What is prohibited to import and export from the Russian Federation? Duty-free import to Russia: customs rules. Legal advice

Before moving on to the list of what can be brought across the Polish border, it is worth mentioning the sanctions for violating them. According to the degree of tightening, they can be expressed as:

  • confiscation of prohibited things;
  • imposing a fine (for example, 50 euros for an extra carton of cigarettes);
  • in the EU for up to five years.

A relatively minor violation can result in significant punishment. Therefore, you should carefully read the following rules for transportation across the Polish border.

There are differences in standards depending on the method of movement:

  • ground ( , );
  • by air and sea;

So, when traveling by air(and also when moving by sea) some norms increase slightly.

As a rule, this applies to personal belongings, cigarettes, gifts. We will look at specific numbers in the relevant sections.

note that all the rules under consideration apply to entry into Poland from non-EU member states. When crossing the border of the Republic of Poland from the countries of the Union, the standards are much higher.

What is the maximum weight allowed for items in 2017?

You can carry bags across the border whose weight does not exceed 50 kg per person. For citizens of Ukraine and Russia, this rule applies without exception, however for citizens of Belarus there is a difference: if the border is crossed more than once every 90 days, the weight is reduced to 20 kilograms.

Customs rules and regulations

How many things can be transported across the Polish border?

Personal items permitted for import will not be subject to customs duties and will not be subject to insurance if their total value does not exceed:

  • 150 euros for persons under fifteen years of age.
  • 300 euros for those over fifteen years old.
  • 430 euros when traveling by air.

Such items receive the status of “temporarily imported” and must leave Poland along with their owner.

The situation with exports from Poland is similar, but there is an exception for Belarusians. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus allows citizens who cross the border less than once every 90 days to import goods in the amount of up to 1,500 euros (those who do this more often - the amount is 300 euros).

The rules apply to travelers over 17 years of age. Before this age, the transport of alcohol is prohibited.

You can import:

  1. Drinks with a strength of more than 22.3% vol.. – 1 liter of vodka per person entering.
  2. Drinks with an alcohol content of less than 22.3% vol.. – up to 2 liters per person. However, this item does not include wine and beer.
  3. Wine(except for sparkling) – up to 4 liters.
  4. Beer– up to 16 liters.

In cases of import of alcoholic products that fit several items, the customs officer can calculate their average strength, and on this basis make a decision on the quantity allowed for import.

Is it possible to bring homemade wine or moonshine?

In general, it’s possible, but... without the original packaging and label, no one can determine either the composition or the strength. They may take you away for examination at your expense or simply not let you through.

What kind of tobacco products can you use?

The rules for transporting tobacco also apply only to citizens over 17 years of age..

When crossing the border by land, it is allowed to import:

Mostly people transport cigarettes, but remember if you transport more than 2 packs of cigarettes per person, the extra ones may be taken from you. As for hookah lovers, we did not find information prohibiting the import of it.

When crossing the Polish border by plane, the standards increase:

The latter also applies to water transport.

The following products are prohibited for import into the country:

  • milk and products created on its basis;
  • meat and all its derivatives, incl. lard, sausage, balyk, etc.;
  • canned food – homemade or store-bought;
  • chocolate.

These rules apply to the entire EU territory for the entry of third-country citizens and are regulated not by Polish, but by pan-European legislation.

However, there are a number of exceptions that allow import:

  • baby food;
  • fish and products made from it;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits weighing up to 5 kg per person (except for potatoes).

There is another nuance: ready-to-eat meat products, cut into portions in small quantities (sliced), can be passed through the border.

Simply put, a traveler will not be deported for eating a sandwich with lard or sausage.

There are also restrictions on the transport of caviar(salted, ready to eat). Sturgeon caviar is allowed in quantities of 125 g/person in hermetically sealed packaging.

The situation is more complicated with small amounts of home canned food.. The decision to import it into Poland will be made by a customs officer, subjectively determining whether it is “canned food” or “personal food”. Our advice: it’s better not to take risks and not to take canned meat-based foods with you – stewed meats and the like. Please take vegetables.

Some other products are also allowed for import into Poland. For example, honey or products made from eggs, etc., weighing up to 2 kg.

You can introduce special food products (diet, etc.) if, firstly, their need is confirmed by a medical certificate, and secondly, the weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Other restrictions for import into Poland:

  • coffee – no more than 500 g;
  • coffee extract – up to 200 g;
  • tea – no more than 100 g;
  • tea extract – up to 40 g.

The names and scope of prohibitions/permits may change depending on changes in Polish and European legislation. For example, in cases where epidemics of domestic animals and birds are detected, additional temporary bans may be introduced.

We have also prepared an article for you about how much food costs in supermarkets in Poland. You can view prices at.

