apparatus stopped cooking, although the inclusion indicator glowed. These guys themselves opened the case - tried to determine the fault and noticed that the inverter reacted to bending the board i.e. With her bending he could earn. But when the welding inverter got to me, it was no longer turned on at all, even the inclusion indicator was not glowing.

The welding inverter does not turn on

"Titanium-bis - 2300" - it is this model of the inverter who entered the repair, the circuitry repeats the welding machine for similar power of "Renthana" and how I assume many other inverters. See and download the scheme can

In this welding machine for powering low-voltage circuits, a pulse power supply unit is used, just it was faulty. The UPS is performed on the PWM controller UC 3842BN. Analogs - Domestic 1114EU7, imported UC3842AN differs from Bn only less consumed current, and ka3842bn (AN). The UPS scheme is below. (Click on it to increase) Red stresses that have already issued a working UPS. Please note that the voltages of 25V are not relative to the total minus, namely, from the points V1 +, V1- and also V2 +, V2- they are not associated with a common tire.

The UPS key is made on the transistor, the 4N90C field. In my case, the transistor remained the whole, but the microcircuit required the replacement. Also in the cliff resistor R 010 - 22 OM / 1WT. After that, the power supply has earned.

However, it was early to rejoice, measuring the voltage at the exit of the welder, it turned out that it was not, and in idle mode should be about 85 volts. I tried to move the fee, remember from the words of the owner it affected, but nothing.

Further search revealed the absence of one of the voltages of 25 volts at the points V2-, V2 +. Cause, breaking in the transformer winding 1-2. I had to get enough trance, I used a medical needle to release conclusions.

In the transformer, one of the ends of the winding was turned off from the output.

Gently restore the connection using suitable wiring, the restored connection will not be superfluous to fix the leak or sealant. I had a polyurethane glue with my hands and took advantage of the audit of other conclusions, if you need to disappear.

Before installing the transformer, you should prepare a fee so that it will do without effort in his place. To do this, it is necessary to clean from the remnants of the hole of the hole, it is possible to do this as a needle from the syringe of a suitable diameter.

After installing the transformer, the welding inverter earned.

How to check the microcircuit

How to check the chip without paying it out of the board and what else to pay attention to.

Partially check the chip in the presence of a voltmeter and an adjustable stabilized source of constant voltage. For complete check, you need a signal generator and an oscilloscope.

Talk about what is easier. Before checking, be sure to turn off the inverter from the power supply. Next - from the external adjustable power supply unit to the output 7 of the chip, supply a voltage of 16 - 17 volts, this is the launch voltage of MS. At the same time, the output 8 should be 5 V. This is a reference voltage from the internal stabilizer of the chip.

It should remain stable when the voltage is changed on 7 output. If it is not so ms faulty.

By changing the voltage on the chip, keep in mind that below 10 in the chip is turned off, and will turn on at 15-17 volts. It should not be raised the supply voltage of MS above 34 V inside the chip is the protective stabilion and with a strongly overestimated voltage simply triggers it.

Below is the structural scheme UC3842.

Supplement to this article: After some time, another device brought. Fastered because of the fall on the side. This happened because during the operation, the screws fastening the housing are broken, and some are simply lost, so when dropping the board played and touched the housing by the installation side as a result of the circuit, all 4 output transistors K 30N60HS g30N60A4D, G40N60UFD. After replacing everything earned.

That's all! If we found this article useful, leave your comments, share with friends by clicking on the social network buttons.

The welding inverter differs from the conventional welding machine with lighter and high-quality welding process. However, the fault of the welding inverter, by virtue of its more complex device, may be more serious and complex.

To determine the cause of the vehicle breakdown, it is necessary to carry out its diagnostics: check transistors, resistors, diodes, stabilizers, contacts, etc. An detailed instruction is attached to each device with a description of the most common faults that can be eliminated independently. However, very often for repairs may require special equipment: Ommeter, voltmeter, multimeter, oscilloscope. And they need to be able to use. And in special cases, knowledge is needed in electronics, the ability to work with electrical circuits. Therefore, if independent verification and elimination of the simple faults described below did not lead to success, it is better to entrust the repair of the inverter apparatus to the masters in the service center.

