Proper cultivation of cucumbers in open ground. Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds How to plant cucumbers in open ground in spring

It's hard to find in our area personal plot no cucumbers. This crop is grown by many gardeners. At the same time, for big story this culture, invented huge amount methods of planting and growing cucumbers. Each gardener has his own secrets of growing cucumbers, which have their own advantages and disadvantages, but at the same time are ideal for certain climatic conditions. Important place Correct and timely sowing of cucumber seeds in the ground is key to obtaining a high-quality harvest. Without correct sowing It is very difficult to get a harvest of any crop, including cucumbers. Therefore, every gardener should know how to plant cucumbers correctly.

Sowing cucumbers is not simple matter, as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, every gardener should know the basic rules for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground:

  1. It is better to sow cucumbers after cabbage, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and other vegetable crops. cucumbers cannot be sown after teak crops. It is also advisable not to sow cucumbers on heavy and acidic soils.
  2. Cucumber seeds should be sown in a prepared bed. To do this, from the fall into the soil for 1 square meter you need to add 5-10 kilograms of rotted plant manure.
  3. Sowing cucumbers in temperate and southern regions in two stages: first (in spring) salad varieties are sown, and in early summer varieties (hybrids) are sown that are intended for pickling.
  4. Before sowing, your own cucumber seeds must be disinfected with a weak 5% solution of potassium permanganate. This will avoid many viral and fungal diseases.
  5. In the south, cucumbers are sown on level, well-cultivated soil. IN moderate and northern regions Cucumbers are mainly sown on ridges or beds. Often, to insulate the bed, fresh manure is added there, which is sprinkled with a thick layer of soil (0.4-0.6 m).
  6. Cucumbers are sown in shallow rows (2-4 cm) with a distance between rows of at least 70 centimeters and a distance between plants of 5-10 centimeters. In the southern regions, cucumbers need to be sown much less often, so the distance between rows should be more than 90 centimeters, and the distance between plants 15-20 cm. Some gardeners sow cucumbers using a nesting method according to the pattern: 70x70 or 60x60 centimeters. In this case, 4-6 seeds are sown in the nest.
  7. If the soil is dry, then the soil should be watered abundantly before sowing seeds. warm water.
  8. To improve harvesting, plants with strong stems (corn or sunflower) are often sown between rows or special supports are built. Cucumbers trail along them, making it easier to harvest. At the same time, cucumbers are better pollinated by insects, and the yield will be 20-30% greater than with conventional cultivation.
  9. After sowing, the bed needs to be leveled. To receive fast shoots the bed is often covered with a transparent film. In this case, the distance between the soil and the film should be at least 5 centimeters.

Sowing cucumber seeds is not a difficult task, but if done correctly, you can get a much larger harvest than with simple sowing.

Therefore, gardeners every year come up with more and more new ways to get the harvest as early as possible, as much as possible and for as long as possible. This is also facilitated by breeders who develop many varieties and hybrids that are more productive and disease resistant.

Listen to the radio broadcast:

How to achieve good harvest cucumbers (The main summer resident of the country Andrey Tumanov)

Without high-quality and timely sowing, it is difficult to get a good harvest even from the most productive varieties or hybrids of cucumbers.

Therefore, gardeners pay great attention to this issue and try to do everything correctly so that there are no unwanted losses.

When to plant cucumber seeds in the ground

Cucumbers are grown in almost all regions. In some climatic zones it is possible to harvest only 5-6 times during the warm season, in others - 40-50 times. It turns out that in the northern regions, where the warm period of the year is short, to grow cucumbers by directly sowing seeds in open ground there is no point since the harvest will be harvested within a short time (1-2 weeks). Therefore, in these regions, seedlings are often grown first, which are then transplanted into open ground when stable warmth sets in. Cucumbers are sown in open ground in warm regions where it is possible to harvest for a long period (1-2 months). In each climatic zone your timing for sowing cucumber seeds in open ground. This is explained by the fact that cucumbers are afraid spring frosts, which are fatal to this crop. Therefore, to get a good harvest, gardeners must know when to plant cucumber seeds in open ground.