Mild tablets in sizes suitable for personal use are allowed for import into Poland! Potent medications (again in personal quantities) can only be imported with an appropriate document from a doctor (indicating the institution, full name of the doctor, patient data, list of medications).

In other cases, drugs containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are strictly prohibited for import.

What can you do from household appliances?

Transporting any type of equipment in the amount of 1 unit per person (without packaging) should not raise any questions - this quantity is allowed. However, everything these things must be declared so that when exporting them from Poland there will be no problems with re-paying VAT.

By the way, if the equipment (mobile phone or TV, for example) was actually purchased on the territory of Poland, you will have to pay tax, but you should not forget about this convenient tool refund as .

When importing into Poland computer equipment (laptop) The customs officer has the right to check it for the presence of unlicensed software and prohibited content. As practice shows, such cases are extremely rare, but still occur.

The transportation of all types of weapons is strictly regulated by Polish and EU legislation. Firearms and ammunition are prohibited for import. However, sports, hunting, pneumatic and gas cartridges (as well as up to 100 rounds of ammunition for them) can be imported with the permission of the relevant government agency and declared in the prescribed manner.

Cold steel(knife, etc.) import is prohibited. An exception may be made for decorative designs that are legally recognized as not of cultural or historical value, and, accordingly, have the necessary documentation.

P.S. You can take with you an inexpensive tourist or kitchen knife. As practice shows, they are not subject to edged weapons and can be allowed across the border, but not always.

There are certain difficulties in transporting certain weapon accessories to and from Poland.

In particular, a hunting scope (not double-action, not installed) should not be classified as a weapon, however, as practice shows, there were cases with import-export problems - they required a conclusion from the Ministry of Defense to recognize the scope as non-military.

In most cases, the situation was dealt with and a positive decision was made, but nerves and time were wasted. This should be kept in mind.

How much cash? What can you do with jewelry?

The easiest way is to import jewelry - It is allowed to carry jewelry with a total weight of up to 50 grams per person, even diamonds.

It's a little more difficult with money. This can be cash, funds in accounts or monetary precious metals. So, how much money is allowed to be transported across the Ukrainian and Polish border? Carrying currency up to 10,000 euros is allowed, but there are two caveats:

  • depending on the purpose of entry, the minimum required amount of money may be established;
  • You can import more than 10,000 euros, but such amounts must be declared.

Money can be in any currency (dollars, pounds, etc.) - the rule applies to the equivalent of 10,000 euros.

Animals can be imported into Poland if they have the necessary vaccinations, an international health certificate and a microchip with an electronic identifier established by EU laws. You are allowed to import up to five pets at a time.

Import of plants into the country is prohibited! However, there are a number of exceptions here:

  • It is allowed to import up to 50 cut flowers;
  • not rooted (felled, cut) coniferous tree;
  • up to 5 parts of coniferous wood.

Rare, endangered species of both plants and animals can only be imported with the appropriate CITES permit (the body that controls the implementation of international convention on trade in rare species).

As for the opposite – the export of plants from Poland, as well as their seeds and seedlings (not on a commercial scale), then Polish customs is loyal to this, however, both Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union require a phytosanitary certificate.

From experience, we can say that his labor costs for registration of non-commercial parties make this process meaningless. But you can buy seeds for yourself and bring them home.

Other products

The import and export of spare parts, furniture, petrol or electric tools and similar goods to Poland is subject to general rules: for an amount not exceeding 300 euros and weighing not more than 50 kg per adult.

As mentioned, air travel adds to the cost, but not all items can be allowed on the plane due to airline regulations.

What is prohibited to carry?

Definitely prohibited:

  • drugs;
  • radioactive, incl. infected, elements;
  • explosives;
  • potent poisons.

Despite the impressive amount of information, it is not only possible, but also necessary to understand the issue of permission to enter and exit. Any lack of awareness can lead to penalties, including deprivation of the right to visit the EU for several years.

It is better to spend a little time studying the issue, and then enjoy visiting Poland! If something is unclear, ask clarifying questions in the comments.

Today it is impossible to surprise anyone with a trip to Finland for a couple of days or a shopping tour to Milan. Many tourists are delighted not only by the opportunity to relax abroad, but also to visit brand new boutiques and shops. However, we should not forget that Russian customs awaits absolutely all travelers upon returning to their homeland. And there it is quite possible that what kind of thing is the world famous brand purchased at a sale, you will have to pay twice as much as its actual price.

To avoid this, you need to understand the Russian customs rules that are relevant in 2017. How strong are the restrictions today? Is it possible? What methods of importing commercial products are considered the most relevant today? These and other equally exciting questions can be answered by reading the materials in this article.

