How to repair cracks in a concrete wall of an apartment. How to fill holes in a concrete wall? For wide cracks, a brick castle is suitable

How to fix a crack in brick wall? Brick is the most common building material used to construct buildings. But its disadvantage is the cracks in the wall brick house that appear during operation.

Eliminate this deficiency special labor has no idea. In this case, you need to determine the reasons for the appearance of cracks and choose the right process, which is recommended to learn from this article.

What are the causes of cracks and their types?

Tip: To detect cracks in brickwork, you should visually inspect the entire house. Pay attention to the direction of the expansion of the split.

The direction of cracks is affected by loads on the walls.

So, for example:

  • Expansion goes downward due to vertical load.
  • When the foundation subsides, the cracks expand upward.
  • Due to wear of the material, numerous cracks open closer to the surface.

Cracks can be:

  • Constructive. Such causes of cracks in brick walls arise due to:
  1. error when calculating the depth of the foundation;
  2. incorrectly chosen load on the walls;
  3. failure to comply with house construction technology;
  4. the brand of masonry mortar does not correspond to the current loads;
  5. lack of wall reinforcement.
  • Temperature. Such defects are formed from:
  1. freezing of the foundation;
  2. temperature changes.
  • Shrinkable. Their reasons may be:
  1. pit near the house;
  2. the building is being erected on fill soils.
  • Deformation. Incorrect material selected.
  • From wear and tear. All materials have a certain service life.

Based on their appearance and depth, cracks can be:

  • Vertical.
  • Horizontal.
  • Inclined.
  • Direct.
  • Curvilinear.
  • Walls that are closed or do not extend to the edges.
  • Through.
  • Superficial.

Based on the size of the gap, they are divided into:

  • Wide, more than one centimeter.
  • Medium, from 5 to 10 millimeters.
  • Small, up to 5 millimeters.

How to check cracks for stabilization of their further expansion

Advice: Repairing cracks in a brick wall should begin only after the process of its further enlargement has been completely stopped.

Elimination of cracks in the brick walls of a house is carried out after the final determination of the reasons for their appearance and the completion of the shrinkage process. To understand whether the cracking process has ended, you need to conduct a special tensile test.

This is done with:

  • Gypsum beacons.
  • Plate beacons with a special scale.

Stabilization can be determined:

  • Sticking paper on the crack.
  • Applying a cement strip.

After a certain time, the paper or strip remaining intact indicates that the cracks in the brick wall can be sealed. If you continue the deformation process, you must wait until it is completed. At this stage, there is no point in carrying out any repair work; the crack will reappear.

How to repair cracks in a brick house

Before repairing a crack in a brick wall, you need to prepare tools and materials.

They may be:

  • A small spatula for easy mixing of the solution.
  • Container for the mixture.
  • Construction trowel.
  • Hammer.
  • Brush.
  • Scarpel, for stone processing.
  • Spatula.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Cement.
  • River sand.
  • Rolled metal.
  • Fittings.
  • Dowels.
  • Anchor bolts.

Depending on the type of crack in the wall of a brick house, the option of sealing it is selected. For shallow cracks up to 5 millimeters wide, a durable solution of cement or gypsum is used.

In this case, sealing the crack with your own hands is performed in the following sequence:

  1. garbage;
  2. mud;
  3. dust.
  • The cavity is generously moistened with water and left to dry.
  • The crack is treated with putty or cement plaster solution.
  • Reinforced tape is laid.
  • A layer of cement mortar or putty is applied to the tape.

To seal cracks up to one centimeter wide, the instructions suggest:

  • Dismantle cracked areas of masonry.
  • Clear repair areas of debris and dust.
  • Re-prime the surfaces (see Why a primer is needed: technological nuances of finishing work).
  • Drill holes for dowels in increments of 25–50 centimeters.
  • Fix a metal mesh with mesh sizes of 5x5 millimeters on top with screws.
  • Cover the mesh with plaster cement mortar, adding a small amount of sand to it.
  • Finishing material is applied.

The sealing of wide cracks is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Are removed from outside walls, cracked bricks.
  • The defect area is cleaned with a construction scraper to remove any dirt and dust.
  • New bricks are being laid on cement mortar.
  • This kind of crack can be eliminated using a metal anchor, as in the photo, which is a plate with two pins or anchors located on it.

Tip: Cracks more than one centimeter wide are critical defects in the walls of a house that require special methods of elimination.

To eliminate them you will need:

  • Clean the damaged area from contamination.
  • Defect fill polyurethane foam.
  • Leave until completely dry.
  • Trim the foam to a depth of two centimeters.
  • Fill the resulting depression with cement-sand or cement composition.
  • Apply finishing material.

If it is not possible to dismantle the cracked brickwork of a building, you can do this:

  • The repair site is cleared of debris and dust.
  • The cracks are sealed with cement mortar.
  • T-shaped strong anchors are driven into the cracks, necessary for fixation with dowels on both sides of the crack. They are attached to the surface of the wall of the building.