Timing for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground

Each experienced gardener has his own date when to start sowing cucumber seeds in open ground. Many years of growing this crop by gardeners in their regions allows them to know better when they are running out. spring frosts. The timing of growing cucumbers is often determined by the climatic indicators of the climate zone:

Determining the timing of sowing cucumber seeds in open ground is important, since the timing of the first harvest depends on this. Some gardeners can already feast on fresh cucumbers, while in others they will only bloom. Therefore, most gardeners often do test (small) sowings of cucumbers, when night frosts are still possible, but it is already warm enough for the development of this crop. Test crops may die, but at the same time they may survive (if there are no frosts), which will allow an early harvest. Some gardeners simply grow seedlings, which also allows them to get the first harvest 1-2 weeks earlier.

Not everyone can get a good harvest of cucumbers, especially if this crop is sown with seeds directly into open ground. Here you need to properly prepare the seed material, as well as observe planting dates. This method more often used in regions with warm climates. In central Russia, it is recommended to grow cucumbers from seedlings.

When to sow cucumber seeds in open ground

Most gardeners know that cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so its seeds planted in cold soil will not germinate, and if they do, they will be sick for a long time. Regardless of the region where cucumbers are grown, planting the seeds of this crop in open ground should be done when the soil warms up to 15-18 degrees. The harvest period for cucumbers is 45 days from the moment of emergence, so when planting the crop on May 25, the first greens can be obtained as early as July 10.

To sow the crop in question, you can use dry seed material or pre-prepared grains. Here, each gardener chooses an option that is acceptable to him. Of course, planting cucumbers from pre-prepared seeds will allow you to get early shoots and a good harvest of vegetables, but in some cases, sowing dry seeds gives the same result. This applies to Dutch hybrids that have been pre-treated in special solutions and growth stimulants.

How to soak seeds

  • a substance such as potassium permanganate helps destroy fungi and pathogenic bacteria on the shells of grains. IN in this case one day before the expected sowing date, the cucumbers are soaked in ordinary water for 24 hours, then they are placed for a couple of hours in a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the grains are immediately sown in the ground;
  • one of the best folk remedies Aloe juice is considered to be used for soaking vegetable seeds. The freshly squeezed juice of this plant is mixed with water in equal proportions. The grains are kept in the resulting solution for 24 hours;
  • another soaking agent seed material A honey solution is considered (1 teaspoon of honey per glass of water). The seeds are poured onto a saucer, covered with the resulting liquid and kept for 6 hours, then sown.

How to prepare beds for sowing

Preparing a plot for cucumbers is not difficult. In the fall, after harvesting the predecessor, humus is spread in the garden so that this organic fertilizer can dissolve in the soil over the winter. In the spring, when warm weather sets in, plowing and cultivation are carried out (if available). large plots) or digging.

During sowing, holes are placed every 60 centimeters in checkerboard pattern, and 4-5 prepared seeds are sown in each of these holes, the sowing depth is 2 centimeters. If the planting area is large, cucumbers are sown in rows every two meters, but the distance between seeds within one row is reduced to 30 centimeters.

If the seeds were sown in holes, then after germination you need to leave only 2-3 plants in the nest. When planting cucumbers in an ordinary way, thinning is not done. Further care Maintenance of plants consists of periodically loosening the rows (this should be done especially after heavy rains), killing weeds, watering and fertilizing. Note that the crop in question needs to be watered in the evening, using warm water infused in the sun.

Some varieties of cucumbers require pinching. This technique will increase the number of ovaries on the plant and allow you to get an early, healthy harvest. The described crops are pinched after the appearance of 5 true leaves. As a result of the work done, the cucumber will have new side shoots, and the process of ovary formation will also accelerate.

Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground by direct sowing does not provide for pre-planting seeds for seedlings and the presence of perennial protective structures (greenhouses, greenhouses) on the site. In order to get a high yield of ground cucumbers, you need to sow them correctly.

Conditions for growing cucumbers in open ground

To obtain the desired harvest of ground cucumbers, you need to familiarize yourself with the crop’s requirements for growing conditions.

