Kitchen corner do it yourself - a place where the family is going

Eternally relevant furniture, which is unlikely to ever endure, is a kitchen corner. Performing the role of the zone for recreation and meals simultaneously, it allows you to properly use the kitchen space, making stay there is much more comfortable and more pleasant. It is not surprising that many want to create a kitchen corner with their own hands. This is due to several factors, the main of which consist in a sufficiently high cost of such objects and a desire to acquire a truly unique furniture product, which can be proud and admiring.

We choose the material and components

Before starting the primary stages for the manufacture of a kitchen corner with their own hands, you should decide where it will be located. The next step is to compile the appropriate drawing of the kitchen corner with the display of all measurements (height and width of the base and the backrest). So that you do not have any problems with the calculation of the volume of building materials and layouts of all parts for the manufacture of components, measurements should be made with maximum accuracy. An equally important stage is the choice of fabric for the upholstery of the frame. The best option will be one of the following materials:

  • Leathes. Really very strong material that will serve for a long time.
  • Synthetic fabric. Synthetic is easily cleaned, long retains its original color and an attractive appearance.
  • Microfiber. The best choice for the kitchen room. Its main advantages are water repellent and dirt-repellent properties.

Making a sofa for the kitchen with your own hands, often preferred to the soft foam seats, while solid is mainly used for the veranda and summer kitchens. An important point when choosing a soft kitchenette configuration with your own hands is the correct definition of the direction of the angle: in the right or left side. To make a soft corner, all the necessary tools must be purchased in advance. This is about:

  • processed and laminated chipboard;
  • furniture corners;
  • piano loops;
  • sucbates;
  • confirmates;
  • self-drawers;
  • fabrics;
  • filler;
  • clee and staples with brackets.