How to repair through cracks

To eliminate such defects, you can strengthen the walls.

In this case:

  • Preparatory work is carried out: damaged areas are cleaned of old coating, dirt and dust.
  • The crack is wetted with water and time is given to dry.
  • The gap is filled with cement mortar and small fraction crushed stone.
  • If necessary, steel linings are fixed with anchors and dowels.
  • Produced finishing work damaged sections of building walls.

Through gaps can be eliminated using metal staples.

To do this:

  • Prepared:
  1. metal linings - two pieces;
  2. bolts for tightening, they will be passed through the wall.

Tip: To prevent further opening of the crack, steel brackets should be driven into the wall on both sides. Bend their ends to the wall and secure with bolts.

  • Before fixing, the bolt holes are filled with cement.
  • Large defects can be eliminated by installing several staples.
  • The crack itself is sealed with cement in the same way as in other cases.

How to eliminate cracks in brick walls and dangerous cracks

For cracks that appear on the walls of external brick walls, a metal clip is used. Depending on the width of the wall, the dimensions of the cage and its design are selected. To eliminate serious cracks that threaten to destroy the house, metal joists are installed on both sides of the wall. This will allow the building to be covered with a powerful steel bandage.

How to eliminate foundation deficiencies

Cracks can often be caused by flaws in the foundation.

By strengthening the foundation, further formation of cracks and their spreading can be prevented.

To do this:

  • A trench is dug along the area where the crack appears, no thicker than the monolithic base, but with a depth slightly below the edge below.
  • The crack site is cleaned, freed from poorly retained elements, cement mortar, and slightly enlarged.
  • The area is drilled for reinforcement vertically and horizontally.
  • The anchors are woven with reinforcement and welded. In this case, the distance between the reinforcement is from 0.6 to 1 meter, which depends on the size of the crack. The created structure will become a frame connecting the house with a new reinforced foundation.
  • Wooden formwork is being installed.
  • Concrete is poured.
  • Allow to dry for approximately 28 days.
  • A blind area is being made.

Paper beacons are used to check the elimination of the cracking process.

After the restoration of the foundation, the walls are repaired:

  • Destructions up to 5 millimeters are repaired with cement mortar, the edges are beaten, cleaned, and wetted so that they adhere well to the mortar.
  • Cracks of more than one centimeter are sealed with cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3.

If there are large gaps in brick walls, emergency measures will need to be taken:

  • The brickwork is dismantled from above, damaged parts are removed. New bricks are laid with a lock and reinforced with metal rods, profile corners or metal strips.
  • When masonry breaks, metal strips are taken, their ends are bent into the masonry and pressed out with bolts, anchors and screws.

Advice: If it is impossible to use such methods, crushed stone and cement should be poured into the gap. At a distance of approximately 25 centimeters on both sides it is necessary to drive in T-shaped anchors. The elements are connected with metal strips.

  • Deep cracks that cannot be completely sealed with cement are filled by injecting mortar. To do this, holes with a diameter of more than 25 millimeters are made in increments of 20 centimeters along the perimeter of the crack. A tube with a solution is inserted into the holes. Through it, a sealant is pumped into the gap with a pump or vacuum syringe, carefully filling the voids.

At very large cracks in brick walls, if the masonry is cracked through, repair work is carried out from the outside and from the inside.

In this case:

  • The area is cleaned and its edges are processed.
  • The crack is deeply moistened and filled with crushed stone and cement.
  • If necessary, steel plates are installed, which are secured with dowels and anchors.
  • After drying, the wall is sealed with plaster or other cladding.

How to strengthen brick walls

Advice: If there are no results after repairing the walls, it is necessary to partially re-lay them.

To guarantee the strength of a cracked brick wall, it is advisable to strengthen it from the inside of the building.

This means:

  • Sealing the crack.
  • Putting a lock or metal profile on it.
  • The lock is attached to the wall with anchors, and the gap is closed across it, which will prevent its expansion in the future.
  • Repairs can be made with metal staples; their ends should go into the wall to a depth of at least 1/2 the thickness of this wall, in which holes for the staples should be drilled in advance.
  • Within a day, such a repaired wall can be put into operation. But in any case, you cannot load it too much - the wall will only gain full strength in a month.

If the cracks appeared due to an improperly poured foundation, the best solution The foundation will be strengthened with an auxiliary concrete belt.

To do this:

  • A trench is dug around the entire perimeter of the house with a depth greater than the depth of the foundation.
  • The auxiliary belt will be placed in it.
  • To prevent further cracks from forming in the masonry, the base is poured using the appropriate technology.

What kind of cracks there can be in brick walls, their cause, and how to eliminate them can be learned from the video in this article. Cracks in brickwork are very common. The cost of solving this problem varies, but it is worth getting rid of it immediately to avoid compromising the structural integrity of a residential building.

The most common material for the construction of buildings and structures is brick. Its disadvantages include the appearance of defects and damage to the brickwork during operation. The most common defect is cracks. Eliminating this drawback today is not particularly difficult. To do this, it is necessary to determine the cause of the crack and select the correct technological process to eliminate it.

