What to give to the new year a wife or Santa Claus in an adult. Gift for new year wife

What can be given to his wife for the new year - the question is relevant, and annually. In addition to this beautiful holiday, obviously, there are others in your family, the New Year's magic will not compare with anything, it is quite clear that the presents for the costly half want to order and acquire the most - every manifestation of love, care, tenderness, attention improves the weather in house.

Best New Year's Gifts

During the happy marriage of a beloved wife, many surprises are presented, it is likely that it was:
  • Practical things - cosmetic bag with your photos, hook holder for the bags "Brilliant".
  • Practical things with a shade of romance - plaid "30 reasons why I love you", the projector night light waves of the ocean (musical), a pink towel with a photo.
  • Just romantic, personal presents are a bouquet with imitation of water "tenderness", a sheet of Kama Sutra.
  • They all have given themselves with beautiful greetings, became happy for both of you. Gift wife for the new year 2021 bull is always joy. It is clear how life moves, the next present the present is chosen with great attention and demanding. When own ideas end in order to decide on, we invite you to visit the pages of the portal Millionpodarkov - cooperation with 120 stores allows you to offer customers a huge selection of various goods, each of which can become a wonderful gift for the most tender, beloved, the only one.

    What to give a wife for the new year? Purchases with the portal of the millionfodarks

    We carefully select our partners - shops representing the goods on the all-encompassing service, boast a variety of assortment, the quality of each sentence, excellent pricing policy. Acquired here for a long time will retain the enthusiastic feelings, which will manifest at the time of delivery. Evaluate such tempting proposals that give a wife for the new year as:
  • Washing map of the world. It will be perceived by your half as a promise to show her our planet in all its glory. By the way, on the next holiday, you can buy a travel bag on our portal: comfortable, spacious, stylish.
  • Picture with swarovski crystals "Heroglyph" Longevity ".
  • Personal planetarium "Charm of Stars". Without a pickling pipe, you can enjoy the view of the starry sky at home, presenting around the amazing beauty of nature.
  • Ring "Sparks of Love" with a central white crystal of diamond cut Marks.
  • Original clock with reverse "Food, love and sleep" (antaches).
  • Take care how to present the selected present, it also creates a festive mood.

    Traditional presents

    If you do not want to spend time searching for the original solution, use the classic gifts for the new year:

    • jewelry - Please please your favorite earrings with precious stones or a gold bracelet. You can also purchase a platinum ring, a pendant in the form of a letter, necklace with hearts, original hairpin. Such a present will show how much the way is a woman for you;
    • hair Styling Device - A device with which you can achieve an excellent result, without visiting the beauty salon. The range of instruments extensive: a hairdryer with nozzles for giving a hairstyle, a multifunctional styler, a hair curling machine;
    • shuba - Sign of security and status. If your wife dreams of a soft and warm element of the outerwear, become Santa Claus for one day. Give a gorgeous gift to the wife for the new year 2020. It will be immensely happy;
    • seductive underwear - A gift on which you can not save. Before going to a boutique, find out the size of the wife. Please note that you like your second half. Buy beautiful underwear and take a check. If the size does not fit, the spouse will be able to replace the kit;
    • perfume - A widespread decision to prefer many husbands. Before buying, see what flavors more like a spouse. Choose in the store perfumes that will reveal the natural charm of women and help emphasize her main advantages.

    You can buy an add-on to the above gifts. It can be a box of chocolate candies and champagne or basket with a variety of fruit. Do not forget about the appearance of the present. Put the purchased thing in a beautiful box or a bag stylized under the New Year's sock.

    Gift for a young wife

    If you have recently had a wedding and you did not study the tastes of my wife, buy several gifts. For example, a leather handbag, high-quality jewelry, a pattern in the shape of a rat, a pendant with the image of the symbol of the upcoming year. You can also give a spouse certificate in the clothing store. Let the woman herself choose what she needs.

    Husbands who want to surprise a young wife, we have prepared a list of the best gifts for the new year 2020:

    1. Fur manot.
    2. Brand perfumery.
    3. Hydromassage bath.
    4. Case for decorations.
    5. Term pharmaceuticals.
    6. New smartphone.
    7. Romantic dinner.
    8. Portrait in pop art style.
    9. Certificate for a photo session.
    10. Warm kit: mittens and scarf stern.