Customs: general provisions

Before considering all its aspects, it would be advisable to understand the issue of customs. Today, this term should be understood as a specialized government structure that provides control in terms of transportation across the Russian border. various cargoes(this also includes postal items and luggage) and collects duties and fees for certain categories of commercial products. Thus, it is strictly prohibited to transport certain types of items into the country, while others are permitted, but only within certain limits or for a fee in favor of Russian state. In addition, there are goods that can be imported without paying taxes. Rules for duty-free import of goods into Russia are fully described in subsequent chapters of this article.

The location of customs today is relevant at specially equipped checkpoints across the state border. These are air and sea ports, railway stations and automobile checkpoints. Thus, organizations that engage in international transportation, or ordinary individuals, for example, tourists who travel abroad, in any case encounter customs officers.

Export of goods from Russia

Duty-free import to Russia commercial products - secondary stage. After all, before a person enters a country, he leaves it one way or another. What does this mean? Before considering, you need to understand the export rules. So, going outside Russian Federation, today Russians do not need to fill out a declaration when they transport the following categories of marketable products:

  • Cash, the amount of which does not exceed three thousand dollars (currency that is equivalent to the specified amount, and rubles). It is necessary to add that funds on a bank card are not subject to declaration, because their quantity is not limited in any way. Amounts up to ten thousand dollars must be declared, and if a larger amount of cash is exported, a permit from the central bank of the Russian Federation must be purchased.
  • Traveler's checks, the amount of which does not exceed ten thousand dollars.
  • Personal valuables and jewelry, exported for a certain period of time. By the way, today expensive items ( fur products, gold jewelry, watches) are strongly recommended to be included in the declaration. If this is not done, upon returning to your homeland you will have to prove that they were not purchased abroad.
  • Up to five kilograms of seafood or fish, as well as up to two hundred and fifty grams of sturgeon caviar.

Useful information

It is necessary to keep in mind that luggage can always be checked at the customs border, for example, to clarify the specific amount of cash being carried. When it becomes clear that even a couple of dollars more than is allowed is being exported, as a rule, the currency is confiscated, a protocol is drawn up, and a case is opened regarding violation of Russian customs rules. That is why amounts exceeding three thousand dollars must be included in the customs declaration. This restriction can be cleverly circumvented by carrying not cash, but bank card, because in the latter case the amounts of non-cash funds are not checked.

Before analyzing, it should be noted that the export of alcoholic beverages from the Russian Federation is not limited. However, it should be taken into account that its import into other countries is, as a rule, strictly regulated, which should not be forgotten. You are allowed to export as much alcohol as you like from Russia. However, in addition to strict rules regarding its import into other countries, you may encounter increased interest from customs officials, because in accordance with customs rules, only commercial products for personal use are allowed to be exported, and not for commercial purposes.

Rules for duty-free import of goods into Russia

Today it is important to know that without paying duties it is possible to transport only a certain number of items, the total amount of which does not exceed 1,500 euros. This provision applies to ground transport. Limit of duty-free import into Russia commercial products when we're talking about on air transport, should not exceed one or another number of items, the total amount of which is 10,000 euros. In addition, their total weight should in no case exceed fifty kilograms.

Then, when items brought from abroad cost slightly more than certain standards, new rules become relevant. Thus, 650,000 rubles also ceases to be valid within the specified norms. If we judge by weight, then it should vary from fifty to two hundred kilograms. The difference is colossal! Characterizing duty-free import into Russia customs rules assume that in this case, for exceeding the specified limit, you must pay thirty percent of the cost of the items. However, it should be noted that the cost of a kilogram here should not be less than four euros.

You need to know that employees, as a rule, count things of the same type, for example, several pairs of shoes, as a batch of commercial products for commercial purposes. Duty-free import to Russia does not apply to them. Other customs rates apply here. It is important to note that in case of import of more than two hundred kilograms, duties are levied, determined for participants in foreign economic activity.

Duty-free import of goods for personal use into Russia

Today, you can import things duty-free only in certain cases. Thus, it is mandatory to comply with the following conditions:

  • All belongings of the passenger or his family members must be intended for personal consumption and must not have any relation to commercial activities. Duty-free import to Russia V in this case also applies to household appliances, and to items that were previously used.
  • The total weight of luggage should not exceed fifty kilograms.
  • The total cost of items should not be more than 1,500 euros in the case of land transport and ten thousand euros in case of air transport.


Today, there are some exceptions to the rules given in the previous chapter. They relate to certain categories of society, including:

  • Voluntary migrants who participate in the State program, as well as their families, have the right to import things for personal use that were previously used, without duties and restrictions. However, such a benefit is relevant only for the first entry. It should be added that in such circumstances, customs officers must provide the appropriate certificate of participation in the State program.
  • Forced migrants and refugees have the right to transport unlimited quantity things without taking into account their total cost. However, in this case, official confirmation of status is necessary.
  • Russians who have lived abroad for a long period of time (more than six months) upon returning to their homeland have the right to import personal belongings without restrictions on their value and weight.