You can detect the presence of cracks in the brickwork during a visual inspection of the house. It is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the expansion of the schism.

For cracks that were formed as a result of a vertical load, the expansion is directed downwards. When the foundation subsides, the expansion of the crack in the brickwork will be directed upward. Due to the wear of the material, numerous cracks appear, which open closer to the surface.

Due to appearance:

  • structural (the depth of the foundation or the load on the walls was incorrectly calculated, the technology for constructing the house was not followed, the brand of masonry mortar was incorrectly selected, lack of reinforcement, etc.);
  • temperature (freezing of the foundation, temperature changes);
  • shrinkage (presence of a pit near the house, construction of a building on bulk soils, etc.);
  • deformation (incorrectly selected material, etc.);
  • wear (each material has its own service life).

Cracks can form:

  • vertical;
  • horizontally;
  • at an angle.

The outline of the cracks can be:

  • direct;
  • curvilinear;
  • closed, that is, not reaching the edge of the wall.

By depth: superficial and through.

According to the size of the cracks formed:

  • small (up to 5 mm);
  • medium (5–10 mm);
  • wide (over 10 mm).

Repairing cracks in brick walls

You can start sealing cracks at home after the cause of its occurrence has been finally identified and shrinkage processes have been eliminated. In order to understand whether the cracking process has stabilized or not, it is necessary to conduct a tensile test. The following devices are used for this:

  • plaster beacon;
  • plate beacon with scale.

In addition, to determine stabilization, you can stick paper on the crack or apply a cement strip. If after a certain time the paper or strip remains intact, then you can begin the process of sealing cracks.

If the crack continues the deformation process, then you should wait until it is completed. There is no point in carrying out repair work at this stage. Because the crack will appear again.

To repair cracked walls you will need following materials and tools:

  • small spatula (for mixing the solution);
  • container in which you can prepare the solution;
  • trowel;
  • hammer;
  • boaster;
  • dust cleaning brush;
  • spatula;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • rolled metal;
  • fittings;
  • anchor and dowel.

Options for sealing cracks depending on their characteristics

For each type of crack in individually the material and embedding technology are selected. For non-through internal cracks up to 5 mm wide, you can use strong cement or gypsum mortar.

Crack elimination process

  1. Before starting to seal the crack, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. They consist of cleaning the repair site from dirt, debris and dust.
  2. Moisten the resulting cavity generously with water and allow to dry.
  3. The damaged area is treated with putty or cement mortar.
  4. After drying, a reinforced tape is laid on top.
  5. Place a layer of putty or cement mortar on the tape.

Medium-sized cracks (up to 6–10 mm wide)

  1. Dismantling cracked sections of masonry.
  2. Cleaning the repair site from dust and debris.
  3. Surface primer.
  4. Drilling holes for dowels at a distance of 25–50 cm from each other.
  5. A metal mesh with 5x5 cells is attached to the top using screws.
  6. Coating the mesh with cement plaster mortar with the addition of large quantity sand
  7. At the final stage it is necessary to apply the finishing material.

For wide cracks, a brick castle is suitable:

  1. It is necessary to remove cracked bricks from the outside and outside of the wall.
  2. Clean the defect area from dirt and dust. For this it is better to use a construction scarpel.
  3. Lay new bricks on the mortar.
  4. You can also eliminate this kind of crack using a metal anchor, which is a plate with two pins (anchors).

Cracks with a width of more than 10 mm are considered critical.

To eliminate them, the following method is suitable:

  1. Clean the damaged area from contamination.
  2. Fill the defect with polyurethane foam.
  3. Wait for it to dry completely.
  4. Trim the foam to a depth of 2 cm.
  5. Fill the resulting depression with cement or cement-sand mortar.
  6. At the final stage, finishing material is applied.

If it is not possible to dismantle the damaged brickwork of the house, then you can use the following method:

  1. Clear the repair area of ​​debris and dust.
  2. Cracks are sealed with cement mortar.
  3. T-shaped steel anchors are driven into the crack, which must be secured with dowels on both sides of the crack. They are attached to the surface of the wall of the house.

Through cracks can be eliminated by strengthening the walls from the inside

  1. Carry out preparatory work, namely clean the damaged area from the old finishing material, dirt and dust.
  2. Wet the tear with water and let it dry.
  3. Fill the gap with cement mortar and small fraction crushed stone.
  4. If necessary, secure steel plates made of rolled steel. The strips are fastened using anchors and dowels.
  5. Carry out finishing work on the damaged section of the wall of the house.

Application of metal staples

For through cracks, two metal plates and tension bolts are used, which are passed through the wall. It is also possible to hammer steel brackets into the wall on both sides of the resulting gap. The ends of such brackets are bent to the wall and secured with bolts. This prevents the crack from opening further. The holes for the bolts must be filled with cement before fixing. For large defects, it may be necessary to install several such brackets. The repair of the crack itself occurs in the same way as in other cases. The most suitable material for this is cement.