  • Cucumber is a moisture-loving vegetable and prefers frequent and abundant watering.
  • The crop grows well in sunny areas and also bears fruit normally in light openwork shade. Optimal temperature for growth and fruiting it ranges from +24°C to +28°C. At higher (as well as at lower) temperatures, development stops.
  • For harmonious growth and development, cucumbers need good nitrogen nutrition. Potassium and phosphorus are consumed in smaller quantities.
  • The culture prefers to grow on loose soils. Good air permeability of the earth will not allow excess moisture to accumulate.

If you provide cucumbers in open ground with all the above conditions, the plants will be healthy and the yield will be high.

Cucumbers in open ground

When to sow cucumbers in open ground

IN different regions countries, the specific planting date directly depends on weather conditions. In general, sowing is carried out from mid-spring to July.

To choose the most suitable day for planting ground cucumbers with seeds, it is important to focus on the weather in the region. In order for cucumbers to germinate well and amicably, the soil temperature should not be lower than +13...+15°C.

Majority experienced gardeners when carrying out this or that event on the site, they rely on the recommendations of the horticulturist’s Lunar Calendar. In such a calendar, depending on the phase of the Moon and the sign in which it is located, the most favorable and also unfavorable dates for carrying out work are set. The lunar calendar for 2018 recommends sowing cucumbers:

in April: 2, 3, 20...21, 24...26, 29th.

in May: 6, 9…11, 18…19, 24…28.

in June: 3…5, 10…11, 15, 23…24.

Important! By Lunar calendar It is not recommended to sow cucumbers on the day of the Full Moon or New Moon, therefore, in 2018, 04/15…04/17, 04/30, 05/14…16/05, 05/29, 06/12…06/14 and 06/28, seeds are not planted - their germination rate will be low, and the plants themselves will be weak.

Preparing seeds for planting in open ground

If the planting material was purchased in a store, then it is unlikely to require pre-treatment - most manufacturers disinfect and cover the seeds with a protective coating, so soaking them is not recommended. Such seeds are planted dry.

If the planting material was collected with your own hands from previously grown varieties of cucumbers, then it is advisable to carry out a full complex of it preliminary preparation, consisting of several stages.


At this stage, it is proposed to select the largest, smoothest and naturally colored cucumber seeds for planting, and discard all deformed and diseased ones. Afterwards, you can use a salt aqueous solution, which is prepared at the rate of 30 g/l of water, place the seeds there and mix. Those that have floated to the surface of the liquid are not suitable for planting. The rest need to be spread out and dried. Disadvantage this method calibration is its narrow application - the method is only suitable for freshly harvested planting material cucumbers with a maximum shelf life of 2 years.


You can treat the seeds in various ways: soaking in solutions of potassium permanganate or special drugs or warming up. In the latter case, it is necessary to maintain certain processing temperatures for a long time (+800 for one-time heating and +400 for three days), otherwise you can simply spoil the seeds, which is why disinfection by soaking has become more widespread. To do this, the seeds are immersed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 0.5 hours or in a solution of the drug for 1-2 hours.

Potassium permanganate solution


You can germinate cucumber seeds in water or in a stimulant solution. In general, they are placed in a container on paper or fabric, filled with a small amount of liquid and removed to a warm place (+25...+280C). After 1…2 days, the cucumbers germinate. When using a solution of the drug, the seeds are kept in it for about 12 hours, then transferred to paper (or other material) and wait for the roots to appear.


Immediately before planting, the seeds are placed in a well-moistened cloth and put in the refrigerator for 2 days. This treatment helps to increase the resistance of cucumbers to changes and drops in temperature and, according to many gardeners, allows for an earlier harvest.

Just a note. Proper preparation of crop seeds will have a beneficial effect on plant growth.

Everything you need to know about planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds

How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds? In order for the sprouts to sprout quickly and amicably, you need to take into account several nuances when sowing.

  • The seeding depth is 1.5...2 cm. Usually, a planting hole is made with a finger, and a cucumber seed is placed at its bottom.
  • How many seeds should I put in the hole? If it is planned to grow one bush in one hole, then when sowing 2...3 seeds are placed in it, if 5...6 cucumbers will grow from one planting hole, then 10...12 seeds are placed (with a square-cluster pattern).
  • There is a lot of debate on the topic of how to correctly place a cucumber seed in a hole: with the blunt or sharp side up. The root of the plant emerges from the pointed tip, and the rounded side, opening, releases cotyledon leaves. Most gardeners place the cucumber seed flat - the flat side into the ground, in this case it will definitely germinate.

