How to get rid of midges in the house yourself?

Small pests in the apartment appear unexpectedly, annoying their presence, some species bite. The insect everywhere flies and will make fruit unsuitable for further use. There are many folk and modern means of struggle.

Where are small midges come from, how to get rid of the house from them, from which they started, and, "tell me further.

Our readers recommend! In combating clusters, our readers advise the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasound technology with 100% efficiency copes with clouds, cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmental for humans and pets.

How to get rid of midges in home at home yourself?

Get rid of the midges on their own at home is not difficult. To determine which drosophyl began, there is no need - all of them are mistaken in one way. The struggle should be carried out until complete destruction, as the insect multiplies. Finished means and small traps will help bring fruit, flower and other types of midges in the house.

Why at home appeared small black midges?

To get rid of the midges, you need to know why they appear and from where. Only after identifying the cause, it will become easier to deal with moshkara. Where does Drozofil come from at any time of the year, even in winter in complete sealing conditions? The question is mentioned.

The kitchen is a place of cluster of moshcar, which can be seen in the photo. And in the bathroom most often you can see white insects. About why in the bathroom insects are white Read

The reason for its appearance:
1. The first source of midges - dirty fruit or vegetable. Eggs appeared on the fruits during ripening, which expect fetal disaggregation, in a state of remission. When the core food appears, the eggs are activated and turn into a small insect. The larva must find a food. A short life is compensated by intense reproduction.

Our readers recommend! To get rid of bugs, our readers advise the PEST-REJECT repeller. The operation of the device is based on electro-magnetic pulse pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmental for humans and pets.

3. Pets' corner. Any organic is decomposed. Halder the flies appeared in the stagnant aquariums, a dirty cage with a hamster or rabbit. The habitats of domestic animals should be clean so that the fly in the house or apartment could not eat and multiply.

4. Green plants in the room. Small insects often appear in flower pots. If the flower was water with a teaweed, then the drosophyl appeared in the soil due to the residues of tea - the beloved delicacy of the midge. They come in colors at high soil moisture.

5. Sewerage and water supply. If the kitchen is contained in perfectly clean conditions, then small residues of food (fruit, vegetable) will be in siphon. The uncontrolled process of rotting provokes the appearance of flies.

The answer to the question about the source of flies in an apartment or a private house can be associated with the process of rotting in communications or house. Small flies to the room appear thanks to a person, the purity in the apartment and sewage is influenced by reproduction and further life. You can get rid of the midges in the house, only deleting the original source where uninvited guests appeared.

Folk remedies from small insects

Small midges How to get rid of folk remedies:

Bottle trap. Take a floor-liter glass or plastic bottle with a narrow neck and put a bundled vegetable or fruit into it. At the top tightly pull the loaf, make small holes. The trap leave it to the full filling or disappearance in the flock of flies.

A vacuum cleaner. Catch them the flies and clean the garbage collector on the street. You can get rid of this method from adult individuals, small larvae remain unharmed.

On the hot frying pan put small slices of camphore. Couples with a specific smell will save from the annoying midges. With a frying pan pass through all places in the house or apartment, where pests come from. The method is popular with housewives.

Smelling trap. Pour in small glasses fragrant liquid (wine, compote, vinegar, juice, beer) and drop a pair of drops of detergent. Glasses put on the place of the greatest cluster of flies. Fruit or fruit smell will attract them, and the washing liquid will help get rid of the apartment from Muh.

Displaying: Orange with carnation stuck in it (seasoning).

Little tricksIf guests appeared in colors: you can stick a few matches to the head into the ground, pour the plant with a weak solution of mangalls or soap mixture.

Get rid of the midges will help garlic infusion: 3 heads of garlic crush in 1 liter of water (insist 4 hours, and then pour into the soil). Do not recommend keeping a flower in a wooden box. The porosity of the tree is higher than that of plastic or ceramics.

Turn geranium - Her resistant fragrance small pests are not transferred. Drozofil in the apartment will disappear or significantly reduce its quantity. Additional method of prevention.

Duct tape. It looks not aesthetically, as it hangs on an open place. In some conditions, it is not recommended (kitchen, storage room).

How in the house get rid of the midges modern ways of struggle

Due to the diversity of drugs, the issue of the right choice arises before hostess. Modern funds against flyers do not spoil the surface of expensive furniture and walls, harmless, almost safe for humans and pets, easy to use, allow instantly midges.

Just and quickly get rid of them in the house will help:
1. Sprays against flying or crawling insects: Raptor, RAID, neo-dichlofos.

2. Special gels are applied on the surface of the garbage bucket or shell.

During processing, a respirator, rubber gloves, glasses are used during processing by any chemical agent. Remove food, children's toys and small objects from the treated surfaces. Little children and pets should not be present in a house or apartment. The windows and doors are tightly closed so that the pests do not appear and could not fall from other rooms.

Many chemical preparations will help to get rid of the midges and effectively. On the question of choosing a means will be answered by a store consultant. Folk remedies are safer and do not require high costs. After removing uninvited guests, you should follow the cleanliness and in the right conditions to store food. A person should more often clean the places from where the insect appeared.