Elimination of cracks on walls

For cracks that have appeared on the walls of external brick walls, use a metal clip. Its dimensions and constructive solution depends on the width of the wall.

Elimination of dangerous cracks

For serious cracks that threaten to destroy the house, steel joists are installed on both sides of the wall. As a result, the entire building ends up in a powerful steel bandage.

Cracks in brickwork are a common problem that requires immediate attention. This is necessary in order not to violate the structural integrity of a residential building or other structures.

A crack in the wall is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. In addition to the fact that it spoils the appearance of the house, detracting from its dignity, such precious things are lost through cracks in the walls. winter period warm. Moisture can seep into your home through cracks, which can lead to dampness and mold, which of course no one wants. So sealing a crack in the wall is not so much a matter of personal preference as it is a justifiable necessity.

Cracks in walls can form for various reasons. To this influenced by factors such as wall material, operating conditions and technology violations. For example, plasterboard walls often crack at the joints between the slabs. This is mainly the result of improper installation. Cracks in the brickwork of a new house are possible due to subsidence of the foundation, which also occurs as a result of errors in its construction. Cracks in plaster are more common on the façade of a building, but even here, it’s mainly due to an elementary violation of technology. As you can see, most often problems such as the appearance of cracks and crevices in walls are associated with the human factor. Most best way fight cracks in the walls - prevent them altogether. However, what can be done if a crack does appear? Let's discuss.

If you find a crack in the wall, try not to delay repairing it. The longer the delay, the larger the crack. The methods of sealing cracks, as well as the choice of materials to combat them, are influenced by whether it is an external or internal wall, what it is made of and the size of the cracks themselves.

When sealing cracks in walls, there are general rules:

  • the crack should be expanded - artificially widen its edges
  • free the crack from construction waste and dust
  • prime
  • use reinforcing materials

In most cases, the crack must be repaired before repair.

Clean and prime the crack walls.

Repairing small cracks inside a building

What to do if small cracks appear on the plastered interior wall?

  • First of all clear the area near the crack from paint or wallpaper; oil paint you can chip it by lightly tapping it or scrape it off with a spatula; To make the wallpaper easier to remove, they are moistened with water
  • Embroider the crack; depending on the material of the plaster and the tools available, this can be done with a knife, spatula, straight screwdriver or small chisel
  • Clean out the crack and the adjacent section of the wall and prime; let the primer dry
  • Prepare gypsum mixture , taking into account the manufacturer’s instructions (gypsum plaster is mainly used indoors); When repairing small cracks, it is better not to use a mixture with a coarse fraction (starting putty); either a finishing putty or a special putty for joints and cracks, which is particularly durable, will do.
  • Apply plaster compound on the crack, pressing it a little; remove excess mixture with a spatula
  • After the putty has dried, you should sanding the area fine grain

Minor cracks are sealed with putty.

Cracks in plasterboard construction conditionally can be attributed to small cracks. The fact is that such cracks appear mainly at the joints between sheets and are rarely wider than one or two millimeters. But the length of such a crack can grow and reach its maximum, which is equal to the length of the plasterboard sheet. An unpleasant feature of repairing cracks in a plasterboard wall is that after restoration it is difficult to completely hide the place where the defect was. Quite a few craftsmen are able to eliminate a crack and putty the area so that no bead or bulge is visible at the repair site. And if the problem area is painted, the relief that appears at the crack site will become even more noticeable. Possible way out– this is the gluing of embossed wallpaper with a spreading pattern. This camouflage will prevent the lack of repair of cracks in drywall from being seen.

But how do you repair a crack in a plasterboard wall?

  • We open the crack, trying to deepen it a little; Although it is important to exercise prudence in this case, it is still more than more space You clear, the more repair mixture you can apply and the more reliable the repair itself will be; we carry out the jointing with a stationery knife
  • If the wall is painted (as a rule, cracks in a plasterboard wall are more often detected precisely if they are painted, and not when they are covered with wallpaper, since the latter partially restrains the formation and spread of cracks or simply distracts attention with a motley pattern), clean with sandpaper a few centimeters of wall on either side of the crack
  • Necessarily prime the walls cracks along with the “adjacent” territory; let the primer dry
  • Preparing the repair mixture and place it in the crack; for this we use finishing putty or special compounds for joints plasterboard boards– the second option is much more expensive, but also much more reliable
  • On top of putty apply reinforcing mesh“serpyanka” (or fiberglass); Use a spatula to press the mesh against the wall so that the putty shows through the cells, smooth the latter with a spatula

After filling the crack repair mixture, fiberglass (or serpyanka tape) is applied, playing the role of reinforcement.