Planting scheme

Before sowing cucumbers, you need to decide on a planting scheme. In open ground, the following types of schemes are most often used:

  • 1) private. The row spacing for this planting option should be at least 1 m. The distances between neighboring cucumbers after thinning are 8...15 cm.

Important! For early-ripening cucumbers, the distance between specimens in a row is 8...10 cm, for later ones - 12...15, and for long-climbing cucumbers - 20...25 cm.

Denser planting is allowed for parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids - 70x70 cm. Most often, this option for sowing cucumbers is used on high ridge beds;

  • 2) two-line. This scheme provides for the arrangement of two planting rows on one bed with a gap width between the tapes of 30...50 cm. Row spacing can be up to 150 cm. When planting using this method, cucumbers are convenient to cover and water;
  • 3) square-nested. At a distance of 65...70 cm from each other, planting holes with a diameter of about 10 cm are dug and up to 12 seeds are placed in them, of which, after thinning out the seedlings, more than 6 are left. When planting using this method, the yield of cucumber bushes is slightly reduced.

You can also grow cucumbers in open ground vertically, by running vines of bushes along a net or tying them to a trellis. A popular option is to grow plants between the ridges: their height is about 30 cm, and the distance from the base is up to half a meter. After sowing, covering material is pulled over the ridges and sprinkled with earth along the edges. Planting between the ridges allows for extra-early sowing of cucumbers - 2 weeks earlier than usual.

Cucumbers on trellises

Covering material

Immediately after sowing, temporary shelters are installed on the beds. Which covering material to choose? For cucumbers stretch non-woven white material different densities. First, cover tightly, preferably in two layers. When sprouts appear, the structure is opened for ventilation.


In addition to the fact that cucumber seeds are sown in well-watered soil, it is necessary to monitor its moisture until seedlings emerge. Then, before the flowering stage, cucumbers need to be watered moderately, spending 5...7 liters of water per 1 m2, with a frequency of 1 time in 5...6 days. Of course, these recommendations are general, so in conditions of prolonged heat and when the soil dries out, watering is carried out somewhat more often. Water cucumbers only with warm water and in the evening.


After germination (when sowing dry seeds, you will have to wait about a week; if after 2 weeks the seeds do not germinate, you will have to replace them with new ones), excess shoots are thinned out by pinching: often the roots of adjacent cucumbers grow together so that the root system of the growing shoot is not damaged , the stem of a weak sprout is simply plucked off with your fingers, and not pulled out of the ground.


Cucumbers need loosening and weeding to ensure soil breathability. But, as practice shows, very often gardeners, even with careful loosening, damage the roots of bushes. The fact is that the bulk of the cucumber root system lies close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, it is recommended to mulch the plantings with compost or humus (wood mulch is rarely used for cucumbers, as it draws nitrogen from the soil). In addition, mulching the beds allows you to slightly reduce the number of waterings.

Top dressing

Feed cucumbers when proper preparation seed beds are recommended only 3 weeks after seed germination. As fertilizers, you can alternately apply mineral and organic fertilizers, make nutritious mixtures from them or use ready-made complex feeding. The interval between further feedings is about 1 week.

By following these recommendations, you can reap a rich harvest of crispy greens.

In our area it is difficult to find a personal plot without cucumbers. This crop is grown by many gardeners. Moreover, over the long history of this culture, a huge number of ways of planting and growing cucumbers have been invented. Each gardener has his own secrets for growing cucumbers, which have their own advantages and disadvantages, but at the same time are ideal for certain climatic conditions. An important place in obtaining a high-quality harvest is occupied by the correct and timely sowing of cucumber seeds in the ground. Without proper sowing, it is very difficult to obtain a harvest of any crop, including cucumbers. Therefore, every gardener should know how to plant cucumbers correctly.