Import of cars

It is known that today the procedure is non-existent. Cars that are imported from abroad in accordance with the regulations of the Customs Code must undergo the current customs clearance procedures. The issue of customs duties is fully regulated through relevant legislation, as well as the Import Value Regulations, where the calculation of the final amount is often individual and very complex.

For a general example, it would be advisable to cite several points in accordance with which customs duties for cars are calculated:

  • Import price.
  • Peculiarities power plant(usually this is the engine size).
  • Year of manufacture.
  • Class of motor transport.
  • Availability of a trailer.
  • Value added tax.
  • Form of ownership.
  • Customs rates.
  • Customs benefits.

Duty-free import of parcels (Russia)

Today, when for one calendar month a certain amount of commercial products was sent to the address of one or another individual from abroad in accordance with international postal items in an amount that equivalent thousand euros or less, then such shipment can be carried out without paying customs duties. It is important to add that the total weight of the items should not exceed thirty-one kilograms.

Given size of duty-free import of parcels to Russia becomes irrelevant when these standards are slightly exceeded. Then it is necessary to pay a customs duty, which is equal to thirty percent of the customs value of the commodity product. It is important to add that in this case the cost of one kilogram of commercial products must be equal to or exceed four euros in relation to exceeding the permissible limit.

Import of tobacco and alcohol to Russia

Today, standards for the import of alcohol into the Russian Federation are strictly regulated. Thus, it is strictly prohibited to bring more than five liters of alcohol from abroad. At the same time, alcoholic products over three liters must be included in the declaration. For each liter in excess of the permissible standard, you must pay ten euros. These provisions apply to beer and low-strength alcohol. Then, when more than three liters of vodka are transported, payment is made in accordance with the rate of twenty-two euros for each liter of product.

It is important to note that it does not matter at all whether alcoholic beverages were purchased in another country or in Duty Free. Of course, the import of alcohol is allowed only to citizens who have reached the age of majority.

It should be noted that today it is allowed to transport up to two hundred cigarettes (fifty cigars) or two hundred and fifty grams of tobacco per person through Russian customs.

Import of other types of products

It is important to note that today the import of products into the Russian Federation for personal use is strictly limited to five kilograms. Then when customs officers discover overweight As a rule, the goods are subject to confiscation. In addition, in this case, penalties are issued to the violator. It should be noted that the transportation of products of animal origin (cheese, meat, milk) is allowed only in original packaging with the appropriate details. Otherwise, customs officers usually ask for a product quality certificate.

Today, a ban has been established on a permanent basis related to the import by individuals of the following categories of commercial products:

  • Products without factory packaging, for example, purchased at the market.
  • Seeds (including bulbs, for example, gladioli from Holland).
  • Potato.

Today, a tourist from Russia legally has the right to bring home absolutely any product that is prohibited from import through sanctions, when the total weight of the product does not exceed five kilograms and it is in factory packaging. In other words, cheese lovers can legally bring several triangles of Parmesan cheese from Italy. But in this case, we should not forget that the customs service may consider a couple of kilograms of products of the same type to be commercial products of a commercial nature, and not products for personal consumption.

It should be noted that the import of drugs of medicinal origin containing toxic or potent substances is allowed only with documentation or certified copies of individual papers that certify them medical purpose to a certain person. These include medications such as Clozapine, Chloroform or Tramadol.

Now you know the specifics of importing various goods into Russian territory. There will be no more problems for you with purchases that you deliver from abroad, and the customs officer will not give you a surprise in the form of a mandatory duty or confiscation of the purchased goods.

Returning from a trip abroad, Russian citizens, burdened with purchases, invariably pass through customs control at the border.
To do this competently and without losses (financial and emotional), you should know the rules for importing goods into Russia from other countries.

Duty-free import of goods into Russia

To import goods into Russia duty-free, you must take into account the following import standards:

  • the intended use of the goods is for personal use only (this does not include vehicles);
  • maximum weight of imported goods - 50 kg;
  • the maximum cost of goods (at the current exchange rate) is 1,500 euros.

Personal use is considered to be everything that is not related to business activities.

The maximum import limit for tobacco and tobacco products is 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes, as well as 250 g of tobacco per person under 18 years of age.

You can import cultural property that is declared in writing and has undergone special registration without duty.

About restrictions

Customs rates

If the established standards are exceeded from 65,000 rubles. up to 650,000 rubles, and by weight from 35 kg to 200 kg, then the excess part is paid at a rate of 30% of the customs price of goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg. When these standards are exceeded, a total customs duty must be paid. It includes customs duties, VAT and processing fees.

For import vehicles(except for cars) a rate of 30% of the customs value is applied. Such vehicles include, for example, motorcycles, mopeds, etc.