    Gift for wife with experience

    Husbands who lived with his wife for many years, can not hit face in the dirt. The present must be original and expensive. So you will demonstrate your wife and care. Do not skimp and do not use classic options. Show fantasy.

    We have several ideas of gifts for wives with experience:

    • travel abroad - Gradually, family life turns into a routine. If you want to refresh the feelings and distract your wife from daily concerns, make an unexpected surprise. Buy a ticket to a ski resort or a warm country. The trip will benefit on mutual relations and charges you with energy for the whole year;
    • modern gadget - Think what I would like to have a wife. Today, electronic books, tablets with a large screen, smartphones for two SIM cards are popular;
    • evening dress from the last collection - Gorgeous gift to wife for the new year 2020. In a beautiful dress, your wife will look stunning. The spouse hangs him in the closet and will wear on special occasions;
    • certificate of chocolate wrapping - Useful and original present. This is a pleasant procedure that has a positive effect on the skin condition and mood. After chocolate wrapping, the woman will feel wonderful;
    • entertainment ticket - Concert of the beloved group, theater, party. Paint the wife into the light. The spouse will distract from all concerns and will get a lot of positive emotions.

    When choosing a gift, remember that the purchased thing should remind of feelings. It should not be banal and cheap. Present a gift for the battle of the Kurats and tell the warm words to my wife. She will appreciate a surprise and understand how much you love her.

    Hobbies related gifts

    In his free time, women knit, read books, Mastery of all sorts of Hend-Maid things. Take advantage of this and make a present in interest. So you will show attentiveness towards my wife's hobbies. The representatives of the beautiful floor are often offended that her husbands are not interested in their hobby. Therefore, with such a gift for the new year you won't lose.

    • For a practical woman you can buy a kitchen appliance. For example, yogurtnitsa, a mixer with a turbo, bread maker or a double frame. Such a device of the spouse will be glad. She will be able to surprise the seven delicious dishes.
    • If the wife loves an active holiday, make her a good gift. It can be a certificate for extreme entertainment: climbing, aerodynamic tube, Lazertag. This choice is not limited. Buy your wife accessories for fitness, exercise bike, stepper or hoop with lots of massage elements.
    • A lady who loves romance will be glad to travel to the capital of France. Paris is the city of all lovers. Here you can find time and celebrate the new year in the restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower. Such a visit to the spouse will remember for a long time and will consider photos taken on the background of Paris attractions.
    • For a spouse, who is driving free evenings behind the needlework, you can buy a variety of sets. For example, embroidery of paintings by beads, decoupage, felting, making jewelry, scrapbooking. If a wonderful sex representative loves to draw, make a contribution to hobby. Buy her easel in the form of tripods, paints or auxiliary materials. After the holiday, go to the park. Let his wife draw a winter landscape.
    • Passionate collector will be happy to the new exhibit. Women can collect animal statuettes, Gzhel, porcelain dolls. Select a rare exhibit and make a surprise on New Year's Eve.
    • Is your wife is a connoisseur of art? Give her a picture written by the famous artist, or a ticket to the concert of the beloved musical group. You can also buy theatrical binoculars and add it a ticket to the performance.
    • If the wife likes indoor plants and she spends every summer at the cottage, make a thematic gift. Buy a metal stand for flowers or decorative porridge. For rest in the garden, you can buy a hammock, furniture made of artificial rattan, swing with pillows.

    Cheap Gifts Gene

    What to do when the family budget is limited? It is necessary to use a fantasy and purchase inexpensive, but at the same time an interesting present for the year of white rat. The variety of goods pleases and allows you to choose what you like. Therefore, with the purchase of a suitable product, the problem does not occur.

    We have a lot of ideas that will like your spouse:

    1. Stand for smartphone.
    2. Glowing cup.
    3. Clutch in the style of boho.
    4. Holder for rings in the form of a tree.
    5. Pillow with the inscription "Queen of my heart."
    6. Pumpkin jam jar with lemon and orange.
    7. Candlestick "Infinite Love".
    8. Bouquet of candy.
    9. Beautiful silk handkerchief.
    10. A set called "I love when we are together", consisting of 12 mini-tiles of chocolate.