  • After the first layer has dried, you may notice slight shrinkage of the material, so you need applying a second, thinner layer of putty
  • If you are working with special putties for joints, keep in mind that after drying they become very hard and difficult to sand, so at the first stage of putty, do not deliberately place the layer flush with the plane of the wall; it is better to make the final layer from ordinary finishing putty
  • Dry putty thoroughly clean with sandpaper, first with coarse and then with fine grain; we try to fuse the sagging that protrudes beyond the general plane of the wall
  • Upon completion of the work described above, we once again prime the repaired section of the wall for better adhesion of the finishing decorative coating

Sometimes cracks appear at the seams between ceramic tiles . This can happen if the joints were rubbed before the adhesive composition had completely hardened and dried. In this case, smearing some kind of compound on top is also not suitable. During such repairs, all seams are thoroughly cleaned of old grout. Yes, exactly all the seams, and not just those on which cracks appeared. Why? Even if you purchase exactly the same grout, or you still have it after renovation, the color of the freshly applied grout may differ markedly from that which was previously applied. During operation, whether we like it or not, the color of the grout changes - it becomes lighter, darker, yellower, and so on. Therefore, it is better to immediately change the grout on the entire wall or even in the entire room.

Seams can be cleaned different instruments: knife, spatula, flat screwdriver. Avoid sudden movements and exerting great force. This kind of work requires patience and perseverance. After the seams are cleaned, rinse them with water. After this, following the manufacturer's instructions mix the grout and lay it down by using rubber spatula. After drying (whitish streaks will appear on the tiles), remove excess using a damp (not wet!) natural soft cloth.

How to seal large seams

Ordinary putty will not help in sealing large cracks. Such cracks often appear on the main walls of brick or concrete. How will you deal with them?

We already remember that the crack needs to be well prepared before repair. We clean out everything unnecessary, embroider the edges if necessary, and prime them. If you are working with a cement-sand mixture, it will be enough to simply wet the walls of the crack well with water.

Simple and in a fast way sealing large cracks is use of polyurethane foam. It will not only perfectly fill all the voids and cracks inside, but will also serve as a good heat insulator, because a lot of heat is lost through cracks in the external walls. Before pouring the foam, the crack walls also need to be well moistened with water, which improves the adhesion of the material to the base. But it is important to remember that the foam should not be left unprotected. She is afraid of ultraviolet radiation and other atmospheric influences. It needs to be plastered or puttied with façade putty. In addition, this repair method is used if the crack is vertical. For horizontal cracks, the repair material must be able to withstand the pressure of the part of the wall located above the crack. Polyurethane foam, of course, cannot cope with such a load. That's why Before pouring the foam, pieces of brick or concrete are placed into the cracks.

Polyurethane foam is often used to seal cracks and crevices in walls.

Sometimes large cracks are repaired cement mortar. They try not to just put it in the crack, but to throw it in, as when plastering, so that the solution sticks to the walls of the crack. Of course, this is possible if the width of the crack allows it. In this case, pieces of brick or concrete are inserted into the crack and the mortar continues to be poured.

If the crack is quite large and wide (and maybe through), do not throw the solution, but fill it. For this, formwork is erected. What might this look like? Below, at the base of the crack (if it is vertically directed), fix a board (or a row of boards) so that it completely covers the width of the crack and lies 10-15 centimeters on the sides of the crack. You can secure the board using ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws. Then the solution is poured. When its level rises, sew on the next board and so on until the entire crack is filled to the top with mortar. As a filler, you can use the same pieces of brick or concrete. When pouring in this way, try to compact the mixture with a suitable metal rod or stick. The solution also settles well and becomes compacted if you tap the wooden formwork with a hammer.

Repaired cracks on the facade look like scars on the face. After renovation, it would be good to apply some kind of coating to the entire plane of the wall, and possibly the entire house. Of course, this may be a costly affair, but in return your home will look beautiful and well-groomed.

Sometimes when cracks appear, it becomes necessary to putty or plaster the entire wall. To prevent the problem from happening again , use reinforcing mesh or fiberglass over the entire surface of the wall.

When repairing cracks indoors, use fiberglass or similar materials.

When using various sealants to seal cracks, remember that due to the greasy composition silicone sealants are not painted over. Acrylic sealant can be painted, but it is inferior to silicone in elasticity and, most likely, will not be able to stretch if the crack grows.

Using sealant to seal a crack in a wall.

Plastering the wall with cement mortar can also be done using reinforcing mesh, but it must be metal. For large cracks it is allowed installation of restraining tires. To do this, strips of metal are attached to the wall with anchors, positioning them perpendicular to the path of the crack. This structure can then be plastered.

Use reinforcing mesh.

Remember, you can’t skimp on sealing cracks. Use the best and most reliable products. Consult, ask for help.

Be careful and careful! If a crack in load-bearing wall is growing and you are unable to contain it, seek help from specialists. Living in such a house may become unsafe.

Seal the crack in the wall. Video


Getting started repair work, many people are faced with the question: how to repair a crack in the wall? Such defects are often encountered when re-hanging wallpaper or when preparing walls for painting. Cracks can have different geometries and sizes; they can be superficial or through. If a crack is detected, it is necessary to immediately carry out restoration work, since if everything is left to chance, then over time the damage will increase in size and lead to peeling or deformation finishing coating, which will undo all your work.