Sowing cucumbers is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, every gardener should know the basic rules for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground:

  1. It is better to sow cucumbers after cabbage, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and other vegetable crops. cucumbers cannot be sown after teak crops. It is also advisable not to sow cucumbers on heavy and acidic soils.
  2. Cucumber seeds should be sown in a prepared bed. To do this, starting in the fall, you need to add 5-10 kilograms of rotted plant manure per 1 square meter to the soil.
  3. Sowing cucumbers in temperate and southern regions in two stages: first (in spring) salad varieties are sown, and in early summer varieties (hybrids) are sown that are intended for pickling.
  4. Before sowing, your own cucumber seeds must be disinfected with a weak 5% solution of potassium permanganate. This will avoid many viral and fungal diseases.
  5. In the south, cucumbers are sown on level, well-cultivated soil. IN temperate and northern regions Cucumbers are mainly sown on ridges or beds. Often, to insulate the bed, fresh manure is added there, which is sprinkled with a thick layer of soil (0.4-0.6 m).
  6. Cucumbers are sown in shallow rows (2-4 cm) with a distance between rows of at least 70 centimeters and a distance between plants of 5-10 centimeters. In the southern regions, cucumbers need to be sown much less often, so the distance between rows should be more than 90 centimeters, and the distance between plants 15-20 cm. Some gardeners sow cucumbers using a nesting method according to the pattern: 70x70 or 60x60 centimeters. In this case, 4-6 seeds are sown in the nest.
  7. If the soil is dry, then before sowing the seeds, the soil should be watered generously with warm water.
  8. To improve harvesting, plants with strong stems (corn or sunflower) are often sown between rows or special supports are built. Cucumbers trail along them, making it easier to harvest. At the same time, cucumbers are better pollinated by insects, and the yield will be 20-30% greater than with conventional cultivation.
  9. After sowing, the bed needs to be leveled. To obtain quick shoots, the bed is often covered with a transparent film. In this case, the distance between the soil and the film should be at least 5 centimeters.

Sowing cucumber seeds is not a difficult task, but if done correctly, you can get a much larger harvest than with simple sowing.

Therefore, gardeners every year come up with more and more new ways to get the harvest as early as possible, as much as possible and for as long as possible. This is also facilitated by breeders who develop many varieties and hybrids that are more productive and disease resistant.

Listen to the radio broadcast:

How to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers. (The main summer resident of the country Andrey Tumanov)

Without high-quality and timely sowing, it is difficult to get a good harvest even from the most productive varieties or hybrids of cucumbers.

Therefore, gardeners pay great attention to this issue and try to do everything correctly so that there are no unwanted losses.

When to plant cucumber seeds in the ground

Cucumbers are grown in almost all regions. In some climatic zones it is possible to harvest only 5-6 times during the warm season, in others - 40-50 times. It turns out that in the northern regions, where there is a short warm period of the year, there is no point in growing cucumbers from direct sowing of seeds in open ground, since the harvest will be harvested within a short time (1-2 weeks). Therefore, in these regions, seedlings are often grown first, which are then transplanted into open ground when stable warmth sets in. Cucumbers are sown in open ground in warm regions where it is possible to harvest for a long period (1-2 months). Each climate zone has its own timing for sowing cucumber seeds in open ground. This is explained by the fact that cucumbers are afraid of spring frosts, which are fatal to this crop. Therefore, to get a good harvest, gardeners must know when to plant cucumber seeds in open ground.

Timing for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground

Each experienced gardener has his own date when to start sowing cucumber seeds in open ground. Many years of growing this crop by gardeners in their regions allows them to know better when spring frosts end. The timing of growing cucumbers is often determined by the climatic indicators of the climate zone:

Determining the timing of sowing cucumber seeds in open ground is important, since the timing of the first harvest depends on this. Some gardeners may already be enjoying fresh cucumbers, while in others they will only bloom. Therefore, most gardeners often do test (small) sowings of cucumbers, when night frosts are still possible, but it is already warm enough for the development of this crop. Test crops may die, but at the same time they may survive (if there are no frosts), which will allow an early harvest. Some gardeners simply grow seedlings, which also allows them to get the first harvest 1-2 weeks earlier.

How to grow cucumbers from seeds in open ground is a question that worries many novice vegetable growers every spring. Success in this case will directly depend on correctly selected planting dates and compliance with simple agricultural practices.

When to sow cucumbers in open ground

As you know, cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so you can start sowing seeds only when the ground warms up to 15-18°. In conditions middle zone In Russia this is approximately the twentieth of May; this largely depends on the climatic conditions of each specific region.