    Present with their own hands

    In the gifts created by independently, love and warmth feels. With their help, you will surprise my wife and show yourself from the best side. We know what you can do with your own hands for the new year and with joy sharing ideas.

    Heart of roses with a surprise - To prepare such a gift you need a floral sponge in the shape of a heart, prolonging the life of plants. We also need roses, pins, toothpicks and fresh strawberries purchased in the supermarket. Choose roses of the color that like your wife.

    The process of creating a masterpiece consists of several stages:

    • machine a floral sponge - for this you should put a form on the water and wait until it drops to the bottom;
    • cut the rose stems, leaving a 3 cm long cutlery;
    • insert short stems with buds in one half of the hearts - follow the flowers tightly adjacent to each other;
    • at the next stage, we separate the leaves from cut slices. We cover the second half of the floral sponge. We also attach the leaves using a pin to the sidewalls of the heart;
    • the final touch is in half an oasis, eliminated by leaves, fasten the toothpicks with strawberry berries at the top.

    Finally, let's call gifts that cannot be given to the wife for the new year 2020. These include kitchen utensils (kettle, pan, pan), bed linen, New Year's baubles, wrinkle cream. Also undesirable to give money.

    Your wife, regardless of age, in the soul remains a girl. She believes in miracles and is looking forward to the New Year's gift. Do not disappoint your spouse. Buy her a good gift for a winter holiday and complement it sincere congratulations. So you make a woman happy and prove that the magic exists!

    • On the shoulders of the wife are the responsibilities for organizing a festive table. Plates, pots, frying pan flashes before our eyes over long weekends, so the presented set of dishes will produce a negative effect. Choose a mark of attention that will cause positive emotions from a woman. For example, a new iPhone.
    • Have you met a new year at home for many years. Blue light and old movies have long come. An unforgettable gift for his wife is a change in the setting. The second half will be glad to go to the restaurant, go to the Christmas holidays to the country boarding house or another country.
    • Best friends of girls are diamonds. It is meaningless to argue with a known statement. However, to the new year it is appropriate to give and decorate from natural stones. Good jewelry will also have a wife to taste.
    • You have already thought, what way will you give gifts? In accordance with the traditions of the holiday, become Santa Claus for one evening. Changed by a fabulous old man or persuading someone from relatives to it, you can make an unforgettable surprise.
    • Wife for the new year I want to get into a fairy tale for a short time. Giving preference to intangible gifts, create a miracle for your half. The adventure in the form of riding on deer will remind the spouses childhood. In those years, all the kids believed in the Snow Queen.
    • One of the win-win ideas of gifts is a useful thing. So, household appliances for many years will be a good assistant to the hostess. Select a multicooker, microwave, washing or dishwasher, as well as a robot vacuum cleaner. If necessary, you can visit the store along with my wife.
    • Woman loves when the present is beautifully packed. Spend a few minutes of precious time to design. Give a tied ribbon a lot more pleasant.

    The list of universal options will please you with win-win ideas. By the new year, the keeper of a homely hearth can be given:

    • Basket with fruit, sweets and champagne.
    • Good cosmetics, dear perfumes or toilet water.
    • Bath sets, hair care products.
    • Fur coat, coat, manto.
    • Beautiful underwear.
    • Electronic device or accessories for him.
    • Laptop, monoblock, stationary PC.
    • Automotive consumables, certificate for washing or then.
    • An interesting book, a reference book, Encyclopedia.
    • Tourist trivience.
    • Gift certificate of massage cabinet, spa, hairdresser.
    • Discount card of women's clothing store.
    • Subscription for fitness, aerobics, in the pool.
    • Invitation to master classes, game quest.
    • Tickets for the premiere in the theater or movie, nightclub, concert.