If individual imports into Russia a large item heavier than 35 kg (refrigerator, pieces of furniture), then this is called “indivisible goods”. In this case, payment of the total customs duty is required.

Required Permissions

To import weapons and ammunition, permission from the internal affairs authorities is required.

To import permitted animals, you need a veterinary certificate from the State Veterinary Supervision of the Russian Federation and a certificate from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

To import permitted plants, you must have a phytosanitary control act from the State Plant Quarantine Service and a certificate from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

The import of raw meat, plants and flowers, and wholesale goods is prohibited.

Russian car enthusiasts often go to Finland to buy new tires and have their car re-shoeed on the spot. But in this case, the old tires cannot be taken with you across the Russian border.

How to declare goods

Declaration of accompanied baggage

Goods can be declared by an individual himself or by another person acting by proxy. Goods transported by minors under 16 years of age may be declared by an accompanying person.

Goods in accompanied luggage must be declared at the checkpoint. The written declaration is accompanied by the filing customs declaration TD-6. To confirm the declared information, together with TD-6, depending on the situation, the following documents may be required:

  • for identification (passport, birth certificate, etc.);
  • confirming the adoption, guardianship, guardianship of a minor;
  • confirming the cost and purchase of the declared goods;
  • transport (receipts, invoices, etc.);
  • about rights to benefits (refugees, temporary import, etc.);
  • on compliance with non-tariff restrictions (permits, licenses, etc.).

In the case of oral declaration of goods, these documents can be presented only at the request of the official.

Declaration of unaccompanied baggage

Goods in unaccompanied baggage are declared in a simplified form at the customs office at the place of residence. Information about unaccompanied baggage is provided in TD-6 when crossing the border at the checkpoint.

The application must be submitted within 15 days from the date of presentation of the goods to customs authority at the place of registration or residence of the person. It requires an indication of the person, the product (name, value, quantity, purpose), and shipping documents.

Goods required to be declared

IN in writing It is required to declare personal goods (in any type of luggage):

  • exceeding the cost of 65 thousand rubles and the weight of 35 kg;
  • currency, traveler's checks, securities worth more than $10,000;
  • temporarily imported gems and metals;
  • cultural values;
  • rare animals;
  • weapon;
  • alcohol over 3 liters;
  • narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous, potent substances;
  • chemicals;
  • military products;
  • vehicles.

Alcohol standards

Alcoholic drinks of any strength in the amount of 3 liters (per person at least 18 years old) can be imported duty free. This also includes beer.

If the quantity of drinks falls within the range of 3-5 liters, then a fee of 10 euros is paid. That is, when importing 4 liters - 10 euros (per 1 liter over the duty-free 3 liters), 5 liters - 20 euros. It is prohibited to import alcohol over 5 liters.

If the quantity of alcohol exceeds 3 liters per person, it must be declared, otherwise the transported alcohol may be confiscated with a fine of up to twice its value.

Import of food products from Finland

Products of animal origin (fish, dairy, meat) are allowed to be imported into Russia only in original packaging, and in finished form (not requiring further heat treatment). The weight of such products per person is no more than 5 kg. The current epizootic situation in the countries of production and export is also taken into account. The indicated 5 kg does not include dairy, flour, vegetable oils etc.

Raw frozen or chilled meat does not qualify as a finished product, even in packaging. But raw fish can be transported only with the permission of the Russian veterinary service and in the presence of a Finnish veterinary certificate confirming the welfare of the area and the safety of the product. From Finland you can bring sturgeon caviar in the amount of 250 g duty free, in original packaging.

Uncooked smoked sausage in a natural casing can be transported across the border, provided it is purchased in a retail chain.

How to import electronics

When importing radio-electronic equipment (radio telephones, radio stations, satellite communication systems, etc.), except mobile phones, permission from Gossvyaznadzor under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation is required.

Regarding import cell phones, then not so long ago a Decree of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation was issued on the rules for the import and sale of high-frequency and radio-electronic devices. Previously, you could only carry one phone without permission. Now any citizen can bring no more than five cell phones across the border at a time for their own needs. A larger number of such “gifts for relatives” are recognized commercial lot, for which you will have to pay a fee and present a certificate of conformity.

Lovers buy inexpensive abroad iPhones For subsequent resale in the Russian Federation, we would be happy to transport five pieces at a time, but do not forget about the maximum cost of imported goods of 1,500 euros! For everything that exceeds this amount you need to pay 30% of the cost of the goods.

Knowing which goods can be brought into Russia duty-free and which ones must be paid for, you will be prepared to meet with customs officers without any unpleasant surprises.