Causes of cracks in the wall

Cracks in the wall occur for many reasons, which may be associated both with certain errors made during the design or construction of the facility, and with natural factors, independent of humans. All the reasons why cracks can form can be combined into several groups:

  • building shrinkage;
  • engineering errors or violation of construction technology;
  • improper use of leveling solutions.

Most common cause Damage to walls (especially for low-rise buildings) is due to uneven shrinkage of the building. In the first few years after completion of construction, the house was under heavy building materials, from which the walls, floor, ceiling, roof and foundation are made, settles into the ground. If the shrinkage is uniform along the entire perimeter of the foundation, then it does not lead to the formation of cracks and is considered normal. If the building is immersed in the ground unevenly, then over time this will certainly cause undesirable consequences in the form of cracks on the wall, distortion doorways, window frames etc.

Such phenomena must be constantly monitored using beacons mounted in damaged areas. As beacons, you can use ordinary paper, which is glued to the crack with glue. If the paper does not tear after a week, then there is no reason to panic. In this case, you should simply repair the crack in the wall.

If the paper tears, and according to calculations, the shrinkage should have stopped long ago, then the issue here is not the subsidence of the house, but a violation of the construction technology. At the same time, simply repairing the damage with a solution will not give a positive result, since the cause of the defect will continue to negatively affect the house.

The safest and most easily corrected cause is improper preparation or application of leveling mixtures. In this case, your home, in addition to losing its attractive appearance, nothing is in danger.

In addition to the reasons described above, factors that negatively affect the structure of a house also include phenomena that do not depend on a person:

  • rising groundwater levels;
  • temporary destruction of the foundation;
  • a strong slope of the site, as a result of which uneven loads will act on the building;
  • various weather phenomena ( heavy rains, snowfalls, gusts of wind, earthquakes, etc.).

How to repair a crack in a plaster wall?

Cracking of plaster is a fairly common phenomenon that can be observed on both the external and internal walls of a house. Especially often such damage occurs when cement-sand mortar is used as plaster.

Before repairing a crack in the wall, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • spatula;
  • brush;
  • sickle tape;
  • primer;
  • plaster mixture;
  • sandpaper.

The procedure for sealing cracks in plaster begins with widening and deepening them using a small spatula, kitchen knife, screwdriver or other sharp object that will be convenient for you to work with. This allows the repair solution to penetrate deep into the damage and fill it better.

At the next stage restoration work The defective area is cleaned of construction debris and primed using a brush and a deep penetration primer. Treating the crack with a primer increases the adhesion of the plaster mixture and, accordingly, the strength of its adhesion to the base. After the primer has dried plaster mixture carefully rub into the crack using a spatula. Until the solution has set, a sickle tape is placed on top of it along the entire length of the crack and covered with the same solution. It is recommended to use a gypsum mixture as a repair solution, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

After the plaster has dried, it needs to be rubbed with sandpaper to obtain level base. Your wall is ready for wallpapering, painting or finishing with any other decorative material.

Sealing cracks in brickwork

There are several ways to fix a crack in a brick wall. The choice of one method or another will depend on the size of the damage. How to repair a crack up to 5 mm wide? To do this, you can use regular cement mortar or tile adhesive. Before applying the selected mixture, the crack must be widened using a spatula and a hammer, cleared of debris and treated with a deep penetration primer. Cracks up to 10-15 mm in size can also be sealed with cement mortar. Only in this case is it recommended to add a little fine sand to it.

Slots wider than 15 mm are considered dangerous, as they reduce reliability brickwork and can lead to a partial collapse of the wall. To repair such damage, other methods of restoration work are used. For example, a defective section of a wall can be dismantled and replaced with new masonry. In this case, the installation of bricks is carried out using the “brick castle” method.

To increase the strength of the masonry, pieces of reinforcement are laid between the rows of bricks.

A large gap in brickwork can also be sealed using polyurethane foam. To do this, the crack is cleared of debris, primed and filled with foam. After it has set, the foam is cut to a depth of about 20 mm. This gap is filled cement mixture or adhesive composition.

A crack in a wall can occur for many reasons. However, no matter what factors lead to such a defect, before final finishing its walls must be repaired without fail, because after some time the gap can cause damage to the finish coating.

The walls are subject to various deformations and traces of destruction are formed on them. The solution to the question: “how to repair a crack in a wall” cannot be put off. It is necessary to find the cause of the defect and eliminate it. After this, quickly and correctly strengthen the wall at the defect site and veneer it.

Causes and dynamics of defect formation

There are many reasons why cracks form on the wall. Basically, this is poor quality work done during construction and poor material that does not comply with technical documentation. Ignoring the results of geological exploration or not conducting soil tests accounts for approximately half of the reasons for the formation of large defects in the facade. Among the most common causes of wall destruction:

  • usage raw material when laying walls;
  • soil subsidence;
  • high groundwater level;
  • weak foundation cannot withstand loads;
  • the depth of the foundation is less than the level of soil freezing;
  • violation of construction technology;
  • poor quality of building materials;
  • unprotected façade made of hygroscopic material;
  • lack of waterproofing between the base and the wall.