    Inexpensive gift wife for the new year

    The budget of most families is limited, and often please the spouse is obtained only inexpensive gift. An interesting surprise with an adequate price tag - holder for jewelry. Thanks to the accessory you can have a ring, earrings and chains for everyday wearing. The wife will also appreciate the aesthetic component of the present. The thing looks very good on the chest.

    An affordable version of the New Year's gift is a nominal pillow. You can decorate it with embroidery or joint photo with my wife. The size is selected individually, and the manufacture will take no more than 2 days. Consider some more interesting proposals:

    Glass for champagne "New Year tree". The image and text on the surface are applied with a laser. Engraving will be an excellent reminder of the wonderful winter holiday.

    Gift set "Happy New Year!". Includes a cool apron, sweet canned food and a chocolate card. Wife will not have to make a must try or try the contents.

    Name coffee "New Year's wishes". Arabic grains in special packaging. An additional gift will be a certificate confirming that this variety is grown specifically for your halves.

    Photo Frame "Old Luxury". Accessory in modern style. Designer gifts need to find a worthy place.

    Magnet with photo "Falling snow". Inexpensive memorable present. In the summer, it is nice to look at the picture and remember the cold season. He also has its own charms.

    Romantic Gift Wife for New Year

    Do you want beautiful and harmonious relationships in the coming year? Start it from a symbolic gift. If you celebrate the holiday just together, arrange a romantic evening. Attributes for role-playing games, goods from the store for adults will be logical to his wife this night. Favorite will delight perfume with pheromones, kamaprostnya, handcuffs and mask, a set for drawing by bodies.

    When there is a restrained relationship between spouses, you can confine yourself to such gifts as a rose in a bank, night light "Recognition in Love", poster from joint photos. Farm items look great: T-shirts, mugs, pendants or covers for smartphones.

    A set of pillows "Your / My Party". Wife with pleasure uses the set instead of standard linen. However, in bed to distinguish the territory only during sleep.

    Personal tea "With love from him". Registration - gift card gift. On the box, you should specify your half data and add a romantic congratulation.

    Lamp with a photo "LOVE IS". Surely you have a favorite shot with my wife. Ask to apply an image to the interior lightbox. It turns out a touching and unique present.

    Adult Game with Cards "Sex Boom". There are no only men, but also beautiful ladies to such gifts. To plunge into the outer passion, the rules should strictly follow the rules.

    Scroll "Woman should be happy". Congratulations in verses on a sheet of parchment. Make it up independently or trust the process of professional pits.

    Ideas of original gifts for the new year for my wife

    On the night of the 31st to the 1st, the unusual present is most suitable for the role of a gift to his wife. As an example, a ball of decision making can be called. If the spouse is facing a complex choice, just press the button and get the answer. Test the device directly in the New Year.

    Original Box "Paradise Apple" Also, you can not be bypass. The owner of the collection of ladies in the trifles will feed special weakness to the gift. The only interior department pleases the capacity. The contents do not have to search for pockets and drawers. The case of amber is decorated with metal inserts. Nor give either - the fruit of the Eden Garden.

    Puzzle with your photo "Bright Frame". Before granting a gift, it needs to be assembled from individual elements. The process does not take a long time at his wife.

    Set of socks "chanterelle and friends". Funny set for a woman with a cheerful character. A serious lady is unlikely to want to deal with so cool accessories.

    Flash drive "Dog" with rhinestones. It will be an unusual, useful and memorable gift at the same time. Wife can use a direct destination drive or as an ornament.

    Named set for "Gourmet" cheese. Wooden tray complete with tools for cutting. An indispensable thing at the moments of festive feasts.

    What to give a wife for the new year in interest

    The spouse has little free time. For your own hobbies, you have to find a minute in a tight chart. If your half draws, embroiders, reads books - take advantage of this. Hobby-related presents - a wonderful mark of attention for the new year!

    Culinary master can be purchased Wafelnitsa, Yogurtnitz, Pinnitsa. Good gift - bakery or steamer. Will not stay hungry and at the same time you combine my wife to new experiments. Picture, indoor sculpture, a ticket to the exhibition will inspire a connoisseur of art. If you give a unique author's work, the effect will be even stronger.

    Support for flowers. The lover of houseplants will want to quickly try the present. The pots with flowers are so much that, most likely, they have nowhere to put.