What are the malfunctions of the inverters

Several groups of breakdowns of welding inverters can be distinguished:

  • malfunctions arising due to non-compliance with the rules of the workflow of the workflow specified in the instructions;
  • malfunctions arising from improper work or failure of the elements of the device;
  • the breakdowns resulting from entering the moisture, dust and foreign items.

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Common faults that can be eliminated with their own hands

Consider some of the most common faults of welding inverters:

To reveal and eliminate the cause of the fault, the body of the apparatus is revealed and produce a visual inspection of its contents.

  1. The welding arc is unstable or the electrode is very splashing material. The reason for this can be wounded in the wrong selection of current. The strength of the current must correspond to the type and diameter of the electrode and the speed of the welding process. If the current is not listed on the packaging of the electrodes, then the current can be started with 20-40 A per millimeter of the electrode diameter. When decreasing welding speed, the current strength should also be reduced.
  2. The electrode sticks to the material. Often this is due to low voltage on the network, the value of which is less than the minimum permissible when working with the inverter. The cause of the ships of the electrode can be a bad contact in the panel jacks, which can be eliminated, tightly fixing the board. The use of the extension with the cross section of the wire is less than 2.5 mm 2 or with too long wire (more than 40 m) can reduce the voltage. The burnt or oxidized contacts in the electrical circuit can also reduce the voltage.
  3. There is no welding process, the device is included in the network. In this case, you need to check the presence of a mass on the welded part. Check also the inverter cable for damage.
  4. The device is spontaneously disconnected. The disablement of the device occurs at the time of inclusion in the transformer network, after which it is triggered. The reason for this may be closing in the voltage circuit. Protection may be included not only when the wires are closed or with the housing, but also when the coils or test of capacitors are closed. To repair the hollow, you first need to turn off the transformer and find a fault, after which it isolating or replacing the damaged element.

If there is no welding with the apparatus on, check the electrode cable connection.

In the process of long-term operation, the device turned off. Most likely, it is not a breakdown, but overheating inverter. It is necessary to wait 20-30 minutes, then resume work. The rules of operation of the device should be followed: Do not overheat it, that is, to take breaks in operation, connect the corresponding current values \u200b\u200bto it, do not use electrodes too large diameters.

The transformer makes a strong hum and overheats. Perhaps the reason for this was the overload of the transformer, the weakening of the bolts, which tighten the sheets of the magnetic pipeline, or the core fastening breakage. Due to the closure between the sheets of the magnetic pipeline or cables, the device can also be very buzzing. Tighten all the fastening elements and restore the insulation of the cables.

Welding current is poorly adjustable. The reason for this can be a breakdown in the current control mechanism: a malfunction in the control current of the screw, the closure between the fasteners of the regulator, the closure in the throttle, the poor mobility of secondary coils as a result of a zero and others. Remove the casing from the inverter and consider the current adjustment mechanism in order to detect the failure.

The welding arc is cut sharply, and it is impossible to light it, only sparks appear. Perhaps the problem lies in the test of high voltage winding, closure between wires or in their poor connection with the terminals of the inverter.

High current consumption in the absence of a load. The reason to be closing turns on the coil. You can eliminate it or restoring insulation, or completely rewound the coil.

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If there is an excessive splashing of the metal of the electrode during welding, the reason for the reason for the welding current can be caused.

If the smell of Gary appeared from the body of the apparatus, it can talk about a serious breakage. In this case, a qualified repair may be needed in the service center.

To identify malfunctions, first disassemble the case. We produce a visual inspection of parts for damage, cracks, burned contacts and condenser fuses. Also check the places of soldering parts and contacts on the inverter boards. Often the causes of the malfunction are in a poor-quality soldering, they are easily eliminated, overwhelming the items.

All faulty parts should be dropped and replaced by new, corresponding to this model of the device.

It is possible to select details in accordance with the marking indicated on the case of the device or in a special directory.

You need to fall out with a soldering iron having a suction that will make the work convenient and fast.