Where to put the refrigerator in a small or large modern kitchen

Usually the kitchen becomes the most problematic place in the house in terms of proper organization of space. And one of the most pressing questions - Where to put the refrigerator in the kitchen? - torments many, especially the owners of small apartments. But there are many options for organically placing a refrigerator in your home without harming the interior.

You can place the refrigerator in the kitchen in a straight line, at an angle, build it into a headset, disguise it as cabinets, and also make it an art object for your kitchen - there are different schemes.

Which refrigerator to choose?

If you haven't bought a refrigerator yet, take your time. Consider the layout and design of your kitchen when choosing appliances. For example, for a Khrushchev, a large refrigerator will not fit exactly. It is also important to observe the color scheme. If you want everything to look aesthetically pleasing, there is an option to turn the refrigerator into an art object.

When buying, they are guided by the following questions:

  • Will the refrigerator be a built-in model or an object of general design?
  • How much will the "convenient" option cost me?

Fortunately, now manufacturers offer us a diverse range of models, both for large and small spaces, and more and more often appear on the market, which solves design problems. Therefore, everyone will find something for themselves, even in an inexpensive price range.

Basic rules for location in a modern kitchen

The importance of the correct location of the refrigerator is determined by the fact that the kitchen is the most visited place in the house. Everything here should be extremely practical for every member of the family. The refrigerator must be installed so as not to disturb anyone, because its door is constantly opening and closing. Usually there are no strict rules for installing a refrigerator, but several factors should be taken into account:

  • The shape and size of your kitchen is a defining aspect;
  • The washing, processing and storage area should be located at some distance from each other - depending on the layout of the kitchen and its square. meters;
  • Ceiling height;
  • The size and location of the windows;
  • The presence of a balcony in the kitchen;
  • Is the kitchen a walk-through room;
  • The nearest socket and so on.

The refrigerator cannot be installed:

  • Near a stove or heating radiators - such placement leads to incorrect operation;
  • Near the window, because the refrigerator will be heated by direct sunlight directed at its body;
  • In a too humid room (more than 80%).

Tip: if you choose a stainless steel refrigerator, be sure to add similar elements to the interior, so the refrigerator will not be conspicuous, but will become part of the interior.

Location options

In order not to rack your brains when deciding how to fit the refrigerator into your modern interior, the designers have prepared many ready-made solutions for you. Everyone will find something for themselves, and the owner of the Khrushchev, and the owner of a country house, and the owner of a studio apartment.

The corner is a precious place

A corner location is ideal for a small kitchen, for example, in a Khrushchev, where the area usually does not exceed 6 square meters. meters. This choice will not harm the design and will fit into the layout. The refrigerator is placed separately next to the entrance. He seems to continue the kitchen set, but at the same time maintains the prescribed distance from the sink.

The location of the refrigerator in the free corners of the kitchen will significantly save space and leave free squares for you. meters. If you choose the right refrigerator for the dimensions of the kitchen furniture, it will line up and will not interfere.

Choosing a line

A linear direct arrangement, in contrast to a corner one, is suitable for a spacious kitchen, where you do not have to calculate square meters. meters. The linear principle is the installation of a headset, refrigerator and other equipment in one common straight line. Usually the line is built along the walls. The refrigerator can be built into the furniture itself, then it will be surrounded on both sides by household appliances or a cutting surface, or put it separately on one of the edges of the headset.

Aligning in a straight line is the most popular refrigerator installation option. We also offer this option - to put the refrigerator on a small podium, and hang an additional cabinet on top. It is important to remember one rule: do not install the refrigerator next to a sink or stove - its work may be disrupted.

Kitchen with dining area

In such kitchens, it is much easier to arrange all the equipment and furniture due to their rather large size. Absolutely all models of refrigerators are suitable here, it is only important to justify such a presence.

Since a refrigerator is a bulky household appliance, you need to balance its availability. Buy a sideboard, wardrobe or shelving of the same size, they should match the width, height and length of the refrigerator. Sometimes, with this arrangement, the rule about the refrigerator, washing and processing zones is violated, but if you prefer the beauty of the design, then the hostess of the kitchen will have to bypass the extra square meters. meters.

Built-in refrigerator

"Refrigerator in a niche" is usually chosen for a large kitchen, as it can take up a few extra square meters. meters. Remember that when building a refrigerator in furniture, you need to leave space for air circulation (gaps between the walls), otherwise the equipment will quickly break down. Unlike the angular and linear layout, such a refrigerator does not stand out at all and cannot be seen when the doors of the upper kitchen cabinet are closed. Here it is important to guess with the dimensions so that the unit fits exactly into the niche.

Disguised refrigerator

An interesting option for the interior is to disguise the refrigerator as a cabinet. So you don't have to violate the kitchen design at all, because you can order a cabinet from any material and paint it in any color.

Also, the refrigerator can be hidden under the cutting surface of your headset - in drawers, which is good for a small kitchen. These miniature refrigerators are usually the size of a washing machine - a kitchenette for a studio apartment.

Pluses of built-in refrigerators:

  • Fits perfectly into the interior, merging with it;
  • Savings due to additional thermal insulation of the walls;
  • Less noise when working;
  • Such a refrigerator is protected from damage.

A few more solutions for a small kitchen (Khrushchev, studio kitchen, etc.)

Sometimes the owners of a small kitchen place refrigerators in other rooms, but if this is not possible, you should try these options:

  • Order in advance (or change the existing) kitchen set with a niche for the refrigerator;
  • Discard the stove, replacing it with a multicooker / steamer / microwave;
  • Replace the usual built-in stove, and install a refrigerator in its place;
  • Instead of a regular refrigerator, buy a desktop (mini-refrigerator 50-60 cm) and put it under the table;
  • The above is a corner solution.

From all of the above tips, we can conclude that placing a refrigerator in the kitchen is not the easiest thing. Of course, there is no one general instruction for everyone, so try to measure all parameters as best as possible, take into account the aesthetic characteristics of objects, consult with specialists and rely on the experience of professionals.