    Porcelain figurine "Trilly". Option of the desired gift for the owner of an impressive collection of dolls. An instance is not a lot of consumer goods, which confirms the quality certificate.

    Flying in Aerotruba. I will enjoy my wife who prefers active rest. Gifts will also be a photo session and video shooting at the time of weightlessness.

    Exercise bike. Fitness your all? Think about gifts to maintain a sports form! Advanced models are compact, silent and have a folding design.

    Garden set "First Lady". In the country, it is quite enough for planting and leaving plants. The creators have provided a small case to store tools.

    Very soon he gets the most adorable holiday on the planet, giving a fabulous atmosphere of the fulfillment of intimate desires. Having considered the decision that to give his wife for the new year, everyone wants to note the exclusivity of this sign of attention, because the surprises bringing surprises most of the winter holiday, the joy of the closest and native human relatives.

    A gift for the new year wife is best to choose to take into account her wishes. In the case of a bold decision to make a surprise for his wife, it is recommended to decide on some nuances that may arise when choosing a present for a beloved woman.

    Gifts Women for the New Year can relate to the following categories:

    • Exclusive gifts - it may be, for example, a photocollate of the most comfortable and touching moments of your family life, or a large basket with her favorite flowers, candy, multi-colored balls.
    • Precious decorations - elegant golden ring, diamond earrings or pendant with commemorative engraving.
    • Modern gadgets - smartphone, tablet, e-book, camera or chamber, original flash drive in the form of suspension and other things like cute female stuff.
    • Household appliances - dishwasher or coffee machine, in general, everything that your wife will be delighted, which will bring her pleasure when receiving a similar gift.
    • Adaptations or objects associated with the creative interests of his wife, with her hobby. For example, a decorative flower, a set for needlework or a sewing machine, expensive paint, if the wife is interested in painting, etc.
    • New-fashioned accessories and delicate gifts. However, in this case it is better to take advantage of the help of experienced sellers or the best friend of his wife. Such gifts usually include underwear or leather clutch, wallet, perfume water or perfume and other things like that. But you should be 100% confident that they will like your wife.
    • Certificate to the store, in a spa or an interesting master class associated with its hobby. Or a useful subscription to the Fints Hall or Pool, located next to the house, or, for example, a subscription to a small course on psychological training.

    Ideas of an unforgettable gift

    Most things wear out either break, and delicacies and sweets are eaten, only the memory and emotions remain unchanged that a person is experiencing with certain events.

    Leave a long-lasting aftertaste in the form of a surge of feelings, a new repetition of relationships, the feelings of the family, as the main, irrevalous value in the relationship between husband and wife on the eve of the New Year, with the help of the following ideas:

    • Romantic vacation for two as a gift for the new year wife will allow to express love, tenderness and care, as well as refresh emotions and feelings to each other;
    • Beautiful and memorable photo session for two;
    • Flying on a balloon or dance master class.
    • Participation in a fascinating quest;
    • Travel, for example, on the sea or ski resort. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of a man;
    • Swimming with dolphins;
    • Joint visits to the spa.

    For particularly romantic couples, an impressive, memorable gift can be visiting a real costume New Year's Bala.

    Original gifts

    In order to express your limitless love, gifts can be made with your own hands. Your beloved with tenderness will take any gift if it is presented from a pure heart, with delicate feelings.

    • The New Year's Eve is a memorable, pleasant gift can even become a small box of favorite candy wives, but a box made by your own hands. It can be done by your own idea, or made on New Year's style, following the example, taken from the Internet - all exactly such a gift will delight beloved.
    • A bouquet made of sweets or favorite fruits of his wife is an original gift.
    • An excellent gift for the New Year's Eve for a spouse can be self-cooked husband dinner.
    • In the search for the original New Year present, you can simply make a short video from the cutting of family photos and memorable video. For having the appropriate skills of people, it will take no more than an hour. Favorite must appreciate your gift with gratitude.

    However, nevertheless before the New Year holidays should be as a small amount of money and free time, in order to carefully think about and choose the original gift for your beloved wife.