Strengthening cracks in the wall should begin with identifying the cause of their formation and, if possible, eliminating it. You should monitor the dynamics of the expansion of the gap for several days and seal it as quickly as possible.

Strengthening mixtures are selected based on masonry materials, and depend on the location inside or outside.

Installation of beacons

Experts recommend installing beacons on cracks in the wall immediately after detecting a defect and observing the result for 8 - 10 days while everything is prepared necessary materials to prevent further destruction. Gypsum and solutions based on it are used as beacons, special devices and strips of paper.

Before installing beacons on a crack in the wall, you need to clean the place where they are attached. Otherwise, the beacon will slide off along with the plaster.

Paper strips are stretched across the break and glued on both sides. When the walls move, they tear.

Gypsum beacons are placed indoors. Mix the plaster with water until it reaches a thick putty consistency. The composition is made into something like a dumbbell with wide edges and a narrow middle. A beacon is attached across the defect. You can put marks on it on both sides at a certain distance. Then use them to measure the size of the displacement.

For external use, a cement-gypsum mixture is used. It is less susceptible to moisture.

Professionals are armed with various instruments, including micrometers that are mounted on the wall and record the slightest displacement in hundredths of mm in both directions.

Defects in the base and their elimination

The base is in direct contact with the soil, constantly flooded with rainwater and covered with snow. Cracks form in the lower part of the house more often than in the walls.

Cinder block and other building blocks

Defects in a block base occur mainly due to the mobility of the soil underneath. If the foundation is weak, it is advisable to strengthen it by digging a ditch along the perimeter next to it to the full depth and filling it with mortar. This will strengthen the foundation of the house, and cracks will appear much less frequently. When poured from the roof of a corner of a building, it begins to sag, warping the base and causing deformation.

How to repair cracks in a cinder block wall after eliminating the causes of foundation subsidence:

  1. Remove plaster and other finishes.
  2. Clean out the cracks, remove all pieces that are not held firmly.
  3. Remove dust and sand with a damp sponge.
  4. Hammer the anchors into the crack with a hammer. Secure them with dowels on both sides.
  5. Connect the anchors with wire if the crack is narrow. If it is wide, secure the metal mesh.
  6. Fill the crack cavity with cement-sand mortar from the outside and gypsum or gypsum-cement from the inside.
  7. A layer of plaster is applied over the mesh. After drying, it is cleaned with fine sandpaper, leveled and further finishing is done.

Slag filling base and walls

The reason for the formation of cracks in a slag-filling house is haste and violation of technology. After installing the formwork, the solution was poured quickly, without tamping it or releasing the resulting air bubbles. Over time, these internal voids become stress concentrators and cracks form along them.

When the temperature changes, condensation forms in the bubbles. Freezing, it expands the concrete particles and destroys it. Several steps are followed to seal a crack in the wall of a cinder-fill house.

  1. Clear the gap, increasing its width and depth.
  2. Remove all crumbling fragments and sand.
  3. Use a wet sponge to remove all dust.
  4. Fill the void with cement mortar.
  5. Place a metal one on top reinforced mesh with a margin of 40 - 50 cm in all directions. Secure it with dowels.
  6. Plaster the entire area with cement-sand mortar.

Further finishing is carried out in accordance with the rest of the plinth. It is advisable to cover the top with a moisture-resistant material to prevent moisture from entering and slow down destruction.

Often the cracks in slag-filling plinths can be through. In this case, they are sealed on both sides, compacting the cement mortar well into the void. Other materials are also suitable for sealing cracks in the wall. If it is not load-bearing or is lightly loaded, polyurethane foam is used. After hardening, its excess is cut off to a depth of 2 mm, the mesh is attached and everything is plastered.

Exterior wall repair

Horizontal cracks in the walls pose less of a risk of house destruction. The reason for their formation is related to the design of the house:

  • different depths of the foundation of external walls and under partitions;
  • lack of connection between internal and external walls;
  • poor quality masonry;
  • closely located groundwater wash away the foundation;
  • wind movement of the roof.

Typically, a thin, winding crack runs along the perimeter, several mm wide. It is cut up, cleaned of dust and primed. After this, fill with sealant.

An armored belt is made around the perimeter from a metal strip and anchors. After this, you should similarly seal the crack in the wall from the inside during repairs.

Pay attention! Vertical defects in a load-bearing wall are dangerous, especially if they continue to expand.

Restoration of façade plaster

Timely repair of cracks in the plaster of external walls significantly extends the service life of the building. If the finishing technology is violated and the proportions of the components of the plaster are not observed, the facade resembles dry soil. How to remove cracks in plaster walls outside. It is impossible to cut them all apart; it is easier to completely remove the plaster.

  1. Clear the wall wire brush from all particles that are weak to hold on to.
  2. Coat with deep penetration primer. Use a coarse brush and rub the primer in different directions.
  3. Secure polypropylene or fiberglass mesh.
  4. Apply a thin layer of plaster. If you need to level out large differences, plaster in 2 - 3 layers, cleaning and covering with primer.
  5. Cover the walls water-based paint or make another façade finish.

