What walls to shove in the kitchen to create an interior

Most of us thought about the question related to the choice of wallpaper in the kitchen, in particular, which is best placed on the walls and ceiling. Many were inclined to detergent and moisture-resistant models. But it must be remembered that they should be not only practical, but also beautiful, approach furniture and combine with the interior of the kitchen, as well as create a comfort and desire to eat. How to embody all these wishes into reality and what wallpaper glued in the kitchen and will be discussed in the article.

Primary requirements

Consider the main operational requirements for wallpaper.

They must comply with the following parameters:

  • have resistant to fire (usually indicated on the label of the burning flame icon);
  • be high strength, dense and protected from dampness (the water-repellent impregnation should be included;
  • do not be afraid of moisture;
  • resist mechanical friction.

Another thing that should be considered, choosing what wallpaper to shove the kitchen is a drawing on the packaging in the form of "waves". It determines the technical characteristics, such as the index of moisture resistance and the degree of relation to moisture, as they can be washed differently.

For example, if the instruction contains a drawing:

  • with one wave - such wallpaper moisture-resistant, but it is not recommended to clean them;
  • with two waves - you can wipe a slightly damp sponge, and then you must dry them;
  • with three - correspond to wallpaper, which can not only be brushing with a damp with their own hands, but also can use detergents;
  • with three waves and brushes - the stability of the material to mechanical exposure.

Types of kitchen wallpaper

The characteristics listed above are best suited vinyl, phlizelin and paper models coated from moisture penetration. The kitchen interior is not considered here.

So, what wallpaper is better to glue in the kitchen, let's deal with more:

  1. is the cheapest option. However, even if they are impregnated with a protective layer, the service life will be about 4 years, but not more. And the biggest minus they have - instability to the direct sunlight.
  2. Much longer on the wall to hold out the flieslinic wallpapers for painting and vinyl. They may have different textures - embossed or smooth, as well as a color scheme (in the latter it is much more extensive). They are also resistant to the effects of sunlight and high temperature.

Vinyl wallpapers have a large assortment, so they can be easily selected for the appropriate interior, and the price of the roll is not very different from paper models. More practical and wear-resistant models with smooth thin coating vinyl - they are "slippery", so it is quite difficult to damage them.

The service life of such models will be approximately 10 years. But there is a small minus - they are suitable only for smooth aligned walls, otherwise all sorts of foundations will be shown through them.

In the photo - the interior of modern kitchen

If you want kitchen walls to look in bulk, you can use liquid wallpapers for this resembling decorative plaster. This will introduce a certain highlight to the interior, and in case of damage, they can easily be replaced. This type of wallpaper should be bought with a small margin in order to accurately pick up color and texture.

What to use on the work wall

Making the choice, what wallpaper is better glued in the kitchen on the working part of the wall, which comes from the kitchen surface to suspended lockers, it is still better to prefer tile and stone. But, if they categorically do not fit into the design of the room or their color gamut is suitable, use high-temperature models.


  1. The models will look original with images of nature or with the presence of drawing in the form of food - fruits, milk, coffee, as well as another kitchen assortment.
  2. Unusual will be the design of the working wall in the style of the retro cafe - it can be a photo wallpaper or cutting newspapers. Do not worry, any desire can be realized in reality.

Tip: Close the wall surfaces from above with transparent glass, so you can protect them from damage and burnout.
This should be done even in case of an infrequent use of the kitchen.

Zone dining room

Even if you have a small kitchen area, try to highlight the place of meals anyway. In other words, the entire remaining area, except for the space from the gas stove to the kitchen cabinet, refrigerator and other kitchen appliances, and will be it. And this territory can also be divided, at least visually.

Consider what wallpaper to shove in the kitchen, given the color gamut, style and design of the room:

  1. They must come to furniture and the rest of the finish. The standard solution is the selection of models of the same color scheme as furniture. Here the presence of a complete merger, identical shades (for example, white tone is often used) or within one tone. It is allowed to add a colorful accessory to the interior, but not more than one color.

  1. Be sure to emphasize the look at one bright shade. For example, wallpapers will be the main point of attention, and the rest of the finish and furniture will be in neutral tone, but using 1-2 accessories of the same color as wall surfaces. When choosing a color scheme, you do not need to forget that the presence of dark and bright shades will visually narrow the room. Therefore, for a small room it is better to use a saturated wallpaper.
  2. Use contrast in a combination of color gamut, for example, add 2-3 tint of opposite tones. Thus, furniture, finishing and accessories will be different and at the same time combined with each other, creating a spectacular impatal interior.

Tip: Remember, the situation should not tire and bother.
For help you can refer to designers, otherwise, in the case of an independent selection of contrast tones in the interior, you can eventually come to the screaming chaise.


We offer you some options to help. Using modern technologies, you can create a really interesting atmosphere indoors.

So, what to stick wallpaper to the kitchen so that they meet our ideas:

  1. Retro or country style cannot exist without the use of stone or brick masonry, however, spending precious centimeters on this with a small square of the room very sorry. Therefore, you can use wallpaper with embossed patterns that will create on the wall visual imitation of natural material.

  1. The window in another world makes it possible to use photo walls with the addition of 3D effect.. It will be surprising to look like a path leading to the forest, or burning lights of a large metropolis. They can be pasted entirely on the entire wall, but the best option will arise such wallpaper "frame" so that there is a visual representation of the window. It can also be from the wallpaper of the color gamut of the working wall or with the imitation of the stone.
  2. Urban style of modern interiors Pretatan in the spirit of High-tech. In this case, the ideal solution will be the use of glasses or metal vinyl. The main advantages are plate-resistant, ease of cleaning and the ability to change the color range to the surfaces of the surfaces up to 10 times.


The kitchen is a place where every hostess wants to create his own world. For this purpose, various modern wallpapers from vinyl, phlizelin or paper come to the rescue. It will only be left to choose the interior that is most suitable for this room. Video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.