    As you know, regardless of what kind of gift for the new year, his wife was chosen, it is very important to pack it beautifully, and also beautifully present or in an interesting form.

    1. Packaging can be made both with your own hands, so pick up ready in the souvenir shop. Show all your fantasy, the present can become a surprise only because of its design.
    2. Since the holiday is a new year, it will be more interesting if, for example, a box or gift paper will symbolize this event. Christmas trees, snowflakes, snow maiders and everything in this style. So the holiday will be felt especially!
    3. You can negotiate with your beloved wife, to disclose gifts after the new year's onset, putting them before it under the Christmas tree!
    4. The most important advice on the choice of a gift - if you have not decided that to give each other, perhaps the best way out will agree. But not directly, but "I wrote a letter to Santa Claus"!

    If the spouse, who received the New Year's gift for the most unpredictable moment, is sincerely smile only at the form of packaging, it means that you have done a correct choice.

    The new year is the magic time wonders and wishes. Gifts are an integral part, so we want to please our relatives and close to a successful surprise.

    The choice of a gift for his beloved wife on the one hand may seem too simple, because we see it every day and perfectly understand the tastes of your halves. However, the new year is a special holiday, which means that the present must be truly impressive and memorable. In this article, we have gathered for you not just a selection of original and useful presents, but classified them in different types of characters to please exactly your wife.

    1. Take away to the selection of the New Year's present with full seriousness. In this case, it is impossible to get rid only with symbolic gifts, otherwise your wife's mood will be spoiled for a year ahead. Women, like little children, continue to believe in a miracle and wait for a gorgeous surprise.
    2. The new year is the second most important holiday in our country after a birthday, which means that the cost of the gift should be higher than the average, however, do not strive to present something indecently expensive: it is better to put a part of your soul into a surprise.
    3. Turn into a real spy in the last couple of months. Carefully notice any trifle, go with your wife shopping, ask about it both about non-abundant dreams and essential things.
    4. The gift packaging should not give up its contents: a beautiful box, rustling paper, ribbons, beads ... For the New Year decor, you can attract any pleasant little things that are so raised.
    5. Present a surprise in an unusual way: put it under the Christmas tree or dress up in Santa Claus costume, in order to impress your beloved.

    And now we suggest thinking about the nature of your wife and attribute it to one of the four most common types: romantic nature, custodian of the hearth, business woman and extreme. But even if you classify your half is almost impossible, do not despair! Carefully read our article, and perhaps the idea will appear by itself!

    Romantic nature

    A woman of this type recognize is very simple: she is sentimental, sensitive, loves to dream, her mood is changing every hour, and the responsive character does not allow you to quarrel. About such specials often say that they are twisted in the clouds. Your wife remembers every minor date in a relationship, strictly keeps traditions and signs, and simply pathologically does not endure lies. It is difficult to please her with a gift and easily simultaneously: such a woman has a huge number of a wide variety of desires, but on the other hand, guess that she wants it almost impossible for a second.

    Your wife, for sure, loves historical novels and movies, so I dreamed more than once to be on the site of your favorite heroines. It is not so difficult to help her! Just order a portrait in a photo by choosing the desired image that will be so pleased with your queen. Or maybe a formidable warrior? In any case, the original gift will hit it in the heart and will definitely be remembered for a long time!

    All women have their own secrets, and many more a lot of a wide variety of jewelry, which is so lacking a cozy and functional house as a box. This gift is made of natural wood and pays a comfortable mirror and several roomy boxes. But the most important thing is that a registered inscription dedicated to your wife will be born on the lid. What can be romantic?

    In such a gift, everything is fine! First, the pendant is a jewelry, and the more expensive it will be, the more your wife will be revealed. Secondly, the form in the form of a heart on one side will emphasize your love, and on the other remind of the romanticism of your chosen. Finally, thirdly, the name engraving will not be able to leave indifferent any woman in the world, because it is so nice to wear a unique suspension on the neck!