Knowing the rules for importing alcohol into our country will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments at customs, paying fines or confiscation of goods. Import rules apply to all drinks without exception that contain alcohol, including beer and light dry wines. Eat special conditions regarding the import of alcohol from the EU and member countries of the Customs Union. Separate regulations have been developed for legal entities and individuals. Let's look at each situation in more detail.

Important. You should be aware that customs regulations in recent years change quite often, this article is relevant for 2017. Follow latest decisions government and legislative acts State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Import of alcohol by individuals

In our country there is a very wide selection of various alcoholic products, including high quality, but many tourists want to bring several bottles of the original drink as souvenirs or as memories of happy moments of their vacation. It is for such compatriots that the Russian government has developed clear regulations regulating the norms and methods of registration, taking into account the general rules of the Customs Union. We will talk about the specifics of importing alcohol from the countries of the Customs Union in the article below, and now we will look at the requirements for importing from states that are not members of this union.

Thus, an adult traveler can bring in three liters for free, and for two additional ones they will have to pay an additional 20 euros. The cost of the surcharge sometimes exceeds the price of the goods, this should be taken into account when making the final decision on importing the surplus. All specified goods must be recorded in the customs declaration. If the alcohol is less than three liters, then there is no need to fill out anything in writing; a verbal notification to the customs officer is sufficient.

Peculiarities of importing alcohol purchased in duty-free stores

Some compatriots are of the opinion that purchasing goods in duty-free stores gives the right to also import them into the territory of the Russian Federation. This opinion is erroneous; such stores make it possible to purchase relatively cheap alcoholic beverages when flying abroad, and not for importing them into the customs territory.

For example, if you purchased three liters alcoholic drinks in ordinary stores, and two in the Duty Free system, then you will have to pay an extra 20 euros for the excess. It doesn’t matter what kind of alcohol it is, customs only takes into account the total quantity.

Responsibility for attempting to import excess alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic drinks must be declared in the declaration when importing more than three liters; the document is presented to an authorized person at customs before going through customs control; inspection must be carried out along the red corridor. If these requirements were not met and the customs officer discovered violations, then, according to Article 16.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, financial liability, the amount of the penalty payment ranges from 50–200% of the value of undeclared goods.

Responsible persons, as an additional punishment, may decide to confiscate undeclared goods in in full. Should such a situation arise, the duty-free import allowance of three liters will no longer apply. Before attempting to import products, you should carefully review the current regulations.

The declaration is available at ground checkpoints; two forms must be filled out, one remains with the border crossing officer, and the second is given to the customs representative. The declaration should include passport data and the address of registration or actual residence. All entries must exactly match the identification document. The number of alcoholic drinks is indicated simultaneously with their total cost.

It is worth noting that currently the legislation does not regulate the number of customs border crossings per day, due to this, it is theoretically possible to import more alcoholic beverages. But success depends on the personal decision of the person in charge; he, at his own discretion, determines for what purposes the products are imported several times a day: for personal or commercial purposes. If a decision is made on commercial transactions, a fine or confiscation is possible.

In the absence of financial resources to pay the duty, alcohol can be temporarily stored in warehouses, but such storage is paid. Everyone must first calculate whether it is more profitable for him to store alcoholic beverages in temporary detention centers for a while or immediately abandon them completely.

In exceptional cases (an individual did not have reliable information about existing rules and convincingly explained the reasons for this situation), customs officials can carry out explanatory work, offer to fill out a customs declaration in accordance with all the rules and arrange payment of the required fee without penalties or other sanctions.

Import of alcoholic beverages from the countries of the Customs Union

Based on signed agreements between the countries of the union, there are general rules, used throughout the Customs Union. For customs purposes, they are identical and indivisible, the customs territory of the Russian Federation refers to the territory of the union, and the concept of “customs border” extends to the external borders of the participating countries. The movement of goods within countries is done without paying customs duties. Additionally, the rules for making adjustments to the TN are assigned; the occurrence of any changes and restrictions is previously discussed by all signatories. Unilateral action is not permitted.

To improve trade relations, all restrictions on the movement of goods, including alcohol, have now been lifted for Union members, but State Duma Draft Law No. 462567-6 is under consideration. The provisions of the draft propose to prohibit the transport of more than five liters of alcoholic beverages into the territory of the Russian Federation from Kazakhstan and Belarus. If the norm is exceeded, then it is planned to levy a fine of up to 5,000 rubles. and/or confiscate the goods.

The adoption of such a bill violates preliminary agreements; CU participants are against it, but domestic legislators have their own arguments. They explain attempts to change Customs rules by the need to protect domestic market from very cheap and counterfeit alcoholic goods from Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstani alcohol - photo

The quantity of imported goods for personal use is comparable to wholesale quantities; such a gap makes it possible for dishonest businessmen to receive excess income, and the country’s budget suffers from this. Due to the partial inconsistency of the excise policies of the member states of the union, special difficulties. For example, if in the Russian Federation the excise tax rate for one liter of pure alcohol is 10.3 euros, then in Kazakhstan it is only 4 euros. As a result, the cost of their vodka is 2.5 times lower than the cost of the same product Russian production. In addition, based on an analysis of confiscated products, data was obtained that most of them were not produced in Kazakhstan, but were imported from China.