Small cracks in plaster themselves do not pose a danger. But it hits them rainwater, which destroys the wall covering. In winter, it freezes, penetrating deeper into the plaster and then the masonry. This is why it is necessary to repair a crack in the plaster on the wall.

Strengthening brickwork

Small cracks in the brickwork that formed instead of spilled mortar are sealed to prevent water from entering and further destruction. They need to be cleaned with a wire brush, dirt blown out from them and sealed with sealant or foam using a thin nozzle on the gun.

A crack in the wall of a brick house that is more than 1 cm wide, especially if it continues to expand, must be repaired using ties.

  1. The wall is grooved perpendicular to the crack or along the horizontal seams between the bricks. Holes are drilled along the edges of the recess.
  2. The reinforced metal rod is welded with the letter “P”, the crossbar is equal to the length of the selected recesses. The side pins go into the hole.
  3. WITH inside The cross member is welded. The excess is cut off.

Such through staples are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other along the entire length of the crack.

Local cracks in the wall that do not expand are best removed by re-laying bricks. Disassemble all broken bricks from top to bottom. Place a new one in its place, with dressing - shifting the bricks.

What is the best solution to seal cracks in the walls of a house to prevent it from leaking out? Plasticizers must be added. For external walls it is lime and Bustilat glue. IN cement mortar their content should not exceed 10%.

concrete wall

Solid and waterproof concrete slab not eternal. Over time, defects form in it. The façade must be inspected periodically. It is easier to repair small cracks in the wall than to repair a crumbling panel.

  1. Use a jackhammer to clear out the crack.
  2. Cover the exposed metal fittings with a primer to prevent them from rusting.
  3. Seal the crack with a solution of cement and water.
  4. Plaster the top with river sand added to the cement.

If there are a large number of small cracks on concrete wall indoors, coat with concrete primer, glue fiberglass and putty.

Elimination of wall defects indoors

Often small cracks in the masonry appear in the finishing: wallpaper breaks and comes off, tiles swell. Repairing cracks in an apartment wall begins with removing the cladding and plaster. Having cleared the brickwork, the cracks must be cut and filled with sealant. Then lay a strip of sickle mesh on top and putty. After drying, clean and plaster.

Cracks in plaster

During repairs, small cracks in the wall are repaired. If a vertical gap has formed, and restoration work is far away, the wall should be restored.

Foam blocks, aerated concrete and other lightweight materials

A crack often appears in a wall made of foam blocks, how to repair a warm, soft material. All blocks made with air inside are suitable as a good heat insulator. The material is not designed for heavy loads. In the construction of residential buildings, foam blocks are used for the inner layer of masonry and they have little effect on the strength of the house structure.

How to repair cracks in a foam block wall? Gypsum solution with the addition of PVA glue as a plasticizer - up to 5% and reinforcing polyethylene or plastic fiber.

  1. Clean out the defect with the corner of a metal spatula or a construction knife.
  2. Cover with primer.
  3. Fill with solution.
  4. Secure serpyanka or polypropylene mesh.
  5. Cover with a layer of putty.

After drying, clean and then finish the wall by painting or wallpapering.

Features of working with plaster

Gypsumite blocks are used to create soundproofing and lightweight partitions. If there is no foundation under interior walls, then you can lay it on beams, choosing hollow slabs. How to repair cracks in plaster walls. The name itself suggests the material. The cracks are sealed with a solution of gypsum with PVA or Bustilate. Small defects and gaps between the slabs can be filled with sealant or gypsum adhesive.

A beautiful corner instead of a torn gap

Depending on the size of the defect in the corner, it is reinforced with metal corners or only mesh. A large gap, especially if it grows, requires urgent repair.

  1. Clear.
  2. Select areas at a distance of 20–25 cm on both sides of the gap for fastening the corners.
  3. Drill holes, hammer in dowels and secure the metal corners with sides on different walls.
  4. Fill the large gap with foam if the wall is made of brick or foam block. Concrete joint with cement and water.
  5. Lay serpyanka or fiberglass.
  6. Plaster.
  7. For even angle embed perforated into plaster metal corner– profile.
  8. Putty, clean.

If the house is made of panels and defects have formed at the joint, you must inform the homeowner and require him to carry out external repairs and seal the panel joints.

Drywall needs to be replaced

Used to level walls, they swell from moisture and warp. When they dry, tears in the outer coating form on them. You can seal a fine network of defects with putty. But a sheet repaired in this way will not last long.

How to repair cracks in plasterboard walls? Small defects can be repaired with acrylic. The deformed septum is restored by replacing the swollen gypsum board. The leaf is carefully trimmed. If installed, the fastener is removed. In its place another plate is placed or glued to the wall. The joints between the sheets are sealed.

If defects are formed due to drying out of the gypsum plaster, you can glue fiberglass as a reinforcing material.