Semi-binary chairs for the kitchen: how to choose correctly

For the kitchen there are a huge number of types of chairs. Fashionable models are constantly appearing, manufacturing technologies are updated, unusual solutions are invented. They differ chairs from each other mainly outwardly. The functions still they perform the same - it is to provide a comfortable pastime at the table. Many today prefer semi-walled chairs. Did you hear about such? Now we will tell.

Semi-cartoon chairs fits perfectly into a modern interior

A semi-fruit chair is a derivative piece of furniture from a bar stool, its height is usually varied from 60 to 70 cm. There were such chairs a little later than the bar. And they began to produce them when comfort and aesthetics went to the fore. They fit perfectly in or premises, where.

Short about the pros Semi-binary chairs:

  • these are pretty outstanding kitchen attributes who surprise guests;
  • they are comfortable in operation;
  • give the interior stylish completion;

But even such unusual items have its drawback: the semi-fruit chairs are not suitable for the kitchen with a table of the usual height, but perfectly suitable for.

Dinner or cook, sitting on such chairs at a low tabletop will be at least inconvenient.

How to choose and what to pay attention

It is important that the bar chairs are not knocked out of the overall concept design concept

There are general rules for the choice of semi-binary chairs. If you follow them, then buying will not disappoint.


Before you purchase a semi-fruit chair, you need to decide on its parameters. The most optimal height of the semicard chair is such that it should be slightly above the middle of the bar counter. This size will be most comfortable. If the table is selected after the purchase of chairs, the rule is the same - it is worth purchasing a tabletop with high legs or think about installing in the apartment.

As for the width of these products, on average it is equal to 40-50 cm. If it is envisaged that there will be many seats at the table, then you should choose a smaller width of the stool. If there are no many guests in the apartment, you can buy a wide semi-fruit chair.


Choosing a bar chairs to pay attention to several factors

The material from which the chair is made, plays an essential role. Most often these furniture items are made from the following raw materials:

Metal and Steel

  • The advantages of such chairs in strength, reliability and durability;
  • they are able to withstand an impressive weight;
  • they are not afraid of exposure to high humidity, sun rays, temperature, various liquids;
  • in addition, metal semi-fruit chairs are very easily clean, do not require special care.

And to damage such a product, you need to pretty try.

The only minus - at low temperatures, the use of steel chair will deliver certain discomfort. Soft seat will solve the problem.


Wooden bar chairs look traditionally and homely cozy

Wooden semi-fruit chairs look like a single design, often with the addition of plastic and metal elements. The advantages of them in environmental friendliness, the possibility of using cold premises, as well as in an attractive design. They can even paint on their own.


Plastic chairs are not so reliable, but colorful and funny

  • the most common material for semi-walled chairs, it is the most economical and practical;
  • regarding durability and durability do not feed special illusions;
  • reliable such chairs are difficult to call;
  • but if we consider their light weight and resistance to temperature differences - they have no equal;
  • they are easy to move, endure out of the room and stack.


Chairs from glass? Extraordinary, but used rarely

  • the chair is usually on a metal frame;
  • stylish and unusual option for the kitchen;
  • he is fragile, requiring a neat relationship, even glass and shockproof;
  • far few decrease on glass semi-bourge chairs. Such interior solutions are suitable for a small room when it is necessary to visually expand the space.

How to choose a folding chair from glass read.

Stability and ergonomics

It is important to pay attention to the stability of the chair. He should not be fused, all the legs should touch the floor, unless otherwise provided by design. And what kind of attribute it will be - a traditional chair on four legs, a seat on a long adjustable support or chair on the legs of a cross-cross-to-decide.

Ergonomics of a semi-clock chair is the foundation of winning design. Before buying, you need to test the chair, assess the depth of its seat, the tilt of the back. The footboard should not be too high.
Read how to choose chairs with a back for the kitchen on

All parameters of the semi-fruit chair must organically be combined with each other, forming a structure with which it does not want to part.

Semi-fruit chair in the interior

Purchase semi-fruit chairs - not a problem. It is much more difficult to choose to choose these kitchen furniture objects under the rest of the interior.

  • wooden semi-fruit chairs are perfectly combined with the classic kitchen (for example, a Viennese semicard chair) or a kitchen in the style of "Country", from a dark or light wood;
  • metal and steel chairs - prerogative kitchens in the style of high-tech or modern;
  • plastic is usually used in country houses;
  • glass is suitable for almost any room design. A set of and table will decorate a small dining room, add light and visual volume.

To harmoniously enter semi-cartoon chairs in the interior, you can change the upholstery or make leather or tissue covers in the desired color scheme.

Tablet material treatment with a special solution will make it immune to liquids. The highlight of your kitchen can be beautiful pillows on the seats of chairs.

How to make it yourself

But leather stylish bar chairs that are suitable in an exquisite interior

If you want a "home" bar stool, just build it yourself from the wood. The process is simple, especially for those who at least superficially familiar with the joinery.

For making you need Materials:

  • Electric tool (Drill, Lobzik, Screwdriver).
  • Sandpaper or grinding machine.
  • Hammer, planer, roulette, carpentry.
  • Morilkasolvent, varnish and tassels.
  • Bar 50 * 50 and an array of 3 cm thick, diameter 36 cm made of wood. It may be birch, beech or pine.

How to enter the bar chairs in the exquisite interior, see:

Nuances of work

  • pre-make a drawing of the future chair with the applied size;
  • the seat can be made square from one wide board or combat out of 2- 3 boards;
  • legs are made of timber. The Rubank is needed to post all the product under a slope;
  • to the chair was stable, below the leg thickness should be about 2.5 * 2.5 cm, and at the top as much as possible. The legs are strengthened with steel corners on screws;
  • for foot support, you can build four proders. They are inserted into the nests done and additionally attached to glue and twine;
  • at the end of the work, all sharp corners are smoothed by sandpaper;
  • the chair is covered with varnish in several layers;
  • in the process of coating, the chair is grouped by sandpaper, and at the very end - a fetal napkin.

How to extend the life of bar chairs

Interesting wrist chairs look exquisitely

Special care bar chairs do not require. You need to handle them as well as with the rest of the furniture items. Quick-cutting items to keep away from upholstery, avoid contact with boiling liquids. Wash chairs need a wet napkin as contaminated.

Rattan or vine furniture is usually amplified by metal mills

Semi-binary chairs for the kitchen are a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate their unique taste around others, as well as effectively use the space of a small kitchen or dining area.