To date, consideration of the law has been postponed; it is prohibited to make such decisions unilaterally regulatory framework CU and CES, the documents of which were signed by all participants, including the Russian Federation. If one of the parties tries to unilaterally make changes that are beneficial only to it, then the fate of the CU will be very problematic - the other participants will begin to take similar steps. As a result, all previously reached agreements will be neutralized, and the continued existence of the Customs Union will become economically unprofitable as a whole. At this stage, the adoption of the law has been postponed and the option of gradually equalizing excise tax rates on alcohol between all countries is being considered in order to reduce the economic benefit of importing excisable products.

Conclusion - closely monitor the final decisions made at the state level.

Video - In the “Customs Union” Russia started an economic war against alcoholic products of other countries

Import of alcohol for the purpose of sale

The action has its own characteristics; Article 181 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines a complete list of alcoholic products that must have excise stamps.

The list of goods includes alcohol from any raw material, with the exception of cognac, and any product containing pure alcohol in an amount of more than 9% by volume or more than 0.5% by volume fraction. The use of labeling is used to control the turnover of excisable goods and legalize their sale. The stamp must comply with a unified state standard and is produced by the responsible person of the customs service.

Rules for customs clearance of import of wholesale quantities of alcohol

Wholesale import of goods for the purpose of direct sale or further processing is permitted only if a number of complex measures are completed.

This is a list of required documents for those wishing to import alcoholic beverages in bulk. Each specific case is considered separately; if necessary, additional documents and permits may be required from the legal entity.

Alcohol imported into the Russian Federation is marked with excise stamps until it crosses the customs border and after all data is entered into a single state automated system control over drinking alcohol and alcohol-containing beverages.

How to issue excise stamps

Special stamps are sold only after the presentation of a foreign trade contract of the established form; the importer bears all responsibility for false or erroneous data. Trade representatives involved in the import and sale of alcoholic goods without excise stamps are severely punished, fines reach huge amounts, and in the most severe cases, the products can be confiscated.

According to current government regulations, stamps are obtained using this algorithm.

  1. Labeling of goods is carried out only by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are residents of the Russian Federation.
  2. Stamps are issued by customs organizations that have the right to admit such goods into the territory of our country.
  3. Financial payment of excise stamps is accepted as an advance preliminary payment of excise duty, the price is set at 1,700 rubles/1,000 pcs. In this case, value added tax is not taken into account; calculations for it are made separately in the future.

If during the inspection violations are revealed on the part of the importer, then strict measures are taken against him.

Information on stamps and features of obtaining a license

All information on the brand is indicated in Russian and must contain data on the type of alcoholic product, its actual origin and quantitative parameters. The stamp must be glued with strong waterproof glue to the top packaging; the fixation must be done in such a way as to prevent the container from being opened without damaging its integrity. In this case, the central part of the country’s coat of arms must be located in the center of the proposed discovery site and remain unharmed. Damaged or unused tax stamps must be returned to the issuing government agency. At the same time, a report on the brands used is submitted.

Video - Checking the excise stamp

Rules for payment of excise duties

What does an importer need to know in order to avoid problems when transporting alcoholic goods?

  1. Excise taxes on the import of alcohol must be paid before or simultaneously with the submission of the declaration; exceptions are regulated separately.
  2. Regardless of the date of submission of the package of documents, the deadline for transferring funds by a legal entity is calculated from the date of expiration of the established regulated period for presenting documents at customs.
  3. In rare cases, fees may be deferred to a later date. This benefit is established both for the entire amount and for its individual parts.

Commercial activities for the import of alcohol are licensed Federal service. The rules for regulation and issuance of licenses are prescribed in Federal Law No. 171. The license is issued only to residents of the Russian Federation who have paid money for the state duty and have enough of their own working capital to conduct this type of business.

Certification procedure

In order to protect domestic consumers from low-quality alcoholic beverages, a certification procedure is being carried out in the Russian Federation and the EEC countries in accordance with the current technical regulations TR CU 021/2011. Based on the analyzes carried out, a certificate of compliance of alcoholic products with domestic safety requirements is drawn up, alcoholic products are marked with a standard circulation mark valid on the EAC market.

Wholesale quantities of alcohol can only be imported into special temporary storage warehouses. Customs declaration is carried out at customs posts included in the list of those authorized to perform such actions. Full list special customs is established by Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 664.