    Keeper of the focal

    Your wife is an amazing mistress. Everything arches in her skillful hands: she is neat, it cooks perfectly, loves needlework, creates a comfort from the trifles and always monitors the purity. At the same time, your favorite cannot be called a homepage, just all her hobby is truly feminine, and the eyes emit care and affection. Such women see the meaning of their life only in the family and are given to their households without a balance, without requiring anything in return. Perhaps your second half itself will order something useful for the house as a gift, but even in this case, try to surprise her and make a pleasant thing for her.

    After a day of hollow worries at home and at work your wife, for sure, wants to relax in a relaxed atmosphere in the circle of your beloved family or just in the company of a good book. Plaid with sleeves is an excellent gift that allows you to drink tea or read, without getting out of a warm tissue tissue. He will make your nest even more comfortable, but it will only belong to your half!

    If your spouse loves indoor plants, then surprise it with a flurarium - a unique composition of various types of plants that do not require almost no care. It will take a worthy place in the collateral of the second half and will rejoice in his own kind of households. In addition, the flurarium looks very exotic, and the shape of the vase and its filling can be selected from the set of original options.

    Who said that a gift for the new year should be material? After all, first of all it is the magic time of the fulfillment of desires! If your wife is seriously interested in cooking and spends all the time in the kitchen, not because it is necessary, but because it suggests her heart, then the thematic master class is the perfect idea for a surprise! Your beloved will not only spend excellent time, but also be able to use the knowledge gained to increase the level of skill!

    Business lady

    This type of women is becoming increasingly in large metropolitans with many possibilities, including for work. Wives cease to be content only by the role of a housewife, they want development, material independence and self-realization. If your sweetheart belongs to this category, do not despair: she clearly plans time, with it there is something to talk about, and never arise in the family budget. And may these representatives of beautiful sex borrowed stiffness in men, the collens and a clear mind, but you never have to blush for your chosen.

    Smart watch is the perfect gift for a business woman. They not only look stylishly and show time, but they can synchronize gadgets, as well as receive calls and SMS. Such a surprise, no doubt, will pay your wife as a professional in his business and will give her to understand that you are attentive to her interests.

    The jewelry flash drive combines two gifts: on the one hand, this is a complete gadget for storing large amounts of information, which is so necessary during the workflow, and on the other - an elegant decoration, pleasing an eye with its unusual design. Never forget that every business woman is first of all a woman who loves diamonds, even if they are not real.

    What can better swee the pride of a business woman than a diary bar? Now all employees will know with whom they deal. In addition, projects perpetuated in it are necessarily implemented!


    With such a wife never get bored! And even if it regularly does not happen at home, your relationship is similar to a plenty film. It is not at all necessary that your favorite every week jumps with a parachute or goes into exotic countries, the main thing is that the spirit of rebellion in her blood is impossible to change its plans. Women of this type are usually very sporty, carefully followed their food, they are not afraid of anything and are always ready for adventure!

    A balloon flight is a great gift for a lover of sharp sensations! Whole snowy city under the legs, which can be seen from heaven! Give a certificate to one person or two, and then your surprise will turn into a romantic journey. Is it possible to resist the winter fairy tale from a bird's eye view?

    Extreme is difficult to surprise something, so we connect all sorts of resources to make an impression on it. Even if your wife is not a fan of computer games and tearful melodram, then this magic helmet will plunge her into the real world of sharp sensations! Viewing any film will turn into an exciting action, complete extreme. Who knows, maybe your favorite will begin to appear more often at home?

    If your wife is an avid traveler and never sits in one place, then present her a gift that will help keep warm memories of every trip. Fill out a few first pages to show your lover that you share her hobbies in every sense.

    What can not be given to his wife for the new year?

    1. Objects associated with life. No mixers, vacuum cleaners and pans will not make a woman happy! And especially in the New Year. There is no charm and magic in such gifts, but only a reminder of the direct responsibilities of your wife. An exception in this case can be only one thing: the favorite itself ordered a specific presentation from this area.
    2. Things that all family members can enjoy. Any gift should be targeted, otherwise he simply ceases to be such. Try to avoid practical surprises and let yourself feel your wife that it is truly special.
    3. Cosmetics and care products. These presents will rather resemble the imperfections of the spouses than they will make it pleasant. In addition, they are pretty landed, and the new year requires the execution of desires and magic 😉