Well, to find out until what date you can sow cucumbers in the soil, it’s enough to carry out simple calculations. At least 45 days pass from germination to harvesting the first harvest., that is, having planted the seeds on May 20, you will see the first cucumbers on July 5. Thus, the most late date Sowing of seeds should occur at the beginning of July. Sowing after this date makes no sense; the cucumbers will die from frost without having time to produce a harvest.

How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds

When sowing directly in open ground, you can use both dry seeds and pre-soaked ones. Whether it is necessary to soak cucumber seeds before planting or not, every vegetable grower has his own opinion on this matter.

What is the best way to soak seeds?

We will describe the most common methods of soaking seeds before planting in the ground, which do not involve the addition of growth stimulants, which will allow us to grow an environmentally friendly crop of cucumbers.

If you still decide that you can’t do without such preparations, then you can use the preparations “Epin” or “Zircon” when soaking cucumber seedlings - according to the instructions, all their components are based on plant components, therefore they do not harm the quality of the seedlings and help culture to adapt to new environmental conditions, lighting, humidity levels, also strengthen root system plants.

So, now let's get back to the main point.

  • Potassium permangantsovka – a universal medicine for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Dose the amount of time to soak the seeds, since potassium permanganate has a drying effect. The ideal solution there will be a next step. Soak the cucumber seedlings in plain water for a day, then place them in a weak manganese solution for 2-3 days, then immediately plant them in the ground.
  • It is considered an environmentally friendly medicine for seedlings. aloe leaf juice .To prepare the juice, you need to cut off the aloe leaves with a sharp, clean knife, wrap them in dark paper and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for two weeks. Then squeeze the juice out of them with your hands through gauze, avoiding contact with metal utensils or utensils. A cloth or napkin with seeds should be moistened in freshly squeezed juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and left for a day.
  • Honey solution has long been used as an effective growth stimulant. Honey dissolves in water at the rate of one teaspoon per glass. The solution is poured into a saucer so that it just covers the seeds and left for 5-6 hours.

When sowing in early dates It is better to use dry seeds, since during a short-term cold snap the hatched ones may die. Below we will take a closer look at how to sow cucumbers in open ground.

Preparing beds and sowing

To sow cucumber seeds, prepare holes by keeping between them distance about 60 cm. They can be placed in rows, in a checkerboard pattern, or along the edge of strawberry or potato beds. If in the future it is planned growing cucumbers on a trellis in open ground, then the distance between the holes can be reduced to 20 cm. 4-5 seeds are sown in each hole, to a depth of about 2 cm.

Basically, every gardener knows how to properly sow cucumber seeds in the ground; everyone has their own proven methods and methods.

Attention! When sowing, it is best to place the seeds flat or with their spout facing up.

After germination, excess plants are removed, leaving 2-3 cucumber roots in the hole. Thinning cucumbers begin after a pair of true leaves appear; it is best to break out unnecessary plants rather than pull them out; this technique will help prevent unnecessary damage to the root system of the remaining cucumbers.

Some varieties of this vegetable may also require pinching out the apical bud when the plant has developed 4-5 true leaves. This will help speed up the process of ovary formation, and will also greatly increase the number of female flowers. Cucumbers do not tolerate strong thickening, because of this they do not develop side vines, on which the entire crop mainly grows. Therefore, let the cucumber plantings be sparse and with a plentiful amount of cucumber, rather than dense and consisting of only tops.

Caring for seedlings is not special difficulties, the most important thing is timely and abundant watering with warm water, preferably in the middle of the day.

When the plants reach the size of 3 knees, they need to be earthed up; this technique will help the cucumbers form additional roots and significantly increase future harvest. Also, adult cucumber plants really don’t like having their vines moved from place to place. Because of this, plants can shed some of their ovaries and even slow down in growth, so when planning holes, this must be immediately taken into account.

I would like to add that many gardeners prefer to do it at home - this allows you to see what the cucumber seedling will be like, it will also be possible to distribute the seedlings more evenly when planting in the ground, so think about it, maybe you should first grow cucumber seedlings on a windowsill, and then plant them outdoors priming.