Video - Standards for importing goods into the territory of the Customs Union

Going shopping abroad or returning from a vacation with souvenirs for friends is a common practice for modern tourists. However, not many of them study Russian customs regulations in advance. This document indicates the things (and their quantity) that can be freely carried across the border, and also must be declared or even paid for customs duty. Russian customs regulations have undergone changes in 2019.

From January 1, 2019, the amount for which goods can be imported duty-free has been reduced threefold, and the permissible weight has been halved.

Today, without paying customs duties, you can transport goods for personal use in an amount equivalent to 500 EUR and weighing up to 25 kg across the border.

The new customs rules apply only to those who cross the Russian border by car, train or ferry. Innovations are relevant for everyone. For air travelers, the old rules still apply.

Sample of filling out a customs declaration

Not a single trip is complete without the tourist having required quantity money. It's different for everyone. You can avoid declaring your financial capabilities at the border and then have no problems if the import of currency (the total amount of cash and traveler's checks) does not exceed $10,000. Moreover, the available funds can be in any currency, but should not exceed the specified threshold.

Import and export of any currency is permitted without submitting additional documents if the amount does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars. A customs declaration can be completed in this case if desired.

If tourists have a need, the equivalent of which exceeds 10 thousand dollars, or enter similar funds, then for this they need permission obtained from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Alcohol and tobacco

Import rules mean that these goods can only be transported by adult citizens who are 18 years of age or older. The following restrictions apply for 2019:

  • without including it in the declaration and, accordingly, without paying a fee. What kind of alcohol it will be is completely unimportant: for customs workers, beer, whiskey, wine and absinthe are completely equal;
  • 2 liters of alcohol can be carried in excess of the established duty-free limits, provided that they are included in the declaration. For each liter you will have to pay a separate customs fee - 10 euros, that is, for two in excess of the norm - 20 euros. Whether alcohol was purchased abroad or in a duty-free zone does not matter;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 100 cigarillos;
  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 250 grams of tobacco.

The mutual exclusion rule applies to the import of tobacco products. You can choose just one thing.

Scheme for checking a truck at customs

Violation of customs rules regarding the import of alcoholic beverages is punishable by the seizure of contraband goods, the initiation of an administrative case and the imposition of penalties. Moreover, the fine can range from half to twice the cost of the goods.

Whether or not to confiscate goods that crossed the border with violations will be decided on a case-by-case basis, as well as the size of fines.

The rules for the export of alcoholic beverages from Russia do not provide for any restrictions. But these restrictions are very clearly stated in the customs rules of other countries. That is, you can export as much as you like, but it is unlikely that you will be able to import them into another country. In addition, customs officers may be interested in a large volume of alcohol, using an excerpt from the rules as an argument. It states that goods can be exported from the country in quantities necessary for personal use.

Duty-free import and export of things

In order to transport things across the Russian border and not fill out a declaration and, accordingly, not pay a duty, all luggage must comply with three basic import rules:

  • Anything you intend to transport across the border must be for you and your family personally. Including new goods, used items, clothing and equipment. That is, 10 new iPhones or other modern expensive gadgets will definitely interest a customs officer;
  • If the border is crossed by car, train or ferry, then total weight your luggage should not exceed 25 kg. Air travelers are allowed to carry up to 50 kg;
  • The total cost of your luggage cannot exceed 500 euros if you are returning to Russia by land, and. The cost in any currency not exceeding the equivalent is taken into account.

The exception is things that refugees and migrants bring into the territory of the Russian Federation.

But for this you need to have proof of your social status. There is also a special attitude towards things that you inherited. However, in order to transport them, it is necessary to submit documents confirming ownership to customs inspectors.

The rules for duty-free import into the territory of the Russian Federation apply to works of art, but with one caveat. They must be declared and, after crossing the border, registered with the regional Ministry of Culture.

Violation of customs rules entails administrative liability and payment of a fine. In some cases, customs officers have the right to confiscate items that are prohibited from entering the country or that have not been properly declared.

Mandatory declaration

It is imperative to indicate cash in the customs declaration if the amount exceeds $10,000 in any currency, and even provide additional permitting papers if you are going to cross the border with more than large sums 20,000-30,000 in your pocket.

You also need to mention two liters of alcohol in the document if you have exhausted the duty-free limit, which is equal to three liters for each adult.

Imported personal items are also indicated if their total value exceeds 500 euros when traveling by train, and 10 thousand euros when traveling by air.

If all your property is worth less and falls within these limits, but goes beyond permissible weight(25 kg when crossing the border by land and 50 kg by plane), then the customs clearance rules of the Russian Federation also require their mandatory registration.

In addition to the cases already mentioned, the following things need to be included in the customs document when returning from a trip in 2019:

Some items on this list will require a special export permit obtained from the relevant authorities, or certificates and documents explaining their need for personal use, for example, a prescription from a doctor.